// read the monitors list from the workspace and try to do it once for any
// particular ws;
bool MonIDPropChanger::monitorIdReader(
    MatrixWorkspace_const_sptr inputWS) const {
  // no workspace
  if (!inputWS)
    return false;

  // no instrument
  Geometry::Instrument_const_sptr pInstr = inputWS->getInstrument();
  if (!pInstr)
    return false;

  // are these monitors really there?
  std::vector<detid_t> monitorIDList = pInstr->getMonitors();
    const auto &specInfo = inputWS->spectrumInfo();
    std::set<detid_t> idsInWorkspace;
    size_t i = 0;
    // Loop over spectra, but finish early if we find everything
    while (i < specInfo.size() &&
           idsInWorkspace.size() < monitorIDList.size()) {
      if (specInfo.isMonitor(i))
    monitorIDList =
        std::vector<detid_t>(idsInWorkspace.begin(), idsInWorkspace.end());

  if (monitorIDList.empty()) {
    if (iExistingAllowedValues.empty()) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;

  // are known values the same as the values we have just identified?
  if (iExistingAllowedValues.size() != monitorIDList.size()) {
    iExistingAllowedValues.assign(monitorIDList.begin(), monitorIDList.end());
    return true;
  // the monitor list has the same size as before. Is it equivalent to the
  // existing one?
  bool values_redefined = false;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < monitorIDList.size(); i++) {
    if (iExistingAllowedValues[i] != monitorIDList[i]) {
      values_redefined = true;
      iExistingAllowedValues[i] = monitorIDList[i];
  return values_redefined;