int PMPI_Sendrecv(const void* sendbuf, int sendcount, MPI_Datatype sendtype, int dst, int sendtag, void* recvbuf,
                  int recvcount, MPI_Datatype recvtype, int src, int recvtag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status* status)
  int retval = 0;


  if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_COMM;
  } else if (not sendtype->is_valid() || not recvtype->is_valid()) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_TYPE;
  } else if (src == MPI_PROC_NULL) {
      status->MPI_SOURCE = MPI_PROC_NULL;
    if(dst != MPI_PROC_NULL)
      simgrid::smpi::Request::send(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, dst, sendtag, comm);
    retval = MPI_SUCCESS;
  }else if (dst == MPI_PROC_NULL){
    simgrid::smpi::Request::recv(recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, src, recvtag, comm, status);
    retval = MPI_SUCCESS;
  }else if (dst >= comm->group()->size() || dst <0 ||
      (src!=MPI_ANY_SOURCE && (src >= comm->group()->size() || src <0))){
    retval = MPI_ERR_RANK;
  } else if ((sendcount < 0 || recvcount<0) ||
      (sendbuf==nullptr && sendcount > 0) || (recvbuf==nullptr && recvcount>0)) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_COUNT;
  } else if((sendtag<0 && sendtag !=  MPI_ANY_TAG)||(recvtag<0 && recvtag != MPI_ANY_TAG)){
    retval = MPI_ERR_TAG;
  } else {
    int my_proc_id         = simgrid::s4u::this_actor::get_pid();
    int dst_traced         = getPid(comm, dst);
    int src_traced         = getPid(comm, src);

    // FIXME: Hack the way to trace this one
    std::vector<int>* dst_hack = new std::vector<int>;
    std::vector<int>* src_hack = new std::vector<int>;
    TRACE_smpi_comm_in(my_proc_id, __func__,
                       new simgrid::instr::VarCollTIData(
                           "sendRecv", -1, sendtype->is_replayable() ? sendcount : sendcount * sendtype->size(),
                           dst_hack, recvtype->is_replayable() ? recvcount : recvcount * recvtype->size(), src_hack,
                           simgrid::smpi::Datatype::encode(sendtype), simgrid::smpi::Datatype::encode(recvtype)));

    TRACE_smpi_send(my_proc_id, my_proc_id, dst_traced, sendtag, sendcount * sendtype->size());

    simgrid::smpi::Request::sendrecv(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, dst, sendtag, recvbuf, recvcount, recvtype, src,
                                     recvtag, comm, status);
    retval = MPI_SUCCESS;

    TRACE_smpi_recv(src_traced, my_proc_id, recvtag);

  return retval;
int PMPI_Ssend(const void* buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int dst, int tag, MPI_Comm comm) {
  int retval = 0;


  if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_COMM;
  } else if (dst == MPI_PROC_NULL) {
    retval = MPI_SUCCESS;
  } else if (dst >= comm->group()->size() || dst <0){
    retval = MPI_ERR_RANK;
  } else if ((count < 0) || (buf==nullptr && count > 0)) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_COUNT;
  } else if (datatype==MPI_DATATYPE_NULL || not datatype->is_valid()) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_TYPE;
  } else if(tag<0 && tag !=  MPI_ANY_TAG){
    retval = MPI_ERR_TAG;
  } else {
    int my_proc_id         = simgrid::s4u::this_actor::get_pid();
    int dst_traced         = getPid(comm, dst);
    TRACE_smpi_comm_in(my_proc_id, __func__,
                       new simgrid::instr::Pt2PtTIData("Ssend", dst,
                                                       datatype->is_replayable() ? count : count * datatype->size(),
                                                       tag, simgrid::smpi::Datatype::encode(datatype)));
    TRACE_smpi_send(my_proc_id, my_proc_id, dst_traced, tag, count * datatype->size());

    simgrid::smpi::Request::ssend(buf, count, datatype, dst, tag, comm);
    retval = MPI_SUCCESS;


  return retval;
int PMPI_Recv(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Status * status)
  int retval = 0;

  if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_COMM;
  } else if (src == MPI_PROC_NULL) {
    if(status != MPI_STATUS_IGNORE){
      status->MPI_SOURCE = MPI_PROC_NULL;
    retval = MPI_SUCCESS;
  } else if (src!=MPI_ANY_SOURCE && (src >= comm->group()->size() || src <0)){
    retval = MPI_ERR_RANK;
  } else if ((count < 0) || (buf==nullptr && count > 0)) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_COUNT;
  } else if (datatype==MPI_DATATYPE_NULL || not datatype->is_valid()) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_TYPE;
  } else if(tag<0 && tag !=  MPI_ANY_TAG){
    retval = MPI_ERR_TAG;
  } else {
    int my_proc_id = simgrid::s4u::this_actor::get_pid();
    TRACE_smpi_comm_in(my_proc_id, __func__,
                       new simgrid::instr::Pt2PtTIData("recv", src,
                                                       datatype->is_replayable() ? count : count * datatype->size(),
                                                       tag, simgrid::smpi::Datatype::encode(datatype)));

    simgrid::smpi::Request::recv(buf, count, datatype, src, tag, comm, status);
    retval = MPI_SUCCESS;

    // the src may not have been known at the beginning of the recv (MPI_ANY_SOURCE)
    int src_traced=0;
    if (status != MPI_STATUS_IGNORE) 
      src_traced = getPid(comm, status->MPI_SOURCE);
      src_traced = getPid(comm, src);
    if (not TRACE_smpi_view_internals()) {
      TRACE_smpi_recv(src_traced, my_proc_id, tag);

  return retval;
int PMPI_Irecv(void *buf, int count, MPI_Datatype datatype, int src, int tag, MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Request * request)
  int retval = 0;


  if (request == nullptr) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_ARG;
  } else if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_COMM;
  } else if (src == MPI_PROC_NULL) {
    *request = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
    retval = MPI_SUCCESS;
  } else if (src!=MPI_ANY_SOURCE && (src >= comm->group()->size() || src <0)){
    retval = MPI_ERR_RANK;
  } else if ((count < 0) || (buf==nullptr && count > 0)) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_COUNT;
  } else if (datatype==MPI_DATATYPE_NULL || not datatype->is_valid()) {
    retval = MPI_ERR_TYPE;
  } else if(tag<0 && tag !=  MPI_ANY_TAG){
    retval = MPI_ERR_TAG;
  } else {

    int my_proc_id = simgrid::s4u::this_actor::get_pid();

    TRACE_smpi_comm_in(my_proc_id, __func__,
                       new simgrid::instr::Pt2PtTIData("irecv", src,
                                                       datatype->is_replayable() ? count : count * datatype->size(),
                                                       tag, simgrid::smpi::Datatype::encode(datatype)));

    *request = simgrid::smpi::Request::irecv(buf, count, datatype, src, tag, comm);
    retval = MPI_SUCCESS;


  if (retval != MPI_SUCCESS && request != nullptr)
    *request = MPI_REQUEST_NULL;
  return retval;
int Coll_scatter_mvapich2_two_level_direct::scatter(void *sendbuf,
                                      int sendcnt,
                                      MPI_Datatype sendtype,
                                      void *recvbuf,
                                      int recvcnt,
                                      MPI_Datatype recvtype,
                                      int root, MPI_Comm  comm)
    int comm_size, rank;
    int local_rank, local_size;
    int leader_comm_rank = -1, leader_comm_size = -1;
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int recvtype_size, sendtype_size, nbytes;
    void *tmp_buf = NULL;
    void *leader_scatter_buf = NULL;
    MPI_Status status;
    int leader_root, leader_of_root = -1;
    MPI_Comm shmem_comm, leader_comm;
    //if not set (use of the algo directly, without mvapich2 selector)

    comm_size = comm->size();
    rank = comm->rank();

    if (((rank == root) && (recvcnt == 0))
        || ((rank != root) && (sendcnt == 0))) {
        return MPI_SUCCESS;

    /* extract the rank,size information for the intra-node
     * communicator */
    shmem_comm = comm->get_intra_comm();
    local_rank = shmem_comm->rank();
    local_size = shmem_comm->size();

    if (local_rank == 0) {
        /* Node leader. Extract the rank, size information for the leader
         * communicator */
        leader_comm = comm->get_leaders_comm();
        leader_comm_size = leader_comm->size();
        leader_comm_rank = leader_comm->rank();

    if (local_size == comm_size) {
        /* purely intra-node scatter. Just use the direct algorithm and we are done */
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Scatter_MV2_Direct(sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype,
                                            recvbuf, recvcnt, recvtype,
                                            root, comm);

    } else {

        if (rank == root) {
            nbytes = sendcnt * sendtype_size;
        } else {
            nbytes = recvcnt * recvtype_size;

        if (local_rank == 0) {
            /* Node leader, allocate tmp_buffer */
            tmp_buf = smpi_get_tmp_sendbuffer(nbytes * local_size);

        leader_comm = comm->get_leaders_comm();
        int* leaders_map = comm->get_leaders_map();
        leader_of_root = comm->group()->rank(leaders_map[root]);
        leader_root = leader_comm->group()->rank(leaders_map[root]);
        /* leader_root is the rank of the leader of the root in leader_comm.
         * leader_root is to be used as the root of the inter-leader gather ops

        if ((local_rank == 0) && (root != rank)
            && (leader_of_root == rank)) {
            /* The root of the scatter operation is not the node leader. Recv
             * data from the node leader */
            leader_scatter_buf = smpi_get_tmp_sendbuffer(nbytes * comm_size);
            Request::recv(leader_scatter_buf, nbytes * comm_size, MPI_BYTE,
                             root, COLL_TAG_SCATTER, comm, &status);


        if (rank == root && local_rank != 0) {
            /* The root of the scatter operation is not the node leader. Send
             * data to the node leader */
            Request::send(sendbuf, sendcnt * comm_size, sendtype,
                                     leader_of_root, COLL_TAG_SCATTER, comm

        if (leader_comm_size > 1 && local_rank == 0) {
          if (not comm->is_uniform()) {
            int* displs   = NULL;
            int* sendcnts = NULL;
            int* node_sizes;
            int i      = 0;
            node_sizes = comm->get_non_uniform_map();

            if (root != leader_of_root) {
              if (leader_comm_rank == leader_root) {
                displs      = static_cast<int*>(xbt_malloc(sizeof(int) * leader_comm_size));
                sendcnts    = static_cast<int*>(xbt_malloc(sizeof(int) * leader_comm_size));
                sendcnts[0] = node_sizes[0] * nbytes;
                displs[0]   = 0;

                for (i = 1; i < leader_comm_size; i++) {
                  displs[i]   = displs[i - 1] + node_sizes[i - 1] * nbytes;
                  sendcnts[i] = node_sizes[i] * nbytes;
              Colls::scatterv(leader_scatter_buf, sendcnts, displs, MPI_BYTE, tmp_buf, nbytes * local_size, MPI_BYTE,
                              leader_root, leader_comm);
            } else {
              if (leader_comm_rank == leader_root) {
                displs      = static_cast<int*>(xbt_malloc(sizeof(int) * leader_comm_size));
                sendcnts    = static_cast<int*>(xbt_malloc(sizeof(int) * leader_comm_size));
                sendcnts[0] = node_sizes[0] * sendcnt;
                displs[0]   = 0;

                for (i = 1; i < leader_comm_size; i++) {
                  displs[i]   = displs[i - 1] + node_sizes[i - 1] * sendcnt;
                  sendcnts[i] = node_sizes[i] * sendcnt;
              Colls::scatterv(sendbuf, sendcnts, displs, sendtype, tmp_buf, nbytes * local_size, MPI_BYTE, leader_root,
            if (leader_comm_rank == leader_root) {
            } else {
                if (leader_of_root != root) {
                    mpi_errno =
                                                nbytes * local_size, MPI_BYTE,
                                                tmp_buf, nbytes * local_size,
                                                MPI_BYTE, leader_root,
                } else {
                    mpi_errno =
                        MPIR_Scatter_MV2_Direct(sendbuf, sendcnt * local_size,
                                                sendtype, tmp_buf,
                                                nbytes * local_size, MPI_BYTE,
                                                leader_root, leader_comm);

        /* The leaders are now done with the inter-leader part. Scatter the data within the nodes */

        if (rank == root && recvbuf == MPI_IN_PLACE) {
            mpi_errno = MV2_Scatter_intra_function(tmp_buf, nbytes, MPI_BYTE,
                                                (void *)sendbuf, sendcnt, sendtype,
                                                0, shmem_comm);
        } else {
            mpi_errno = MV2_Scatter_intra_function(tmp_buf, nbytes, MPI_BYTE,
                                                recvbuf, recvcnt, recvtype,
                                                0, shmem_comm);

    /* check if multiple threads are calling this collective function */
    if (comm_size != local_size && local_rank == 0) {
        if (leader_of_root == rank && root != rank) {
    return (mpi_errno);
int Coll_reduce_mvapich2_two_level::reduce( const void *sendbuf,
                                     void *recvbuf,
                                     int count,
                                     MPI_Datatype datatype,
                                     MPI_Op op,
                                     int root,
                                     MPI_Comm comm)
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    int my_rank, total_size, local_rank, local_size;
    int leader_comm_rank = -1, leader_comm_size = 0;
    MPI_Comm shmem_comm, leader_comm;
    int leader_root, leader_of_root;
    const unsigned char* in_buf = nullptr;
    unsigned char *out_buf = nullptr, *tmp_buf = nullptr;
    MPI_Aint true_lb, true_extent, extent;
    int is_commutative = 0, stride = 0;
    int intra_node_root=0;

    //if not set (use of the algo directly, without mvapich2 selector)


    my_rank = comm->rank();
    total_size = comm->size();
    shmem_comm = comm->get_intra_comm();
    local_rank = shmem_comm->rank();
    local_size = shmem_comm->size();

    leader_comm = comm->get_leaders_comm();
    int* leaders_map = comm->get_leaders_map();
    leader_of_root = comm->group()->rank(leaders_map[root]);
    leader_root = leader_comm->group()->rank(leaders_map[root]);

    is_commutative= (op==MPI_OP_NULL || op->is_commutative());

    extent =datatype->get_extent();
    stride = count * std::max(extent, true_extent);

    if (local_size == total_size) {
        /* First handle the case where there is only one node */
        if (stride <= MV2_INTRA_SHMEM_REDUCE_MSG &&
            is_commutative == 1) {
            if (local_rank == 0 ) {
              tmp_buf = smpi_get_tmp_sendbuffer(count * std::max(extent, true_extent));
              tmp_buf = tmp_buf - true_lb;

            if (sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE) {
              in_buf = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(sendbuf);
            } else {
              in_buf = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(recvbuf);

            if (local_rank == 0) {
                 if( my_rank != root) {
                     out_buf = tmp_buf;
                 } else {
                   out_buf = static_cast<unsigned char*>(recvbuf);
                   if (in_buf == out_buf) {
                     in_buf  = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(MPI_IN_PLACE);
                     out_buf = static_cast<unsigned char*>(recvbuf);
            } else {
              in_buf  = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(sendbuf);
              out_buf = nullptr;

            if (count * (std::max(extent, true_extent)) < SHMEM_COLL_BLOCK_SIZE) {
              mpi_errno = MPIR_Reduce_shmem_MV2(in_buf, out_buf, count, datatype, op, 0, shmem_comm);
            } else {
              mpi_errno = MPIR_Reduce_intra_knomial_wrapper_MV2(in_buf, out_buf, count, datatype, op, 0, shmem_comm);

            if (local_rank == 0 && root != my_rank) {
                Request::send(out_buf, count, datatype, root,
                                         COLL_TAG_REDUCE+1, comm);
            if ((local_rank != 0) && (root == my_rank)) {
                Request::recv(recvbuf, count, datatype,
                                         leader_of_root, COLL_TAG_REDUCE+1, comm,
        } else {
            if(mv2_use_knomial_reduce == 1) {
                reduce_fn = &MPIR_Reduce_intra_knomial_wrapper_MV2;
            } else {
                reduce_fn = &MPIR_Reduce_binomial_MV2;
            mpi_errno = reduce_fn(sendbuf, recvbuf, count,
                                  datatype, op,
                                  root, comm);
        /* We are done */
        if (tmp_buf != nullptr)
          smpi_free_tmp_buffer(tmp_buf + true_lb);
        goto fn_exit;

    if (local_rank == 0) {
        leader_comm = comm->get_leaders_comm();
          leader_comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
        leader_comm_size = leader_comm->size();
        leader_comm_rank = leader_comm->rank();
        tmp_buf          = smpi_get_tmp_sendbuffer(count * std::max(extent, true_extent));
        tmp_buf          = tmp_buf - true_lb;
    if (sendbuf != MPI_IN_PLACE) {
      in_buf = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(sendbuf);
    } else {
      in_buf = static_cast<const unsigned char*>(recvbuf);
    if (local_rank == 0) {
      out_buf = static_cast<unsigned char*>(tmp_buf);
    } else {
      out_buf = nullptr;

    if(local_size > 1) {
        /* Lets do the intra-node reduce operations, if we have more than one
         * process in the node */

        /*Fix the input and outbuf buffers for the intra-node reduce.
         *Node leaders will have the reduced data in tmp_buf after
         *this step*/
        if (MV2_Reduce_intra_function == & MPIR_Reduce_shmem_MV2)
          if (is_commutative == 1 && (count * (std::max(extent, true_extent)) < SHMEM_COLL_BLOCK_SIZE)) {
            mpi_errno = MV2_Reduce_intra_function(in_buf, out_buf, count, datatype, op, intra_node_root, shmem_comm);
            } else {
                    mpi_errno = MPIR_Reduce_intra_knomial_wrapper_MV2(in_buf, out_buf, count,
                                      datatype, op,
                                      intra_node_root, shmem_comm);
        } else {

            mpi_errno = MV2_Reduce_intra_function(in_buf, out_buf, count,
                                      datatype, op,
                                      intra_node_root, shmem_comm);
    } else {
      smpi_free_tmp_buffer(tmp_buf + true_lb);
      tmp_buf = (unsigned char*)in_buf; // xxx

    /* Now work on the inter-leader phase. Data is in tmp_buf */
    if (local_rank == 0 && leader_comm_size > 1) {
        /*The leader of root will have the global reduced data in tmp_buf
           or recv_buf
           at the end of the reduce */
        if (leader_comm_rank == leader_root) {
            if (my_rank == root) {
                /* I am the root of the leader-comm, and the
                 * root of the reduce op. So, I will write the
                 * final result directly into my recvbuf */
                if(tmp_buf != recvbuf) {
                  in_buf  = tmp_buf;
                  out_buf = static_cast<unsigned char*>(recvbuf);
                } else {

                  unsigned char* buf = smpi_get_tmp_sendbuffer(count * datatype->get_extent());
                  Datatype::copy(tmp_buf, count, datatype, buf, count, datatype);
                  // in_buf = MPI_IN_PLACE;
                  in_buf  = buf;
                  out_buf = static_cast<unsigned char*>(recvbuf);
            } else {
              unsigned char* buf = smpi_get_tmp_sendbuffer(count * datatype->get_extent());
              Datatype::copy(tmp_buf, count, datatype, buf, count, datatype);
              // in_buf = MPI_IN_PLACE;
              in_buf  = buf;
              out_buf = tmp_buf;
        } else {
            in_buf = tmp_buf;
            out_buf = nullptr;

        /* inter-leader communication  */
        mpi_errno = MV2_Reduce_function(in_buf, out_buf, count,
                              datatype, op,
                              leader_root, leader_comm);


    if (local_size > 1) {
      /* Send the message to the root if the leader is not the
       * root of the reduce operation. The reduced data is in tmp_buf */
      if ((local_rank == 0) && (root != my_rank) && (leader_root == leader_comm_rank)) {
        Request::send(tmp_buf, count, datatype, root, COLL_TAG_REDUCE + 1, comm);
      if ((local_rank != 0) && (root == my_rank)) {
        Request::recv(recvbuf, count, datatype, leader_of_root, COLL_TAG_REDUCE + 1, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
      smpi_free_tmp_buffer(tmp_buf + true_lb);

      if (leader_comm_rank == leader_root) {
        if (my_rank != root || (my_rank == root && tmp_buf == recvbuf)) {

    return mpi_errno;
static int getPid(MPI_Comm comm, int id)
  simgrid::s4u::ActorPtr actor = comm->group()->actor(id);
  return (actor == nullptr) ? MPI_UNDEFINED : actor->get_pid();
int Coll_bcast_mvapich2_inter_node::bcast(void *buffer,
                                                 int count,
                                                 MPI_Datatype datatype,
                                                 int root,
                                                 MPI_Comm  comm)
    int rank;
    int mpi_errno = MPI_SUCCESS;
    MPI_Comm shmem_comm, leader_comm;
    int local_rank, local_size, global_rank = -1;
    int leader_root, leader_of_root;

    rank = comm->rank();
    //comm_size = comm->size();

    if (MV2_Bcast_function==NULL){

    if (MV2_Bcast_intra_node_function==NULL){
      MV2_Bcast_intra_node_function= Coll_bcast_mpich::bcast;


    shmem_comm = comm->get_intra_comm();
    local_rank = shmem_comm->rank();
    local_size = shmem_comm->size();

    leader_comm = comm->get_leaders_comm();

    if ((local_rank == 0) && (local_size > 1)) {
      global_rank = leader_comm->rank();

    int* leaders_map = comm->get_leaders_map();
    leader_of_root = comm->group()->rank(leaders_map[root]);
    leader_root = leader_comm->group()->rank(leaders_map[root]);

    if (local_size > 1) {
        if ((local_rank == 0) && (root != rank) && (leader_root == global_rank)) {
            Request::recv(buffer, count, datatype, root,
                                     COLL_TAG_BCAST, comm, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
        if ((local_rank != 0) && (root == rank)) {
            Request::send(buffer, count, datatype,
                                     leader_of_root, COLL_TAG_BCAST, comm);
#if defined(_MCST_SUPPORT_)
    if (comm_ptr->ch.is_mcast_ok) {
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Mcast_inter_node_MV2(buffer, count, datatype, root, comm_ptr,
        if (mpi_errno == MPI_SUCCESS) {
            goto fn_exit;
        } else {
            goto fn_fail;
    if (local_rank == 0) {
        leader_comm = comm->get_leaders_comm();
        root = leader_root;

    if (MV2_Bcast_function == &MPIR_Pipelined_Bcast_MV2) {
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Pipelined_Bcast_MV2(buffer, count, datatype,
                                             root, comm);
    } else if (MV2_Bcast_function == &MPIR_Bcast_scatter_ring_allgather_shm_MV2) {
        mpi_errno = MPIR_Bcast_scatter_ring_allgather_shm_MV2(buffer, count,
                                                              datatype, root,
    } else */{
        if (local_rank == 0) {
      /*      if (MV2_Bcast_function == &MPIR_Knomial_Bcast_inter_node_wrapper_MV2) {
                mpi_errno = MPIR_Knomial_Bcast_inter_node_wrapper_MV2(buffer, count,
                                                              datatype, root,
            } else {*/
                mpi_errno = MV2_Bcast_function(buffer, count, datatype,
                                               leader_root, leader_comm);
          //  }

    return mpi_errno;