void DocumentManager::updateDocumentTab() { MapDocument *mapDocument = static_cast<MapDocument*>(sender()); const int index = mDocuments.indexOf(mapDocument); QString tabText = mapDocument->displayName(); if (mapDocument->isModified()) tabText.prepend(QLatin1Char('*')); mTabWidget->setTabText(index, tabText); mTabWidget->setTabToolTip(index, mapDocument->fileName()); }
QString Command::finalCommand() const { QString finalCommand = command; // Perform map filename replacement MapDocument *mapDocument = DocumentManager::instance()->currentDocument(); if (mapDocument) { const QString fileName = mapDocument->fileName(); finalCommand.replace(QLatin1String("%mapfile"), QString(QLatin1String("\"%1\"")).arg(fileName)); } return finalCommand; }
/** * Returns the last location of a file chooser for the given file type. As long * as it was set using setLastPath(). * * When no last path for this file type exists yet, the path of the currently * selected map is returned. * * When no map is open, the user's 'Documents' folder is returned. */ QString Preferences::lastPath(FileType fileType) const { QString path = mSettings->value(lastPathKey(fileType)).toString(); if (path.isEmpty()) { DocumentManager *documentManager = DocumentManager::instance(); MapDocument *mapDocument = documentManager->currentDocument(); if (mapDocument) path = QFileInfo(mapDocument->fileName()).path(); } if (path.isEmpty()) { path = QStandardPaths::writableLocation( QStandardPaths::DocumentsLocation); } return path; }