* Deletes the selected stage when the user selects the delete menu option.
void StageView::OnDeleteStage() {
	CListCtrl &list = GetListCtrl();
	POSITION pos = list.GetFirstSelectedItemPosition();
	int nItem = -1;
	if( pos ) {
		nItem = list.GetNextSelectedItem( pos );
		if( nItem > 0 ) {
			int result = MessageBox( "Are you sure you want to delete this stage?", "Delete?", MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO );
			if( result == IDYES ) {
				MaterialDoc *material = materialDocManager->GetCurrentMaterialDoc();
				material->RemoveStage( nItem - 1 );
* Performs a paste operation when the user selects the menu option.
void StageView::OnPaste() {
	if( materialDocManager->IsCopyStage() ) {
		MaterialDoc *material = materialDocManager->GetCurrentMaterialDoc();
		int type;
		idStr name;
		materialDocManager->GetCopyStageInfo( type, name );
		int existingIndex = material->FindStage( type, name );
		if( type != MaterialDoc::STAGE_TYPE_SPECIALMAP || existingIndex == -1 ) {
			materialDocManager->PasteStage( material );
		} else {
			if( MessageBox( va( "Do you want to replace '%s' stage?", name.c_str() ), "Replace?", MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO ) == IDYES ) {
				material->RemoveStage( existingIndex );
				materialDocManager->PasteStage( material );
* Performs an undo operation of an inserted stage.
void StageInsertModifier::Undo()

	MaterialDoc *material = manager->CreateMaterialDoc(materialName);
	material->RemoveStage(stageNum, false);
* Performs a redo operation of a deleted stage.
void StageDeleteModifier::Redo()
	MaterialDoc *material = manager->CreateMaterialDoc(materialName);
	material->RemoveStage(stageNum, false);