int main(void) { mocapy_seed((uint)924573); // Number of trainining sequences int N = 2000; // Allocate storage in each node. int max_num_dat_points = N; // Sequence lengths int T = 1; // Gibbs sampling parameters int MCMC_BURN_IN = 10; // HMM hidden and observed node sizes uint H_SIZE=2; uint O_SIZE=20; bool init_random=true; // The target DBN (This DBN generates the data) Node* th0 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "th0", init_random); Node* th1 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "th1", init_random); Node* to0 = NodeFactory::new_GD_node("to0", O_SIZE , max_num_dat_points); cout<< "Done making GD node" << endl; DBN tdbn; tdbn.set_slices(vec(th0, to0), vec(th1, to0)); tdbn.add_intra("th0", "to0"); tdbn.add_inter("th0", "th1"); cout<< "model has been defined" << endl; tdbn.construct(); // The model DBN (this DBN will be trained) // For mh0, get the CPD from th0 and fix parameters Node* mh0 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "mh0", init_random, CPD(), th0, true ); Node* mh1 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "mh1", init_random); Node* mo0 = NodeFactory::new_GD_node("mo0",O_SIZE, max_num_dat_points); DBN mdbn; mdbn.set_slices(vec(mh0, mo0), vec(mh1, mo0)); mdbn.add_intra("mh0", "mo0"); mdbn.add_inter("mh0", "mh1"); mdbn.construct(); cout << "*** TARGET ***" << endl; cout << *th0 << endl; cout << *th1 << endl; cout << *to0 << endl; cout << "*** MODEL ***" << endl; cout << *mh0 << endl; cout << *mh1 << endl; cout << *mo0 << endl; vector<Sequence> seq_list; vector< MDArray<eMISMASK> > mismask_list; cout << "Generating data" << endl; MDArray<eMISMASK> mismask; mismask.repeat(T, vec(MOCAPY_HIDDEN, MOCAPY_OBSERVED)); // Setting parameters //CPD pars2; CPD pars; int t = 4; pars.set_shape(H_SIZE,2*(O_SIZE-1)); //pars2.set_shape(H_SIZE,2*(O_SIZE-1)); vector<double> parvec; for(uint i = 0;i < O_SIZE-1;i++){ parvec.push_back(t* 1.0); } for(double i = O_SIZE-1;i >= 1;i--){ parvec.push_back(t*i); } // pars.set_values(parvec); double s = 2; for(uint i = 0;i < O_SIZE-1;i++){ parvec.push_back(s); } for(double i = s*(O_SIZE-1);i >= s*1;i=i-s){ parvec.push_back(i); } pars.set_values(parvec); ((GDNode*)to0)->get_densities()->set_parameters(pars); pair<Sequence, double> seq_ll; // Generate the data double sum_LL(0); for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { seq_ll = tdbn.sample_sequence(T); sum_LL += seq_ll.second; seq_list.push_back(seq_ll.first); mismask_list.push_back(mismask); } cout << "Average LL: " << sum_LL/N << endl; GibbsRandom mcmc = GibbsRandom(&mdbn); EMEngine em = EMEngine(&mdbn, &mcmc, &seq_list, &mismask_list); cout << "Starting EM loop" << endl; double bestLL=-100000; uint it_no_improvement(0); uint i(0); bool l; // Start EM loop while (it_no_improvement<100) { em.do_E_step(1, MCMC_BURN_IN, true); double ll = em.get_loglik(); cout << "LL= " << ll; if (ll > bestLL) { cout << " * saving model *" << endl; cout << *mo0 << endl; l = true; //"discrete_hmm.dbn"); bestLL = ll; it_no_improvement=0; } else { it_no_improvement++; cout << endl; } i++; em.do_M_step(); if (l){ l=false; } } cout << "DONE" << endl; // mdbn.load("discrete_hmm.dbn"); cout << "*** TARGET ***" << endl; cout << *th0 << endl; cout << *th1 << endl; cout << *to0 << endl; cout << "*** MODEL ***" << endl; cout << *mh0 << endl; cout << *mh1 << endl; cout << *mo0 << endl; delete th0; delete th1; delete to0; delete mh0; delete mh1; delete mo0; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main(void) { mocapy_seed((uint)5556575); // Number of trainining sequences int N = 500; // Sequence lengths int T = 100; // Gibbs sampling parameters int MCMC_BURN_IN = 10; // HMM hidden and observed node sizes uint H_SIZE=2; bool init_random=false; CPD th0_cpd; th0_cpd.set_shape(2); th0_cpd.set_values(vec(0.1, 0.9)); CPD th1_cpd; th1_cpd.set_shape(2,2); th1_cpd.set_values( vec(0.95, 0.05, 0.1, 0.9)); // The target DBN (This DBN generates the data) Node* th0 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "th0", init_random, th0_cpd); Node* th1 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "th1", init_random, th1_cpd); Node* to0 = NodeFactory::new_kent_node("to0"); DBN tdbn; tdbn.set_slices(vec(th0, to0), vec(th1, to0)); tdbn.add_intra("th0", "to0"); tdbn.add_inter("th0", "th1"); tdbn.construct(); // The model DBN (this DBN will be trained) // For mh0, get the CPD from th0 and fix parameters Node* mh0 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "mh0", init_random, CPD(), th0, true ); Node* mh1 = NodeFactory::new_discrete_node(H_SIZE, "mh1", init_random); Node* mo0 = NodeFactory::new_kent_node("mo0"); DBN mdbn; mdbn.set_slices(vec(mh0, mo0), vec(mh1, mo0)); mdbn.add_intra("mh0", "mo0"); mdbn.add_inter("mh0", "mh1"); mdbn.construct(); cout << "*** TARGET ***" << endl; cout << *th0 << endl; cout << *th1 << endl; cout << *to0 << endl; cout << "*** MODEL ***" << endl; cout << *mh0 << endl; cout << *mh1 << endl; cout << *mo0 << endl; vector<Sequence> seq_list; vector< MDArray<eMISMASK> > mismask_list; cout << "Generating data" << endl; MDArray<eMISMASK> mismask; mismask.repeat(T, vec(MOCAPY_HIDDEN, MOCAPY_OBSERVED)); // Generate the data double sum_LL(0); for (int i=0; i<N; i++) { pair<Sequence, double> seq_ll = tdbn.sample_sequence(T); sum_LL += seq_ll.second; seq_list.push_back(seq_ll.first); mismask_list.push_back(mismask); } cout << "Average LL: " << sum_LL/N << endl; GibbsRandom mcmc = GibbsRandom(&mdbn); EMEngine em = EMEngine(&mdbn, &mcmc, &seq_list, &mismask_list); cout << "Starting EM loop" << endl; double bestLL=-1000; uint it_no_improvement(0); uint i(0); // Start EM loop while (it_no_improvement<10) { em.do_E_step(1, MCMC_BURN_IN, true); double ll = em.get_loglik(); cout << "LL= " << ll; if (ll > bestLL) { cout << " * saving model *" << endl;"kent_hmm.dbn"); bestLL = ll; it_no_improvement=0; } else { it_no_improvement++; cout << endl; } i++; em.do_M_step(); } cout << "DONE" << endl; mdbn.load("kent_hmm.dbn"); cout << "*** TARGET ***" << endl; cout << *th0 << endl; cout << *th1 << endl; cout << *to0 << endl; cout << "*** MODEL ***" << endl; cout << *mh0 << endl; cout << *mh1 << endl; cout << *mo0 << endl; delete th0; delete th1; delete to0; delete mh0; delete mh1; delete mo0; return EXIT_SUCCESS; }