ExitCodes main_(int, const char**)

        // parameter handling

        String in = getStringOption_("in");
        String out = getStringOption_("out");

        // loading input

        MzMLFile mz_data_file;
        MSExperiment<Peak1D> ms_peakmap;
        std::vector<Int> ms_level(1,2);
        mz_data_file.load(in, ms_peakmap);

        if (ms_peakmap.empty())
            LOG_WARN << "The given file does not contain any conventional peak data, but might"
                        " contain chromatograms. This tool currently cannot handle them, sorry.";
            return INCOMPATIBLE_INPUT_DATA;

//        FeatureMap<> ms_feat_map;
        MzTab mztab_output;

//        FeatureXMLFile().load(in, ms_feat_map);
        MzTabFile mztab_outfile;

        // get parameters

        Param ams_param = getParam_().copy("algorithm:", true);
        writeDebug_("Parameters passed to MetaboliteSpectralMatcher", ams_param, 3);

        // do the work

        MetaboliteSpectralMatching ams;

        ams.run(ms_peakmap, mztab_output);

        //std::vector<String> results;

        // ams.queryByMass(308.09, results);

        // writing output

        // annotate output with data processing info
        //addDataProcessing_(ms_feat_map, getProcessingInfo_(DataProcessing::IDENTIFICATION_MAPPING));

        mztab_outfile.store(out, mztab_output);

        //FeatureXMLFile().store(out, ms_feat_map);

        return EXECUTION_OK;
  ExitCodes main_(int, const char**) override
    // parameter handling

    String in = getStringOption_("in");
    String database = getStringOption_("database");
    String spec_db_filename(database);

    // default path? retrieve file path in share folder
    if (database == "CHEMISTRY/MetaboliteSpectralDB.mzML")
      // throws Exception::FileNotFound if file does not exist
      spec_db_filename = File::find("CHEMISTRY/MetaboliteSpectralDB.mzML");

    String out = getStringOption_("out");

    // loading input

    MzMLFile mz_file;
    std::vector<Int> ms_level(1,2);

    PeakMap ms_peakmap;
    mz_file.load(in, ms_peakmap);

    if (ms_peakmap.empty())
      LOG_WARN << "The input file does not contain any spectra.";

    MzTab mztab_output;
    MzTabFile mztab_outfile;

    // get parameters

    Param ams_param = getParam_().copy("algorithm:", true);
    writeDebug_("Parameters passed to MetaboliteSpectralMatcher", ams_param, 3);

    // load database

    PeakMap spec_db;
    mz_file.load(spec_db_filename, spec_db);

    if (spec_db.empty())
      LOG_WARN << "The spectral library does not contain any spectra.";

    // run spectral library search
    MetaboliteSpectralMatching ams;
    ams.run(ms_peakmap, spec_db, mztab_output);

    // store results
    mztab_outfile.store(out, mztab_output);

    return EXECUTION_OK;