	void Compute(const ImageRGB<byte>& imagergb,
							 const ImageHSV<byte>& imagehsv,
							 const MatI& seg,
							 int num_segments) {
		const int& w = imagergb.GetWidth();
		const int& h = imagergb.GetHeight();
		// Compute pixel features
		pixel_ftrs.Compute(imagergb, imagehsv);

		// Build histograms over labels for each segment
		hists.Resize(num_segments, pixel_ftrs.label_map.MaxValue()+1);
		for (int r = 0; r < h; r++) {
			const int* labelrow = pixel_ftrs.label_map[r];
			const int* segrow = seg[r];
			for (int c = 0; c < w; c++) {
				hists[ segrow[c] ][ labelrow[c] ]++;

		// Normalize the histograms
		for (int i = 0; i < num_segments; i++) {
			features[i] = hists.GetRow(i);
			features[i] /= features[i].Sum();
	void Compute(const ROI& roi,
							 const MatI& mask,
							 const MatF& magsqr,
							 const MatF& orient) {
		const float cx = roi.CenterX();
		const float cy = roi.CenterY();		
		diaglen = sqrtf(roi.Width()*roi.Width() + roi.Height()*roi.Height());

		hist.Resize(*gvThetaBins, *gvRhoBins);

		// Compute the (theta,rho) histogram
		for (int y = roi.Top(); y < roi.Bottom(); y++) {
			const float* orientrow = orient[y];
			const float* magrow = magsqr[y];
			for (int x = roi.Left(); x < roi.Right(); x++) {
				if (mask[y-roi.Top()][x-roi.Left()]) {
					const float theta = OpenUpAngle(orientrow[x]);
					const float rho = (x-cx) * cos(theta)	+ (y-cy) * sin(theta);
					const int theta_bin = ThetaToBin(theta);
					const int rho_bin = RhoToBin(rho);
					const float mag = sqrtf(magrow[x]);
					hist[theta_bin][rho_bin] += mag;

		// Find edgels
		int nn = 0;
		for (int y = 0; y < hist.Rows(); y++) {
			for (int x = 0; x < hist.Cols(); x++) {
				if (hist[y][x] >= *gvThresh) {
					const float theta = BinToTheta(y);
					const float rho = BinToRho(x);
					const float costh = cos(theta);
					const float sinth = sin(theta);
					const Vec3F line(costh, sinth, -cx*costh - cy*sinth - rho);
					Edgel cur(theta, rho, hist[y][x], line);
					ClipLineToROI(cur.line, roi, cur.start, cur.end);