bool WPASupplicant::SelectNetwork(unsigned id) { NarrowString<64> cmd; cmd.Format("SELECT_NETWORK %u", id); return SendCommand(cmd) && ExpectOK(); }
bool WPASupplicant::DisableNetwork(unsigned id) { NarrowString<64> cmd; cmd.Format("DISABLE_NETWORK %u", id); return SendCommand(cmd) && ExpectOK(); }
bool WPASupplicant::RemoveNetwork(unsigned id) { NarrowString<64> cmd; cmd.Format("REMOVE_NETWORK %u", id); return SendCommand(cmd) && ExpectOK(); }
bool FlarmDevice::SetBaudRate(unsigned baud_id, OperationEnvironment &env) { NarrowString<32> buffer; buffer.Format("%u", baud_id); return SetConfig("BAUD", buffer, env); }
bool LiveTrack24::StartTracking(SessionID session, const TCHAR *username, const TCHAR *password, unsigned tracking_interval, VehicleType vtype, const TCHAR *vname, OperationEnvironment &env) { // // client=YourProgramName&v=1&user=yourusername&pass=yourpass& // phone=Nokia 2600c&gps=BT GPS&trk1=4&vtype=16388& // vname=vehicle name and model const WideToUTF8Converter username2(username); const WideToUTF8Converter password2(password); const WideToUTF8Converter vname2(vname); if (!username2.IsValid() || !password2.IsValid() || !vname2.IsValid()) return false; #ifdef _UNICODE NarrowString<32> version; version.SetASCII(XCSoar_VersionLong); #else const char *version = XCSoar_VersionLong; #endif NarrowString<2048> url; url.Format("http://%s/track.php?leolive=2&sid=%u&pid=%u&" "client=%s&v=%s&user=%s&pass=%s&vtype=%u&vname=%s", GetServer(), session, 1, "XCSoar", version, (const char *)username2, (const char *)password, vtype, vname); return SendRequest(url, env); }
bool FlarmDevice::SetRange(unsigned range, OperationEnvironment &env) { NarrowString<32> buffer; buffer.Format("%d", range); return SetConfig("RANGE", buffer, env); }
bool WPASupplicant::SetNetworkID(unsigned id, const char *name, const char *value) { NarrowString<512> cmd; cmd.Format("SET_NETWORK %u %s %s", id, name, value); return SendCommand(cmd) && ExpectOK(); }
void PlaneGlue::Write(const Plane &plane, KeyValueFileWriter &writer) { NarrowString<255> tmp; writer.Write("Registration", plane.registration); writer.Write("CompetitionID", plane.competition_id); writer.Write("Type", plane.type); tmp.Format("%u", plane.handicap); writer.Write("Handicap", tmp); writer.Write("PolarName", plane.polar_name); FormatPolarShape(plane.polar_shape, tmp.buffer(), tmp.MAX_SIZE); writer.Write("PolarInformation", tmp); tmp.Format("%f", (double)plane.reference_mass); writer.Write("PolarReferenceMass", tmp); tmp.Format("%f", (double)plane.dry_mass); writer.Write("PolarDryMass", tmp); tmp.Format("%f", (double)plane.max_ballast); writer.Write("MaxBallast", tmp); tmp.Format("%f", (double)plane.dump_time); writer.Write("DumpTime", tmp); tmp.Format("%f", (double)plane.max_speed); writer.Write("MaxSpeed", tmp); tmp.Format("%f", (double)plane.wing_area); writer.Write("WingArea", tmp); }
bool LiveTrack24::Client::EndTracking(OperationEnvironment &env) { // NarrowString<1024> url; url.Format("http://%s/track.php?leolive=3&sid=%u&pid=%u&prid=0", (const char *)server, session_id, packet_id); return SendRequest(url, env); }
bool LiveTrack24::EndTracking(SessionID session, unsigned packet_id, OperationEnvironment &env) { // NarrowString<1024> url; url.Format("http://%s/track.php?leolive=3&sid=%u&pid=%u&prid=0", GetServer(), session, packet_id); return SendRequest(url, env); }
bool FlarmDevice::SetConfig(const char *setting, const char *value, OperationEnvironment &env) { NarrowString<256> buffer; buffer.Format("PFLAC,S,%s,%s", setting, value); NarrowString<256> expected_answer(buffer); expected_answer[6u] = 'A'; Send(buffer, env); return port.ExpectString(expected_answer, env, 2000) && ExpectChecksum(port, NMEAChecksum(expected_answer), env); }
bool FlarmDevice::GetConfig(const char *setting, char *buffer, size_t length, OperationEnvironment &env) { NarrowString<256> request; request.Format("PFLAC,R,%s", setting); NarrowString<256> expected_answer(request); expected_answer[6u] = 'A'; expected_answer += ','; Send(request, env); return Receive(expected_answer, buffer, length, env, 2000); }
bool FlarmDevice::GetConfig(const char *setting, char *buffer, size_t length, OperationEnvironment &env) { NarrowString<90> request; request.Format("PFLAC,R,%s", setting); NarrowString<90> expected_answer(request); expected_answer[6u] = 'A'; expected_answer.push_back(','); Send(request, env); return Receive(expected_answer, buffer, length, env, std::chrono::seconds(2)); }
bool FlarmDevice::SetConfig(const char *setting, const TCHAR *value) { NarrowPathName narrow_value(value); NarrowString<256> buffer; buffer.Format("PFLAC,S,%s,", setting); buffer.append(narrow_value); NarrowString<256> expected_answer(buffer); expected_answer[6u] = 'A'; Send(buffer); return port.ExpectString(expected_answer); }
bool LiveTrack24::Client::GenerateSessionID(const TCHAR *_username, const TCHAR *_password, OperationEnvironment &env) { //<username>&pass=<pass> assert(_username != NULL); assert(!StringIsEmpty(_username)); assert(_password != NULL); assert(!StringIsEmpty(_password)); const WideToUTF8Converter username2(_username); const WideToUTF8Converter password2(_password); if (!username2.IsValid() || !password2.IsValid()) return false; NarrowString<1024> url; url.Format("http://%s/client.php?op=login&user=%s&pass=%s", (const char *)server, (const char *)username2, (const char *)_password); // Open download session Net::Session session; // Request the file char buffer[1024]; size_t size = Net::DownloadToBuffer(session, url, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, env); if (size == 0 || size == size_t(-1)) return false; buffer[size] = 0; char *p_end; UserID user_id = strtoul(buffer, &p_end, 10); if (buffer == p_end) { return false; } username.SetASCII(_username); password.SetASCII(_password); session_id = RandomSessionID(); session_id |= (user_id & 0x00ffffff); return true; }
bool FlarmDevice::GetConfig(const char *setting, TCHAR *buffer, size_t length) { NarrowString<256> request; request.Format("PFLAC,R,%s", setting); NarrowString<256> expected_answer(request); expected_answer[6u] = 'A'; expected_answer += ','; char narrow_buffer[length]; Send(request); if (!Receive(expected_answer, narrow_buffer, length, 1000)) return false; _tcscpy(buffer, PathName(narrow_buffer)); return true; }
bool LiveTrack24::SendPosition(SessionID session, unsigned packet_id, GeoPoint position, unsigned altitude, unsigned ground_speed, Angle track, int64_t timestamp_utc, OperationEnvironment &env) { // // lat=22.3&lon=40.2&alt=23&sog=40&cog=160&tm=1241422845 NarrowString<2048> url; url.Format("http://%s/track.php?leolive=4&sid=%u&pid=%u&" "lat=%f&lon=%f&alt=%d&sog=%d&cog=%d&tm=%lld", GetServer(), session, packet_id, (double)position.latitude.Degrees(), (double)position.longitude.Degrees(), altitude, ground_speed, (unsigned)track.AsBearing().Degrees(), (long long int)timestamp_utc); return SendRequest(url, env); }
LiveTrack24::UserID LiveTrack24::GetUserID(const TCHAR *username, const TCHAR *password, OperationEnvironment &env) { //<username>&pass=<pass> assert(username != NULL); assert(!StringIsEmpty(username)); assert(password != NULL); assert(!StringIsEmpty(password)); const WideToUTF8Converter username2(username); const WideToUTF8Converter password2(password); if (!username2.IsValid() || !password2.IsValid()) return 0; NarrowString<1024> url; url.Format("http://%s/client.php?op=login&user=%s&pass=%s", GetServer(), (const char *)username2, (const char *)password); // Open download session Net::Session session; // Request the file char buffer[1024]; size_t size = Net::DownloadToBuffer(session, url, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, env); if (size == 0 || size == size_t(-1)) return 0; buffer[size] = 0; char *p_end; UserID user_id = strtoul(buffer, &p_end, 10); if (buffer == p_end) return 0; return user_id; }
void Profile::SetFont(const char *key, LOGFONT &logfont) { assert(key != NULL); assert(key[0] != '\0'); #ifdef _UNICODE char face[256]; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, logfont.lfFaceName, -1, face, ARRAY_SIZE(face), nullptr, nullptr); #else const char *face = logfont.lfFaceName; #endif NarrowString<256> buffer; buffer.Format("%d,%d,0,0,%d,%d,0,0,0,0,0,%d,%d,%s", logfont.lfHeight, logfont.lfWidth, logfont.lfWeight, logfont.lfItalic, logfont.lfQuality, logfont.lfPitchAndFamily, face); Profile::Set(key, buffer); }
bool FlarmDevice::DeclareInternal(const Declaration &declaration, OperationEnvironment &env) { unsigned size = declaration.Size(); env.SetProgressRange(6 + size); env.SetProgressPosition(0); if (!SetPilot(declaration.pilot_name.c_str(), env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(1); if (!SetPlaneRegistration(declaration.aircraft_registration.c_str(), env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(2); if (!SetPlaneType(declaration.aircraft_type.c_str(), env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(3); if (!SetConfig("NEWTASK", "Task", env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(4); if (!SetConfig("ADDWP", "0000000N,00000000E,T", env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(5); for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) { int DegLat, DegLon; fixed tmp, MinLat, MinLon; char NoS, EoW; tmp = declaration.GetLocation(i).latitude.Degrees(); if (negative(tmp)) { NoS = 'S'; tmp = -tmp; } else { NoS = 'N'; } DegLat = (int)tmp; MinLat = (tmp - fixed(DegLat)) * 60 * 1000; tmp = declaration.GetLocation(i).longitude.Degrees(); if (negative(tmp)) { EoW = 'W'; tmp = -tmp; } else { EoW = 'E'; } DegLon = (int)tmp; MinLon = (tmp - fixed(DegLon)) * 60 * 1000; /* * We use the waypoint index here as name to get around the 192 byte * task size limit of the FLARM devices. * * see Flarm DataPort Manual: * "The total data size entered through this command may not surpass * 192 bytes when calculated as follows: 7+(Number of Waypoints * 9) + * (sum of length of all task and waypoint descriptions)" */ NarrowString<90> buffer; buffer.Format("%02d%05.0f%c,%03d%05.0f%c,%d", DegLat, (double)MinLat, NoS, DegLon, (double)MinLon, EoW, i + 1); if (!SetConfig("ADDWP", buffer, env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(6 + i); } if (!SetConfig("ADDWP", "0000000N,00000000E,L", env)) return false; env.SetProgressPosition(6 + size); // PFLAC,S,KEY,VALUE // Expect // PFLAC,A,blah // PFLAC,,COPIL: // PFLAC,,COMPID: // PFLAC,,COMPCLASS: // PFLAC,,NEWTASK: // PFLAC,,ADDWP: // Reset the FLARM to activate the declaration Restart(env); return true; }