static int MEGAunlink(const char *p) { string path = megaBasePath + p; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Deleting file:"); MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, path.c_str()); MegaNode *n = megaApi->getNodeByPath(path.c_str()); if (!n) { MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "File not found"); return -ENOENT; } if (!n->isFile()) { delete n; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "The path isn't a file"); return -EISDIR; } SynchronousRequestListenerFuse listener; megaApi->remove(n, &listener); listener.wait(); delete n; if (listener.getError()->getErrorCode() != MegaError::API_OK) { MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error deleting file"); return -EIO; } MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "File deleted OK"); return 0; }
static int MEGAgetattr(const char *p, struct stat *stbuf) { string path = megaBasePath + p; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Getting attributes:"); MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, path.c_str()); MegaNode *n = megaApi->getNodeByPath(path.c_str()); if (!n) { MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Node not found"); return -ENOENT; } stbuf->st_uid = getuid(); stbuf->st_gid = getgid(); stbuf->st_mode = n->isFile() ? S_IFREG | 0444 : S_IFDIR | 0755; stbuf->st_nlink = 1; stbuf->st_size = n->isFile() ? n->getSize() : 4096; stbuf->st_mtime = n->isFile() ? n->getModificationTime() : n->getCreationTime(); delete n; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Attributes read OK"); return 0; }
static int MEGAmkdir(const char *p, mode_t mode) { string path = megaBasePath + p; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Creating folder:"); MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, path.c_str()); MegaNode *n = megaApi->getNodeByPath(path.c_str()); if (n) { MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Path already exists"); delete n; return -EEXIST; } string spath = path; size_t index = spath.find_last_of('/'); if (index == string::npos) { MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Invalid path"); return -ENOENT; } spath.resize(index + 1); n = megaApi->getNodeByPath(spath.c_str()); if (!n || n->isFile()) { MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Parent folder not found"); delete n; return -ENOTDIR; } SynchronousRequestListenerFuse listener; megaApi->createFolder(path.c_str() + index + 1, n, &listener); listener.wait(); delete n; if (listener.getError()->getErrorCode() != MegaError::API_OK) { MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error creating folder"); return -EIO; } MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Folder created OK"); return 0; }
virtual void onRequestFinish(MegaApi* api, MegaRequest *request, MegaError* e) { if(e->getErrorCode() != MegaError::API_OK) { finished = true; return; } switch(request->getType()) { case MegaRequest::TYPE_LOGIN: { api->fetchNodes(); break; } case MegaRequest::TYPE_FETCH_NODES: { cout << "***** Showing files/folders in the root folder:" << endl; MegaNode *root = api->getRootNode(); MegaNodeList *list = api->getChildren(root); for(int i=0; i < list->size(); i++) { MegaNode *node = list->get(i); if(node->isFile()) cout << "***** File: "; else cout << "***** Folder: "; cout << node->getName() << endl; } cout << "***** Done" << endl; delete list; cout << "***** Uploading the image MEGA.png" << endl; api->startUpload("MEGA.png", root); delete root; break; } default: break; } }
static int MEGArmdir(const char *p) { string path = megaBasePath + p; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Deleting folder:"); MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, path.c_str()); MegaNode *n = megaApi->getNodeByPath(path.c_str()); if (!n) { MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Folder not found"); return -ENOENT; } if (n->isFile()) { delete n; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "The path isn't a folder"); return -ENOTDIR; } if (megaApi->getNumChildren(n)) { delete n; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Folder not empty"); return -ENOTEMPTY; } SynchronousRequestListenerFuse listener; megaApi->remove(n, &listener); listener.wait(); delete n; if (listener.getError()->getErrorCode() != MegaError::API_OK) { MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error deleting folder"); return -EIO; } MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Folder deleted OK"); return 0; }
static int MEGArename(const char *f, const char *t) { string from = megaBasePath + f; string to = megaBasePath + t; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Renaming/moving file/folder"); MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, from.c_str()); MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, to.c_str()); MegaNode *source = megaApi->getNodeByPath(from.c_str()); if (!source) { MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Source not found"); return -ENOENT; } MegaNode *dest = megaApi->getNodeByPath(to.c_str()); if (dest) { if (dest->isFile()) { delete source; delete dest; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "The destination is an existing file"); return -ENOTDIR; } else { SynchronousRequestListenerFuse listener; megaApi->moveNode(source, dest, &listener); listener.wait(); delete source; delete dest; if (listener.getError()->getErrorCode() != MegaError::API_OK) { MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error moving file/folder"); return -EIO; } MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "File/folder moved OK"); return 0; } } string destpath = to; size_t index = destpath.find_last_of('/'); if (index == string::npos) { delete source; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Invalid path"); return -ENOENT; } string destname = destpath.c_str() + index + 1; destpath.resize(index + 1); dest = megaApi->getNodeByPath(destpath.c_str()); if (!dest) { delete source; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "Destination folder not found"); return -ENOENT; } if (dest->isFile()) { delete source; delete dest; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "The destination folder is a file"); return -ENOTDIR; } MegaNode *n = megaApi->getChildNode(dest, destname.c_str()); if(n) { delete n; delete source; delete dest; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, "The destination path already exists"); return -EEXIST; } SynchronousRequestListenerFuse listener; megaApi->moveNode(source, dest, &listener); listener.wait(); delete dest; if (listener.getError()->getErrorCode() != MegaError::API_OK) { delete source; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error moving file/folder"); return -EIO; } MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "File/folder moved OK"); if (strcmp(source->getName(), destname.c_str())) { listener.reset(); megaApi->renameNode(source, destname.c_str(), &listener); listener.wait(); if(listener.getError()->getErrorCode() != MegaError::API_OK) { delete source; MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, "Error renaming file/folder"); return -EIO; } MegaApi::log(MegaApi::LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "File/folder renamed OK"); } delete source; return 0; }
void NodeSelector::on_bNewFolder_clicked() { QPointer<QInputDialog> id = new QInputDialog(this); id->setWindowTitle(tr("New folder")); id->setLabelText(tr("Enter the new folder name:")); int result = id->exec(); if (!id || !result) { delete id; return; } QString text = id->textValue(); text = text.trimmed(); if (!text.isEmpty()) { MegaNode *parent = megaApi->getNodeByHandle(selectedFolder); if (!parent) { parent = megaApi->getRootNode(); if (!parent) { delete id; return; } selectedFolder = parent->getHandle(); selectedItem = QModelIndex(); } MegaNode *node = megaApi->getNodeByPath(text.toUtf8().constData(), parent); if (!node || node->isFile()) { ui->bNewFolder->setEnabled(false); ui->bOk->setEnabled(false); ui->tMegaFolders->setEnabled(false); megaApi->createFolder(text.toUtf8().constData(), parent, delegateListener); } else { for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(selectedItem); i++) { QModelIndex row = model->index(i, 0, selectedItem); MegaNode *node = model->getNode(row); if (node &&>getName())) == 0) { setSelectedFolderHandle(node->getHandle()); ui->tMegaFolders->selectionModel()->select(row, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); ui->tMegaFolders->selectionModel()->setCurrentIndex(row, QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); break; } } } delete parent; delete node; } else { QMessageBox::critical(this, QString::fromUtf8("MEGAsync"), tr("Please enter a valid folder name")); } delete id; }