Move *Move::Clone()
    Move *move = new Move(player, prevState, piece, startPos);
    for (auto it = steps.begin(); it != steps.end(); it++)
        MoveStep *step = *it;
        move->AddStep(new MoveStep(*step), false);

    move->references = references;
    move->description = description;
    if (hasCustomNotation)
        move->notation = notation;
    move->hasCustomNotation = hasCustomNotation;
    strcpy(move->appendNotation, appendNotation);

    return move;
std::list<Move*> *Slide::DetermineNextSteps(Move *baseMove, Piece *piece, MoveStep *previousStep)
	std::list<Move*> *moves = new std::list<Move*>();

	// some steps will specify a different piece to act upon, rather than the piece being moved
	if (!moveSelf)
		piece = baseMove->GetPieceByReference(pieceRef, piece);
		if (piece == 0)
			ReportError("Referenced piece not found for slide move: %s\n", pieceRef);
			return moves;

	Player *player = baseMove->GetPlayer();
	Game *game = player->GetGame();
	direction_t dirs = player->ResolveDirections(direction, previousStep != 0 && previousStep->GetDirection() != 0 ? previousStep->GetDirection() : player->GetForwardDirection());

	FOR_EACH_DIR_IN_SET(dirs, dir)
		int boardMaxDist = piece->GetPosition()->GetMaxDist(dir);
		int minDist = distance->GetValue(previousStep, boardMaxDist);
		int maxDist = distance->GetMaxValue(distanceMax, previousStep, boardMaxDist);
		Cell *cell = piece->GetPosition();
        for (int dist = 1; dist <= maxDist; dist++)
			cell = cell->FollowLink(dir);
            if (cell == 0)

            Piece *target = cell->GetPiece();
            if (dist >= minDist)
				MoveStep *captureStep = 0;
				if (target == 0)
					if (when == Capturing)
						continue; // needs to be a capture for this slide to be valid, and there is no piece here. But there might be pieces beyond this one.
					if (when == Moving)
					else if (piece->CanCapture(target))
						captureStep = CreateCapture(target, piece);
                        break; // cannot capture this piece. Slides cannot pass over pieces, so there can be no more valid slides in this direction.

                Move *move = baseMove->Clone();
				MoveStep *lastPerformedStep = move->GetSteps().empty() ? 0 : *move->GetSteps().rbegin();
                if (captureStep != 0)
                    move->AddPieceReference(target, "target");

                move->AddStep(MoveStep::CreateMove(piece, piece->GetPosition(), cell, dir, dist));

				if (conditions == 0 || conditions->IsSatisfied(piece, move, lastPerformedStep))
					delete move;

            if (target != 0)
                break; // Slides can't pass intervening pieces. As this cell was occupied, can be no more valid slides in this direction.