MatrixSelector::getSelection(EventSelection *&selection)
    if (!m_selectionRect || !m_selectionRect->isVisible()) return 0;

    Segment& originalSegment = m_currentViewSegment->getSegment();
    selection = new EventSelection(originalSegment);

    // get the selections
    QList<QGraphicsItem *> l = m_selectionRect->collidingItems

    // This is a nasty optimisation, just to avoid re-creating the
    // selection if the items we span are unchanged.  It's not very
    // effective, either, because the colliding items returned
    // includes things like the horizontal and vertical background
    // lines -- and so it changes often: every time we cross a line.
    // More thought needed.

    // It might be better to use the event properties (i.e. time and
    // pitch) to calculate this "from first principles" rather than
    // doing it graphically.  That might also be helpful to avoid us
    // dragging off the logical edges of the scene.

    // (Come to think of it, though, that would be troublesome just
    // because of the requirement to use all events that have any part
    // inside the selection.  Quickly finding all events that start
    // within a time range is trivial, finding all events that
    // intersect one is more of a pain.)
    if (l == m_previousCollisions) return false;
    m_previousCollisions = l;

    if (!l.empty()) {
        for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); ++i) {
            QGraphicsItem *item = l[i];
            MatrixElement *element = MatrixElement::getMatrixElement(item);
            if (element) {
                //!!! NB. In principle, this element might not come
                //!!! from the right segment (in practice we only have
                //!!! one segment, but that may change)

    if (selection->getAddedEvents() == 0) {
        delete selection;
        selection = 0;

    return true;
MatrixMover::handleMouseMove(const MatrixMouseEvent *e)
    if (!e) return NoFollow;

    MATRIX_DEBUG << "MatrixMover::handleMouseMove() snapped time = "
                 << e->snappedLeftTime << endl;

    setBasicContextHelp(e->modifiers & Qt::ControlModifier);

    if (!m_currentElement || !m_currentViewSegment) return NoFollow;

    if (getSnapGrid()->getSnapSetting() != SnapGrid::NoSnap) {
        setContextHelp(tr("Hold Shift to avoid snapping to beat grid"));
    } else {

    timeT newTime = m_currentElement->getViewAbsoluteTime() +
        (e->snappedLeftTime - m_clickSnappedLeftTime);
    int newPitch = e->pitch;

    emit hoveredOverNoteChanged(newPitch, true, newTime);

    // get a basic pitch difference calculation comparing the current element's
    // pitch to the clicked pitch (this does not take the transpose factor into
    // account, so in a -9 segment, the initial result winds up being 9
    // semitones too low)
    using BaseProperties::PITCH;
    int diffPitch = 0;
    if (m_currentElement->event()->has(PITCH)) {
        diffPitch = newPitch - m_currentElement->event()->get<Int>(PITCH);
    EventSelection* selection = m_scene->getSelection();

    // factor in transpose to adjust the height calculation
    long pitchOffset = selection->getSegment().getTranspose();
    diffPitch += (pitchOffset * -1);

    for (EventSelection::eventcontainer::iterator it =
         it != selection->getSegmentEvents().end(); ++it) {

        MatrixElement *element = 0;
        ViewElementList::iterator vi = m_currentViewSegment->findEvent(*it);
        if (vi != m_currentViewSegment->getViewElementList()->end()) {
            element = static_cast<MatrixElement *>(*vi);
        if (!element) continue;

        timeT diffTime = element->getViewAbsoluteTime() -

        int epitch = 0;
        if (element->event()->has(PITCH)) {
            epitch = element->event()->get<Int>(PITCH);

        element->reconfigure(newTime + diffTime,
                             epitch + diffPitch);

    if (newPitch != m_lastPlayedPitch) {
        long velocity = m_widget->getCurrentVelocity();
        m_currentElement->event()->get<Int>(BaseProperties::VELOCITY, velocity);
        m_scene->playNote(m_currentViewSegment->getSegment(), newPitch + (pitchOffset * -1), velocity);
        m_lastPlayedPitch = newPitch;

    return FollowMode(FollowHorizontal | FollowVertical);
MatrixSelector::handleMouseDoubleClick(const MatrixMouseEvent *e)
    // Don't use m_clickedElement here, as it's reset to 0 on mouse
    // release, which occurs before our dialog completes (and we need
    // to know the element after that)
    MatrixElement *element = e->element;

    MatrixViewSegment *vs = e->viewSegment;
    if (!vs) return;

    if (element) {

        if (element->event()->isa(Note::EventType) &&
            element->event()->has(BaseProperties::TRIGGER_SEGMENT_ID)) {

            int id = element->event()->get<Int>(BaseProperties::TRIGGER_SEGMENT_ID);
            emit editTriggerSegment(id);

        if (e->modifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) { // advanced edit

            EventEditDialog dialog(m_widget, *element->event(), true);

            if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted &&
                dialog.isModified()) {

                EventEditCommand *command = new EventEditCommand
                    (vs->getSegment(), element->event(),


        } else {

            SimpleEventEditDialog dialog
                (m_widget, m_scene->getDocument(), *element->event(), false);

            if (dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted &&
                dialog.isModified()) {

                EventEditCommand *command = new EventEditCommand
                    (vs->getSegment(), element->event(), dialog.getEvent());


    } /*
          #988167: Matrix:Multiclick select methods don't work in matrix editor
          Postponing this, as it falls foul of world-matrix transformation
          etiquette and other such niceties
    	  else {
    	QRect rect = staff->getBarExtents(ev->x(), ev->y());
    	m_selectionRect->setX(rect.x() + 2);
    	m_selectionRect->setSize(rect.width() - 4, rect.height());
    	m_updateRect = false;
    	m_justSelectedBar = true;
    	QTimer::singleShot(QApplication::doubleClickInterval(), this,
        } */