void BookPublisher::subscribeToSymbols () { for (vector<const char*>::const_iterator i = mSymbolList.begin (); i != mSymbolList.end (); ++i) { const char* symbol = *i; mBook = new MamdaOrderBook(); // Turn on delta generation mBook->generateDeltaMsgs(true); MamdaSubscription* aSubscription = new MamdaSubscription; MamdaOrderBookListener* aBookListener = new MamdaOrderBookListener(mBook); aSubscription->addMsgListener (aBookListener); aBookListener->setProcessEntries (mProcessEntries); BookTicker* aTicker = new BookTicker; aBookListener->addHandler (aTicker); aSubscription->setType (MAMA_SUBSC_TYPE_BOOK); aSubscription->setMdDataType (MAMA_MD_DATA_TYPE_ORDER_BOOK); mSubscriptionList.push_back (aSubscription); aSubscription->create (Mama::getDefaultEventQueue (mBridge), mSubSource, symbol, NULL); } }
void BookChurn::subscribeToBooks (const char* symbol, MamaQueue* queue) { MamdaSubscription* aSubscription = new MamdaSubscription; MamdaOrderBookListener* aBookListener = new MamdaOrderBookListener; aSubscription->addMsgListener (aBookListener); aBookListener->addHandler (&mChurn); aSubscription->addQualityListener (&mChurn); aSubscription->addErrorListener (&mChurn); aSubscription->setType (MAMA_SUBSC_TYPE_BOOK); aSubscription->setMdDataType (MAMA_MD_DATA_TYPE_ORDER_BOOK); aSubscription->create (queue, gSource, symbol); mSubscriptionList.push_back (aSubscription); }
int main (int argc, const char **argv) { setbuf (stdout, NULL); try { CommonCommandLineParser cmdLine (argc, argv); // Initialize the MAMA API mamaBridge bridge = cmdLine.getBridge(); Mama::open (); const vector<const char*>& symbolList = cmdLine.getSymbolList (); MamaSource* source = cmdLine.getSource(); MamaQueueGroup queues (cmdLine.getNumThreads(), bridge); DictRequester dictRequester (bridge); // We might as well enforce strict checking of order book updates // (at the expense of some performance). MamdaOrderBook::setStrictChecking (true); signal (SIGINT, finish); /* arrange interrupts to terminate */ bool useColor = !cmdLine.getOptBool ('b'); /* check for blk & white */ start (useColor); // Get and initialize the dictionary dictRequester.requestDictionary (cmdLine.getDictSource()); MamdaCommonFields::setDictionary (*dictRequester.getDictionary ()); MamdaOrderBookFields::setDictionary (*dictRequester.getDictionary ()); const char* symbolMapFile = cmdLine.getSymbolMapFile (); if (symbolMapFile) { MamaSymbolMapFile* aMap = new MamaSymbolMapFile; if (MAMA_STATUS_OK == aMap->load (symbolMapFile)) { source->getTransport()->setSymbolMap (aMap); } } for (vector<const char*>::const_iterator i = symbolList.begin (); i != symbolList.end (); ++i) { const char* symbol = *i; MamdaSubscription* aSubscription = new MamdaSubscription; MamdaOrderBookListener* aBookListener = new MamdaOrderBookListener; BookViewer* aViewer = new BookViewer (*aBookListener->getOrderBook()); aBookListener->setProcessEntries (true); aBookListener->addHandler (aViewer); aSubscription->addMsgListener (aBookListener); aSubscription->addQualityListener (aViewer); aSubscription->addErrorListener (aViewer); aSubscription->setType (MAMA_SUBSC_TYPE_BOOK); aSubscription->setMdDataType (MAMA_MD_DATA_TYPE_ORDER_BOOK); aSubscription->create (queues.getNextQueue (), source, symbol); aViewer->setShowEntries (false); (new MamaIo ())->create (queues.getNextQueue (), aViewer, 0, /* stdin */ MAMA_IO_READ); } Mama::start (bridge); } catch (MamaStatus &e) { /* This exception can be thrown from Mama::start (). Mama::createTransport (transportName) and from MamdaSubscription constructor when entitlements is enabled. */ cerr << "MamaStatus exception in main (): " << e.toString () << endl; exit (1); } catch (std::exception &ex) { cerr << "Exception in main (): " << ex.what () << endl; exit (1); } catch (...) { cerr << "Unknown Exception in main ()." << endl; exit (1); } return 1; }
int main (int argc, const char **argv) { try { CommonCommandLineParser cmdLine (argc, argv); setvbuf (stdout, (char *) NULL, _IONBF, 0); // Initialise the MAMA API mamaBridge bridge = cmdLine.getBridge(); Mama::open (); const vector<const char*>& symbolList = cmdLine.getSymbolList (); double throttleRate = cmdLine.getThrottleRate (); int snapshotInterval = cmdLine.getOptInt ("snapshot"); int precision = cmdLine.getPrecision (); bool processEntries = cmdLine.getOptBool ('e'); bool strictChecking = !cmdLine.getOptBool ('C'); bool processMarketOrders = cmdLine.getOptBool ('k'); bool showDeltas = cmdLine.showDeltas (); const char* dictFile = cmdLine.getOptString("use_dict_file"); MamaSource* source = cmdLine.getSource (); MamaQueueGroup queues (cmdLine.getNumThreads(), bridge); DictRequester dictRequester (bridge); // We might as well enforce strict checking of order book updates // (at the expense of some performance). if (strictChecking) { cout << "MamdaOrderBook strict checking is on" << endl; MamdaOrderBook::setStrictChecking (true); } else { cout << "MamdaOrderBook strict checking is off" << endl; MamdaOrderBook::setStrictChecking (false); } // Get and initialize the dictionary if(dictFile) { MamaDictionary* dict =new MamaDictionary; dict->populateFromFile(dictFile); MamdaCommonFields::setDictionary (*dict); MamdaOrderBookFields::setDictionary (*dict); } else { dictRequester.requestDictionary (cmdLine.getDictSource()); MamdaCommonFields::setDictionary (*dictRequester.getDictionary()); MamdaOrderBookFields::setDictionary (*dictRequester.getDictionary ()); } const char* symbolMapFile = cmdLine.getSymbolMapFile (); if (symbolMapFile) { MamaSymbolMapFile* aMap = new MamaSymbolMapFile; if (MAMA_STATUS_OK == aMap->load (symbolMapFile)) { source->getTransport()->setSymbolMap (aMap); } } for (vector<const char*>::const_iterator i = symbolList.begin (); i != symbolList.end (); ++i) { const char* symbol = *i; MamdaSubscription* aSubscription = new MamdaSubscription; MamdaOrderBookListener* aBookListener = new MamdaOrderBookListener; aSubscription->addMsgListener (aBookListener); aBookListener->setProcessMarketOrders (processMarketOrders); aBookListener->setProcessEntries (processEntries); BookTicker* aTicker = new BookTicker; aBookListener->addHandler (aTicker); aSubscription->addQualityListener (aTicker); aSubscription->addErrorListener (aTicker); aTicker->setShowEntries (processEntries); aTicker->setShowMarketOrders (processMarketOrders); aTicker->setShowDeltas (showDeltas); aTicker->setPrecision (precision); aSubscription->setType (MAMA_SUBSC_TYPE_BOOK); aSubscription->setMdDataType (MAMA_MD_DATA_TYPE_ORDER_BOOK); aSubscription->create (queues.getNextQueue(), source, symbol); } Mama::start (bridge); } catch (MamaStatus &e) { // This exception can be thrown from Mama.open () // Mama::createTransport (transportName) and from // MamdaSubscription constructor when entitlements is enabled. cerr << "MamaStatus exception in main (): " << e.toString () << endl; exit (1); } catch (std::exception &ex) { cerr << "Exception in main (): " << ex.what () << endl; exit (1); } catch (...) { cerr << "Unknown Exception in main ()." << endl; exit (1); } exit (1); }