/*void CFishEyeCorrect::ImageCorrect(const Mat& orgImg,Mat& dstImg1,Mat& dstImg2,Mat& dstImg3)
	dstImg1 =  Mat::zeros(Size(w/2,h/2),CV_8UC3); 
	dstImg2 =  Mat::zeros(Size(w/2,h/2),CV_8UC3);
	dstImg3 =  Mat::zeros(Size(w/2,h/2),CV_8UC3);
	#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int i =0;i < dstImg1.rows -1; ++i)
		int *data1 = ImgIndex1.ptr<int>(i*2);
		int *data2 = ImgIndex2.ptr<int>(i*2);
		int *data3 = ImgIndex3.ptr<int>(i*2);
		for (int j = 0; j < dstImg1.cols-1;++j)

		int u1 = data1[j*4];
		int v1 = data1[j*4 +1];
		int u2 = data2[j*4];
		int v2 = data2[j*4 +1];
		int u3 = data3[j*4];
		int v3 = data3[j*4 +1];
			if (u1 < orgImg.rows-1 && u1 > -1 && v1 < orgImg.cols-1 && v1 > -1 )
				*(dstImg1.data + dstImg1.step[0]*i + dstImg1.step[1]*j )
					= *(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u1 + orgImg.step[1]*v1 );
				*(dstImg1.data + dstImg1.step[0]*i + dstImg1.step[1]*j + dstImg1.elemSize1()) 
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u1 + orgImg.step[1]*v1 + orgImg.elemSize1());
				*(dstImg1.data + dstImg1.step[0]*i + dstImg1.step[1]*j + dstImg1.elemSize1() * 2)	                   
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u1 + orgImg.step[1]*v1 + orgImg.elemSize1() * 2);
			if (u2 < orgImg.rows-1 && u2 > -1 && v2 < orgImg.cols-1 && v2 > -1 )
				*(dstImg2.data + dstImg2.step[0]*i + dstImg2.step[1]*j )
					= *(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u2 + orgImg.step[1]*v2 );
				*(dstImg2.data + dstImg2.step[0]*i + dstImg2.step[1]*j + dstImg2.elemSize1()) 
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u2 + orgImg.step[1]*v2 + orgImg.elemSize1());
				*(dstImg2.data + dstImg2.step[0]*i + dstImg2.step[1]*j + dstImg2.elemSize1() * 2)	                   
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u2 + orgImg.step[1]*v2 + orgImg.elemSize1() * 2);
			if (u3 < orgImg.rows-1 && u3 > -1 && v3 < orgImg.cols-1 && v3 > -1 )
				*(dstImg3.data + dstImg3.step[0]*i + dstImg3.step[1]*j )
					= *(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u3 + orgImg.step[1]*v3 );
				*(dstImg3.data + dstImg3.step[0]*i + dstImg3.step[1]*j + dstImg3.elemSize1()) 
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u3 + orgImg.step[1]*v3 + orgImg.elemSize1());
				*(dstImg3.data + dstImg3.step[0]*i + dstImg3.step[1]*j + dstImg3.elemSize1() * 2)	                   
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u3 + orgImg.step[1]*v3 + orgImg.elemSize1() * 2);
void ImageCorrect(const Mat& orgImg,Mat& dstImg,Mat& ImgIndex )
	dstImg =  Mat::zeros(Size(w/2,h/2),CV_8UC3); 
	//#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int i =0;i < dstImg1.rows -1; ++i)
		int *data = ImgIndex.ptr<int>(i*2);
		for (int j = 0; j < dstImg1.cols-1;++j)

		  int u = data[j*4];
		  int v = data[j*4 +1];
			if (u < orgImg.rows-1 && u > -1 && v < orgImg.cols-1 && v > -1 )
				*(dstImg.data + dstImg.step[0]*i + dstImg.step[1]*j )
					= *(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u + orgImg.step[1]*v );
				*(dstImg.data + dstImg.step[0]*i + dstImg.step[1]*j + dstImg.elemSize1()) 
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u + orgImg.step[1]*v + orgImg.elemSize1());
				*(dstImg.data + dstImg.step[0]*i + dstImg.step[1]*j + dstImg.elemSize1() * 2)	                   
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u + orgImg.step[1]*v + orgImg.elemSize1() * 2);
void cv::ocl::oclMat::upload(const Mat &m)
    if (!Context::getContext()->supportsFeature(FEATURE_CL_DOUBLE) && m.depth() == CV_64F)
        CV_Error(Error::OpenCLDoubleNotSupported, "Selected device doesn't support double");

    Size wholeSize;
    Point ofs;
    m.locateROI(wholeSize, ofs);
    create(wholeSize, m.type());

    if (m.channels() == 3)
        int pitch = wholeSize.width * 3 * m.elemSize1();
        int tail_padding = m.elemSize1() * 3072;
        int err;
        cl_mem temp = clCreateBuffer(*(cl_context*)clCxt->getOpenCLContextPtr(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
                                     (pitch * wholeSize.height + tail_padding - 1) / tail_padding * tail_padding, 0, &err);

        openCLMemcpy2D(clCxt, temp, pitch, m.datastart, m.step, wholeSize.width * m.elemSize(), wholeSize.height, clMemcpyHostToDevice, 3);
        convert_C3C4(temp, *this);
        openCLMemcpy2D(clCxt, data, step, m.datastart, m.step, wholeSize.width * elemSize(), wholeSize.height, clMemcpyHostToDevice);

    rows = m.rows;
    cols = m.cols;
    offset = ofs.y * step + ofs.x * elemSize();
void cv::ocl::oclMat::upload(const Mat &m)
    Size wholeSize;
    Point ofs;
    m.locateROI(wholeSize, ofs);
    //   int type = m.type();
    //   if(m.oclchannels() == 3)
    //	type = CV_MAKETYPE(m.depth(), 4);
    create(wholeSize, m.type());

    if(m.channels() == 3)
        int pitch = wholeSize.width * 3 * m.elemSize1();
        int tail_padding = m.elemSize1() * 3072;
        int err;
        cl_mem temp = clCreateBuffer((cl_context)clCxt->oclContext(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
                                     (pitch * wholeSize.height + tail_padding - 1) / tail_padding * tail_padding, 0, &err);

        openCLMemcpy2D(clCxt, temp, pitch, m.datastart, m.step, wholeSize.width * m.elemSize(), wholeSize.height, clMemcpyHostToDevice, 3);
        convert_C3C4(temp, *this);
        //int* cputemp=new int[wholeSize.height*wholeSize.width * 3];
        //int* cpudata=new int[this->step*this->wholerows/sizeof(int)];
        //openCLSafeCall(clEnqueueReadBuffer(clCxt->impl->clCmdQueue, temp, CL_TRUE,
        //						0, wholeSize.height*wholeSize.width * 3* sizeof(int), cputemp, 0, NULL, NULL));
        //openCLSafeCall(clEnqueueReadBuffer(clCxt->impl->clCmdQueue, (cl_mem)data, CL_TRUE,
        //						0, this->step*this->wholerows, cpudata, 0, NULL, NULL));
        //for(int i=0;i<wholeSize.height;i++)
        //	int *a = cputemp+i*wholeSize.width * 3,*b = cpudata + i*this->step/sizeof(int);
        //	for(int j=0;j<wholeSize.width;j++)
        //	{
        //		if((a[3*j] != b[4*j])||(a[3*j+1] != b[4*j+1])||(a[3*j+2] != b[4*j+2]))
        //			printf("rows=%d,cols=%d,cputtemp=%d,%d,%d;cpudata=%d,%d,%d\n",
        //			i,j,a[3*j],a[3*j+1],a[3*j+2],b[4*j],b[4*j+1],b[4*j+2]);
        //	}
        //delete []cputemp;
        //delete []cpudata;
        openCLMemcpy2D(clCxt, data, step, m.datastart, m.step, wholeSize.width * elemSize(), wholeSize.height, clMemcpyHostToDevice);

    rows = m.rows;
    cols = m.cols;
    offset = ofs.y * step + ofs.x * elemSize();
    //download_channels = m.channels();
template<typename _Tp> void resizeMatChannelType(Mat& src_mat, Mat& dest_mat, double val)
	CV_Assert(!src_mat.empty() && !dest_mat.empty());
	CV_Assert(src_mat.cols == dest_mat.cols && src_mat.rows == dest_mat.rows);

	int src_channel = src_mat.channels();
	int dest_channel = dest_mat.channels();
	int diff_channel = dest_channel - src_channel;
	int byte_size = src_mat.elemSize1();
	int src_block = src_mat.elemSize();
	int dest_block = dest_mat.elemSize();
	int mat_size = src_mat.rows * src_mat.cols;

	int copy_channel = (diff_channel < 0) ? dest_channel : src_channel;
	int copy_byte = copy_channel * byte_size;

	int type = src_mat.depth();

	unsigned char* src_data = src_mat.data;
	unsigned char* dest_data = dest_mat.data;
	unsigned char* dest_ptr;

	int i,j;
	for(i=0; i<mat_size; i++){
		memcpy(dest_data+i*dest_block, src_data+i*src_block, copy_byte);
			dest_ptr = dest_data + i*dest_block + copy_byte + j*byte_size;
			*((_Tp*)dest_ptr) = (_Tp)val;
void wrapCVMat(Mat& cvMat, image_t& img) {

    img.height = cvMat.rows;
    img.width = cvMat.cols;
    img.depth = cvMat.channels();
    img.pitch = cvMat.cols*cvMat.elemSize();
    img.itemSize = cvMat.elemSize1();
    img.data = cvMat.ptr();
void cv::ocl::oclMat::upload(const Mat &m)
    Size wholeSize;
    Point ofs;
    m.locateROI(wholeSize, ofs);
    if(m.channels() == 3)
        create(wholeSize, m.type());
        int pitch = wholeSize.width * 3 * m.elemSize1();
        int tail_padding = m.elemSize1() * 3072;
        int err;
        cl_mem temp;
        if(gDeviceMemType!=DEVICE_MEM_UHP && gDeviceMemType!=DEVICE_MEM_CHP){
            temp = clCreateBuffer((cl_context)clCxt->oclContext(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE,
                                  (pitch * wholeSize.height + tail_padding - 1) / tail_padding * tail_padding, 0, &err);
            openCLMemcpy2D(clCxt, temp, pitch, m.datastart, m.step,
                           wholeSize.width * m.elemSize(), wholeSize.height, clMemcpyHostToDevice, 3);
            temp = clCreateBuffer((cl_context)clCxt->oclContext(), CL_MEM_READ_WRITE|CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR,
                                  (pitch * wholeSize.height + tail_padding - 1) / tail_padding * tail_padding, m.datastart, &err);

        convert_C3C4(temp, *this);
        // try to use host ptr
        createEx(wholeSize, m.type(), gDeviceMemRW, gDeviceMemType, m.datastart);
        if(gDeviceMemType!=DEVICE_MEM_UHP && gDeviceMemType!=DEVICE_MEM_CHP)
            openCLMemcpy2D(clCxt, data, step, m.datastart, m.step,
                           wholeSize.width * elemSize(), wholeSize.height, clMemcpyHostToDevice);

    rows = m.rows;
    cols = m.cols;
    offset = ofs.y * step + ofs.x * elemSize();
void cv::split(const Mat& src, Mat* mv)
    int k, depth = src.depth(), cn = src.channels();
    if( cn == 1 )

    SplitFunc func = splitTab[depth];
    CV_Assert( func != 0 );
    int esz = (int)src.elemSize(), esz1 = (int)src.elemSize1();
    int blocksize0 = (BLOCK_SIZE + esz-1)/esz;
    AutoBuffer<uchar> _buf((cn+1)*(sizeof(Mat*) + sizeof(uchar*)) + 16);
    const Mat** arrays = (const Mat**)(uchar*)_buf;
    uchar** ptrs = (uchar**)alignPtr(arrays + cn + 1, 16);
    arrays[0] = &src;
    for( k = 0; k < cn; k++ )
        mv[k].create(src.dims, src.size, depth);
        arrays[k+1] = &mv[k];
    NAryMatIterator it(arrays, ptrs, cn+1);
    int total = (int)it.size, blocksize = cn <= 4 ? total : std::min(total, blocksize0);
    for( size_t i = 0; i < it.nplanes; i++, ++it )
        for( int j = 0; j < total; j += blocksize )
            int bsz = std::min(total - j, blocksize);
            func( ptrs[0], &ptrs[1], bsz, cn );
            if( j + blocksize < total )
                ptrs[0] += bsz*esz;
                for( k = 0; k < cn; k++ )
                    ptrs[k+1] += bsz*esz1;
void split(const Mat& src, Mat* mv)
    static SplitFunc tab[] =
        splitC2_<uchar>, splitC2_<ushort>, splitC2_<int>, 0, splitC2_<int64>,
        splitC3_<uchar>, splitC3_<ushort>, splitC3_<int>, 0, splitC3_<int64>,
        splitC4_<uchar>, splitC4_<ushort>, splitC4_<int>, 0, splitC4_<int64>

    int i, depth = src.depth(), cn = src.channels();

    if( cn == 1 )

    for( i = 0; i < cn; i++ )
        mv[i].create(src.dims, src.size, depth);

    if( cn <= 4 )
        SplitFunc func = tab[(cn-2)*5 + (src.elemSize1()>>1)];
        CV_Assert( func != 0 );
        if( src.dims > 2 )
            const Mat* arrays[5];
            Mat planes[5];
            arrays[0] = &src;
            for( i = 0; i < cn; i++ )
                arrays[i+1] = &mv[i];
            NAryMatIterator it(arrays, planes, cn+1);
            for( int i = 0; i < it.nplanes; i++, ++it )
                func( it.planes[0], &it.planes[1] );
            func( src, mv );
void FisheyeImgCorrect::ImageCorrect(Mat& orgImg,Mat& dstImg1,Mat& dstImg2,Mat& dstImg3)

	dstImg1 =  Mat::zeros(Size(w/2,h/2),CV_8UC3); 
	dstImg2 =  Mat::zeros(Size(w/2,h/2),CV_8UC3);
	dstImg3 =  Mat::zeros(Size(w/2,h/2),CV_8UC3);

	for (int i =0;i < dstImg1.rows -1; ++i)
		int *data1 = ImgIndex1.ptr<int>(i*2);
		int *data2 = ImgIndex2.ptr<int>(i*2);
		int *data3 = ImgIndex3.ptr<int>(i*2);
		for (int j = 0; j < dstImg1.cols-1;++j)
			int u1 = data1[j*4];
			int v1 = data1[j*4 +1];
			int u2 = data2[j*4];
			int v2 = data2[j*4 +1];
			int u3 = data3[j*4];
			int v3 = data3[j*4 +1];

			if (u1 < orgImg.rows-1 && u1 > -1 && v1 < orgImg.cols-1 && v1 > -1 )
				//dstImg1.at<Vec3b>(i,j) = orgImg.at<Vec3b>(u1,v1);
				*(dstImg1.data + dstImg1.step[0]*i + dstImg1.step[1]*j )
					= *(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u1 + orgImg.step[1]*v1 );
				*(dstImg1.data + dstImg1.step[0]*i + dstImg1.step[1]*j + dstImg1.elemSize1()) 
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u1 + orgImg.step[1]*v1 + orgImg.elemSize1());
				*(dstImg1.data + dstImg1.step[0]*i + dstImg1.step[1]*j + dstImg1.elemSize1() * 2)	                   
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u1 + orgImg.step[1]*v1 + orgImg.elemSize1() * 2);	

			if (u2 < orgImg.rows-1 && u2 > -1 && v2 < orgImg.cols-1 && v2 > -1 )
				//dstImg2.at<Vec3b>(i,j) = orgImg.at<Vec3b>(u2, v2);

				*(dstImg2.data + dstImg2.step[0]*i + dstImg2.step[1]*j )
					= *(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u2 + orgImg.step[1]*v2 );
				*(dstImg2.data + dstImg2.step[0]*i + dstImg2.step[1]*j + dstImg2.elemSize1()) 
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u2 + orgImg.step[1]*v2 + orgImg.elemSize1());
				*(dstImg2.data + dstImg2.step[0]*i + dstImg2.step[1]*j + dstImg2.elemSize1() * 2)	                   
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u2 + orgImg.step[1]*v2 + orgImg.elemSize1() * 2);
			if (u3 < orgImg.rows-1 && u3 > -1 && v3 < orgImg.cols-1 && v3 > -1 )
				//dstImg3.at<Vec3b>(i,j) = orgImg.at<Vec3b>(u3,v3);
				*(dstImg3.data + dstImg3.step[0]*i + dstImg3.step[1]*j )
					= *(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u3 + orgImg.step[1]*v3 );
				*(dstImg3.data + dstImg3.step[0]*i + dstImg3.step[1]*j + dstImg3.elemSize1()) 
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u3 + orgImg.step[1]*v3 + orgImg.elemSize1());
				*(dstImg3.data + dstImg3.step[0]*i + dstImg3.step[1]*j + dstImg3.elemSize1() * 2)	                   
					=*(orgImg.data + orgImg.step[0]*u3 + orgImg.step[1]*v3 + orgImg.elemSize1() * 2);
bool  TiffDecoder::readData( Mat& img )
    bool result = false;
    bool color = img.channels() > 1;
    uchar* data = img.data;
    int step = (int)img.step;

    if( img.depth() != CV_8U && img.depth() != CV_16U && img.depth() != CV_32F && img.depth() != CV_64F )
        return false;

    if( m_tif && m_width && m_height )
        TIFF* tif = (TIFF*)m_tif;
        int tile_width0 = m_width, tile_height0 = 0;
        int x, y, i;
        int is_tiled = TIFFIsTiled(tif);
        int photometric;
        TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_PHOTOMETRIC, &photometric );
        int bpp = 8, ncn = photometric > 1 ? 3 : 1;
        TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_BITSPERSAMPLE, &bpp );
        TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_SAMPLESPERPIXEL, &ncn );
        const int bitsPerByte = 8;
        int dst_bpp = (int)(img.elemSize1() * bitsPerByte);

        if(dst_bpp == 8)
            char errmsg[1024];
            if(!TIFFRGBAImageOK( tif, errmsg ))
                return false;

        if( (!is_tiled) ||
            (is_tiled &&
            TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_TILEWIDTH, &tile_width0 ) &&
            TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_TILELENGTH, &tile_height0 )))
                TIFFGetField( tif, TIFFTAG_ROWSPERSTRIP, &tile_height0 );

            if( tile_width0 <= 0 )
                tile_width0 = m_width;

            if( tile_height0 <= 0 )
                tile_height0 = m_height;

            AutoBuffer<uchar> _buffer(tile_height0*tile_width0*8);
            uchar* buffer = _buffer;
            ushort* buffer16 = (ushort*)buffer;
            float* buffer32 = (float*)buffer;
            double* buffer64 = (double*)buffer;
            int tileidx = 0;

            for( y = 0; y < m_height; y += tile_height0, data += step*tile_height0 )
                int tile_height = tile_height0;

                if( y + tile_height > m_height )
                    tile_height = m_height - y;

                for( x = 0; x < m_width; x += tile_width0, tileidx++ )
                    int tile_width = tile_width0, ok;

                    if( x + tile_width > m_width )
                        tile_width = m_width - x;

                        case 8:
                            if( !is_tiled )
                                ok = TIFFReadRGBAStrip( tif, y, (uint32*)buffer );
                                ok = TIFFReadRGBATile( tif, x, y, (uint32*)buffer );

                            if( !ok )
                                return false;

                            for( i = 0; i < tile_height; i++ )
                                if( color )
                                    icvCvt_BGRA2BGR_8u_C4C3R( buffer + i*tile_width*4, 0,
                                                             data + x*3 + step*(tile_height - i - 1), 0,
                                                             cvSize(tile_width,1), 2 );
                                    icvCvt_BGRA2Gray_8u_C4C1R( buffer + i*tile_width*4, 0,
                                                              data + x + step*(tile_height - i - 1), 0,
                                                              cvSize(tile_width,1), 2 );

                        case 16:
                            if( !is_tiled )
                                ok = (int)TIFFReadEncodedStrip( tif, tileidx, (uint32*)buffer, (tsize_t)-1 ) >= 0;
                                ok = (int)TIFFReadEncodedTile( tif, tileidx, (uint32*)buffer, (tsize_t)-1 ) >= 0;

                            if( !ok )
                                return false;

                            for( i = 0; i < tile_height; i++ )
                                if( color )
                                    if( ncn == 1 )
                                        icvCvt_Gray2BGR_16u_C1C3R(buffer16 + i*tile_width*ncn, 0,
                                                                  (ushort*)(data + step*i) + x*3, 0,
                                                                  cvSize(tile_width,1) );
                                    else if( ncn == 3 )
                                        icvCvt_RGB2BGR_16u_C3R(buffer16 + i*tile_width*ncn, 0,
                                                               (ushort*)(data + step*i) + x*3, 0,
                                                               cvSize(tile_width,1) );
                                        icvCvt_BGRA2BGR_16u_C4C3R(buffer16 + i*tile_width*ncn, 0,
                                                               (ushort*)(data + step*i) + x*3, 0,
                                                               cvSize(tile_width,1), 2 );
                                    if( ncn == 1 )
                                        memcpy((ushort*)(data + step*i)+x,
                                               buffer16 + i*tile_width*ncn,
                                        icvCvt_BGRA2Gray_16u_CnC1R(buffer16 + i*tile_width*ncn, 0,
                                                               (ushort*)(data + step*i) + x, 0,
                                                               cvSize(tile_width,1), ncn, 2 );

                        case 32:
                        case 64:
                            if( !is_tiled )
                                ok = (int)TIFFReadEncodedStrip( tif, tileidx, buffer, (tsize_t)-1 ) >= 0;
                                ok = (int)TIFFReadEncodedTile( tif, tileidx, buffer, (tsize_t)-1 ) >= 0;

                            if( !ok || ncn != 1 )
                                return false;

                            for( i = 0; i < tile_height; i++ )
                                if(dst_bpp == 32)
                                    memcpy((float*)(data + step*i)+x,
                                           buffer32 + i*tile_width*ncn,
                                    memcpy((double*)(data + step*i)+x,
                                         buffer64 + i*tile_width*ncn,

                            return false;

            result = true;

    return result;
bool  PxMEncoder::write( const Mat& img, const std::vector<int>& params )
    bool isBinary = true;

    int  width = img.cols, height = img.rows;
    int  _channels = img.channels(), depth = (int)img.elemSize1()*8;
    int  channels = _channels > 1 ? 3 : 1;
    int  fileStep = width*(int)img.elemSize();
    int  x, y;

    for( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i += 2 )
        if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_PXM_BINARY )
            isBinary = params[i+1] != 0;

    WLByteStream strm;

    if( m_buf )
        if( !strm.open(*m_buf) )
            return false;
        int t = CV_MAKETYPE(img.depth(), channels);
        m_buf->reserve( alignSize(256 + (isBinary ? fileStep*height :
            ((t == CV_8UC1 ? 4 : t == CV_8UC3 ? 4*3+2 :
            t == CV_16UC1 ? 6 : 6*3+2)*width+1)*height), 256));
    else if( !strm.open(m_filename) )
        return false;

    int  lineLength;
    int  bufferSize = 128; // buffer that should fit a header

    if( isBinary )
        lineLength = width * (int)img.elemSize();
        lineLength = (6 * channels + (channels > 1 ? 2 : 0)) * width + 32;

    if( bufferSize < lineLength )
        bufferSize = lineLength;

    AutoBuffer<char> _buffer(bufferSize);
    char* buffer = _buffer;

    // write header;
    sprintf( buffer, "P%c\n%d %d\n%d\n",
             '2' + (channels > 1 ? 1 : 0) + (isBinary ? 3 : 0),
             width, height, (1 << depth) - 1 );

    strm.putBytes( buffer, (int)strlen(buffer) );

    for( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
        uchar* data = img.data + img.step*y;
        if( isBinary )
            if( _channels == 3 )
                if( depth == 8 )
                    icvCvt_BGR2RGB_8u_C3R( (uchar*)data, 0,
                        (uchar*)buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1) );
                    icvCvt_BGR2RGB_16u_C3R( (ushort*)data, 0,
                        (ushort*)buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1) );

            // swap endianness if necessary
            if( depth == 16 && !isBigEndian() )
                if( _channels == 1 )
                    memcpy( buffer, data, fileStep );
                for( x = 0; x < width*channels*2; x += 2 )
                    uchar v = buffer[x];
                    buffer[x] = buffer[x + 1];
                    buffer[x + 1] = v;
            strm.putBytes( (channels > 1 || depth > 8) ? buffer : (char*)data, fileStep );
            char* ptr = buffer;

            if( channels > 1 )
                if( depth == 8 )
                    for( x = 0; x < width*channels; x += channels )
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 4d", data[x + 2] );
                        ptr += 4;
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 4d", data[x + 1] );
                        ptr += 4;
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 4d", data[x] );
                        ptr += 4;
                        *ptr++ = ' ';
                        *ptr++ = ' ';
                    for( x = 0; x < width*channels; x += channels )
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 6d", ((ushort *)data)[x + 2] );
                        ptr += 6;
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 6d", ((ushort *)data)[x + 1] );
                        ptr += 6;
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 6d", ((ushort *)data)[x] );
                        ptr += 6;
                        *ptr++ = ' ';
                        *ptr++ = ' ';
                if( depth == 8 )
                    for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 4d", data[x] );
                        ptr += 4;
                    for( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
                        sprintf( ptr, "% 6d", ((ushort *)data)[x] );
                        ptr += 6;

            *ptr++ = '\n';

            strm.putBytes( buffer, (int)(ptr - buffer) );

    return true;
static void convertFromCCS( const Mat& _src0, const Mat& _src1, Mat& _dst, int flags )
    if( _dst.rows > 1 && (_dst.cols > 1 || (flags & DFT_ROWS)) )
        int i, count = _dst.rows, len = _dst.cols;
        bool is2d = (flags & DFT_ROWS) == 0;
        Mat src0row, src1row, dstrow;
        for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            int j = !is2d || i == 0 ? i : count - i;
            src0row = _src0.row(i);
            src1row = _src1.row(j);
            dstrow = _dst.row(i);
            convertFromCCS( src0row, src1row, dstrow, 0 );

        if( is2d )
            src0row = _src0.col(0);
            dstrow = _dst.col(0);
            convertFromCCS( src0row, src0row, dstrow, 0 );
            if( (len & 1) == 0 )
                src0row = _src0.col(_src0.cols - 1);
                dstrow = _dst.col(len/2);
                convertFromCCS( src0row, src0row, dstrow, 0 );
        int i, n = _dst.cols + _dst.rows - 1, n2 = (n+1) >> 1;
        int cn = _src0.channels();
        int srcstep = cn, dststep = 1;

        if( !_dst.isContinuous() )
            dststep = (int)(_dst.step/_dst.elemSize());

        if( !_src0.isContinuous() )
            srcstep = (int)(_src0.step/_src0.elemSize1());

        if( _dst.depth() == CV_32F )
            Complexf* dst = _dst.ptr<Complexf>();
            const float* src0 = _src0.ptr<float>();
            const float* src1 = _src1.ptr<float>();
            int delta0, delta1;

            dst->re = src0[0];
            dst->im = 0;

            if( (n & 1) == 0 )
                dst[n2*dststep].re = src0[(cn == 1 ? n-1 : n2)*srcstep];
                dst[n2*dststep].im = 0;

            delta0 = srcstep;
            delta1 = delta0 + (cn == 1 ? srcstep : 1);
            if( cn == 1 )
                srcstep *= 2;

            for( i = 1; i < n2; i++, delta0 += srcstep, delta1 += srcstep )
                float t0 = src0[delta0];
                float t1 = src0[delta1];

                dst[i*dststep].re = t0;
                dst[i*dststep].im = t1;

                t0 = src1[delta0];
                t1 = -src1[delta1];

                dst[(n-i)*dststep].re = t0;
                dst[(n-i)*dststep].im = t1;
            Complexd* dst = _dst.ptr<Complexd>();
            const double* src0 = _src0.ptr<double>();
            const double* src1 = _src1.ptr<double>();
            int delta0, delta1;

            dst->re = src0[0];
            dst->im = 0;

            if( (n & 1) == 0 )
                dst[n2*dststep].re = src0[(cn == 1 ? n-1 : n2)*srcstep];
                dst[n2*dststep].im = 0;

            delta0 = srcstep;
            delta1 = delta0 + (cn == 1 ? srcstep : 1);
            if( cn == 1 )
                srcstep *= 2;

            for( i = 1; i < n2; i++, delta0 += srcstep, delta1 += srcstep )
                double t0 = src0[delta0];
                double t1 = src0[delta1];

                dst[i*dststep].re = t0;
                dst[i*dststep].im = t1;

                t0 = src1[delta0];
                t1 = -src1[delta1];

                dst[(n-i)*dststep].re = t0;
                dst[(n-i)*dststep].im = t1;
void cv::merge(const Mat* mv, size_t n, OutputArray _dst)
    CV_Assert( mv && n > 0 );
    int depth = mv[0].depth();
    bool allch1 = true;
    int k, cn = 0;
    size_t i;
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
        CV_Assert(mv[i].size == mv[0].size && mv[i].depth() == depth);
        allch1 = allch1 && mv[i].channels() == 1;
        cn += mv[i].channels();
    CV_Assert( 0 < cn && cn <= CV_CN_MAX );
    _dst.create(mv[0].dims, mv[0].size, CV_MAKETYPE(depth, cn));
    Mat dst = _dst.getMat();
    if( n == 1 )
    if( !allch1 )
        AutoBuffer<int> pairs(cn*2);
        int j, ni=0;
        for( i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++, j += ni )
            ni = mv[i].channels();
            for( k = 0; k < ni; k++ )
                pairs[(j+k)*2] = j + k;
                pairs[(j+k)*2+1] = j + k;
        mixChannels( mv, n, &dst, 1, &pairs[0], cn );
    size_t esz = dst.elemSize(), esz1 = dst.elemSize1();
    int blocksize0 = (int)((BLOCK_SIZE + esz-1)/esz);
    AutoBuffer<uchar> _buf((cn+1)*(sizeof(Mat*) + sizeof(uchar*)) + 16);
    const Mat** arrays = (const Mat**)(uchar*)_buf;
    uchar** ptrs = (uchar**)alignPtr(arrays + cn + 1, 16);
    arrays[0] = &dst;
    for( k = 0; k < cn; k++ )
        arrays[k+1] = &mv[k];
    NAryMatIterator it(arrays, ptrs, cn+1);
    int total = (int)it.size, blocksize = cn <= 4 ? total : std::min(total, blocksize0);
    MergeFunc func = mergeTab[depth];
    for( i = 0; i < it.nplanes; i++, ++it )
        for( int j = 0; j < total; j += blocksize )
            int bsz = std::min(total - j, blocksize);
            func( (const uchar**)&ptrs[1], ptrs[0], bsz, cn );
            if( j + blocksize < total )
                ptrs[0] += bsz*esz;
                for( int k = 0; k < cn; k++ )
                    ptrs[k+1] += bsz*esz1;
文件: cnn.cpp 项目: arlose/cv
bool cnn::getImg(Mat matImg)
		return false;
	    	int ch = matImg.channels();
		int width = matImg.cols;
		int height = matImg.rows;
		input = new double[ch*width*height];

		    	for(int t=0; t<ch; t++)
		        	for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
					for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
						input[t*width*height+row*width+col] = ((static_cast<double>(*(matImg.data + matImg.step[0] * row + matImg.step[1] * col + matImg.elemSize1() * (2-t))) / 255)-0.5)*2;
		else if(ch==1)
			for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
				for (int col = 0; col < width; col++)
					input[row*width+col] = ((static_cast<double>(*(matImg.data + matImg.step[0] * row + matImg.step[1] * col)) / 255)-0.5)*2;
		return true;
// opencv
void resize_opt_INTER_LINEAR2(Mat &src, Mat &dst,Size dsize, double fx, double fy)
	int depth = src.depth(), cn = src.channels();
    size_t srcstep = src.step / src.elemSize1(); //5760 
	Size ssize = src.size(), dsize_ = dst.size();
	Size ssize1 = ssize;
	Size dsize1_ = dsize_;
    double scale_x = 1./fx, scale_y = 1./fy;
    int iscale_x = saturate_cast<int>(scale_x);
    int iscale_y = saturate_cast<int>(scale_y);
	int area = iscale_x*iscale_y; //4
	AutoBuffer<int> _ofs(area + dsize_.width*cn);
	int* ofs = _ofs;
    int* xofs = ofs + area;
	float scale = 1.f/(area);
    int dwidth1 = (ssize.width/scale_x)*cn;
    dsize1_.width *= cn;
    ssize1.width *= cn;
    int dy, dx, k = 0;
	int sx, sy;
	for( sy = 0, k = 0; sy < iscale_y; sy++ )
        for( sx = 0; sx < iscale_x; sx++ )
            ofs[k++] = (int)(sy*srcstep + sx*cn);

    for( dx = 0; dx < dsize_.width; dx++ )
        int j = dx * cn;
        sx = iscale_x * j;
        for( k = 0; k < cn; k++ )
            xofs[j + k] = sx + k;

		Range range(0, dst.rows);

        for( dy = range.start; dy < range.end; dy++ )
            T* D = (T*)(dst.data + dst.step*dy);
            int sy0 = dy*scale_y;
            int w = sy0 + scale_y <= ssize1.height ? dwidth1 : 0;

            if( sy0 >= ssize1.height )
                for( dx = 0; dx < dsize1_.width; dx++ )
                    D[dx] = 0;

#if 0
				const T* nextS = (const T*)((const uchar*)src.data + src.step);
				int dx = 0;

				if (cn == 1)
					for( ; dx < w; ++dx )
						int index = dx*2;
						D[dx] = (T)((S[index] + S[index+1] + nextS[index] + nextS[index+1] + 2) >> 2);
				else if (cn == 3)
					for( ; dx < w; dx += 3 )
						int index = dx*2;
						D[dx] = (T)((S[index] + S[index+3] + nextS[index] + nextS[index+3] + 2) >> 2);
						D[dx+1] = (T)((S[index+1] + S[index+4] + nextS[index+1] + nextS[index+4] + 2) >> 2);
						D[dx+2] = (T)((S[index+2] + S[index+5] + nextS[index+2] + nextS[index+5] + 2) >> 2);
						assert(cn == 4);
						for( ; dx < w; dx += 4 )
							int index = dx*2;
							D[dx] = (T)((S[index] + S[index+4] + nextS[index] + nextS[index+4] + 2) >> 2);
							D[dx+1] = (T)((S[index+1] + S[index+5] + nextS[index+1] + nextS[index+5] + 2) >> 2);
							D[dx+2] = (T)((S[index+2] + S[index+6] + nextS[index+2] + nextS[index+6] + 2) >> 2);
							D[dx+3] = (T)((S[index+3] + S[index+7] + nextS[index+3] + nextS[index+7] + 2) >> 2);
bool PAMEncoder::write( const Mat& img, const std::vector<int>& params )

    WLByteStream strm;

    int width = img.cols, height = img.rows;
    int stride = width*(int)img.elemSize();
    const uchar* data = img.ptr();
    const struct pam_format *fmt = NULL;
    int x, y, tmp, bufsize = 256;

    /* parse save file type */
    for( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i += 2 )
        if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_PAM_TUPLETYPE ) {
            if ( params[i+1] > CV_IMWRITE_PAM_FORMAT_NULL &&
                 params[i+1] < (int) PAM_FORMATS_NO)
                fmt = &formats[params[i+1]];

    if( m_buf )
        if( !strm.open(*m_buf) )
            return false;
        m_buf->reserve( alignSize(256 + stride*height, 256));
    else if( !strm.open(m_filename) )
        return false;

    tmp = width * (int)img.elemSize();

    if (bufsize < tmp)
        bufsize = tmp;

    AutoBuffer<char> _buffer(bufsize);
    char* buffer = _buffer.data();

    /* write header */
    tmp = 0;
    tmp += sprintf( buffer, "P7\n");
    tmp += sprintf( buffer + tmp, "WIDTH %d\n", width);
    tmp += sprintf( buffer + tmp, "HEIGHT %d\n", height);
    tmp += sprintf( buffer + tmp, "DEPTH %d\n", img.channels());
    tmp += sprintf( buffer + tmp, "MAXVAL %d\n", (1 << img.elemSize1()*8) - 1);
    if (fmt)
        tmp += sprintf( buffer + tmp, "TUPLTYPE %s\n", fmt->name );
    sprintf( buffer + tmp, "ENDHDR\n" );

    strm.putBytes( buffer, (int)strlen(buffer) );
    /* write data */
    if (img.depth() == CV_8U)
        strm.putBytes( data, stride*height );
    else if (img.depth() == CV_16U) {
        /* fix endianness */
        if (!isBigEndian()) {
            for( y = 0; y < height; y++ ) {
                memcpy( buffer, img.ptr(y), stride );
                for( x = 0; x < stride; x += 2 )
                    uchar v = buffer[x];
                    buffer[x] = buffer[x + 1];
                    buffer[x + 1] = v;
                strm.putBytes( buffer, stride );
        } else
            strm.putBytes( data, stride*height );
    } else
        CV_Error(Error::StsInternal, "");

    return true;