void BodyCreator::m_Split(const MapObject& object, b2Body* body)
	//check object shapes is valid
	if (!m_CheckShape(const_cast<MapObject&>(object))) return;

	const Shape& points = object.PolyPoints();
	Shapes shapes;
	if (object.Convex())
		shapes = m_ProcessConvex(points);
		shapes = m_ProcessConcave(points);

	for (auto& shape : shapes)
		sf::Uint16 s = shape.size();

		if (s > b2_maxPolygonVertices)
			//break into smaller and append
			Shapes moreShapes = m_ProcessConvex(shape);
			for (auto& anotherShape : moreShapes)
				m_CreateFixture(anotherShape, body);

			continue; //skip shape because it's too big
		m_CreateFixture(shape, body);
bool BodyCreator::m_CheckShape(MapObject& object)
	const Shape& points = object.PolyPoints();
	sf::Uint16 s = points.size();
	bool b1 = false;
	bool b2 = false;

	for (auto i = 0; i < s; i++)
		sf::Int16 i2 = (i < s - 1) ? i + 1 : 0;
		sf::Int16 i3 = (i > 0) ? i - 1 : s - 1;

		for (auto j = 0; j < s; j++)
			if (j != i && j != i2)
				if (!b1)
					float direction = m_GetWinding(points[i], points[i2], points[j]);
					if (direction > 0.f) b1 = true;

				if (j != i3)
					sf::Int16 j2 = (j < s - 1) ? j + 1 : 0;
					sf::Vector2f hp = m_HitPoint(points[i], points[i2], points[j], points[j2]);
					if (m_OnSeg(hp, points[i], points[i2])
						&& m_OnSeg(hp, points[j], points[j2]))
						std::cerr << "Object " << object.GetName() << " found with possible self intersection." << std::endl;
						std::cerr << "Skipping body creation." << std::endl;
						return false;
		if (!b1) b2 = true;

	if (b2)
		std::cerr << "Object " << object.GetName() << " vertices are wound in the wrong direction." << std::endl;
		std::cerr << "Attempting to fix..." << std::endl;
	return true;