/* Emit the netlist (which is actually the thing for which GenCAD is used these
 * days!); tracks are handled later */
static void CreateSignalsSection( FILE* aFile, BOARD* aPcb )
    wxString      msg;
    NETINFO_ITEM* net;
    D_PAD*        pad;
    MODULE*       module;
    int           NbNoConn = 1;

    fputs( "$SIGNALS\n", aFile );

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aPcb->GetNetCount(); ii++ )
        net = aPcb->FindNet( ii );

        if( net->GetNetname() == wxEmptyString ) // dummy netlist (no connection)
            wxString msg; msg << wxT( "NoConnection" ) << NbNoConn++;

        if( net->GetNet() <= 0 )  // dummy netlist (no connection)

        msg = wxT( "SIGNAL " ) + net->GetNetname();

        fputs( TO_UTF8( msg ), aFile );
        fputs( "\n", aFile );

        for( module = aPcb->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
            for( pad = module->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
                wxString padname;

                if( pad->GetNetCode() != net->GetNet() )

                pad->StringPadName( padname );
                msg.Printf( wxT( "NODE %s %s" ),
                            GetChars( module->GetReference() ),
                            GetChars( padname ) );

                fputs( TO_UTF8( msg ), aFile );
                fputs( "\n", aFile );

    fputs( "$ENDSIGNALS\n\n", aFile );
wxString TRACK::GetSelectMenuText() const
    wxString text;
    wxString netname;
    NETINFO_ITEM* net;
    BOARD* board = GetBoard();

    // deleting tracks requires all the information we can get to
    // disambiguate all the choices under the cursor!
    if( board )
        net = GetNet();

        if( net )
            netname = net->GetNetname();
            netname = _("Not found");
        wxFAIL_MSG( wxT( "TRACK::GetSelectMenuText: BOARD is NULL" ) );
        netname = wxT( "???" );

    text.Printf( _("Track %s, net [%s] (%d) on layer %s, length: %s" ),
                 GetChars( ShowWidth() ), GetChars( netname ),
                 GetNetCode(), GetChars( GetLayerName() ),
                 GetChars( ::LengthDoubleToString( GetLength() ) ) );

    return text;
void WIDGET_NET_SELECTOR::SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard )
    auto& netinfo = aBoard->GetNetInfo();

    for( unsigned i = 1; i < netinfo.GetNetCount(); i++ )
        NETINFO_ITEM* ni = netinfo.GetNetItem( i );
        NET           net;
        net.m_Name = ni->GetNetname();
        net.m_Code = i;
        m_nets.push_back( net );

    std::sort( m_nets.begin(), m_nets.end() );

    // Add the list of selectable nets to the wxComboBox.
    // Using a wxArrayString is much faster than adding each name separately
    wxArrayString netnames;

    netnames.Add( wxT( "<no net>" ) );    // Always on top of the list

    for( auto& net : m_nets )
        net.m_Pos = netnames.Add( net.m_Name );

    Append( netnames );
void TRACK::GetMsgPanelInfoBase_Common( std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM >& aList )
    wxString msg;

    // Display Net Name
    if( GetBoard() )
        NETINFO_ITEM* net = GetNet();

        if( net )
            msg = net->GetNetname();
            msg = wxT( "<noname>" );

        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "NetName" ), msg, RED ) );

        // Display net code : (useful in test or debug)
        msg.Printf( wxT( "%d.%d" ), GetNetCode(), GetSubNet() );
        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "NetCode" ), msg, RED ) );

#if defined(DEBUG)

    // Display the flags
    msg.Printf( wxT( "0x%08X" ), m_Flags );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "Flags" ), msg, BLUE ) );

#if 0
    // Display start and end pointers:
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%p" ), start );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "start ptr" ), msg, BLUE ) );
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%p" ), end );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "end ptr" ), msg, BLUE ) );
    // Display this ptr
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%p" ), this );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "this" ), msg, BLUE ) );

#if 0
    // Display start and end positions:
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d %d" ), m_Start.x, m_Start.y );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "Start pos" ), msg, BLUE ) );
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d %d" ), m_End.x, m_End.y );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( wxT( "End pos" ), msg, BLUE ) );

#endif  // defined(DEBUG)

    // Display the State member
    msg = wxT( ". . " );

    if( GetState( TRACK_LOCKED ) )
        msg[0] = 'F';

    if( GetState( TRACK_AR ) )
        msg[2] = 'A';

    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Status" ), msg, MAGENTA ) );
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::SetNetNameFromNetCode( void )
    NETINFO_ITEM* net;

    if( m_Parent && ( net = ( (BOARD*) m_Parent )->FindNet( GetNet() ) ) )
        m_Netname = net->GetNetname();
        return true;

    return false;
wxString ZONE_CONTAINER::GetSelectMenuText() const
    wxString text;
    NETINFO_ITEM* net;
    BOARD* board = GetBoard();

    int ncont = m_Poly->GetContour( m_CornerSelection );

    if( ncont )
        text << wxT( " " ) << _( "(Cutout)" );

    if( GetIsKeepout() )
        text << wxT( " " ) << _( "(Keepout)" );

    text << wxString::Format( wxT( " (%08lX)" ), m_TimeStamp );

    // Display net name for copper zones
    if( !GetIsKeepout() )
        if( GetNetCode() >= 0 )
            if( board )
                net = GetNet();

                if( net )
                    text << wxT( " [" ) << net->GetNetname() << wxT( "]" );
                text << _( "** NO BOARD DEFINED **" );
        {   // A netcode < 0 is an error:
            // Netname not found or area not initialised
            text << wxT( " [" ) << GetNetname() << wxT( "]" );
            text << wxT( " <" ) << _( "Not Found" ) << wxT( ">" );

    wxString msg;
    msg.Printf( _( "Zone Outline %s on %s" ), GetChars( text ),
                 GetChars( GetLayerName() ) );

    return msg;
/* Extract the D356 record from the vias */
static void build_via_testpoints( BOARD *aPcb,
    std::vector <D356_RECORD>& aRecords )
    wxPoint origin = aPcb->GetAuxOrigin();

    // Enumerate all the track segments and keep the vias
    for( TRACK *track = aPcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
            VIA *via = (VIA*) track;
            NETINFO_ITEM *net = track->GetNet();

            D356_RECORD rk;
            rk.smd = false;
            rk.hole = true;
            if( net )
                rk.netname = net->GetNetname();
                rk.netname = wxEmptyString;
            rk.refdes = wxT("VIA");
            rk.pin = wxT("");
            rk.midpoint = true; // Vias are always midpoints
            rk.drill = via->GetDrillValue();
            rk.mechanical = false;

            LAYER_ID top_layer, bottom_layer;

            via->LayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );

            rk.access = via_access_code( aPcb, top_layer, bottom_layer );
            rk.x_location = via->GetPosition().x - origin.x;
            rk.y_location = origin.y - via->GetPosition().y;
            rk.x_size = via->GetWidth();
            rk.y_size = 0; // Round so height = 0
            rk.rotation = 0;
            rk.soldermask = 3; // XXX always tented?

            aRecords.push_back( rk );
void ZONE_CONTAINER::SetNet( int aNetCode )
    BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM::SetNet( aNetCode );

    if( aNetCode < 0 )

    BOARD* board = GetBoard();

    if( board )
        NETINFO_ITEM* net = board->FindNet( aNetCode );

        if( net )
            m_Netname = net->GetNetname();
void DIALOG_COPPER_ZONE::buildAvailableListOfNets()
    wxArrayString   listNetName;

    m_Parent->GetBoard()->ReturnSortedNetnamesList( listNetName, m_NetSortingByPadCount );

    if( m_NetFiltering )
        wxString doNotShowFilter = m_DoNotShowNetNameFilter->GetValue();
        wxString ShowFilter = m_ShowNetNameFilter->GetValue();

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < listNetName.GetCount(); ii++ )
            if( listNetName[ii].Matches( doNotShowFilter ) )
                listNetName.RemoveAt( ii );
            else if( !listNetName[ii].Matches( ShowFilter ) )
                listNetName.RemoveAt( ii );

    listNetName.Insert( wxT( "<no net>" ), 0 );

    // Ensure currently selected net for the zone is visible, regardless of filters
    int selectedNetListNdx = -1;
    int net_select = m_settings.m_NetcodeSelection;

    if( net_select > 0 )
        NETINFO_ITEM* equipot = m_Parent->GetBoard()->FindNet( net_select );
        if( equipot )
            selectedNetListNdx = listNetName.Index( equipot->GetNetname() );

            if( wxNOT_FOUND == selectedNetListNdx )
                // the currently selected net must *always* be visible.
                listNetName.Insert( equipot->GetNetname(), 0 );
                selectedNetListNdx = 0;
    else if( net_select == 0 )
        selectedNetListNdx = 0;     // SetSelection() on "<no net>"
        // selectedNetListNdx remains -1, no net selected.

    m_ListNetNameSelection->InsertItems( listNetName, 0 );
    m_ListNetNameSelection->SetSelection( 0 );

    if( selectedNetListNdx >= 0 )
        m_ListNetNameSelection->SetSelection( selectedNetListNdx );
        m_ListNetNameSelection->EnsureVisible( selectedNetListNdx );
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::importFile( const wxString& aFileName, int aFileType )
    switch( (IO_MGR::PCB_FILE_T) aFileType )
    case IO_MGR::EAGLE:
        if( OpenProjectFiles( std::vector<wxString>( 1, aFileName ), KICTL_EAGLE_BRD ) )
            wxString projectpath = Kiway().Prj().GetProjectPath();
            wxFileName newfilename;

            newfilename.SetPath( Prj().GetProjectPath() );
            newfilename.SetName( Prj().GetProjectName() );
            newfilename.SetExt( KiCadPcbFileExtension );

            GetBoard()->SetFileName( newfilename.GetFullPath() );

            // Extract a footprint library from the design and add it to the fp-lib-table
            wxString newLibPath;
            ArchiveModulesOnBoard( true, newfilename.GetName(), &newLibPath );

            if( newLibPath.Length() > 0 )
                FP_LIB_TABLE* prjlibtable = Prj().PcbFootprintLibs();
                const wxString& project_env = PROJECT_VAR_NAME;
                wxString rel_path, env_path;

                wxGetEnv( project_env, &env_path );

                wxString result( newLibPath );
                rel_path =  result.Replace( env_path,
                                            wxString( "$(" + project_env + ")" ) ) ? result : "" ;

                if( !rel_path.IsEmpty() )
                    newLibPath = rel_path;

                FP_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = new FP_LIB_TABLE_ROW( newfilename.GetName(),
                        newLibPath, wxT( "KiCad" ), wxEmptyString );
                prjlibtable->InsertRow( row );

            if( !GetBoard()->GetFileName().IsEmpty() )
                wxString tblName = Prj().FootprintLibTblName();

                    Prj().PcbFootprintLibs()->Save( tblName );
                catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
                    wxString msg = wxString::Format( _(
                                    "Error occurred saving project specific footprint library "
                                    "table:\n\n%s" ),
                            GetChars( ioe.What() ) );
                    wxMessageBox( msg, _( "File Save Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );

            // Update module LIB_IDs to point to the just imported Eagle library
            for( MODULE* module : GetBoard()->Modules() )
                LIB_ID libId = module->GetFPID();

                if( libId.GetLibItemName().empty() )

                libId.SetLibNickname( newfilename.GetName() );
                module->SetFPID( libId );

            // Store net names for all pads, to create net remap information
            std::unordered_map<D_PAD*, wxString> netMap;

            for( const auto& pad : GetBoard()->GetPads() )
                NETINFO_ITEM* netinfo = pad->GetNet();

                if( netinfo->GetNet() > 0 && !netinfo->GetNetname().IsEmpty() )
                    netMap[pad] = netinfo->GetNetname();

            // Two stage netlist update:
            // - first, assign valid timestamps to footprints (no reannotation)
            // - second, perform schematic annotation and update footprint references
            //   based on timestamps
            NETLIST netlist;
            FetchNetlistFromSchematic( netlist, NO_ANNOTATION );
            DoUpdatePCBFromNetlist( netlist, false );
            FetchNetlistFromSchematic( netlist, QUIET_ANNOTATION );
            DoUpdatePCBFromNetlist( netlist, true );

            std::unordered_map<wxString, wxString> netRemap;

            // Compare the old net names with the new net names and create a net map
            for( const auto& pad : GetBoard()->GetPads() )
                auto it = netMap.find( pad );

                if( it == netMap.end() )

                NETINFO_ITEM* netinfo = pad->GetNet();

                // Net name has changed, create a remap entry
                if( netinfo->GetNet() > 0 && netMap[pad] != netinfo->GetNetname() )
                    netRemap[netMap[pad]] = netinfo->GetNetname();

            if( !netRemap.empty() )
                fixEagleNets( netRemap );

            return true;

        return false;

        return false;

    return false;
void BOARD::SynchronizeNetsAndNetClasses()
    // D(printf("start\n");)       // simple performance/timing indicator.

    // set all NETs to the default NETCLASS, then later override some
    // as we go through the NETCLASSes.

    int count = m_NetInfo.GetNetCount();
    for( int i=0;  i<count;  ++i )
        NETINFO_ITEM* net = FindNet( i );
        if( net )
            net->SetClass( m_NetClasses.GetDefault() );

    // Add netclass name and pointer to nets.  If a net is in more than one netclass,
    // set the net's name and pointer to only the first netclass.  Subsequent
    // and therefore bogus netclass memberships will be deleted in logic below this loop.
    for( NETCLASSES::iterator clazz=m_NetClasses.begin();  clazz!=m_NetClasses.end();  ++clazz )
        NETCLASS* netclass = clazz->second;

        for( NETCLASS::iterator member = netclass->begin();  member!=netclass->end();  ++member )
            const wxString&  netname = *member;

            // although this overall function seems to be adequately fast,
            // FindNet( wxString ) uses now a fast binary search and is fast
            // event for large net lists
            NETINFO_ITEM* net = FindNet( netname );

            if( net && net->GetClassName() == NETCLASS::Default )
                net->SetClass( netclass );

    // Finally, make sure that every NET is in a NETCLASS, even if that
    // means the Default NETCLASS.  And make sure that all NETCLASSes do not
    // contain netnames that do not exist, by deleting all netnames from
    // every netclass and re-adding them.

    for( NETCLASSES::iterator clazz=m_NetClasses.begin();  clazz!=m_NetClasses.end();  ++clazz )
        NETCLASS* netclass = clazz->second;



    for( int i=0;  i<count;  ++i )
        NETINFO_ITEM* net = FindNet( i );
        if( net )
            const wxString& classname = net->GetClassName();

            // because of the std:map<> this should be fast, and because of
            // prior logic, netclass should not be NULL.
            NETCLASS* netclass = m_NetClasses.Find( classname );

            wxASSERT( netclass );

            netclass->Add( net->GetNetname() );

    // D(printf("stop\n");)
void ZONE_CONTAINER::GetMsgPanelInfo( std::vector< MSG_PANEL_ITEM >& aList )
    wxString msg;

    msg = _( "Zone Outline" );

    // Display Cutout instead of Outline for holes inside a zone
    // i.e. when num contour !=0
    int ncont = m_Poly->GetContour( m_CornerSelection );

    if( ncont )
        msg << wxT( " " ) << _( "(Cutout)" );

    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Type" ), msg, DARKCYAN ) );

    if( GetIsKeepout() )

        if( GetDoNotAllowVias() )
            AccumulateDescription( msg, _("No via") );

        if( GetDoNotAllowTracks() )
            AccumulateDescription( msg, _("No track") );

        if( GetDoNotAllowCopperPour() )
            AccumulateDescription( msg, _("No copper pour") );

        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Keepout" ), msg, RED ) );
    else if( IsOnCopperLayer() )
        if( GetNetCode() >= 0 )
            NETINFO_ITEM* equipot = GetNet();

            if( equipot )
                msg = equipot->GetNetname();
                msg = wxT( "<noname>" );
        else // a netcode < 0 is an error
            msg = wxT( " [" );
            msg << GetNetname() + wxT( "]" );
            msg << wxT( " <" ) << _( "Not Found" ) << wxT( ">" );

        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "NetName" ), msg, RED ) );

#if 1
        // Display net code : (useful in test or debug)
        msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), GetNetCode() );
        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "NetCode" ), msg, RED ) );

        // Display priority level
        msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), GetPriority() );
        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Priority" ), msg, BLUE ) );
        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Non Copper Zone" ), wxEmptyString, RED ) );

    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Layer" ), GetLayerName(), BROWN ) );

    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), (int) m_Poly->m_CornersList.GetCornersCount() );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Corners" ), msg, BLUE ) );

    if( m_FillMode )
        msg = _( "Segments" );
        msg = _( "Polygons" );

    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Fill mode" ), msg, BROWN ) );

    // Useful for statistics :
    msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), (int) m_Poly->m_HatchLines.size() );
    aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Hatch lines" ), msg, BLUE ) );

    if( m_FilledPolysList.GetCornersCount() )
        msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), (int) m_FilledPolysList.GetCornersCount() );
        aList.push_back( MSG_PANEL_ITEM( _( "Corners in DrawList" ), msg, BLUE ) );
/* Route all traces
 * :
 *  1 if OK
 * -1 if escape (stop being routed) request
 * -2 if default memory allocation
int PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Solve( wxDC* DC, int aLayersCount )
    int           current_net_code;
    int           row_source, col_source, row_target, col_target;
    int           success, nbsucces = 0, nbunsucces = 0;
    NETINFO_ITEM* net;
    bool          stop = false;
    wxString      msg;
    int           routedCount = 0;      // routed ratsnest count
    bool          two_sides = aLayersCount == 2;

    m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false );

    s_Clearance = GetBoard()->GetDesignSettings().GetDefault()->GetClearance();

    // Prepare the undo command info
    s_ItemsListPicker.ClearListAndDeleteItems();  // Should not be necessary, but...

    // go until no more work to do
    GetWork( &row_source, &col_source, &current_net_code,
             &row_target, &col_target, &pt_cur_ch ); // First net to route.

    for( ; row_source != ILLEGAL; GetWork( &row_source, &col_source,
                                           &current_net_code, &row_target,
                                           &pt_cur_ch ) )
        // Test to stop routing ( escape key pressed )

        if( m_canvas->GetAbortRequest() )
            if( IsOK( this, _( "Abort routing?" ) ) )
                success = STOP_FROM_ESC;
                stop    = true;
                m_canvas->SetAbortRequest( false );


        net = GetBoard()->FindNet( current_net_code );

        if( net )
            msg.Printf( wxT( "[%8.8s]" ), GetChars( net->GetNetname() ) );
            AppendMsgPanel( wxT( "Net route" ), msg, BROWN );
            msg.Printf( wxT( "%d / %d" ), routedCount, RoutingMatrix.m_RouteCount );
            AppendMsgPanel( wxT( "Activity" ), msg, BROWN );

        segm_oX = GetBoard()->GetBoundingBox().GetX() + (RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting * col_source);
        segm_oY = GetBoard()->GetBoundingBox().GetY() + (RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting * row_source);
        segm_fX = GetBoard()->GetBoundingBox().GetX() + (RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting * col_target);
        segm_fY = GetBoard()->GetBoundingBox().GetY() + (RoutingMatrix.m_GridRouting * row_target);

        // Draw segment.
        GRLine( m_canvas->GetClipBox(), DC,
                segm_oX, segm_oY, segm_fX, segm_fY,
                0, WHITE );
        pt_cur_ch->m_PadStart->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_OR | GR_HIGHLIGHT );
        pt_cur_ch->m_PadEnd->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_OR | GR_HIGHLIGHT );

        success = Autoroute_One_Track( this, DC,
                                       two_sides, row_source, col_source,
                                       row_target, col_target, pt_cur_ch );

        switch( success )
        case NOSUCCESS:
            pt_cur_ch->m_Status |= CH_UNROUTABLE;

        case STOP_FROM_ESC:
            stop = true;

        case ERR_MEMORY:
            stop = true;


        msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), nbsucces );
        AppendMsgPanel( wxT( "OK" ), msg, GREEN );
        msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), nbunsucces );
        AppendMsgPanel( wxT( "Fail" ), msg, RED );
        msg.Printf( wxT( "  %d" ), GetBoard()->GetUnconnectedNetCount() );
        AppendMsgPanel( wxT( "Not Connected" ), msg, CYAN );

        // Delete routing from display.
        pt_cur_ch->m_PadStart->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_AND );
        pt_cur_ch->m_PadEnd->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_AND );

        if( stop )

    SaveCopyInUndoList( s_ItemsListPicker, UR_UNSPECIFIED );
    s_ItemsListPicker.ClearItemsList(); // s_ItemsListPicker is no more owner of picked items

    return SUCCESS;
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::Edit_Zone_Params( wxDC* DC, ZONE_CONTAINER* aZone )
    ZONE_EDIT_T     edited;
    ZONE_SETTINGS   zoneInfo = GetZoneSettings();

    m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( true );

    // Save initial zones configuration, for undo/redo, before adding new zone
    // note the net name and the layer can be changed, so we must save all zones
    SaveCopyOfZones(s_PickedList, GetBoard(), -1, -1 );

    if( aZone->GetIsKeepout() )
        // edit a keepout area on a copper layer
        zoneInfo << *aZone;
        edited = InvokeKeepoutAreaEditor( this, &zoneInfo );
    else if( aZone->GetLayer() < FIRST_NO_COPPER_LAYER )
        // edit a zone on a copper layer

        zoneInfo << *aZone;

        edited = InvokeCopperZonesEditor( this, &zoneInfo );
        edited = InvokeNonCopperZonesEditor( this, aZone, &zoneInfo );

    m_canvas->SetIgnoreMouseEvents( false );

    if( edited == ZONE_ABORT )

    SetZoneSettings( zoneInfo );

    if( edited == ZONE_EXPORT_VALUES )
        UpdateCopyOfZonesList( s_PickedList, s_AuxiliaryList, GetBoard() );
        SaveCopyInUndoList(s_PickedList, UR_UNSPECIFIED);
        s_PickedList.ClearItemsList(); // s_ItemsListPicker is no more owner of picked items

    // Undraw old zone outlines
    for( int ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
        ZONE_CONTAINER* edge_zone = GetBoard()->GetArea( ii );
        edge_zone->Draw( m_canvas, DC, GR_XOR );

    zoneInfo.ExportSetting( *aZone );

    NETINFO_ITEM* net = GetBoard()->FindNet( zoneInfo.m_NetcodeSelection );

    if( net )   // net == NULL should not occur
        aZone->SetNetName( net->GetNetname() );

    // Combine zones if possible
    GetBoard()->OnAreaPolygonModified( &s_AuxiliaryList, aZone );

    // Redraw the real new zone outlines
    GetBoard()->RedrawAreasOutlines( m_canvas, DC, GR_OR, -1 );

    UpdateCopyOfZonesList( s_PickedList, s_AuxiliaryList, GetBoard() );
    SaveCopyInUndoList(s_PickedList, UR_UNSPECIFIED);

    s_PickedList.ClearItemsList();  // s_ItemsListPicker is no longer owner of picked items

void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ListNetsAndSelect( wxCommandEvent& event )
    NETINFO_ITEM* net;
    wxString      netFilter;
    wxArrayString list;

    netFilter = wxT( "*" );
    wxTextEntryDialog dlg( this, _( "Filter Net Names" ), _( "Net Filter" ), netFilter );

    if( dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
        return; // cancelled by user

    netFilter = dlg.GetValue( );

    if( netFilter.IsEmpty() )

    wxString Line;
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetNetCount(); ii++ )
        net = GetBoard()->m_NetInfo.GetNetItem( ii );

        if( !WildCompareString( netFilter, net->GetNetname(), false ) )

        Line.Printf( wxT( "net %3.3d:  %s" ), net->GetNet(),
                     GetChars( net->GetNetname() ) );
        list.Add( Line );

    wxSingleChoiceDialog choiceDlg( this, wxEmptyString, _( "Select Net" ), list );

    if( (choiceDlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL) || (choiceDlg.GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND) )

    bool     found   = false;
    unsigned netcode = (unsigned) choiceDlg.GetSelection();

    // Search for the net selected.
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->GetNetCount(); ii++ )
        net = GetBoard()->FindNet( ii );

        if( !WildCompareString( netFilter, net->GetNetname(), false ) )

        if( ii == netcode )
            netcode = net->GetNet();
            found   = true;

    if( found )
        INSTALL_UNBUFFERED_DC( dc, m_canvas );

        if( GetBoard()->IsHighLightNetON() )
            HighLight( &dc );

        GetBoard()->SetHighLightNet( netcode );
        HighLight( &dc );
/* Creates the section ROUTES
 * that handles tracks, vias
 * TODO: add zones
 *  section:
 *  $ROUTE
 *  ...
 *  Track segments must be sorted by nets
static void CreateRoutesSection( FILE* aFile, BOARD* aPcb )
    TRACK*  track, ** tracklist;
    int     vianum = 1;
    int     old_netcode, old_width, old_layer;
    int     nbitems, ii;
    LSET    master_layermask = aPcb->GetDesignSettings().GetEnabledLayers();

    int     cu_count = aPcb->GetCopperLayerCount();

    // Count items
    nbitems = 0;

    for( track = aPcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )

    for( track = aPcb->m_Zone; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( track->Type() == PCB_ZONE_T )

    tracklist = (TRACK**) operator new( (nbitems + 1)* sizeof( TRACK* ) );

    nbitems = 0;

    for( track = aPcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
        tracklist[nbitems++] = track;

    for( track = aPcb->m_Zone; track; track = track->Next() )
        if( track->Type() == PCB_ZONE_T )
            tracklist[nbitems++] = track;

    tracklist[nbitems] = NULL;

    qsort( tracklist, nbitems, sizeof(TRACK*), TrackListSortByNetcode );

    fputs( "$ROUTES\n", aFile );

    old_netcode = -1; old_width = -1; old_layer = -1;

    for( ii = 0; ii < nbitems; ii++ )
        track = tracklist[ii];

        if( old_netcode != track->GetNetCode() )
            old_netcode = track->GetNetCode();
            NETINFO_ITEM* net = track->GetNet();
            wxString      netname;

            if( net && (net->GetNetname() != wxEmptyString) )
                netname = net->GetNetname();
                netname = wxT( "_noname_" );

            fprintf( aFile, "ROUTE %s\n", TO_UTF8( netname ) );

        if( old_width != track->GetWidth() )
            old_width = track->GetWidth();
            fprintf( aFile, "TRACK TRACK%d\n", track->GetWidth() );

        if( (track->Type() == PCB_TRACE_T) || (track->Type() == PCB_ZONE_T) )
            if( old_layer != track->GetLayer() )
                old_layer = track->GetLayer();
                fprintf( aFile, "LAYER %s\n",
                        GenCADLayerName( cu_count, track->GetLayer() ).c_str()

            fprintf( aFile, "LINE %g %g %g %g\n",
                    MapXTo( track->GetStart().x ), MapYTo( track->GetStart().y ),
                    MapXTo( track->GetEnd().x ), MapYTo( track->GetEnd().y ) );

        if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
            const VIA* via = static_cast<const VIA*>(track);

            LSET vset = via->GetLayerSet() & master_layermask;

            fprintf( aFile, "VIA VIA%d.%d.%s %g %g ALL %g via%d\n",
                     via->GetWidth(), via->GetDrillValue(),
                     fmt_mask( vset ).c_str(),
                     MapXTo( via->GetStart().x ), MapYTo( via->GetStart().y ),
                     via->GetDrillValue() / SCALE_FACTOR, vianum++ );

    fputs( "$ENDROUTES\n\n", aFile );

    delete tracklist;