NodeGraph::setNodeToDefaultPosition(const NodeGuiPtr& node, const NodesGuiList& selectedNodes, const CreateNodeArgs& args)
    NodePtr internalNode = node->getNode();

    // Serializatino, don't do anything
    SERIALIZATION_NAMESPACE::NodeSerializationPtr serialization = args.getPropertyUnsafe<SERIALIZATION_NAMESPACE::NodeSerializationPtr >(kCreateNodeArgsPropNodeSerialization);
    if (serialization) {

    bool hasPositionnedNode = false;

    // Try to autoconnect if there is a selection
    bool autoConnect = args.getPropertyUnsafe<bool>(kCreateNodeArgsPropAutoConnect);
    if ( selectedNodes.empty() || serialization) {
        autoConnect = false;

    if (autoConnect) {
        BackdropGuiPtr isBd = toBackdropGui(node);
        if (!isBd) {
            NodeGuiPtr selectedNode;
            if ( !serialization && (selectedNodes.size() == 1) ) {
                selectedNode = selectedNodes.front();
                BackdropGuiPtr isBdGui = toBackdropGui(selectedNode);
                if (isBdGui) {
            if (selectedNode && node->getNode()->autoConnect(selectedNode->getNode())) {
                hasPositionnedNode = true;

    if (!hasPositionnedNode) {
        // If there's a position hint, use it to position the node
        double xPosHint = args.getPropertyUnsafe<double>(kCreateNodeArgsPropNodeInitialPosition, 0);
        double yPosHint = args.getPropertyUnsafe<double>(kCreateNodeArgsPropNodeInitialPosition, 1);

        if ((xPosHint != INT_MIN) && (yPosHint != INT_MIN)) {
            QPointF pos = node->mapToParent( node->mapFromScene( QPointF(xPosHint, yPosHint) ) );
            node->refreshPosition( pos.x(), pos.y(), true );
            hasPositionnedNode = true;

    // Ok fallback with the node in the middle of the node graph
    if (!hasPositionnedNode) {

//using std::cout; using std::endl;

NodeGraph::moveNodeToCenterOfVisiblePortion(const NodeGuiPtr &n)
    QRectF viewPos = visibleSceneRect();
    QPointF position;
    position.setX( ( viewPos.bottomRight().x() + viewPos.topLeft().x() ) / 2. );
    position.setY( ( viewPos.topLeft().y() + viewPos.bottomRight().y() ) / 2. );

    position = n->mapFromScene(position);
    position = n->mapToParent(position);
    n->setPosition( position.x(), position.y() );
GuiAppInstance::createNodeGui(const NodePtr &node,
                              const NodePtr& parentMultiInstance,
                              const CreateNodeArgs& args)
    boost::shared_ptr<NodeCollection> group = node->getGroup();
    NodeGraph* graph;

    if (group) {
        NodeGraphI* graph_i = group->getNodeGraph();
        graph = dynamic_cast<NodeGraph*>(graph_i);
    } else {
        graph = _imp->_gui->getNodeGraph();
    if (!graph) {
        throw std::logic_error("");

    NodesGuiList selectedNodes = graph->getSelectedNodes();
    NodeGuiPtr nodegui = _imp->_gui->createNodeGUI(node, args);

    if (parentMultiInstance && nodegui) {

        boost::shared_ptr<NodeGuiI> parentNodeGui_i = parentMultiInstance->getNodeGui();
        nodegui->setParentMultiInstance( boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<NodeGui>(parentNodeGui_i) );

    ///It needs to be here because we rely on the _nodeMapping member
    bool isViewer = node->isEffectViewer() != 0;
    if (isViewer) {

    ///must be done after the viewer gui has been created
    if ( node->isRotoPaintingNode() ) {
        _imp->_gui->createNewRotoInterface( nodegui.get() );

    if ( ( node->isTrackerNodePlugin() || node->getEffectInstance()->isBuiltinTrackerNode() ) && !parentMultiInstance ) {
        _imp->_gui->createNewTrackerInterface( nodegui.get() );

    NodeGroup* isGroup = node->isEffectGroup();
    if ( isGroup && isGroup->isSubGraphUserVisible() ) {
        _imp->_gui->createGroupGui(node, args.reason);

    ///Don't initialize inputs if it is a multi-instance child since it is not part of  the graph
    if (!parentMultiInstance) {

    if ( (args.reason == eCreateNodeReasonUserCreate) && !isViewer ) {
        ///we make sure we can have a clean preview.
        node->computePreviewImage( getTimeLine()->currentFrame() );

    ///only move main instances
    if ( node->getParentMultiInstanceName().empty() ) {
        bool autoConnect = args.reason == eCreateNodeReasonUserCreate;

        if ( selectedNodes.empty() ) {
            autoConnect = false;
        if ( (args.xPosHint != INT_MIN) && (args.yPosHint != INT_MIN) && (!autoConnect) ) {
            QPointF pos = nodegui->mapToParent( nodegui->mapFromScene( QPointF(args.xPosHint, args.yPosHint) ) );
            nodegui->refreshPosition( pos.x(), pos.y(), true );
        } else {
            BackdropGui* isBd = dynamic_cast<BackdropGui*>( nodegui.get() );
            if (!isBd) {
                NodeGuiPtr selectedNode;
                if ( (args.reason == eCreateNodeReasonUserCreate) && (selectedNodes.size() == 1) ) {
                    selectedNode = selectedNodes.front();
                    BackdropGui* isBackdropGui = dynamic_cast<BackdropGui*>( selectedNode.get() );
                    if (isBackdropGui) {
                nodegui->getDagGui()->moveNodesForIdealPosition(nodegui, selectedNode, autoConnect);
} // createNodeGui
NodeGraph::moveNodesForIdealPosition(const NodeGuiPtr &node,
                                     const NodeGuiPtr &selected,
                                     bool autoConnect)
    BackdropGuiPtr isBd = toBackdropGui(node);

    if (isBd) {

    QRectF viewPos = visibleSceneRect();

    ///3 possible values:
    /// 0 = default , i.e: we pop the node in the middle of the graph's current view
    /// 1 = pop the node above the selected node and move the inputs of the selected node a little
    /// 2 = pop the node below the selected node and move the outputs of the selected node a little
    int behavior = 0;

    if (!selected || !autoConnect) {
        behavior = 0;
    } else {
        ///this function is redundant with Project::autoConnect, depending on the node selected
        ///and this node we make some assumptions on to where we could put the node.

        //        1) selected is output
        //          a) created is output --> fail
        //          b) created is input --> connect input
        //          c) created is regular --> connect input
        //        2) selected is input
        //          a) created is output --> connect output
        //          b) created is input --> fail
        //          c) created is regular --> connect output
        //        3) selected is regular
        //          a) created is output--> connect output
        //          b) created is input --> connect input
        //          c) created is regular --> connect output

        if ( selected->getNode()->isOutputNode() ) {
            ///case 1-a) just do default we don't know what else to do
            if ( node->getNode()->isOutputNode() ) {
                behavior = 0;
            } else {
                ///for either cases 1-b) or 1-c) we just connect the created node as input of the selected node.
                behavior = 1;
        ///2) and 3) are similar except for case b)
        else {
            ///case 2 or 3- a): connect the created node as output of the selected node.
            if ( node->getNode()->isOutputNode() ) {
                behavior = 2;
            ///case b)
            else if ( node->getNode()->isInputNode() ) {
                if ( selected->getNode()->getEffectInstance()->isReader() ) {
                    ///case 2-b) just do default we don't know what else to do
                    behavior = 0;
                } else {
                    ///case 3-b): connect the created node as input of the selected node
                    behavior = 1;
            ///case c) connect created as output of the selected node
            else {
                behavior = 2;

    NodePtr createdNodeInternal = node->getNode();
    NodePtr selectedNodeInternal;
    if (selected) {
        selectedNodeInternal = selected->getNode();

    ///if behaviour is 1 , just check that we can effectively connect the node to avoid moving them for nothing
    ///otherwise fallback on behaviour 0
    if (behavior == 1) {
        const std::vector<NodeWPtr > & inputs = selected->getNode()->getGuiInputs();
        bool oneInputEmpty = false;
        for (std::size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); ++i) {
            if ( !inputs[i].lock() ) {
                oneInputEmpty = true;
        if (!oneInputEmpty) {
            behavior = 0;

    ProjectPtr proj = getGui()->getApp()->getProject();

    QPointF position;
    if (behavior == 0) {
        position.setX( ( viewPos.bottomRight().x() + viewPos.topLeft().x() ) / 2. );
        position.setY( ( viewPos.topLeft().y() + viewPos.bottomRight().y() ) / 2. );
    } else if (behavior == 1) {
        ///pop it above the selected node

        ///If this is the first connected input, insert it in a "linear" way so the tree remains vertical
        int nbConnectedInput = 0;
        const std::vector<Edge*> & selectedNodeInputs = selected->getInputsArrows();
        for (std::vector<Edge*>::const_iterator it = selectedNodeInputs.begin(); it != selectedNodeInputs.end(); ++it) {
            NodeGuiPtr input;
            if (*it) {
                input = (*it)->getSource();
            if (input) {

        ///connect it to the first input
        QSize selectedNodeSize = selected->getSize();
        QSize createdNodeSize = node->getSize();

        if (nbConnectedInput == 0) {
            QPointF selectedNodeMiddlePos = selected->scenePos() +
                                            QPointF(selectedNodeSize.width() / 2, selectedNodeSize.height() / 2);

            position.setX(selectedNodeMiddlePos.x() - createdNodeSize.width() / 2);
            position.setY( selectedNodeMiddlePos.y() - selectedNodeSize.height() / 2 - NodeGui::DEFAULT_OFFSET_BETWEEN_NODES
                           - createdNodeSize.height() );

            QRectF createdNodeRect( position.x(), position.y(), createdNodeSize.width(), createdNodeSize.height() );

            ///now that we have the position of the node, move the inputs of the selected node to make some space for this node

            for (std::vector<Edge*>::const_iterator it = selectedNodeInputs.begin(); it != selectedNodeInputs.end(); ++it) {
                if ( (*it)->hasSource() ) {

            int selectedInput = selectedNodeInternal->getPreferredInputForConnection();
            if (selectedInput != -1) {
                bool ok = proj->connectNodes(selectedInput, createdNodeInternal, selectedNodeInternal, true);
        } else {
            //ViewerInstancePtr isSelectedViewer = selectedNodeInternal->isEffectViewerInstance();
            //Don't pop a dot, it will most likely annoy the user, just fallback on behavior 0
            /*    position.setX( ( viewPos.bottomRight().x() + viewPos.topLeft().x() ) / 2. );
                position.setY( ( viewPos.topLeft().y() + viewPos.bottomRight().y() ) / 2. );
               else {
            QRectF selectedBbox = selected->mapToScene( selected->boundingRect() ).boundingRect();
            QPointF selectedCenter = selectedBbox.center();
            double y = selectedCenter.y() - selectedNodeSize.height() / 2.
                       - NodeGui::DEFAULT_OFFSET_BETWEEN_NODES - createdNodeSize.height();
            double x = selectedCenter.x() + nbConnectedInput * 150;

            position.setX(x  - createdNodeSize.width() / 2.);

            int index = selectedNodeInternal->getPreferredInputForConnection();
            if (index != -1) {
                bool ok = proj->connectNodes(index, createdNodeInternal, selectedNodeInternal, true);
            //} // if (isSelectedViewer) {*/
        } // if (nbConnectedInput == 0) {
    } else {
        ///pop it below the selected node

        const NodesWList& outputs = selectedNodeInternal->getGuiOutputs();
        if ( !createdNodeInternal->isOutputNode() || outputs.empty() ) {
            QSize selectedNodeSize = selected->getSize();
            QSize createdNodeSize = node->getSize();
            QPointF selectedNodeMiddlePos = selected->scenePos() +
                                            QPointF(selectedNodeSize.width() / 2, selectedNodeSize.height() / 2);

            ///actually move the created node where the selected node is
            position.setX(selectedNodeMiddlePos.x() - createdNodeSize.width() / 2);
            position.setY(selectedNodeMiddlePos.y() + (selectedNodeSize.height() / 2) + NodeGui::DEFAULT_OFFSET_BETWEEN_NODES);

            QRectF createdNodeRect( position.x(), position.y(), createdNodeSize.width(), createdNodeSize.height() );

            ///and move the selected node below recusively
            for (NodesWList::const_iterator it = outputs.begin(); it != outputs.end(); ++it) {
                NodePtr output = it->lock();
                if (!output) {
                NodeGuiIPtr output_i = output->getNodeGui();
                if (!output_i) {
                NodeGuiPtr outputGui = toNodeGui( output_i );
                if (outputGui) {

            ///Connect the created node to the selected node
            ///finally we connect the created node to the selected node
            int createdInput = createdNodeInternal->getPreferredInputForConnection();
            if (createdInput != -1) {
                ignore_result( createdNodeInternal->connectInput(selectedNodeInternal, createdInput) );

            if ( !createdNodeInternal->isOutputNode() ) {
                ///we find all the nodes that were previously connected to the selected node,
                ///and connect them to the created node instead.
                std::map<NodePtr, int> outputsConnectedToSelectedNode;

                for (std::map<NodePtr, int>::iterator it = outputsConnectedToSelectedNode.begin();
                     it != outputsConnectedToSelectedNode.end(); ++it) {
                    if ( it->first->getParentMultiInstanceName().empty() && (it->first != createdNodeInternal) ) {
                           Internal rotopaint nodes are connecting to the Rotopaint itself... make sure not to connect
                           internal nodes of the tree
                        RotoDrawableItemPtr stroke = it->first->getAttachedRotoItem();
                        if ( stroke && (stroke->getContext()->getNode() == selectedNodeInternal) ) {

                        ignore_result( it->first->replaceInput(createdNodeInternal, it->second) );
//                        bool ok = proj->disconnectNodes(selectedNodeInternal.get(), it->first);
//                        if (ok) {
//                            ignore_result(proj->connectNodes(it->second, createdNodeInternal, it->first));
//                        }
                        //assert(ok); Might not be ok if the disconnectNodes() action above was queued
        } else {
            ///the created node is an output node and the selected node already has several outputs, create it aside
            QSize createdNodeSize = node->getSize();
            QRectF selectedBbox = selected->mapToScene( selected->boundingRect() ).boundingRect();
            QPointF selectedCenter = selectedBbox.center();
            double y = selectedCenter.y() + selectedBbox.height() / 2.
                       + NodeGui::DEFAULT_OFFSET_BETWEEN_NODES;
            double x = selectedCenter.x() + (int)outputs.size() * 150;

            position.setX(x  - createdNodeSize.width() / 2.);

            //Don't pop a dot, it will most likely annoy the user, just fallback on behavior 0

            int index = createdNodeInternal->getPreferredInputForConnection();
            bool ok = proj->connectNodes(index, selectedNodeInternal, createdNodeInternal, true);
    position = node->mapFromScene(position);
    position = node->mapToParent(position);
    node->setPosition( position.x(), position.y() );
} // moveNodesForIdealPosition
GuiAppInstance::createNodeGui(const NodePtr &node,
                              const NodePtr& parentMultiInstance,
                              const CreateNodeArgs& args)
    NodeCollectionPtr group = node->getGroup();
    NodeGraph* graph;

    if (group) {
        NodeGraphI* graph_i = group->getNodeGraph();
        graph = dynamic_cast<NodeGraph*>(graph_i);
    } else {
        graph = _imp->_gui->getNodeGraph();
    if (!graph) {
        throw std::logic_error("");

    NodesGuiList selectedNodes = graph->getSelectedNodes();
    NodeGuiPtr nodegui = _imp->_gui->createNodeGUI(node, args);

    if (parentMultiInstance && nodegui) {

        NodeGuiIPtr parentNodeGui_i = parentMultiInstance->getNodeGui();
        nodegui->setParentMultiInstance( boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<NodeGui>(parentNodeGui_i) );

    bool isViewer = node->isEffectViewerInstance() != 0;
    if (isViewer) {

    // Must be done after the viewer gui has been created

    NodeGroupPtr isGroup = node->isEffectNodeGroup();
    if ( isGroup && isGroup->isSubGraphUserVisible() ) {
        _imp->_gui->createGroupGui(node, args);

    ///Don't initialize inputs if it is a multi-instance child since it is not part of  the graph
    if (!parentMultiInstance) {
    NodeSerializationPtr serialization = args.getProperty<NodeSerializationPtr >(kCreateNodeArgsPropNodeSerialization);
    if ( !serialization && !isViewer ) {
        ///we make sure we can have a clean preview.
        node->computePreviewImage( getTimeLine()->currentFrame() );

    ///only move main instances
    if ( node->getParentMultiInstanceName().empty() && !serialization) {
        bool autoConnect = args.getProperty<bool>(kCreateNodeArgsPropAutoConnect);

        if ( selectedNodes.empty() || serialization) {
            autoConnect = false;
        double xPosHint = serialization ? INT_MIN : args.getProperty<double>(kCreateNodeArgsPropNodeInitialPosition, 0);
        double yPosHint = serialization ? INT_MIN : args.getProperty<double>(kCreateNodeArgsPropNodeInitialPosition, 1);
        if ( (xPosHint != INT_MIN) && (yPosHint != INT_MIN) && (!autoConnect) ) {
            QPointF pos = nodegui->mapToParent( nodegui->mapFromScene( QPointF(xPosHint, yPosHint) ) );
            nodegui->refreshPosition( pos.x(), pos.y(), true );
        } else {
            BackdropGuiPtr isBd = toBackdropGui(nodegui);
            if (!isBd) {
                NodeGuiPtr selectedNode;
                if ( !serialization && (selectedNodes.size() == 1) ) {
                    selectedNode = selectedNodes.front();
                    BackdropGuiPtr isBdGui = toBackdropGui(selectedNode);
                    if (isBdGui) {
                nodegui->getDagGui()->moveNodesForIdealPosition(nodegui, selectedNode, autoConnect);
} // createNodeGui