static bool LoadSubmeshData(MZFile& file, EluMesh& mesh) { u32 nsubmesh; V(file.Read(nsubmesh)); mesh.DrawProps.resize(nsubmesh); for (u32 i = 0; i < nsubmesh; ++i) { auto& dp = mesh.DrawProps[i]; u32 mat; V(file.Read(mat)); dp.material = mat; u16 idx; V(file.Read(idx)); dp.indexBase = idx; u16 cnt; V(file.Read(cnt)); dp.count = cnt; dp.vertexBase = 0; V(file.Seek(4)); if (dp.material < 0) { if (mesh.DrawProps.size() == 1) { mesh.DrawProps.clear(); return true; } mesh.DrawProps.erase(mesh.DrawProps.begin() + i); mesh.DrawProps.resize(mesh.DrawProps.size() - 1); --i; } } return true; }
static bool ReadSubindices(MZFile& file, std::vector<std::array<u16, 6>>& subindices) { V(ReadVector(file, subindices)); u32 size; V(file.Read(size)); V(file.Seek((64 + 2) * size)); return true; }
static bool SkipVector(MZFile& file) { u32 size; V(file.Read(size)); V(file.Seek(size * sizeof(T))); return true; }
static bool ReadMeshData(MZFile& file, EluMesh& mesh, const std::vector<std::array<u16, 6>>& subindices, const VertexData& vertexData) { mesh.VertexCount = subindices.size(); u32 idxcnt; V(file.Read(idxcnt)); mesh.IndexCount = idxcnt; mesh.Indices = decltype(mesh.Indices){new u16[mesh.IndexCount]}; V(file.Read(mesh.Indices.get(), mesh.IndexCount * sizeof(mesh.Indices[0]))); auto MakeVector = [&](auto& vec) { vec = std::remove_reference_t<decltype(vec)>{ new std::remove_reference_t<decltype(vec[0])>[subindices.size()]}; }; MakeVector(mesh.Positions); MakeVector(mesh.Normals); MakeVector(mesh.TexCoords); MakeVector(mesh.Tangents); for (size_t i = 0; i < subindices.size(); ++i) { mesh.Positions[i] = vertexData.Positions[subindices[i][0]]; mesh.Normals[i] = vertexData.Normals[subindices[i][1]]; auto& tx = vertexData.TexCoords[subindices[i][2]]; mesh.TexCoords[i] = { tx.x, tx.y }; mesh.Tangents[i] = vertexData.Tangents[subindices[i][4]]; } return true; }
static bool ReadVector(MZFile& file, std::vector<T>& vec) { u32 size; V(file.Read(size)); vec.resize(size); V(file.Read(, size * sizeof(vec[0]))); return true; }
static bool ReadName(MZFile& file, EluMesh& mesh) { u32 name_length{}; V(file.Read(name_length)); char name_buffer[256]; V(file.Read(name_buffer, name_length)); mesh.Name = name_buffer; return true; }
static bool ReadBisomething(MZFile& file) { u32 bcount; V(file.Read(bcount)); for (u32 i = 0; i < bcount; ++i) { u32 bi; V(file.Read(bi)); V(file.Seek(8 * bi)); } V(file.Seek(4)); return true; }
bool ZConfiguration::LoadGameTypeCfg(const char* szFileName) { MXmlDocument xmlIniData; xmlIniData.Create(); char *buffer; MZFile mzFile; if( !mzFile.Open(szFileName, ZApplication::GetFileSystem())) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } buffer = new char[ mzFile.GetLength()+1]; buffer[mzFile.GetLength()]=0; mzFile.Read( buffer, mzFile.GetLength()); mlog( "Load XML from memory : %s \n", szFileName); if( !xmlIniData.LoadFromMemory( buffer)) { mlog( "- FAIL\n"); xmlIniData.Destroy(); delete []buffer; return false; } MXmlElement rootElement, chrElement, attrElement; char szTagName[ 256]; rootElement = xmlIniData.GetDocumentElement(); int iCount = rootElement.GetChildNodeCount(); for ( int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { chrElement = rootElement.GetChildNode( i); chrElement.GetTagName( szTagName); if (szTagName[0] == '#') continue; if ( !stricmp( szTagName, ZTOK_GAME_TYPE)) { int nID = 0; chrElement.GetAttribute( &nID, "id"); m_pGameTypeList->ParseGameTypeList( nID, chrElement); } } xmlIniData.Destroy(); delete []buffer; return true; }
static bool LoadMesh5013(MZFile& file, EluMesh &mesh) { V(ReadName(file, mesh)); V(file.Seek(4)); V(SkipVector<char>(file)); V(ReadWorld(file, mesh)); V(file.Seek(16)); VertexData vertexData; V(ReadVertexData(file, mesh, vertexData, { Pos, Tex, SkipVecV3, Nor, Tan, SkipVecV3 })); V(ReadIndices(file)); V(ReadBisomething(file)); std::vector<std::array<u16, 6>> subindices; V(ReadSubindices(file, subindices)); V(LoadSubmeshData(file, mesh)); V(ReadMeshData(file, mesh, subindices, vertexData)); V(file.Seek(2 * sizeof(v3))); return true; }
static bool ReadVertexData(MZFile& file, EluMesh& mesh, VertexData& data, const VertexAttributeOrder (&Order)[6]) { for (auto& Attribute : Order) { switch (Attribute) { case Pos: V(ReadVector(file, data.Positions)); break; case Nor: V(ReadVector(file, data.Normals)); break; case Tan: V(ReadVector(file, data.Tangents)); break; case Tex: V(ReadVector(file, data.TexCoords)); break; case Skip4: V(file.Seek(4)); break; case SkipVecV3: V(SkipVector<v3>(file)); break; } } return true; }
unsigned long MGetMZFileChecksum(const char* pszFileName) { MZFile mzf; if(!mzf.Open(pszFileName)) return 0; char* pBuffer = NULL; int nLen = mzf.GetLength(); pBuffer = new char[mzf.GetLength()+1]; pBuffer[nLen] = 0; mzf.Read(pBuffer, nLen); mzf.Close(); unsigned long nChecksum = MGetMemoryChecksum(pBuffer,nLen); delete pBuffer; return nChecksum; }
static bool ReadIndices(MZFile& file) { u32 ntris; V(file.Read(ntris)); if (ntris > 0) { V(file.Seek(4)); V(file.Read(ntris)); for (u32 i = 0; i < ntris; ++i) { u32 nverts; V(file.Read(nverts)); V(file.Seek(12 * nverts + 2)); } } V(SkipVector<v3>(file)); V(file.Seek(4)); return true; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // InitEnv ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void ZEmblemList::InitEnv( char* pFileName_ ) { MXmlDocument Data; Data.Create(); MZFile mzf; if( !mzf.Open( pFileName_, g_pFileSystem )) { return; } char* buffer; buffer = new char[mzf.GetLength() + 1]; mzf.Read( buffer, mzf.GetLength() ); buffer[mzf.GetLength()] = 0; if( !Data.LoadFromMemory(buffer) ) { delete buffer; return; } delete buffer; mzf.Close(); MXmlElement root, child; char TagName[256]; char Attribute[256]; root = Data.GetDocumentElement(); int iCount = root.GetChildNodeCount(); for( int i = 0 ; i < iCount; ++i ) { child = root.GetChildNode(i); child.GetTagName( TagName ); if( TagName[0] == '#' ) { continue; } child.GetAttribute( Attribute, "NAME" ); mEmblemMapItor = mEmblemMap.find( Attribute ); if( mEmblemMapItor != mEmblemMap.end() ) { ZClothEmblem* p = mEmblemMapItor->second; if( child.GetAttribute( Attribute, "DIRECTION" )) { D3DXMATRIX RotMat; rvector dir = rvector( 0,1,0 ); int theta; sscanf( Attribute, "%d", &theta ); D3DXMatrixRotationAxis( &RotMat, &rvector(0,0,1), ((float)theta*D3DX_PI/180) ); dir = dir*RotMat; //p->SetBaseWind( dir ); p->GetWndGenerator()->SetWindDirection( dir ); } if( child.GetAttribute( Attribute, "POWER" )) { float power; sscanf( Attribute, "%f", &power ); p->GetWndGenerator()->SetWindPower( power ); } MXmlElement dummy; int iDummyNum = child.GetChildNodeCount(); for( int j = 0 ; j < iDummyNum; ++j ) { dummy = child.GetChildNode( j ); dummy.GetTagName( TagName ); if( TagName[0] == '#' ) { continue; } if( stricmp( TagName, "RESTRICTION" ) == 0 ) { sRestriction* rest = new sRestriction; int iValue = 0; float fValue = 0.f; if( dummy.GetAttribute( Attribute, "AXIS" )) { sscanf( Attribute, "%d", &iValue ); rest->axis =(RESTRICTION_AXIS)iValue; } if( dummy.GetAttribute( Attribute, "POSITION") ) { sscanf( Attribute, "%f", &fValue ); rest->position = fValue; } if( dummy.GetAttribute(Attribute, "COMPARE") ) { sscanf( Attribute, "%d", &iValue ); rest->compare =(RESTRICTION_COMPARE)iValue; } p->AddRestriction( rest ); } else if( stricmp( TagName, "WINDTYPE" ) == 0 ) { int iValue = 0; if( dummy.GetAttribute( Attribute, "TYPE" ) ) { sscanf( Attribute, "%d", &iValue ); p->GetWndGenerator()->SetWindType( (WIND_TYPE) iValue ); } if( dummy.GetAttribute( Attribute, "DELAY" )) { sscanf( Attribute, "%d", &iValue ); p->GetWndGenerator()->SetDelayTime( iValue ); } } } } } for( list<ZClothEmblem*>::iterator iter = begin(); iter != end(); ++iter ) { // 처음 몇 프레임을 계산하고 시작한다.. for( int i = 0 ; i < 100; ++i ) (*iter)->update(); } }
bool ZConfiguration::LoadLocale(const char* szFileName) { MXmlDocument xmlLocale; MXmlElement parentElement, serverElement, bindsElement; MXmlElement childElement; MXmlElement selectableLangsElem; char *buffer; MZFile mzFile; xmlLocale.Create(); if( !mzFile.Open(szFileName, ZApplication::GetFileSystem())) { xmlLocale.Destroy(); return false; } buffer = new char[ mzFile.GetLength()+1]; buffer[mzFile.GetLength()]=0; mzFile.Read( buffer, mzFile.GetLength()); mlog( "Load XML from memory : %s", szFileName); if( !xmlLocale.LoadFromMemory(buffer) ) { mlog( "- FAIL\n"); xmlLocale.Destroy(); return false; } delete[] buffer; mzFile.Close(); mlog( "- SUCCESS\n"); parentElement = xmlLocale.GetDocumentElement(); int iCount = parentElement.GetChildNodeCount(); if (!parentElement.IsEmpty()) { if( parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_LOCALE, &childElement) ) { char szCountry[ 16 ] = ""; char szLanguage[ 16 ] = ""; //int nMaxPlayers = 16; int nMaxPlayers = 127; childElement.GetChildContents( szCountry, ZTOK_LOCALE_COUNTRY ); childElement.GetChildContents( szLanguage, ZTOK_LOCALE_LANGUAGE ); childElement.GetChildContents( &nMaxPlayers, ZTOK_LOCALE_MAXPLAYERS); if (childElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_LOCALE_SELECTABLE_LANGUAGES, &selectableLangsElem)) ParseLocaleSelectableLanguages(selectableLangsElem); if( (0 == szCountry) || (0 == szLanguage) ) { mlog( "config.xml - Country or Language is invalid.\n" ); return false; } m_Locale.strCountry = szCountry; m_Locale.strDefaultLanguage = szLanguage; m_Locale.nMaxPlayers = nMaxPlayers; strcpy(m_Etc.szLanguage, szLanguage); mlog( "Country : KOR, Language : KOR\n", szCountry, szLanguage ); //mlog( "Country : (%s), Language : (%s)\n", szCountry, szLanguage ); } } xmlLocale.Destroy(); return true; }
static bool LoadElu(LoaderState& State, const char* name) { // HACK: Don't load shadowbox if (strstr(name, "shadowbox") != nullptr) return false; State.ObjectData.emplace_back(); auto& dest = State.ObjectData.back(); bool ReachedEnd = false; DEFER([&] { if (!ReachedEnd) State.ObjectData.pop_back(); }); MZFile File; auto success = TryForEachPath(State.Paths, name, [&](auto& Path) { return File.Open(Path.c_str(), RealSpace2::g_pFileSystem); }); if (!success) { MLog("LoadElu -- Failed to open elu file %s\n", name); return false; } EluHeader hdr; File.Read(hdr); dest.Meshes.reserve(hdr.meshCount); for (u32 i = 0; i < hdr.meshCount; ++i) { dest.Meshes.emplace_back(); auto& Mesh = dest.Meshes.back(); bool success{}; switch (hdr.Version) { case 0x5012: success = LoadMesh5012(File, Mesh); break; case 0x5013: success = LoadMesh5013(File, Mesh); break; default: DMLog("Unknown mesh version %X\n", hdr.Version); } if (!success) { MLog("Failed to load mesh index %d version %x for elu %s\n", i, hdr.Version, name); return false; } dest.VertexCount += Mesh.VertexCount; dest.IndexCount += Mesh.IndexCount; DMLog("%s mesh %s %d vert %d index\n", name, Mesh.Name.c_str(), Mesh.VertexCount, Mesh.IndexCount); for (size_t j{}; j < Mesh.DrawProps.size(); ++j) { auto& dp = Mesh.DrawProps[j]; DMLog("DrawProp %d: vb: %d, ib: %d, cnt: %d, mat: %d\n", j, dp.vertexBase, dp.indexBase, dp.count, dp.material); } } assert(File.Tell() == File.GetLength()); DMLog("%s -- Meshes.size() = %d\n", name, dest.Meshes.size()); dest.MaterialStart = State.Materials.size(); if (!loadMaterial(State, (std::string{ name } +".xml").c_str())) { MLog("Failed to load material for elu %s\n", name); return false; } dest.Name = name; State.EluMap[dest.Name] = State.ObjectData.size() - 1; ReachedEnd = true; return true; }
static bool ReadWorld(MZFile& file, EluMesh& mesh) { V(file.Read(mesh.World)); return true; }
bool ZConfiguration::LoadSystem(const char* szFileName) { char *buffer; MZFile mzFile; MXmlDocument xmlConfig; xmlConfig.Create(); if( !mzFile.Open( szFileName, ZApplication::GetFileSystem())) { xmlConfig.Destroy(); return false; } buffer = new char[ mzFile.GetLength()+1]; buffer[mzFile.GetLength()]=0; mzFile.Read( buffer, mzFile.GetLength()); mlog( "Load XML from memory : %s", FILENAME_SYSTEM ); if( !xmlConfig.LoadFromMemory( buffer, GetLanguageID(m_Locale.strDefaultLanguage.c_str())) ) { mlog( "- FAIL\n"); xmlConfig.Destroy(); return false; } delete[] buffer; mzFile.Close(); mlog( "- SUCCESS\n"); MXmlElement parentElement = xmlConfig.GetDocumentElement(); MXmlElement serverElement, childElement; int iCount = parentElement.GetChildNodeCount(); if (!parentElement.IsEmpty()) { m_ServerList.clear(); m_nServerCount = 0; while ( 1) { char szText[ 256]; sprintf( szText, "%s%d", ZTOK_SERVER, m_nServerCount); if (parentElement.FindChildNode( szText, &serverElement)) { char szServerIP[ 32]; char szName[ 32]; int nServerPort; int nServerType; serverElement.GetChildContents( szServerIP, ZTOK_IP); serverElement.GetChildContents( &nServerPort, ZTOK_PORT); serverElement.GetChildContents( &nServerType, ZTOK_TYPE); serverElement.GetChildContents( szName, ZTOK_NAME); ZSERVERNODE ServerNode; strcpy( ServerNode.szAddress, szServerIP); strcpy( ServerNode.szName, szName); ServerNode.nPort = nServerPort; ServerNode.nType = nServerType; m_ServerList.insert( map<int,ZSERVERNODE>::value_type( m_nServerCount, ServerNode)); m_nServerCount++; } else break; } if (parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_LOCALE_BAREPORT, &childElement)) { childElement.GetChildContents( m_szBAReportAddr, ZTOK_ADDR); childElement.GetChildContents( m_szBAReportDir, ZTOK_DIR); } if (parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_LOCALE_XMLHEADER, &childElement)) { childElement.GetContents(m_Locale.szXmlHeader); } if (parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_SKIN, &childElement)) { childElement.GetContents(m_szInterfaceSkinName); } if (parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_LOCALE_DEFFONT, &childElement)) { childElement.GetContents(m_Locale.szDefaultFont); } if (parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_LOCALE_IME, &childElement)) { childElement.GetContents(&m_Locale.bIMESupport); MEvent::SetIMESupport( m_Locale.bIMESupport); } if (parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_LOCALE_HOMEPAGE, &childElement)) { childElement.GetChildContents( m_Locale.szHomepageUrl, ZTOK_LOCALE_HOMEPAGE_URL); childElement.GetChildContents( m_Locale.szHomepageTitle, ZTOK_LOCALE_HOMEPAGE_TITLE); } if (parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_LOCALE_EMBLEM_URL, &childElement)) { childElement.GetContents( m_Locale.szEmblemURL); } if (parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_LOCALE_TEMBLEM_URL, &childElement)) { childElement.GetContents( m_Locale.szTEmblemURL); } if (parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_LOCALE_CASHSHOP_URL, &childElement)) { childElement.GetContents( m_Locale.szCashShopURL); } if (parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_LOCATOR_LIST, &childElement)) { m_pLocatorList->ParseLocatorList(childElement); } if (parentElement.FindChildNode(ZTOK_TLOCATOR_LIST, &childElement)) { m_pTLocatorList->ParseLocatorList(childElement); } } xmlConfig.Destroy(); m_bIsComplete = true; return true; }
bool MQuestScenarioCatalogue::ReadXml(MZFileSystem* pFileSystem,const char* szFileName) { MXmlDocument xmlIniData; xmlIniData.Create(); char *buffer; MZFile mzf; if(pFileSystem) { if(!mzf.Open(szFileName,pFileSystem)) { if(!mzf.Open(szFileName)) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } } } else { if(!mzf.Open(szFileName)) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } } buffer = new char[mzf.GetLength()+1]; buffer[mzf.GetLength()] = 0; mzf.Read(buffer,mzf.GetLength()); if(!xmlIniData.LoadFromMemory(buffer)) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } delete[] buffer; mzf.Close(); MXmlElement rootElement, chrElement, attrElement; char szTagName[256]; rootElement = xmlIniData.GetDocumentElement(); int iCount = rootElement.GetChildNodeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { chrElement = rootElement.GetChildNode(i); chrElement.GetTagName(szTagName); if (szTagName[0] == '#') continue; if (!_stricmp(szTagName, MTOK_SPECIAL_SCENARIO)) { ParseSpecialScenario(chrElement); } else if (!_stricmp(szTagName, MTOK_STANDARD_SCENARIO)) { ParseStandardScenario(chrElement); } } xmlIniData.Destroy(); return true; }
bool MMapDesc::Initialize(MZFileSystem* pFileSystem, const char* szFileName) { MXmlDocument xmlIniData; xmlIniData.Create(); MZFile mzf; if(pFileSystem) { if(!mzf.Open(szFileName,pFileSystem)) { if(!mzf.Open(szFileName)) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } } } else { if(!mzf.Open(szFileName)) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } } CHAR* buffer = new char[mzf.GetLength()+1]; buffer[mzf.GetLength()] = 0; mzf.Read(buffer,mzf.GetLength()); if(!xmlIniData.LoadFromMemory(buffer)) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } int iCount, num =0 ; MXmlElement aParent, aChild; aParent = xmlIniData.GetDocumentElement(); iCount = aParent.GetChildNodeCount(); char szTagName[256]=""; for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { aChild = aParent.GetChildNode(i); aChild.GetTagName(szTagName); if(stricmp(szTagName,MMAP_MAP)==0) { if (szTagName[0] == '#') continue; aChild.GetAttribute(&m_MapVectors[num].nMapID, MMAP_ID); aChild.GetAttribute(m_MapVectors[num].szMapName , MMAP_NAME); aChild.GetAttribute(m_MapVectors[num].szMapImageName , MMAP_IMAGENAME); aChild.GetAttribute(m_MapVectors[num].szBannerName , MMAP_BANNERNAME); aChild.GetAttribute(&m_MapVectors[num].fExpRatio , MMAP_EXPRATIO); aChild.GetAttribute(&m_MapVectors[num].nMaxPlayers , MMAP_MAXPLAYERS); aChild.GetAttribute(&m_MapVectors[num].bOnlyDuelMap , MMAP_ONLYDUELMAP); num++; } } if(buffer) { delete[] buffer; buffer = NULL; } return true; }
bool MQuestItemDescManager ::ReadXml( MZFileSystem* pFileSystem, const char* szFileName ) { if( (0== pFileSystem) || (0 == szFileName) ) return false; MXmlDocument xmlIniData; xmlIniData.Create(); // <----------------- char *buffer; MZFile mzf; if(pFileSystem) { if(!mzf.Open(szFileName,pFileSystem)) { if(!mzf.Open(szFileName)) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } } } else { if(!mzf.Open(szFileName)) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } } buffer = new char[mzf.GetLength()+1]; buffer[mzf.GetLength()] = 0; mzf.Read(buffer,mzf.GetLength()); if(!xmlIniData.LoadFromMemory(buffer)) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } delete[] buffer; mzf.Close(); // <------------------ MXmlElement rootElement, chrElement, attrElement; char szTagName[256]; rootElement = xmlIniData.GetDocumentElement(); int iCount = rootElement.GetChildNodeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { chrElement = rootElement.GetChildNode(i); chrElement.GetTagName(szTagName); if (szTagName[0] == '#') continue; if (!stricmp(szTagName, MQICTOK_ITEM)) { ParseQuestItem(chrElement); } } xmlIniData.Destroy(); return true; }
bool ZSoundEngine::LoadResource(char* pFileName) { MXmlDocument Data; MZFile mzf; if(!mzf.Open(pFileName, m_pZFileSystem)) return false; char *buffer; buffer=new char[mzf.GetLength()+1]; mzf.Read(buffer,mzf.GetLength()); buffer[mzf.GetLength()]=0; Data.Create(); if(!Data.LoadFromMemory(buffer)) { delete buffer; return false; } delete buffer; mzf.Close(); MXmlElement root, chr, attr; char szSoundName[256]; char szSoundFileName[256]; root = Data.GetDocumentElement(); int iCount = root.GetChildNodeCount(); for( int i = 0 ; i < iCount; ++i ) { chr = root.GetChildNode(i); chr.GetTagName( szSoundName ); if( szSoundName[0] == '#' ) continue; chr.GetAttribute( szSoundName, "name" ); strcpy( szSoundFileName, SOUNDEFFECT_DIR ); strcat( szSoundFileName, szSoundName ); strcat( szSoundFileName, ".wav" ); char szType[64] = ""; chr.GetAttribute(szType, "type", "3d"); float min = ZDEF_MINDISTANCE; float max = ZDEF_MAXDISTANCE; float fTemp; if( chr.GetAttribute( &fTemp, "MINDISTANCE" )) min = fTemp; if( chr.GetAttribute( &fTemp, "MAXDISTANCE" )) max = fTemp; bool bLoop = false; chr.GetAttribute(&bLoop, "loop"); float fDefaultVolume = 1.0f; chr.GetAttribute(&fDefaultVolume, "volume", 1.0f); unsigned long int nFlags=0; if (bLoop) nFlags |= RSOUND_LOOP_NORMAL; else nFlags |= RSOUND_LOOP_OFF; if (!stricmp(szType, "2d")) { OpenSound(szSoundFileName, RSOUND_2D | nFlags); if (!IS_EQ(fDefaultVolume, 1.0f)) { RBaseSoundSource* pSoundSource = GetSoundSource(szSoundFileName, RSOUND_]2D); if (pSoundSource) { SetDefaultVolume(pSoundSource, fDefaultVolume); } } }
bool ZMapDesc::LoadSmokeDesc(const char* pFileName) { MXmlDocument Data; Data.Create(); MZFile mzf; if( !mzf.Open( pFileName, g_pFileSystem )) { return false; } char* buffer; buffer = new char[mzf.GetLength() + 1]; mzf.Read( buffer, mzf.GetLength() ); buffer[mzf.GetLength()] = 0; if( !Data.LoadFromMemory(buffer) ) { delete buffer; return false; } delete buffer; mzf.Close(); MXmlElement root, child; char TagName[256]; char Attribute[256]; root = Data.GetDocumentElement(); int iCount = root.GetChildNodeCount(); ZMapSmokeDummy* pMapSmoke = NULL; char drive[_MAX_DRIVE],dir[_MAX_DIR],fname[_MAX_FNAME],ext[_MAX_EXT]; for( int i = 0 ; i < iCount; ++i ) { child = root.GetChildNode(i); child.GetTagName( TagName ); if( TagName[0] == '#' ) { continue; } child.GetAttribute( Attribute, "NAME" ); _splitpath(Attribute,drive,dir,fname,ext); pMapSmoke = m_SmokeDummyMgr.Get( string( fname ) ); if( pMapSmoke ) { if( child.GetAttribute( Attribute, "DIRECTION" )) { if(pMapSmoke->m_SmokeType == ZMapSmokeType_ST) { // static rmatrix _mrot = RGetRotY(180) * RGetRotX(90); // ((ZMapSmokeST*)pMapSmoke)->m_vSteamDir = pMapSmoke->m_vDir * _mrot; ((ZMapSmokeST*)pMapSmoke)->m_vSteamDir = pMapSmoke->m_vDir; } D3DXMATRIX RotMat; rvector dir = rvector( 0,1,0 ); int theta; sscanf( Attribute, "%d", &theta ); D3DXMatrixRotationAxis( &RotMat, &rvector(0,0,1), ((float)theta*D3DX_PI/180) ); dir = dir * RotMat; pMapSmoke->m_vDir = dir; } if( child.GetAttribute( Attribute, "LIFE" )) { float fLife=0.f; sscanf( Attribute, "%f", &fLife ); pMapSmoke->m_fLife = fLife; } if( child.GetAttribute( Attribute, "TOGGLEMINTIME" )) { float fToggleMinTime=0.f; sscanf( Attribute, "%f", &fToggleMinTime ); pMapSmoke->m_fToggleMinTime = fToggleMinTime; } if( child.GetAttribute( Attribute, "POWER" )) { float power=0.f; sscanf( Attribute, "%f", &power ); pMapSmoke->m_fPower = power; } if(child.GetAttribute( Attribute, "DELAY" ) ) { int delay=0; sscanf( Attribute, "%d", &delay ); pMapSmoke->m_nDelay = delay; } if(child.GetAttribute( Attribute, "SIZE" ) ) { float _size=0; sscanf( Attribute, "%f", &_size ); pMapSmoke->m_fSize = _size; } if(child.GetAttribute( Attribute, "COLOR" ) ) { int r,g,b; sscanf( Attribute, "%d,%d,%d", &r,&g,&b ); pMapSmoke->m_dwColor = D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0,min(r,255),min(g,255),min(b,255)); } } } return true; }
bool MMatchEventFactoryManager::LoadEventListXML( MZFileSystem* pFileSystem, const string& strFileName ) { MXmlDocument xmlIniData; xmlIniData.Create(); // <----------------- char *buffer; MZFile mzf; if(pFileSystem) { if(!mzf.Open(strFileName.c_str(),pFileSystem)) { if(!mzf.Open(strFileName.c_str())) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } } } else { if(!mzf.Open(strFileName.c_str())) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } } buffer = new char[mzf.GetLength()+1]; buffer[mzf.GetLength()] = 0; mzf.Read(buffer,mzf.GetLength()); if(!xmlIniData.LoadFromMemory(buffer)) { xmlIniData.Destroy(); return false; } delete[] buffer; mzf.Close(); // <------------------ MXmlElement rootElement, chrElement, attrElement; char szTagName[256]; rootElement = xmlIniData.GetDocumentElement(); int iCount = rootElement.GetChildNodeCount(); for (int i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { chrElement = rootElement.GetChildNode(i); chrElement.GetTagName(szTagName); if (szTagName[0] == '#') continue; if (!stricmp(EL_LOCALE, szTagName)) { ParseLocale( chrElement ); } } xmlIniData.Destroy(); return true; }