int main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc, argv);

    if ("--help"))
        return usage(argv[0]);

    // create a viewer:
    osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);

    // install our default manipulator (do this before calling load)
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( new EarthManipulator() );

    // Set up the app and read options:
    App app;

    std::string filename( "../data/noise3.png" ); "--image", filename );
    osg::Image* image = URI(filename).getImage();
    if ( !image )
        return usage( "Failed to load image" );
    app.dt.setImage( image );

    unsigned startLOD;
    if ("--lod", startLOD) )

    // Create the UI:
    ui::Control* demoui = createUI(app);

    // load an earth file, and support all or our example command-line options
    // and earth file <external> tags    
    osg::Node* node = MapNodeHelper().load( arguments, &viewer, demoui );
    if ( node )
        MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::findMapNode(node);
        if ( !mapNode )
            return -1;

        // bind a texture image unit for our detail texture.
        int unit = 1;
        if ( mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->getTextureCompositor()->reserveTextureImageUnit(unit) )
            app.dt.setImageUnit( unit );

        // attach the detailer to the terrain.
        app.dt.setTerrainNode( mapNode->getTerrainEngine() );

        viewer.setSceneData( node );;
        return usage("no earth file");

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc, argv);

    // create a viewer:
    osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);

    // Tell osgEarth to use the "quadtree" terrain driver by default.
    // Elevation data attribution is only available in this driver!
    osgEarth::Registry::instance()->setDefaultTerrainEngineDriverName( "quadtree" );

    // install our default manipulator (do this before calling load)
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( new EarthManipulator() );

    // load an earth file, and support all or our example command-line options
    // and earth file <external> tags    
    osg::Node* node = MapNodeHelper().load( arguments, &viewer );
    if ( node )
        MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::findMapNode(node);
        if ( !mapNode )
            return -1;

        if ( mapNode->getMap()->getNumElevationLayers() == 0 )
            OE_WARN << "No elevation layers! The contour will be very boring." << std::endl;

        // Set up a transfer function for the elevation contours.
        osg::ref_ptr<osg::TransferFunction1D> xfer = new osg::TransferFunction1D();
        xfer->setColor( -3000.0f, osg::Vec4f(0,0,0.5,1), false );
        xfer->setColor(   -10.0f, osg::Vec4f(0,0,0,1),   false );
        xfer->setColor(    10.0f, osg::Vec4f(0,1,0,1),   false );
        xfer->setColor(  1500.0f, osg::Vec4f(1,0,0,1),   false );
        xfer->setColor(  3000.0f, osg::Vec4f(1,1,1,1),   false );

        // request an available texture unit:
        int unit;

        // install the contour shaders:
        osg::Group* root = new osg::Group();
        root->setStateSet( createStateSet(xfer.get(), unit) );
        root->addChild( node );
        viewer.setSceneData( root );;
            << "\nUsage: " << argv[0] << "" << std::endl
            << MapNodeHelper().usage() << std::endl;

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc, argv);

    if ("--help"))
        return usage(argv[0]);

    // create a viewer:
    osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);

    // install our default manipulator (do this before calling load)
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( new EarthManipulator() );

    // Set up the app create the UI:
    App app;
    ui::Control* demo_ui = createUI(app);

    // load an earth file, and support all or our example command-line options
    // and earth file <external> tags    
    osg::Node* node = MapNodeHelper().load( arguments, &viewer, demo_ui );
    if ( node )
        MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::get(node);

        if ( !mapNode )
            return -1;

        app.engine = mapNode->getTerrainEngine();

        viewer.setSceneData( node );;
        return usage("no earth file");

    return 0;
ShadowUtils::setUpShadows(osgShadow::ShadowedScene* sscene, osg::Group* root)
    osg::StateSet* ssStateSet = sscene->getOrCreateStateSet();

    MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::findMapNode(root);
    TerrainEngineNode* engine = mapNode->getTerrainEngine();
    if (!engine)
        return false;

    TextureCompositor* compositor = engine->getTextureCompositor();
    int su = -1;
    if (!compositor->reserveTextureImageUnit(su))
        return false;

    OE_INFO << LC << "Reserved texture unit " << su << " for shadowing" << std::endl;

    osgShadow::ViewDependentShadowMap* vdsm =  dynamic_cast< osgShadow::ViewDependentShadowMap*>(sscene->getShadowTechnique());
    int su1 = -1;
    if (vdsm && sscene->getShadowSettings()->getNumShadowMapsPerLight() == 2)
        if (!compositor->reserveTextureImageUnit(su1) || su1 != su + 1)
            OE_FATAL << LC << "couldn't get contiguous shadows for split vdsm\n";
            if (su1 != -1)
            su1 = -1;
            OE_INFO << LC << "Reserved texture unit " << su1 << " for shadowing" << std::endl;

    // create a virtual program to attach to the shadowed scene.
    VirtualProgram* vp = new VirtualProgram();
    vp->setName( "shadow:terrain" );

    ssStateSet->setAttributeAndModes( vp, 1 );

    std::stringstream buf;
    buf << "#version " << GLSL_VERSION_STR << "\n";
    buf << "precision mediump float;\n";
    buf << "varying vec4 oe_shadow_ambient;\n";
    buf << "varying vec4 oe_shadow_TexCoord0;\n";
    if ( su1 >= 0 )
        buf << "varying vec4 oe_shadow_TexCoord1;\n";

    buf << "void oe_shadow_setupShadowCoords(inout vec4 VertexVIEW)\n";
    buf << "{\n";
    buf << "    vec4 position4 = VertexVIEW;\n";
    buf << "    oe_shadow_TexCoord0.s = dot( position4, gl_EyePlaneS[" << su <<"]);\n";
    buf << "    oe_shadow_TexCoord0.t = dot( position4, gl_EyePlaneT[" << su <<"]);\n";
    buf << "    oe_shadow_TexCoord0.p = dot( position4, gl_EyePlaneR[" << su <<"]);\n";
    buf << "    oe_shadow_TexCoord0.q = dot( position4, gl_EyePlaneQ[" << su <<"]);\n";
    if (su1 >= 0)
        buf << "    oe_shadow_TexCoord1.s = dot( position4, gl_EyePlaneS[" << su1 <<"]);\n";
        buf << "    oe_shadow_TexCoord1.t = dot( position4, gl_EyePlaneT[" << su1 <<"]);\n";
        buf << "    oe_shadow_TexCoord1.p = dot( position4, gl_EyePlaneR[" << su1 <<"]);\n";
        buf << "    oe_shadow_TexCoord1.q = dot( position4, gl_EyePlaneQ[" << su1 <<"]);\n";

    // the ambient lighting will control the intensity of the shadow.
    buf << "    oe_shadow_ambient = gl_FrontLightProduct[0].ambient; \n"
        << "}\n";

    std::string setupShadowCoords;
    setupShadowCoords = buf.str();

        -1.0 );

    std::stringstream buf2;
    buf2 <<
        "#version " << GLSL_VERSION_STR << "\n"
        "precision mediump float;\n"
        "uniform sampler2DShadow shadowTexture;\n"
        "varying vec4 oe_shadow_TexCoord0;\n";

    if (su1 >= 0)
        // bound by vdsm
        buf2 << "uniform sampler2DShadow shadowTexture1;\n";
        buf2 << "varying vec4 oe_shadow_TexCoord1;\n";
    buf2 <<
        "varying vec4 oe_shadow_ambient;\n"

        "void oe_shadow_applyLighting( inout vec4 color )\n"
        "    float alpha = color.a;\n"
        "    float shadowFac = shadow2DProj( shadowTexture, oe_shadow_TexCoord0).r;\n";
    if (su1 > 0)
        buf2 << "    shadowFac *= shadow2DProj( shadowTexture1, oe_shadow_TexCoord1).r;\n";

    // calculate the shadowed color and mix if with the lit color based on the
    // ambient lighting. The 0.5 is a multiplier that darkens the shadow in
    // proportion to ambient light. It should probably be a uniform.
    buf2 <<
        "    vec4 colorInFullShadow = color * oe_shadow_ambient; \n"
        "    color = mix(colorInFullShadow, color, shadowFac); \n"
        "    color.a = alpha;\n"

    std::string fragApplyLighting;
    fragApplyLighting = buf2.str();

        osgEarth::ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_LIGHTING );

    setShadowUnit(sscene, su);

    // VDSM uses a different sampler name, shadowTexture0.
        ->getOrCreateUniform("shadowTexture", osg::Uniform::SAMPLER_2D_SHADOW)

    return true;
main(int argc, char** argv)
    osg::ArgumentParser arguments(&argc,argv);

    // help?
    if ("--help") )
        return usage(argv[0]);

    // create a viewer:
    osgViewer::Viewer viewer(arguments);

    // Tell the database pager to not modify the unref settings
    viewer.getDatabasePager()->setUnrefImageDataAfterApplyPolicy( false, false );

    // install our default manipulator (do this before calling load)
    viewer.setCameraManipulator( new EarthManipulator(arguments) );

    // disable the small-feature culling

    // set a near/far ratio that is smaller than the default. This allows us to get
    // closer to the ground without near clipping. If you need more, use --logdepth

    // load an earth file, and support all or our example command-line options
    // and earth file <external> tags    
    osg::Node* node = MapNodeHelper().load( arguments, &viewer );
    if ( node )

        // Get the MapNode
        MapNode* mapNode = MapNode::findMapNode( node );

        // Find the Splat Extension
        SplatExtension* splatExtension = mapNode->getExtension<SplatExtension>();
        if (splatExtension)
            OE_NOTICE << "Found Splat Extension" << std::endl;

        LandCoverTerrainEffect* landCoverEffect = mapNode->getTerrainEngine()->getEffect<LandCoverTerrainEffect>();
        if (landCoverEffect)
            OE_NOTICE << "Found landcover terrain effect" << std::endl;

            for (Zones::const_iterator zoneItr = landCoverEffect->getZones().begin();
                zoneItr != landCoverEffect->getZones().end();
                // Get the StateSet for each of the LandCoverLayers
                for (LandCoverLayers::iterator landCoverItr = zoneItr->get()->getLandCover()->getLayers().begin();
                    landCoverItr != zoneItr->get()->getLandCover()->getLayers().end();
                    // Get the stateset for the layer.
                    osg::StateSet* stateset = landCoverItr->get()->getOrCreateStateSet();

                    // Get the VirtualProgram for this layer.
                    VirtualProgram* vp = VirtualProgram::getOrCreate(stateset);

                    // Make the "tree" layer all red.
                    if (landCoverItr->get()->getName() == "trees")
                        vp->setFunction( "color_landcover", color_landcover, ShaderComp::LOCATION_FRAGMENT_LIGHTING);

        viewer.setSceneData( node );
        return usage(argv[0]);