void rankSample(NimArr<1, double> &weights, int &n, NimArr<1, int> &output, bool& silent) {
  //PRINTF("in VOID rankSample\n");
  int N = weights.size();
  rawSample(weights.getPtr(), n, N, output.getPtr(), false, silent);
void SEXP_2_NimArr<1>(SEXP Sn, NimArr<1, int> &ans) {
  if(!(isNumeric(Sn) || isLogical(Sn))) PRINTF("Error: SEXP_2_NimArr<1> called for SEXP that is not a numeric or logical!\n");
  int nn = LENGTH(Sn);
  if(ans.size() != 0) PRINTF("Error: trying to reset a NimArr that was already sized\n");
  if(isReal(Sn)) {
     std::copy(REAL(Sn), REAL(Sn) + nn, ans.getPtr());	
  } else {
    if(isInteger(Sn) || isLogical(Sn)) {
      int *iSn = isInteger(Sn) ? INTEGER(Sn) : LOGICAL(Sn);
      for(int i = 0; i < nn; ++i) {
	ans(i) = static_cast<double>(iSn[i]);
    } else {
      PRINTF("Error: We could not handle the R input type to SEXP_2_NimArr<1>\n");
void nimble_optim_withVarArgs(void* nimFun, OptimControl* control, OptimAns* ans,
				 	NimArr<1, double> par, optimfn objFxn,
				 	int numOtherArgs, ...){

	//Steps required:	
	//Unpack parts of control (things that are required for all optimizers)
	//Decide optimizer {
	//Based on optimizer, unpack specialized part of optimControl and call appropriate optimizer	
	//  unpack results of optimizer into ans
	//	}
	// ?return ans (depends if we want to allow return of nimble functions)

	// Generic Unpacking	
	int n = par.size();
	double* xin = &(par[0]);	//IF we want to leave par untouched by optim, we could copy these values instead of pointing at them
	double* x = &(ans->par[0]);
	double* Fmin = &(ans->Fmin);
	int* fail = &(ans->fail);
	int* fncount = &(ans->fncount);
	vector<void*>* otherArgs = new vector<void*>(numOtherArgs);
	va_list vl;
	va_start(vl, numOtherArgs);
	for(int i = 0; i < numOtherArgs; i++)
		(*otherArgs)[i] = va_arg(vl, void*);
	vector<void*>* ex = new vector<void*> (2);
	(*ex)[0] = nimFun;
	(*ex)[1] = otherArgs;
	//Choosing and applying optimizer
	//Just using Nelder Mead as example here
	if( control->optimType == 1 ){
		NM_OptimControl* nmControl = static_cast<NM_OptimControl*>(control);	
			nmmin(n, xin, x, Fmin, objFxn, fail, nmControl->abstol, nmControl->intol,
			static_cast<void*> (ex), nmControl->alpha, nmControl->beta, nmControl->gamma, nmControl->trace,
			fncount, nmControl->maxit);
		delete ex;
		delete otherArgs;
	//actually, nothing else to do at this point! 
	//Could return ans if we decided to build it on the fly here instead of providing it as argument
void bareBonesOptim(NimArr<1, double> initPar, optimfn objFxn, void* nfPtr, int nargs,  ...){
	int n1 = initPar.size();
	NM_OptimControl* nmControl = new NM_OptimControl(1.0, 0.5, 2.0,0.0001, 0.0001, 500, 0);
	OptimAns* optAns = new OptimAns(n1);
	optAns->Fmin = 100;
	vector<void*>* otherArgs = new vector<void*>(nargs);
	va_list vl;
	va_start(vl, nargs);
	for(int i = 0; i < nargs; i++)
		(*otherArgs)[i] = va_arg(vl, void*);
    void* vp_otherArgs = static_cast<void*>(otherArgs);
	nimble_optim(nfPtr, static_cast<OptimControl*>(nmControl), optAns,
					 initPar, vp_otherArgs, objFxn);
	Rprintf("Called bareBonesOptim, final value = %f\n", optAns->Fmin);
    delete nmControl;
    delete optAns;
    delete otherArgs;