// <Group::OnGroupChanged>
// Change the group contents and notify the watchers
void Group::OnGroupChanged
	vector<InstanceAssociation> const& _associations
	bool notify = false;

	// If the number of associations is different, we'll save 
	// ourselves some work and clear the old set now.
	if( _associations.size() != m_associations.size() )
		notify = true;
		// Handle initial group creation case
		if ( _associations.size() == 0 && m_associations.size() == 0 )
			notify = true;

	// Add the new associations. 
	uint8 oldSize = (uint8)m_associations.size();

	uint8 i;
	for( i=0; i<_associations.size(); ++i )
		m_associations[_associations[i]] = AssociationCommandVec();

	if( (!notify) && ( oldSize != m_associations.size() ) )
		// The number of nodes in the original and new groups is the same, but
		// the number of associations has grown. There must be different nodes 
		// in the original and new sets of nodes in the group.  The easiest way
		// to sort this out is to clear the associations and add the new nodes again.
		for( i=0; i<_associations.size(); ++i )
			m_associations[_associations[i]] = AssociationCommandVec();
		notify = true;

	if( notify )
		// If the node supports COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION_COMMAND_CONFIGURATION, we need to request the command data.
		if( Driver* driver = Manager::Get()->GetDriver( m_homeId ) )
			if( Node* node = driver->GetNodeUnsafe( m_nodeId ) )
				if( AssociationCommandConfiguration* cc = static_cast<AssociationCommandConfiguration*>( node->GetCommandClass( AssociationCommandConfiguration::StaticGetCommandClassId() ) ) )
					for( map<InstanceAssociation,AssociationCommandVec,classcomp>::iterator it = m_associations.begin(); it != m_associations.end(); ++it )
						cc->RequestCommands( m_groupIdx, it->first.m_nodeId );

		// Send notification that the group contents have changed
		Notification* notification = new Notification( Notification::Type_Group );
		notification->SetHomeAndNodeIds( m_homeId, m_nodeId );
		notification->SetGroupIdx( m_groupIdx );
		Manager::Get()->GetDriver( m_homeId )->QueueNotification( notification ); 
		// Update routes on remote node if necessary
		bool update = false;
		Options::Get()->GetOptionAsBool( "PerformReturnRoutes", &update );
		if( update )
			Driver *drv = Manager::Get()->GetDriver( m_homeId );
			if (drv)
				drv->UpdateNodeRoutes( m_nodeId );