void formatErrorMessage(UErrorCode &realStatus, const UnicodeString& pattern, const Locale& theLocale,
                     UErrorCode inStatus0, /* statusString 1 */ const Locale &inCountry2, double currency3, // these numbers are the message arguments.
                     UnicodeString &result)
        return; // you messed up

    UnicodeString errString1(u_errorName(inStatus0));

    UnicodeString countryName2;

    Formattable myArgs[] = {
        Formattable((int32_t)inStatus0),   // inStatus0      {0}
        Formattable(errString1), // statusString1 {1}
        Formattable(countryName2),  // inCountry2 {2}
        Formattable(currency3)// currency3  {3,number,currency}

    MessageFormat *fmt = new MessageFormat("MessageFormat's API is broken!!!!!!!!!!!",realStatus);
    fmt->applyPattern(pattern, realStatus);
    if (U_FAILURE(realStatus)) {
        delete fmt;

    FieldPosition ignore = 0;                      

    delete fmt;
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4116444()
    UnicodeString patterns [] = {
        (UnicodeString) "{0,date,short}"
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;    
    MessageFormat *mf = new MessageFormat("", status);
    failure(status, "new MessageFormat");

    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        UnicodeString pattern = patterns[i];
        mf->applyPattern(pattern, status);
        failure(status, "mf->applyPattern", TRUE);

        //try {
        int32_t count = 0;    
        ParsePosition pp(0);
        Formattable *array = mf->parse(UnicodeString(""), pp, count);
            logln("pattern: \"" + pattern + "\"");
            log(" parsedObjects: ");
            if (array != NULL) {
                for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
                    //if (array[j] != null)
                    UnicodeString dummy;
                    err("\"" + array[j].getString(dummy) + "\"");
                     //   log("null");
                    if (j < count- 1) 
                log("}") ;
                delete[] array;
            } else {
        /*} catch (Exception e) {
            errln("pattern: \"" + pattern + "\"");
            errln("  Exception: " + e.getMessage());

    delete mf;
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4118594()
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    const UBool possibleDataError = TRUE;
    MessageFormat *mf = new MessageFormat("{0}, {0}, {0}", status);
    failure(status, "new MessageFormat");
    UnicodeString forParsing("x, y, z");
    //Object[] objs = mf.parse(forParsing, new ParsePosition(0));
    int32_t count = 0;
    ParsePosition pp(0);
    Formattable *objs = mf->parse(forParsing, pp, count);
    UnicodeString pat;
    logln("pattern: \"" + mf->toPattern(pat) + "\"");
    logln("text for parsing: \"" + forParsing + "\"");
    UnicodeString str;
    if (objs[0].getString(str) != "z")
        errln("argument0: \"" + objs[0].getString(str) + "\"");
    mf->applyPattern("{0,number,#.##}, {0,number,#.#}", status);
    failure(status, "mf->applyPattern", possibleDataError);
    //Object[] oldobjs = {new Double(3.1415)};
    Formattable oldobjs [] = {Formattable(3.1415)};
    UnicodeString result;
    FieldPosition pos(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
    result = mf->format( oldobjs, 1, result, pos, status );
    failure(status, "mf->format", possibleDataError);
    logln("pattern: \"" + mf->toPattern(pat) + "\"");
    logln("text for parsing: \"" + result + "\"");
    // result now equals "3.14, 3.1"
    if (result != "3.14, 3.1")
        dataerrln("result = " + result + " - " + u_errorName(status));
    //Object[] newobjs = mf.parse(result, new ParsePosition(0));
    int32_t count1 = 0;
    Formattable *newobjs = mf->parse(result, pp, count1);
    // newobjs now equals {new Double(3.1)}
    if (newobjs == NULL) {
        dataerrln("Error calling MessageFormat::parse");
    } else {
        if (newobjs[0].getDouble() != 3.1)
            errln( UnicodeString("newobjs[0] = ") + newobjs[0].getDouble());

    delete [] objs;
    delete [] newobjs;
    delete mf;
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4114743()
    UnicodeString originalPattern("initial pattern");
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    MessageFormat *mf = new MessageFormat(originalPattern, status);
    failure(status, "new MessageFormat");
    //try {
        UnicodeString illegalPattern("ab { '}' de");
        mf->applyPattern(illegalPattern, status);
        if( ! U_FAILURE(status))
            errln("illegal pattern: \"" + illegalPattern + "\"");
    /*} catch (IllegalArgumentException foo) {
        if (!originalPattern.equals(mf.toPattern()))
            errln("pattern after: \"" + mf.toPattern() + "\"");
    delete mf;
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4113018()
    UnicodeString originalPattern("initial pattern");
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    MessageFormat *mf = new MessageFormat(originalPattern, status);
    failure(status, "new messageFormat");
    UnicodeString illegalPattern("format: {0, xxxYYY}");
    UnicodeString pat;
    logln("pattern before: \"" + mf->toPattern(pat) + "\"");
    logln("illegal pattern: \"" + illegalPattern + "\"");
    //try {
        mf->applyPattern(illegalPattern, status);
        if( ! U_FAILURE(status))
            errln("Should have thrown IllegalArgumentException for pattern : " + illegalPattern);
    /*} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
        if (!originalPattern.equals(mf.toPattern()))
            errln("pattern after: \"" + mf.toPattern() + "\"");
    delete mf;
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4118592()
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    MessageFormat *mf = new MessageFormat("", status);
    failure(status, "new messageFormat");
    UnicodeString pattern("{0,choice,1#YES|2#NO}");
    UnicodeString prefix("");
    Formattable *objs = 0;

    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        UnicodeString formatted;
        formatted = prefix + "YES";
        mf->applyPattern(prefix + pattern, status);
        failure(status, "mf->applyPattern");
        prefix += "x";
        //Object[] objs = mf.parse(formatted, new ParsePosition(0));
        int32_t count = 0;
        ParsePosition pp(0);
        objs = mf->parse(formatted, pp, count);
        UnicodeString pat;
        logln(UnicodeString("") + i + ". pattern :\"" + mf->toPattern(pat) + "\"");
        log(" \"" + formatted + "\" parsed as ");
        if (objs == NULL) 
            logln("  null");
        else {
            UnicodeString temp;
            if(objs[0].getType() == Formattable::kString)
                logln((UnicodeString)"  " + objs[0].getString(temp));
                logln((UnicodeString)"  " + (objs[0].getType() == Formattable::kLong ? objs[0].getLong() : objs[0].getDouble()));
            delete[] objs;


    delete mf;
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4074764() {
    UnicodeString pattern [] = {
        "Message without param",
        "Message with param:{0}",
        "Longer Message with param {0}"
    //difference between the two param strings are that
    //in the first one, the param position is within the
    //length of the string without param while it is not so
    //in the other case.

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    MessageFormat *messageFormatter = new MessageFormat("", status);

    failure(status, "couldn't create MessageFormat");

    //try {
        //Apply pattern with param and print the result
        messageFormatter->applyPattern(pattern[1], status);
        failure(status, "messageFormat->applyPattern");
        //Object[] params = {new UnicodeString("BUG"), new Date()};
        Formattable params [] = {
            Formattable(0, Formattable::kIsDate)
        UnicodeString tempBuffer;
        FieldPosition pos(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
        tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(params, 2, tempBuffer, pos, status);
        if( tempBuffer != "Message with param:BUG" || failure(status, "messageFormat->format"))
            errln("MessageFormat with one param test failed.");
        logln("Formatted with one extra param : " + tempBuffer);

        //Apply pattern without param and print the result
        messageFormatter->applyPattern(pattern[0], status);
        failure(status, "messageFormatter->applyPattern");
        // {sfb} how much does this apply in C++?
        // do we want to verify that the Formattable* array is not NULL,
        // or is that the user's responsibility?
        // additionally, what should be the item count?
        // for bug testing purposes, assume that something was set to
        // NULL by mistake, and that the length should be non-zero
        //tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(NULL, 1, tempBuffer, FieldPosition(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE), status);
        tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(NULL, 0, tempBuffer, pos, status);

        if( tempBuffer != "Message without param" || failure(status, "messageFormat->format"))
            errln("MessageFormat with no param test failed.");
        logln("Formatted with no params : " + tempBuffer);

        tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(params, 2, tempBuffer, pos, status);
         if (tempBuffer != "Message without param" || failure(status, "messageFormat->format"))
            errln("Formatted with arguments > subsitution failed. result = " + tempBuffer);
         logln("Formatted with extra params : " + tempBuffer);
        //This statement gives an exception while formatting...
        //If we use pattern[1] for the message with param,
        //we get an NullPointerException in MessageFormat.java(617)
        //If we use pattern[2] for the message with param,
        //we get an StringArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in MessageFormat.java(614)
        //Both are due to maxOffset not being reset to -1
        //in applyPattern() when the pattern does not
        //contain any param.
    /*} catch (Exception foo) {
        errln("Exception when formatting with no params.");

    delete messageFormatter;
void MessageFormatRegressionTest::Test4031438() 
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UnicodeString pattern1("Impossible {1} has occurred -- status code is {0} and message is {2}.");
    UnicodeString pattern2("Double '' Quotes {0} test and quoted '{1}' test plus 'other {2} stuff'.");

    MessageFormat *messageFormatter = new MessageFormat("", status);
    failure(status, "new MessageFormat");
    const UBool possibleDataError = TRUE;

    //try {
        logln("Apply with pattern : " + pattern1);
        messageFormatter->applyPattern(pattern1, status);
        failure(status, "messageFormat->applyPattern");
        //Object[] params = {new Integer(7)};
        Formattable params []= {
        UnicodeString tempBuffer;
        FieldPosition pos(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
        tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(params, 1, tempBuffer, pos, status);
        if(tempBuffer != "Impossible {1} has occurred -- status code is 7 and message is {2}." || failure(status, "MessageFormat::format"))
            dataerrln("Tests arguments < substitution failed");
        logln("Formatted with 7 : " + tempBuffer);
        ParsePosition pp(0);
        int32_t count = 0;
        Formattable *objs = messageFormatter->parse(tempBuffer, pp, count);
        //if(objs[7/*params.length*/] != NULL)
        //    errln("Parse failed with more than expected arguments");

        NumberFormat *fmt = 0;
        UnicodeString temp, temp1;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            // convert to string if not already
            Formattable obj = objs[i];
            if(obj.getType() == Formattable::kString)
                temp = obj.getString(temp);
            else {
                fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(status);
                switch (obj.getType()) {
                case Formattable::kLong: fmt->format(obj.getLong(), temp); break;
                case Formattable::kInt64: fmt->format(obj.getInt64(), temp); break;
                case Formattable::kDouble: fmt->format(obj.getDouble(), temp); break;
                default: break;

            // convert to string if not already
            Formattable obj1 = params[i];
            if(obj1.getType() == Formattable::kString)
                temp1 = obj1.getString(temp1);
            else {
                fmt = NumberFormat::createInstance(status);
                switch (obj1.getType()) {
                case Formattable::kLong: fmt->format(obj1.getLong(), temp1); break;
                case Formattable::kInt64: fmt->format(obj1.getInt64(), temp1); break;
                case Formattable::kDouble: fmt->format(obj1.getDouble(), temp1); break;
                default: break;

            //if (objs[i] != NULL && objs[i].getString(temp1) != params[i].getString(temp2)) {
            if (temp != temp1) {
                errln("Parse failed on object " + objs[i].getString(temp1) + " at index : " + i);

        delete fmt;
        delete [] objs;

        // {sfb} does this apply?  no way to really pass a null Formattable, 
        // only a null array

        /*tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(null, tempBuffer, FieldPosition(FieldPosition::DONT_CARE), status);
        if (tempBuffer != "Impossible {1} has occurred -- status code is {0} and message is {2}." || failure(status, "messageFormat->format"))
            errln("Tests with no arguments failed");
        logln("Formatted with null : " + tempBuffer);*/
        logln("Apply with pattern : " + pattern2);
        messageFormatter->applyPattern(pattern2, status);
        failure(status, "messageFormatter->applyPattern", possibleDataError);
        tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(params, 1, tempBuffer, pos, status);
        if (tempBuffer != "Double ' Quotes 7 test and quoted {1} test plus other {2} stuff.")
            dataerrln("quote format test (w/ params) failed. - %s", u_errorName(status));
        logln("Formatted with params : " + tempBuffer);
        /*tempBuffer = messageFormatter->format(null);
        if (!tempBuffer.equals("Double ' Quotes {0} test and quoted {1} test plus other {2} stuff."))
            errln("quote format test (w/ null) failed.");
        logln("Formatted with null : " + tempBuffer);
        logln("toPattern : " + messageFormatter.toPattern());*/
    /*} catch (Exception foo) {
        errln("Exception when formatting in bug 4031438. "+foo.getMessage());
        delete messageFormatter;