IGL_INLINE void igl::frame_to_cross_field(
  const Eigen::MatrixXd& V,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi& F,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd& FF1,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd& FF2,
  Eigen::MatrixXd& X)
  using namespace Eigen;

  // Generate local basis
  MatrixXd B1, B2, B3;


  // Project the frame fields in the local basis
  MatrixXd d1, d2;

  d1 << igl::dot_row(B1,FF1), igl::dot_row(B2,FF1);
  d2 << igl::dot_row(B1,FF2), igl::dot_row(B2,FF2);

  X.resize(F.rows(), 3);

	for (int i=0;i<F.rows();i++)
		Vector2d v1 = d1.row(i);
		Vector2d v2 = d2.row(i);

    // define inverse map that maps the canonical axis to the given frame directions
		Matrix2d A;
		A <<    v1[0], v2[0],
            v1[1], v2[1];

		// find the closest rotation
		Eigen::JacobiSVD<Matrix<double,2,2> > svd(A, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV );
    Matrix2d C = svd.matrixU() * svd.matrixV().transpose();

    Vector2d v = C.col(0);
    X.row(i) = v(0) * B1.row(i) + v(1) * B2.row(i);
void getWarpMatrixAffine(
    const vk::AbstractCamera& cam_ref,
    const vk::AbstractCamera& cam_cur,
    const Vector2d& px_ref,
    const Vector3d& f_ref,
    const double depth_ref,
    const SE3& T_cur_ref,
    const int level_ref,
    Matrix2d& A_cur_ref)
  // Compute affine warp matrix A_ref_cur
  const int halfpatch_size = 5;
  const Vector3d xyz_ref(f_ref*depth_ref);
  Vector3d xyz_du_ref(cam_ref.cam2world(px_ref + Vector2d(halfpatch_size,0)*(1<<level_ref)));
  Vector3d xyz_dv_ref(cam_ref.cam2world(px_ref + Vector2d(0,halfpatch_size)*(1<<level_ref)));
  xyz_du_ref *= xyz_ref[2]/xyz_du_ref[2];
  xyz_dv_ref *= xyz_ref[2]/xyz_dv_ref[2];
  const Vector2d px_cur(cam_cur.world2cam(T_cur_ref*(xyz_ref)));
  const Vector2d px_du(cam_cur.world2cam(T_cur_ref*(xyz_du_ref)));
  const Vector2d px_dv(cam_cur.world2cam(T_cur_ref*(xyz_dv_ref)));
  A_cur_ref.col(0) = (px_du - px_cur)/halfpatch_size;
  A_cur_ref.col(1) = (px_dv - px_cur)/halfpatch_size;