EdgeCaseAnalysis::AllUsesTruncate(MInstruction *m)
    for (MUseIterator use = m->usesBegin(); use != m->usesEnd(); use++) {
        // See #809485 why this is allowed
        if (use->node()->isResumePoint())

        MDefinition *def = use->node()->toDefinition();
        if (def->isTruncateToInt32())
        if (def->isBitAnd())
        if (def->isBitOr())
        if (def->isBitXor())
        if (def->isLsh())
        if (def->isRsh())
        if (def->isBitNot())
        if (def->isAdd() && def->toAdd()->isTruncated())
        if (def->isSub() && def->toSub()->isTruncated())
        // cannot use divide, since |truncate(int32(x/y) + int32(a/b)) != truncate(x/y+a/b)|
        return false;
    return true;
EffectiveAddressAnalysis::analyzeAsmHeapAccess(MAsmJSHeapAccessType* ins)
    MDefinition* ptr = ins->ptr();

    if (ptr->isConstantValue()) {
        // Look for heap[i] where i is a constant offset, and fold the offset.
        // By doing the folding now, we simplify the task of codegen; the offset
        // is always the address mode immediate. This also allows it to avoid
        // a situation where the sum of a constant pointer value and a non-zero
        // offset doesn't actually fit into the address mode immediate.
        int32_t imm = ptr->constantValue().toInt32();
        if (imm != 0 && tryAddDisplacement(ins, imm)) {
            MInstruction* zero = MConstant::New(graph_.alloc(), Int32Value(0));
            ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, zero);
    } else if (ptr->isAdd()) {
        // Look for heap[a+i] where i is a constant offset, and fold the offset.
        // Alignment masks have already been moved out of the way by the
        // Alignment Mask Analysis pass.
        MDefinition* op0 = ptr->toAdd()->getOperand(0);
        MDefinition* op1 = ptr->toAdd()->getOperand(1);
        if (op0->isConstantValue())
            mozilla::Swap(op0, op1);
        if (op1->isConstantValue()) {
            int32_t imm = op1->constantValue().toInt32();
            if (tryAddDisplacement(ins, imm))
// Determine whether the possible value of start (a phi node within the loop)
// can become smaller than an initial value at loop entry.
Loop::nonDecreasing(MDefinition *initial, MDefinition *start)
    MDefinitionVector worklist;
    MDefinitionVector seen;

    if (!worklist.append(start))
        return false;

    while (!worklist.empty()) {
        MDefinition *def = worklist.popCopy();
        bool duplicate = false;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < seen.length() && !duplicate; i++) {
            if (seen[i] == def)
                duplicate = true;
        if (duplicate)
        if (!seen.append(def))
            return false;

        if (def->type() != MIRType_Int32)
            return false;

        if (!isInLoop(def)) {
            if (def != initial)
                return false;

        if (def->isPhi()) {
            MPhi *phi = def->toPhi();
            for (size_t i = 0; i < phi->numOperands(); i++) {
                if (!worklist.append(phi->getOperand(i)))
                    return false;

        if (def->isAdd()) {
            if (def->toAdd()->specialization() != MIRType_Int32)
                return false;
            MDefinition *lhs = def->toAdd()->getOperand(0);
            MDefinition *rhs = def->toAdd()->getOperand(1);
            if (!rhs->isConstant())
                return false;
            Value v = rhs->toConstant()->value();
            if (!v.isInt32() || v.toInt32() < 0)
                return false;
            if (!worklist.append(lhs))
                return false;

        return false;

    return true;
static void
AnalyzeAsmHeapAddress(MDefinition* ptr, MIRGraph& graph)
    // Fold (a+i)&m to (a&m)+i, provided that this doesn't change the result,
    // since the users of the BitAnd include heap accesses. This will expose
    // the redundancy for GVN when expressions like this:
    //   a&m
    //   (a+1)&m,
    //   (a+2)&m,
    // are transformed into this:
    //   a&m
    //   (a&m)+1
    //   (a&m)+2
    // and it will allow the constants to be folded by the
    // EffectiveAddressAnalysis pass.
    // Putting the add on the outside might seem like it exposes other users of
    // the expression to the possibility of i32 overflow, if we aren't in wasm
    // and they aren't naturally truncating. However, since we use MAdd::New
    // with MIRType::Int32, we make sure that the value is truncated, just as it
    // would be by the MBitAnd.


    if (!ptr->isBitAnd())

    MDefinition* lhs = ptr->toBitAnd()->getOperand(0);
    MDefinition* rhs = ptr->toBitAnd()->getOperand(1);
    if (lhs->isConstant())
        mozilla::Swap(lhs, rhs);
    if (!lhs->isAdd() || !rhs->isConstant())

    MDefinition* op0 = lhs->toAdd()->getOperand(0);
    MDefinition* op1 = lhs->toAdd()->getOperand(1);
    if (op0->isConstant())
        mozilla::Swap(op0, op1);
    if (!op1->isConstant())

    uint32_t i = op1->toConstant()->toInt32();
    uint32_t m = rhs->toConstant()->toInt32();
    if (!IsAlignmentMask(m) || (i & m) != i)

    // The pattern was matched! Produce the replacement expression.
    MInstruction* and_ = MBitAnd::New(graph.alloc(), op0, rhs, MIRType::Int32);
    ptr->block()->insertBefore(ptr->toBitAnd(), and_);
    MInstruction* add = MAdd::New(graph.alloc(), and_, op1, MIRType::Int32);
    ptr->block()->insertBefore(ptr->toBitAnd(), add);
EffectiveAddressAnalysis::analyzeAsmJSHeapAccess(AsmJSMemoryAccess* ins)
    MDefinition* base = ins->base();

    if (base->isConstant()) {
        // Look for heap[i] where i is a constant offset, and fold the offset.
        // By doing the folding now, we simplify the task of codegen; the offset
        // is always the address mode immediate. This also allows it to avoid
        // a situation where the sum of a constant pointer value and a non-zero
        // offset doesn't actually fit into the address mode immediate.
        int32_t imm = base->toConstant()->toInt32();
        if (imm != 0 && tryAddDisplacement(ins, imm)) {
            MInstruction* zero = MConstant::New(graph_.alloc(), Int32Value(0));
            ins->block()->insertBefore(ins, zero);

        // If the index is within the minimum heap length, we can optimize
        // away the bounds check.
        if (imm >= 0) {
            int32_t end = (uint32_t)imm + ins->byteSize();
            if (end >= imm && (uint32_t)end <= mir_->minWasmHeapLength())
    } else if (base->isAdd()) {
        // Look for heap[a+i] where i is a constant offset, and fold the offset.
        // Alignment masks have already been moved out of the way by the
        // Alignment Mask Analysis pass.
        MDefinition* op0 = base->toAdd()->getOperand(0);
        MDefinition* op1 = base->toAdd()->getOperand(1);
        if (op0->isConstant())
            mozilla::Swap(op0, op1);
        if (op1->isConstant()) {
            int32_t imm = op1->toConstant()->toInt32();
            if (tryAddDisplacement(ins, imm))
EdgeCaseAnalysis::AllUsesTruncate(MInstruction *m)
    // If all uses truncate, the return value must be at least 1. If anything doesn't truncate
    // 0 is explicitly returned.
    int ret = 1;
    for (MUseIterator use = m->usesBegin(); use != m->usesEnd(); use++) {
        // See #809485 why this is allowed
        if (use->node()->isResumePoint())

        MDefinition *def = use->node()->toDefinition();
        if (def->isTruncateToInt32())
        if (def->isBitAnd())
        if (def->isBitOr())
        if (def->isBitXor())
        if (def->isLsh())
        if (def->isRsh())
        if (def->isBitNot())
        if (def->isAdd() && def->toAdd()->isTruncated()) {
            ret = Max(ret, def->toAdd()->isTruncated() + 1);
        if (def->isSub() && def->toSub()->isTruncated()) {
            ret = Max(ret, def->toSub()->isTruncated() + 1);
        // cannot use divide, since |truncate(int32(x/y) + int32(a/b)) != truncate(x/y+a/b)|
        return 0;
    return ret;
LoopIterationBound *
RangeAnalysis::analyzeLoopIterationCount(MBasicBlock *header,
                                         MTest *test, BranchDirection direction)
    SimpleLinearSum lhs(NULL, 0);
    MDefinition *rhs;
    bool lessEqual;
    if (!ExtractLinearInequality(test, direction, &lhs, &rhs, &lessEqual))
        return NULL;

    // Ensure the rhs is a loop invariant term.
    if (rhs && rhs->block()->isMarked()) {
        if (lhs.term && lhs.term->block()->isMarked())
            return NULL;
        MDefinition *temp = lhs.term;
        lhs.term = rhs;
        rhs = temp;
        if (!SafeSub(0, lhs.constant, &lhs.constant))
            return NULL;
        lessEqual = !lessEqual;

    JS_ASSERT_IF(rhs, !rhs->block()->isMarked());

    // Ensure the lhs is a phi node from the start of the loop body.
    if (!lhs.term || !lhs.term->isPhi() || lhs.term->block() != header)
        return NULL;

    // Check that the value of the lhs changes by a constant amount with each
    // loop iteration. This requires that the lhs be written in every loop
    // iteration with a value that is a constant difference from its value at
    // the start of the iteration.

    if (lhs.term->toPhi()->numOperands() != 2)
        return NULL;

    // The first operand of the phi should be the lhs' value at the start of
    // the first executed iteration, and not a value written which could
    // replace the second operand below during the middle of execution.
    MDefinition *lhsInitial = lhs.term->toPhi()->getOperand(0);
    if (lhsInitial->block()->isMarked())
        return NULL;

    // The second operand of the phi should be a value written by an add/sub
    // in every loop iteration, i.e. in a block which dominates the backedge.
    MDefinition *lhsWrite = lhs.term->toPhi()->getOperand(1);
    if (lhsWrite->isBeta())
        lhsWrite = lhsWrite->getOperand(0);
    if (!lhsWrite->isAdd() && !lhsWrite->isSub())
        return NULL;
    if (!lhsWrite->block()->isMarked())
        return NULL;
    MBasicBlock *bb = header->backedge();
    for (; bb != lhsWrite->block() && bb != header; bb = bb->immediateDominator()) {}
    if (bb != lhsWrite->block())
        return NULL;

    SimpleLinearSum lhsModified = ExtractLinearSum(lhsWrite);

    // Check that the value of the lhs at the backedge is of the form
    // 'old(lhs) + N'. We can be sure that old(lhs) is the value at the start
    // of the iteration, and not that written to lhs in a previous iteration,
    // as such a previous value could not appear directly in the addition:
    // it could not be stored in lhs as the lhs add/sub executes in every
    // iteration, and if it were stored in another variable its use here would
    // be as an operand to a phi node for that variable.
    if (lhsModified.term != lhs.term)
        return NULL;

    LinearSum bound;

    if (lhsModified.constant == 1 && !lessEqual) {
        // The value of lhs is 'initial(lhs) + iterCount' and this will end
        // execution of the loop if 'lhs + lhsN >= rhs'. Thus, an upper bound
        // on the number of backedges executed is:
        // initial(lhs) + iterCount + lhsN == rhs
        // iterCount == rhsN - initial(lhs) - lhsN

        if (rhs) {
            if (!bound.add(rhs, 1))
                return NULL;
        if (!bound.add(lhsInitial, -1))
            return NULL;

        int32_t lhsConstant;
        if (!SafeSub(0, lhs.constant, &lhsConstant))
            return NULL;
        if (!bound.add(lhsConstant))
            return NULL;
    } else if (lhsModified.constant == -1 && lessEqual) {
        // The value of lhs is 'initial(lhs) - iterCount'. Similar to the above
        // case, an upper bound on the number of backedges executed is:
        // initial(lhs) - iterCount + lhsN == rhs
        // iterCount == initial(lhs) - rhs + lhsN

        if (!bound.add(lhsInitial, 1))
            return NULL;
        if (rhs) {
            if (!bound.add(rhs, -1))
                return NULL;
        if (!bound.add(lhs.constant))
            return NULL;
    } else {
        return NULL;

    return new LoopIterationBound(header, test, bound);