QAction* RangeProfilePlotManager::createAction() { QAction* pWindowAction = NULL; // Add a menu command to invoke the window MenuBar* pMenuBar = Service<DesktopServices>()->getMainMenuBar(); if (pMenuBar != NULL) { QAction* pBeforeAction = NULL; QAction* pToolsAction = pMenuBar->getMenuItem("&Tools"); if (pToolsAction != NULL) { QMenu* pMenu = pToolsAction->menu(); if (pMenu != NULL) { QList<QAction*> actions = pMenu->actions(); for (int i = 0; i < actions.count(); ++i) { QAction* pAction = actions[i]; if (pAction != NULL) { if ((pAction->text() == "S&cripting Window") && (pAction != actions.back())) { pBeforeAction = actions[i + 1]; break; } } } } } pWindowAction = pMenuBar->addCommand("&Tools/&" + getName(), getName(), pBeforeAction); if (pWindowAction != NULL) { pWindowAction->setAutoRepeat(false); pWindowAction->setCheckable(true); pWindowAction->setToolTip(QString::fromStdString(getName())); pWindowAction->setStatusTip("Toggles the display of the " + QString::fromStdString(getName())); } } return pWindowAction; }
QAction* AnnotationImagePalette::createAction() { QAction* pWindowAction = NULL; // Add a menu command to invoke the window MenuBar* pMenuBar = Service<DesktopServices>()->getMainMenuBar(); if (pMenuBar != NULL) { QAction* pBeforeAction = NULL; QAction* pToolsAction = pMenuBar->getMenuItem("&Tools"); if (pToolsAction != NULL) { QMenu* pMenu = pToolsAction->menu(); if (pMenu != NULL) { QList<QAction*> actions = pMenu->actions(); for (int i = 0; i < actions.count(); ++i) { QAction* pAction = actions[i]; if (pAction != NULL) { if ((pAction->text() == "S&cripting Window") && (pAction != actions.back())) { pBeforeAction = actions[i + 1]; break; } } } } } pWindowAction = pMenuBar->addCommand("&Tools/&Annotation Image Palette", getName(), pBeforeAction); if (pWindowAction != NULL) { pWindowAction->setToolTip("Annotation Image Palette"); pWindowAction->setStatusTip("Toggles the display of the Annotation Image Palette"); } } return pWindowAction; }