void tst_QDBusXmlParser::methods_data()

    MethodMap map;
    QTest::newRow("no-methods") << QString() << map;

    // one method without arguments
    QDBusIntrospection::Method method;
    method.name = "Foo";
    map << method;
    QTest::newRow("one-method") << "<method name=\"Foo\"/>" << map;

    // add another method without arguments
    method.name = "Bar";
    map << method;
    QTest::newRow("two-methods") << "<method name=\"Foo\"/>"
                                    "<method name=\"Bar\"/>"
                                 << map;

    // invert the order of the XML declaration
    QTest::newRow("two-methods-inverse") << "<method name=\"Bar\"/>"
                                            "<method name=\"Foo\"/>"
                                         << map;

    // add a third, with annotations
    method.name = "Baz";
    method.annotations.insert("foo.testing", "nothing to see here");
    map << method;
    QTest::newRow("method-with-annotation") <<
        "<method name=\"Foo\"/>"
        "<method name=\"Bar\"/>"
        "<method name=\"Baz\"><annotation name=\"foo.testing\" value=\"nothing to see here\"></method>"
                                            << map;

    // arguments

    method.name = "Method";
    method.inputArgs << arg("s");
    map << method;
    QTest::newRow("one-in") <<
        "<method name=\"Method\">"
        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "</method>" << map;

    // two arguments
    method.inputArgs << arg("v");
    map << method;
    QTest::newRow("two-in") <<
        "<method name=\"Method\">"
        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "<arg type=\"v\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "</method>" << map;

    // one invalid arg
    QTest::newRow("two-in-one-invalid") <<
        "<method name=\"Method\">"
        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "<arg type=\"~\" name=\"invalid\" direction=\"in\"/>" // this line should be ignored
        "<arg type=\"v\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "</method>" << map;

    // one out argument
    method.outputArgs << arg("s");
    map << method;
    QTest::newRow("one-out") <<
        "<method name=\"Method\">"
        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
        "</method>" << map;

    // two in and one out
    method.inputArgs << arg("s") << arg("v");
    map << method;
    QTest::newRow("two-in-one-out") <<
        "<method name=\"Method\">"
        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "<arg type=\"v\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "<arg type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
        "</method>" << map;

    // let's try an arg with name
    method.inputArgs << arg("s", "foo");
    map << method;
    QTest::newRow("one-in-with-name") <<
        "<method name=\"Method\">"
        "<arg type=\"s\" name=\"foo\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "</method>" << map;

    // two args with name
    method.inputArgs << arg("i", "bar");
    map << method;
    QTest::newRow("two-in-with-name") <<
        "<method name=\"Method\">"
        "<arg type=\"s\" name=\"foo\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "<arg type=\"i\" name=\"bar\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "</method>" << map;

    // one complex
    method = QDBusIntrospection::Method();

    // Method1(in STRING arg1, in BYTE arg2, out ARRAY of STRING)
    method.inputArgs << arg("s", "arg1") << arg("y", "arg2");
    method.outputArgs << arg("as");
    method.name = "Method1";
    map << method;

    // Method2(in ARRAY of DICT_ENTRY of (STRING,VARIANT) variantMap, in UINT32 index,
    //         out STRING key, out VARIANT value)
    // with annotation "foo.equivalent":"QVariantMap"
    method = QDBusIntrospection::Method();
    method.inputArgs << arg("a{sv}", "variantMap") << arg("u", "index");
    method.outputArgs << arg("s", "key") << arg("v", "value");
    method.annotations.insert("foo.equivalent", "QVariantMap");
    method.name = "Method2";
    map << method;

    QTest::newRow("complex") <<
        "<method name=\"Method1\">"
        "<arg name=\"arg1\" type=\"s\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "<arg name=\"arg2\" type=\"y\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "<arg type=\"as\" direction=\"out\"/>"
        "<method name=\"Method2\">"
        "<arg name=\"variantMap\" type=\"a{sv}\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "<arg name=\"index\" type=\"u\" direction=\"in\"/>"
        "<arg name=\"key\" type=\"s\" direction=\"out\"/>"
        "<arg name=\"value\" type=\"v\" direction=\"out\"/>"
        "<annotation name=\"foo.equivalent\" value=\"QVariantMap\"/>"
        "</method>" << map;