 * Called when the signal is received.
void Scrobbler::engineNewMetaData( const MetaBundle& bundle, bool trackChanged )
    //debug() << "engineNewMetaData: " << bundle.artist() << ":" << bundle.album() << ":" << bundle.title() << ":" << trackChanged << endl;
    if ( !trackChanged )
        debug() << "It's still the same track." << endl;
        m_item->setArtist( bundle.artist() );
        m_item->setAlbum( bundle.album() );
        m_item->setTitle( bundle.title() );

    //to work around xine bug, we have to explictly prevent submission the first few seconds of a track
    m_timer.start( 10000, true );

    m_startPos = 0;

    // Plugins must not submit tracks played from online radio stations, even
    // if they appear to be providing correct metadata.
    if ( !bundle.streamUrl().isEmpty() )
        debug() << "Won't submit: It's a stream." << endl;
        m_validForSending = false;
    else if( bundle.podcastBundle() != NULL )
        debug() << "Won't submit: It's a podcast." << endl;
        m_validForSending = false;
        *m_item = SubmitItem( bundle.artist(), bundle.album(), bundle.title(), bundle.length() );
        m_validForSending = true; // check length etc later
amaroK::TrayIcon::engineNewMetaData( const MetaBundle &bundle, bool /*trackChanged*/ )
    trackLength = bundle.length() * 1000;
void TrackToolTip::setTrack( const MetaBundle &tags, bool force )
    if( force || m_tags != tags || m_tags.url() != tags.url() )
        m_haspos = false;
        m_tooltip = QString::null;

        QStringList left, right;
        const QString tableRow = "<tr><td width=70 align=right>%1:</td><td align=left>%2</td></tr>";

        QString filename = "", title = ""; //special case these, put the first one encountered on top

        Playlist *playlist = Playlist::instance();
        const int n = playlist->numVisibleColumns();
        for( int i = 0; i < n; ++i )
            const int column = playlist->mapToLogicalColumn( i );

            if( column == PlaylistItem::Score )
                const int score = CollectionDB::instance()->getSongPercentage( tags.url().path() );
                if( score > 0 )
                    right << QString::number( score );
                    left << playlist->columnText( column );
            else if( column == PlaylistItem::Rating )
                const int rating = CollectionDB::instance()->getSongRating( tags.url().path() );
                if( rating > 0 )
                    QString s;
                    for( int i = 0; i < rating / 2; ++i )
                        s += QString( "<img src=\"%1\" height=\"%2\" width=\"%3\">" )
                             .arg( locate( "data", "amarok/images/star.png" ) )
                             .arg( QFontMetrics( QToolTip::font() ).height() )
                             .arg( QFontMetrics( QToolTip::font() ).height() );
                    if( rating % 2 )
                        s += QString( "<img src=\"%1\" height=\"%2\" width=\"%3\">" )
                             .arg( locate( "data", "amarok/images/smallstar.png" ) )
                             .arg( QFontMetrics( QToolTip::font() ).height() )
                             .arg( QFontMetrics( QToolTip::font() ).height() );
                    right << s;
                    left << playlist->columnText( column );
            else if( column == PlaylistItem::PlayCount )
                const int count = CollectionDB::instance()->getPlayCount( tags.url().path() );
                if( count > 0 )
                    right << QString::number( count );
                    left << playlist->columnText( column );
            else if( column == PlaylistItem::LastPlayed )
                const uint lastPlayed = CollectionDB::instance()->getLastPlay( tags.url().path() ).toTime_t();
                right << amaroK::verboseTimeSince( lastPlayed );
                left << playlist->columnText( column );
            else if( column == PlaylistItem::Filename && title.isEmpty() )
                filename = tags.prettyText( column );
            else if( column == PlaylistItem::Title && filename.isEmpty() )
                title = tags.prettyText( column );
            else if( column != PlaylistItem::Length )
                const QString tag = tags.prettyText( column );
                if( !tag.isEmpty() )
                    right << tag;
                    left << playlist->columnText( column );

        if( !filename.isEmpty() )
            right.prepend( filename );
            left.prepend( playlist->columnText( PlaylistItem::Filename ) );
        else if( !title.isEmpty() )
            right.prepend( title );
            left.prepend( playlist->columnText( PlaylistItem::Title ) );

        if( tags.length() > 0 ) //special case this too, always on the bottom
            m_haspos = true;
            right << "%9 / " + tags.prettyLength();
            left << playlist->columnText( PlaylistItem::Length );

        //NOTE it seems to be necessary to <center> each element indivdually
        m_tooltip += "<center><b>Amarok</b></center><table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2' align='center'><tr>";

        m_tooltip += "%1"; //the cover gets substituted in, in tooltip()
        m_cover = CollectionDB::instance()->podcastImage( tags );
        if( m_cover.isEmpty() || m_cover.contains( "nocover" ) != -1 )
            m_cover = CollectionDB::instance()->albumImage( tags );
            if ( m_cover == CollectionDB::instance()->notAvailCover() )
                m_cover = QString::null;

        m_tooltip += "<td><table cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'>";

        if (tags.title().isEmpty() || tags.artist().isEmpty())
        // no title or no artist, so we add prettyTitle
            m_tooltip += QString ("<tr><td align=center colspan='2'>%1</td></tr>")
        for( uint x = 0; x < left.count(); ++x )
            if ( !right[x].isEmpty() )
                m_tooltip += tableRow.arg( left[x] ).arg( right[x] );

        m_tooltip += "</table></td>";
        m_tooltip += "</tr></table></center>";

        m_tags = tags;