*  Function: preFrame()
void Maze2::preFrame()
    /* get pointer position in world space */
    Matrixf invBaseMat = PluginHelper::getWorldToObjectTransform();
    Matrixf viewMat = PluginHelper::getHeadMat(0);
    Matrixf xformMat = PluginHelper::getObjectMatrix();
    /* get viewer's position in world space */
    Vec3 viewOrg = viewMat.getTrans() * invBaseMat; 
    Vec3 viewPos = Vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) * viewMat * invBaseMat; 
    Vec3 viewDir = viewPos - viewOrg;

    mAudioConfigHandler->updatePoses(viewDir, viewPos);
    mNaviHandler->updateNaviStates(Navigation::instance()->getScale(), viewDir, viewPos);
    // mNaviHandler->updateButtonStates();

    /* ECGClient: Master-Slave operations: Read current time for update */
    double frameDuration;
		frameDuration = PluginHelper::getLastFrameDuration();
		((double*)mClkBuf)[0] = frameDuration;
		ComController::instance()->sendSlaves((char*) &mClkBuf, sizeof(mClkBuf));
    } else {
		ComController::instance()->readMaster((char*) &mClkBuf, sizeof(mClkBuf));
		frameDuration = ((double*)mClkBuf)[0];
    mECGClient->update(viewMat, invBaseMat, xformMat, frameDuration);

cerr << "viewPos = " << viewPos.x() << " " << viewPos.y() << " " << viewPos.z() << endl;
cerr << "scale = " << PluginHelper::getObjectScale() << endl;
cerr << "invBaseMat: "  << endl;
cerr << invBaseMat(0, 0) << " " << invBaseMat(0, 1) << " " << invBaseMat(0, 2) << " " << invBaseMat(0, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << invBaseMat(1, 0) << " " << invBaseMat(1, 1) << " " << invBaseMat(1, 2) << " " << invBaseMat(1, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << invBaseMat(2, 0) << " " << invBaseMat(2, 1) << " " << invBaseMat(2, 2) << " " << invBaseMat(2, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << invBaseMat(3, 0) << " " << invBaseMat(3, 1) << " " << invBaseMat(3, 2) << " " << invBaseMat(3, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << "xformMat: "  << endl;
cerr << xformMat(0, 0) << " " << xformMat(0, 1) << " " << xformMat(0, 2) << " " << xformMat(0, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << xformMat(1, 0) << " " << xformMat(1, 1) << " " << xformMat(1, 2) << " " << xformMat(1, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << xformMat(2, 0) << " " << xformMat(2, 1) << " " << xformMat(2, 2) << " " << xformMat(2, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << xformMat(3, 0) << " " << xformMat(3, 1) << " " << xformMat(3, 2) << " " << xformMat(3, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << "viewMat: "  << endl;
cerr << viewMat(0, 0) << " " << viewMat(0, 1) << " " << viewMat(0, 2) << " " << viewMat(0, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << viewMat(1, 0) << " " << viewMat(1, 1) << " " << viewMat(1, 2) << " " << viewMat(1, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << viewMat(2, 0) << " " << viewMat(2, 1) << " " << viewMat(2, 2) << " " << viewMat(2, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << viewMat(3, 0) << " " << viewMat(3, 1) << " " << viewMat(3, 2) << " " << viewMat(3, 3) << " " << endl;
cerr << endl;

*  Function: preFrame()
void EOGCalibration::preFrame()
    Matrixf invBaseMat = PluginHelper::getWorldToObjectTransform();
    Matrixf viewMat = PluginHelper::getHeadMat(0);
    Matrixf xformMat = PluginHelper::getObjectMatrix();
    /* get viewer's position in world space */
    Vec3 viewOrg = viewMat.getTrans() * invBaseMat; 
    Vec3 viewPos = Vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0) * viewMat * invBaseMat; 
    Vec3 viewDir = viewPos - viewOrg;

    //mAudioConfigHandler->updatePoses(viewDir, viewPos);
    //mNaviHandler->updateNaviStates(Navigation::instance()->getScale(), viewDir, viewPos);

    /* ECGClient: Master-Slave operations: Read current time for update */
    double frameDuration;
		frameDuration = PluginHelper::getLastFrameDuration();
		((double*)mClkBuf)[0] = frameDuration;
		cvr::ComController::instance()->sendSlaves((char*) &mClkBuf, sizeof(mClkBuf));
		cvr::ComController::instance()->readMaster((char*) &mClkBuf, sizeof(mClkBuf));
		frameDuration = ((double*)mClkBuf)[0];

    /* update inverse base matrix for re-aligning calibration field */
    mInvBaseMat = viewMat * invBaseMat;

    /*  DEBUGGING OUTPUT: Head position and orientations in CAVE space
    Vec3 rightVec = Vec3(viewMat(0, 0), viewMat(0, 1), viewMat(0, 2));
    Vec3 frontVec= Vec3(viewMat(1, 0), viewMat(1, 1), viewMat(1, 2));
    Vec3 upVec = Vec3(viewMat(2, 0), viewMat(2, 1), viewMat(2, 2));
    Vec3 headPos = Vec3(viewMat(3, 0), viewMat(3, 1), viewMat(3, 2)) / 1000.f;
    cerr << "Right vector = " << rightVec.x() << " " << rightVec.y() << " " << rightVec.z() << endl;
    cerr << "Front vector = " << frontVec.x() << " " << frontVec.y() << " " << frontVec.z() << endl;
    cerr << "Up vector = " << upVec.x() << " " << upVec.y() << " " << upVec.z() << endl;  
    cerr << "Head position = " << headPos.x() << " " << headPos.y() << " " << headPos.z() << endl;
    // cerr << "phi = " << phi << "    theta = " << theta << "    rad = " << rad << endl;
    cerr << endl; 

    DEBUGGING OUTPUT: Viewer positions and orientations in world space
    Vec3 rightVec = Vec3(xformMat(0, 0), xformMat(0, 1), xformMat(0, 2));
    Vec3 frontVec= Vec3(xformMat(1, 0), xformMat(1, 1), xformMat(1, 2));
    Vec3 upVec = Vec3(xformMat(2, 0), xformMat(2, 1), xformMat(2, 2));
    Vec3 headPos = Vec3(xformMat(0, 3), xformMat(1, 3), xformMat(2, 3)) / 1000.f * (-1);
    cerr << "Right vector = " << rightVec.x() << " " << rightVec.y() << " " << rightVec.z() << endl;
    cerr << "Front vector = " << frontVec.x() << " " << frontVec.y() << " " << frontVec.z() << endl;
    cerr << "Up vector = " << upVec.x() << " " << upVec.y() << " " << upVec.z() << endl;  
    cerr << "Head position = " << headPos.x() << " " << headPos.y() << " " << headPos.z() << endl;
    cerr << endl; */

	float phi, theta, rad;
    if (mCaliController->isCaliBallVisible())
    	mCaliController->updateCaliBallPos(phi, theta, rad);
	if (mCaliController->isPlaybackBallVisible())

    /* create client message and send to data server */
    if (mFlagConnected && mFlagMaster && mCaliController->isCalibrationStarted() && mCaliController->isCaliBallVisible())
        Vec3 headPos = Vec3(viewMat(3, 0), viewMat(3, 1), viewMat(3, 2)) / 1000.f;
        struct MSGClient msg(viewMat(0, 0), viewMat(0, 1), viewMat(0, 2), viewMat(1, 0), viewMat(1, 1), viewMat(1, 2),
                     viewMat(2, 0), viewMat(2, 1), viewMat(2, 2), headPos.x(), headPos.y(), headPos.z(),
                     phi, theta, rad);

        int nBytes = send(mSockfd, &msg, sizeof (MSGClient), 0);
        if (nBytes != sizeof (MSGClient)) 
            std::cerr << "EOGCalibration Warning: Lost data transmission. nBytes = " << nBytes << std::endl;

*  Function: preFrame()
void CaveCADBeta::preFrame()
    /* get pointer position in world space */
    Matrixf invBaseMat = PluginHelper::getWorldToObjectTransform();
    Matrixf baseMat = PluginHelper::getObjectToWorldTransform();
    Matrixf viewMat = PluginHelper::getHeadMat(0);
	Matrixf pointerMat = TrackingManager::instance()->getHandMat(0);

    Vec3 pointerPos = Vec3(0.0, 1000.0, 0.0) * pointerMat * invBaseMat;
    Vec3 pointerOrg = Vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) * pointerMat * invBaseMat;

    /* get viewer's position in world space */
    Vec3 viewOrg = viewMat.getTrans() * invBaseMat; 
    Vec3 viewPos = Vec3(0.0, 1000.0, 0.0) * viewMat * invBaseMat; 
    Vec3 viewDir = viewPos - viewOrg;

    /* handle pointer/update events */
    // coPointerButton* pointerBtn = cover->getPointerButton();
	unsigned int btn = TrackingManager::instance()->getRawButtonMask();
    // if (pointerBtn->wasPressed())
	if (btn)
		if (!pointerPressFlag)
	    	pointerPressFlag = true;
	    	pointerPressEvent(pointerOrg, pointerPos);
	// else if (pointerBtn->wasReleased()) 
    else if (!btn)
		pointerPressFlag = false;
		pointerMoveEvent(pointerOrg, pointerPos);
    mCAVEDesigner->update(viewDir, viewPos);

    /* spin wheel and top pointer buttons */
    float spinX = PluginHelper::getValuator(0, 0);
    float spinY = PluginHelper::getValuator(0, 1);
    int pointerStat = TrackingManager::instance()->getRawButtonMask();

    spinWheelEvent(spinX, spinY, pointerStat);

    /* Debugging codes for model calibration
    float scale = PluginHelper::getObjectScale();
    Matrix xMat = PluginHelper::getObjectMatrix();

    cerr << endl << "Scale = " << scale << endl;
    cerr << xMat(0, 0) << " " << xMat(0, 1) << " " << xMat(0, 2) << " " << xMat(0, 3) << endl;
    cerr << xMat(1, 0) << " " << xMat(1, 1) << " " << xMat(1, 2) << " " << xMat(1, 3) << endl;
    cerr << xMat(2, 0) << " " << xMat(2, 1) << " " << xMat(2, 2) << " " << xMat(2, 3) << endl;
    cerr << xMat(3, 0) << " " << xMat(3, 1) << " " << xMat(3, 2) << " " << xMat(3, 3) << endl;

    cerr << " Frame Count = " << frameCnt++ << endl;