// Scan a single chromosome with interactive covariates
// this version should be fast but requires more memory
// (since we first expand the genotype probabilities to probs x intcovar)
// and this one allows weights for the individuals (the same for all phenotypes)
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix of numeric phenotypes (individuals x phenotypes)
//             (no missing data allowed)
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// intcovar  = interactive covariates (should also be included in addcovar)
// weights   = vector of weights
// output    = matrix of residual sums of squares (RSS) (phenotypes x positions)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix scan_binary_onechr_intcovar_weighted_highmem(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                                           const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                                           const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                                           const NumericMatrix& intcovar,
                                                           const NumericVector& weights,
                                                           const int maxit=100,
                                                           const double tol=1e-6,
                                                           const double qr_tol=1e-12)
    const int n_ind = pheno.rows();
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array but has no dim attribute");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    if(d.size() != 3)
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array");
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != intcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(intcovar)");
    if(n_ind != weights.size())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != length(weights)");

    // expand genotype probabilities to include geno x interactive covariate
    NumericVector genoprobs_rev = expand_genoprobs_intcovar(genoprobs, intcovar);

    // genotype can
    return scan_binary_onechr_weighted(genoprobs_rev, pheno, addcovar, weights, maxit, tol, qr_tol);
// LMM scan of a single chromosome with interactive covariates
// this version should be fast but requires more memory
// (since we first expand the genotype probabilities to probs x intcovar)
// and this one allows weights for the individuals (the same for all phenotypes)
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix with one column of numeric phenotypes
//             (no missing data allowed)
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// intcovar  = interactive covariates (should also be included in addcovar)
// eigenvec  = matrix of transposed eigenvectors of variance matrix
// weights   = vector of weights (really the SQUARE ROOT of the weights)
// output    = vector of log likelihood values
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector scan_pg_onechr_intcovar_highmem(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                              const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                              const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                              const NumericMatrix& intcovar,
                                              const NumericMatrix& eigenvec,
                                              const NumericVector& weights,
                                              const double tol=1e-12)
    const unsigned int n_ind = pheno.rows();
    if(pheno.cols() != 1)
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != 1");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    const unsigned int n_pos = d[2];
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != intcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(intcovar)");
    if(n_ind != weights.size())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != length(weights)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.rows())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != nrow(eigenvec)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.cols())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != ncol(eigenvec)");

    // expand genotype probabilities to include geno x interactive covariate
    NumericVector genoprobs_rev = expand_genoprobs_intcovar(genoprobs, intcovar);

    // pre-multiply everything by eigenvectors
    genoprobs_rev = matrix_x_3darray(eigenvec, genoprobs_rev);
    NumericMatrix addcovar_rev = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, addcovar);
    NumericMatrix pheno_rev = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, pheno);

    // multiply everything by the (square root) of the weights
    // (weights should ALREADY be the square-root of the real weights)
    addcovar_rev = weighted_matrix(addcovar_rev, weights);
    pheno_rev = weighted_matrix(pheno_rev, weights);
    genoprobs_rev = weighted_3darray(genoprobs_rev, weights);

    // regress out the additive covariates
    genoprobs_rev = calc_resid_linreg_3d(addcovar_rev, genoprobs_rev, tol);
    pheno_rev = calc_resid_linreg(addcovar_rev, pheno_rev, tol);

    // now the scan, return RSS
    NumericMatrix rss = scan_hk_onechr_nocovar(genoprobs_rev, pheno_rev, tol);

    // 0.5*sum(log(weights)) [since these are sqrt(weights)]
    double sum_logweights = sum(log(weights));

    // calculate log likelihood
    NumericVector result(n_pos);
    for(unsigned int pos=0; pos<n_pos; pos++)
        result[pos] = -(double)n_ind/2.0*log(rss[pos]) + sum_logweights;

    return result;
// LMM scan of a single chromosome with interactive covariates
// this version uses less memory but will be slower
// (since we need to work with each position, one at a time)
// and this one allows weights for the individuals (the same for all phenotypes)
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix with one column of numeric phenotypes
//             (no missing data allowed)
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// intcovar  = interactive covariates (should also be included in addcovar)
// eigenvec  = matrix of transposed eigenvectors of variance matrix
// weights   = vector of weights (really the SQUARE ROOT of the weights)
// output    = vector of log likelihood values
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector scan_pg_onechr_intcovar_lowmem(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                             const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                             const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                             const NumericMatrix& intcovar,
                                             const NumericMatrix& eigenvec,
                                             const NumericVector& weights,
                                             const double tol=1e-12)
    const unsigned int n_ind = pheno.rows();
    if(pheno.cols() != 1)
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != 1");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    const unsigned int n_pos = d[2];
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != intcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(intcovar)");
    if(n_ind != weights.size())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != length(weights)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.rows())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != nrow(eigenvec)");
    if(n_ind != eigenvec.cols())
        throw std::range_error("ncol(pheno) != ncol(eigenvec)");

    NumericVector result(n_pos);

    // multiply pheno by eigenvectors and then by weights
    NumericMatrix pheno_rev = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, pheno);
    pheno_rev = weighted_matrix(pheno_rev, weights);

    // 0.5*sum(log(weights)) [since these are sqrt(weights)]
    double sum_logweights = sum(log(weights));

    for(unsigned int pos=0; pos<n_pos; pos++) {
        Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();  // check for ^C from user

        // form X matrix
        NumericMatrix X = formX_intcovar(genoprobs, addcovar, intcovar, pos, true);

        // multiply by eigenvectors
        X = matrix_x_matrix(eigenvec, X);

        // multiply by weights
        X = weighted_matrix(X, weights);

        // do regression
        NumericVector rss = calc_rss_linreg(X, pheno_rev, tol);
        result[pos] = -(double)n_ind/2.0*log(rss[0]) + sum_logweights;

    return result;
NumericVector WithDoubleFun(NumericMatrix x, double (*CombineFun)(double, double)) {
  NumericVector result(1);
  for (int i = 0; i < x.rows(); i++) {
    result = result + CombineFun(x(i,0), x(i,1));
  return result;
NumericVector WithMatrixFun(NumericMatrix x, double (*CombineFun)(NumericMatrix, int)) {
  NumericVector result(1);
  for (int i = 0; i < x.rows(); i++) {
    result = result + CombineFun(x, i);
  return result;
// Scan a single chromosome with additive covariates and weights
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix of numeric phenotypes (individuals x phenotypes)
//             (no missing data allowed, values should be in [0,1])
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// weights   = vector of weights
// output    = matrix of (weighted) residual sums of squares (RSS) (phenotypes x positions)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix scan_binary_onechr_weighted(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                          const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                          const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                          const NumericVector& weights,
                                          const int maxit=100,
                                          const double tol=1e-6,
                                          const double qr_tol=1e-12,
                                          const double eta_max=30.0)
    const int n_ind = pheno.rows();
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array but has no dim attribute");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    if(d.size() != 3)
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array");
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != weights.size())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != length(weights)");
    const int n_pos = d[2];
    const int n_gen = d[1];
    const int n_add = addcovar.cols();
    const int g_size = n_ind * n_gen;
    const int n_phe = pheno.cols();

    NumericMatrix result(n_phe, n_pos);
    NumericMatrix X(n_ind, n_gen+n_add);

    if(n_add > 0) // paste in covariates, if present
        std::copy(addcovar.begin(), addcovar.end(), X.begin() + g_size);

    for(int pos=0, offset=0; pos<n_pos; pos++, offset += g_size) {
        Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();  // check for ^C from user

        // copy genoprobs for this pos into a matrix
        std::copy(genoprobs.begin() + offset, genoprobs.begin() + offset + g_size, X.begin());

        for(int phe=0; phe<n_phe; phe++) {
            // calc rss and paste into ith column of result
            result(phe,pos) = calc_ll_binreg_weighted(X, pheno(_,phe), weights, maxit, tol, qr_tol, eta_max);

    return result;
// calculate distance between two lists of points
// pt1 and pt2 are each matrices with two columns
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix calc_dist_pt2pt(NumericMatrix pt1, NumericMatrix pt2)
    int nr1 = pt1.rows(), nr2 = pt2.rows();
    int nc1 = pt1.cols(), nc2 = pt2.cols();
    if(nc1 != 2) throw std::invalid_argument("pt1 should have two columns");
    if(nc2 != 2) throw std::invalid_argument("pt2 should have two columns");

    NumericMatrix result(nr1,nr2);

    for(int i=0; i<nr1; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j<nr2; j++) {
            result(i,j) = calc_dist_pt2pt_one(pt1(i,_), pt2(j,_));

    return result;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector Raw(NumericMatrix x) {
  NumericVector result(1);
  for (int i = 0; i < x.rows(); i++) {
    // It's the allocation of a new numeric vector, not the function
    // pointer, that slows down the other one.
    //NumericVector y = x(i, _);
    result = result + (x(i, 0) * x(i, 1));
  return result;
// logistic regression by Qr decomposition with column pivoting
// return just the log likelihood
// [[Rcpp::export]]
double calc_ll_binreg_eigenqr(const NumericMatrix& X, const NumericVector& y,
                              const int maxit=100, const double tol=1e-6,
                              const double qr_tol=1e-12)
    const int n_ind = y.size();
    #ifndef RQTL2_NODEBUG
    if(n_ind != X.rows())
        throw std::invalid_argument("nrow(X) != length(y)");

    double curllik = 0.0;
    NumericVector pi(n_ind), wt(n_ind), nu(n_ind), z(n_ind);

    for(int ind=0; ind<n_ind; ind++) {
        pi[ind] = (y[ind] + 0.5)/2;
        wt[ind] = sqrt(pi[ind] * (1-pi[ind]));
        nu[ind] = log(pi[ind]) - log(1-pi[ind]);
        z[ind] = nu[ind]*wt[ind] + (y[ind] - pi[ind])/wt[ind];
        curllik += y[ind] * log10(pi[ind]) + (1.0-y[ind])*log10(1.0-pi[ind]);

    NumericMatrix XX = weighted_matrix(X, wt);

    bool converged=false;
    double llik=0.0;

    for(int it=0; it<maxit; it++) {
        Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();  // check for ^C from user

        // fitted values using weighted XX; will need to divide by previous weights
        nu = calc_fitted_linreg_eigenqr(XX, z, qr_tol);

        llik = 0.0;
        for(int ind=0; ind<n_ind; ind++) {
            nu[ind] /= wt[ind]; // need to divide by previous weights
            pi[ind] = exp(nu[ind])/(1.0 + exp(nu[ind]));
            wt[ind] = sqrt(pi[ind] * (1.0 - pi[ind]));
            z[ind] = nu[ind]*wt[ind] + (y[ind] - pi[ind])/wt[ind];
            llik += y[ind] * log10(pi[ind]) + (1.0-y[ind])*log10(1.0-pi[ind]);

        if(fabs(llik - curllik) < tol) { // converged
            converged = true;

        XX = weighted_matrix(X, wt);
        curllik = llik;

    } // end iterations

    if(!converged) r_warning("binreg didn't converge");

    return llik;
SEXP do_getcq_dense( NumericMatrix X, const IntegerVector& mcs0idx){

  List vnl = clone(List(X.attr("dimnames")));
  CharacterVector vn=vnl[0];

  int nrX = X.rows(), i, ii, j, k, l, past;
  IntegerVector pas( nrX ), vec_s( nrX ), vec2_s( nrX );
  IntegerVector ggg( nrX );
  // pas.setZero();
  for (i=0; i<nrX; ++i){
    j = mcs0idx[i];  // Rprintf("i=%d, j=%d, past=%d\n", i, j, past);
    vec_s = X(_, j );
    vec2_s = vec_s * pas ;
    past = sum( vec2_s );
    pas[i] = 1;
    ggg[ mcs0idx[i] ] = past;
  // // cout << vec_s.transpose() << endl; cout << pas.transpose() << endl;

  IntegerVector ladder( nrX );
  for (i=0; i<nrX-1; ++i){
    if( ggg[i]+1>ggg[i+1]) ladder[i] = 1;
  ladder[nrX-1]=1; //Rprintf("ladder: "); Rf_PrintValue( ladder );
  int ncq = sum( ladder );
  List cqlist(ncq);
  for (i=0; i<nrX; ++i) pas[i]=0;
  // pas.setZero();
  for (i=0; i<nrX; ++i){
    if (ladder[i]>0){
      j = mcs0idx[i];
      vec_s  = X(_, j );
      vec2_s = vec_s * pas;
      past = sum( vec2_s ) ;   //Rprintf("i=%d, j=%d, past=%d\n", i, j, past);
      IntegerVector cq(past+1);
      //cout << "vec2_s " << vec2_s.transpose() << endl; Rf_PrintValue( cq );
      for (ii=0; ii<nrX; ++ii){
	if (vec2_s[ii] != 0)
	  cq[k++] = ii;
      cq[past] = j;
      CharacterVector cq2(past+1);
      for (k=0; k<past+1;++k) cq2[k]=vn[cq[k]];
      cqlist[l++] = cq2;     //Rf_PrintValue( cq );
    pas[i] = 1;
  return cqlist; //List::create( cqlist );
  //return List::create(1);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector row_kth(NumericMatrix toSort, int k) {
  int n = toSort.rows();
  NumericVector meds = NumericVector(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    NumericVector curRow = toSort.row(i);
    std::nth_element(curRow.begin(), curRow.begin() + k, curRow.end());
    meds[i] = curRow[k];

  return meds;
// Scan a single chromosome with interactive covariates
// this version uses less memory but will be slower
// (since we need to work with each position, one at a time)
// and this one allows weights for the individuals (the same for all phenotypes)
// genoprobs = 3d array of genotype probabilities (individuals x genotypes x positions)
// pheno     = matrix of numeric phenotypes (individuals x phenotypes)
//             (no missing data allowed)
// addcovar  = additive covariates (an intercept, at least)
// intcovar  = interactive covariates (should also be included in addcovar)
// weights   = vector of weights
// output    = matrix of residual sums of squares (RSS) (phenotypes x positions)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix scan_binary_onechr_intcovar_weighted_lowmem(const NumericVector& genoprobs,
                                                          const NumericMatrix& pheno,
                                                          const NumericMatrix& addcovar,
                                                          const NumericMatrix& intcovar,
                                                          const NumericVector& weights,
                                                          const int maxit=100,
                                                          const double tol=1e-6,
                                                          const double qr_tol=1e-12,
                                                          const double eta_max=30.0)
    const int n_ind = pheno.rows();
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array but has no dim attribute");
    const Dimension d = genoprobs.attr("dim");
    if(d.size() != 3)
        throw std::invalid_argument("genoprobs should be a 3d array");
    const int n_pos = d[2];
    const int n_phe = pheno.cols();
    if(n_ind != d[0])
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(genoprobs)");
    if(n_ind != addcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(addcovar)");
    if(n_ind != intcovar.rows())
        throw std::range_error("nrow(pheno) != nrow(intcovar)");

    NumericMatrix result(n_phe, n_pos);

    for(int pos=0; pos<n_pos; pos++) {
        Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();  // check for ^C from user

        // form X matrix
        NumericMatrix X = formX_intcovar(genoprobs, addcovar, intcovar, pos, true);

        for(int phe=0; phe<n_phe; phe++) {
            // do regression
            result(phe,pos) = calc_ll_binreg_weighted(X, pheno(_,phe), weights, maxit, tol, qr_tol, eta_max);

    return result;
// use calc_resid_linreg for a 3-dim array
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector calc_resid_linreg_3d(const NumericMatrix& X, const NumericVector& P)
    int nrowx = X.rows();
    int sizep = P.size();

    NumericMatrix pr(nrowx, sizep/nrowx);
    std::copy(P.begin(), P.end(), pr.begin()); // FIXME I shouldn't need to copy

    NumericMatrix result = calc_resid_linreg(X, pr);
    result.attr("dim") = P.attr("dim");

    return result;
// use calc_resid_linreg for a 3-dim array
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector calc_resid_linreg_3d(const NumericMatrix& X, const NumericVector& P,
                                   const double tol=1e-12)
    const unsigned int nrowx = X.rows();
    const Dimension d = P.attr("dim");
    if(d[0] != nrowx)
        throw std::range_error("nrow(X) != nrow(P)");

    NumericMatrix pr(nrowx, d[1]*d[2]);
    std::copy(P.begin(), P.end(), pr.begin()); // FIXME I shouldn't need to copy

    NumericMatrix result = calc_resid_eigenqr(X, pr, tol);
    result.attr("dim") = d;

    return result;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericMatrix term_score(NumericMatrix beta) {
  // calculate term score (Blei and Lafferty 2009)
  int W = beta.rows();
  int K = beta.cols();
  NumericMatrix term_score(W, K);
  for (int w = 0; w < W; w++) {
    double product = 0.0;
    for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
      product *= beta(w, k);
    for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
      term_score(w, k) = beta(w, k) * log(beta(w, k) / pow(product, (1 / K)));
  return term_score;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector row_medians(NumericMatrix toSort) {
  int n = toSort.rows();
  int medN  = toSort.cols();
  NumericVector meds = NumericVector(n);
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    NumericVector curRow = toSort.row(i);
    std::nth_element(curRow.begin(), curRow.begin() + curRow.size()/2 - 1, curRow.end());
    double med1 = curRow[curRow.size()/2 - 1];
    if (medN % 2 == 0) {
      std::nth_element(curRow.begin(), curRow.begin() + curRow.size()/2, curRow.end());
      double med2 = curRow[curRow.size()/2];
      meds[i] = (med1 + med2)/2.0;
    } else {
      meds[i] = med1;

  return meds;
文件: linreg.cpp 项目: kbroman/qtl2
// use calc_resid_linreg for a 3-dim array
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector calc_resid_linreg_3d(const NumericMatrix& X, const NumericVector& P,
                                   const double tol=1e-12)
    const int nrowx = X.rows();
        throw std::invalid_argument("P should be a 3d array but has no dim attribute");
    const Dimension d = P.attr("dim");
    if(d.size() != 3)
        throw std::invalid_argument("P should be a 3d array");
    if(d[0] != nrowx)
        throw std::range_error("nrow(X) != nrow(P)");

    NumericMatrix pr(nrowx, d[1]*d[2]);
    std::copy(P.begin(), P.end(), pr.begin()); // FIXME I shouldn't need to copy

    NumericMatrix result = calc_resid_eigenqr(X, pr, tol);
    result.attr("dim") = d;

    return result;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector calc_coherence(List ctot, NumericMatrix top_words_topics) {
  int K = top_words_topics.cols();
  int M = top_words_topics.rows();
  NumericMatrix cond_topic_count = ctot["cond_topic_count"];
  NumericVector coherence_scores(K);
  NumericVector composer_id = ctot["composer_id"];
  for (int k = 0; k < K; k++) {
    for (int m = 2; m < M; m++) {
      for (int l = 0; l < m-1; l++) {
        double doc_freq = 0.0;
        double co_doc_freq = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < composer_id.size(); i++) {
          doc_freq += (double) (composer_id[i] == top_words_topics(l, k));
          co_doc_freq += (double) (composer_id[i] == top_words_topics(m, k) &&
                                   composer_id[i] == top_words_topics(l, k));
        coherence_scores[k] += log((co_doc_freq + 1.0) / doc_freq);
  return coherence_scores;
// logistic regression
// return llik, fitted probabilities, coef, SE
// [[Rcpp::export]]
List fit_binreg_eigenqr(const NumericMatrix& X,
                              const NumericVector& y,
                              const bool se=true, // whether to include SEs
                              const int maxit=100,
                              const double tol=1e-6,
                              const double qr_tol=1e-12)
    const int n_ind = y.size();
    #ifndef RQTL2_NODEBUG
    if(n_ind != X.rows())
        throw std::invalid_argument("nrow(X) != length(y)");

    double curllik = 0.0;
    NumericVector pi(n_ind), wt(n_ind), nu(n_ind), z(n_ind);

    for(int ind=0; ind<n_ind; ind++) {
        pi[ind] = (y[ind] + 0.5)/2;
        wt[ind] = sqrt(pi[ind] * (1-pi[ind]));
        nu[ind] = log(pi[ind]) - log(1-pi[ind]);
        z[ind] = nu[ind]*wt[ind] + (y[ind] - pi[ind])/wt[ind];
        curllik += y[ind] * log10(pi[ind]) + (1.0-y[ind])*log10(1.0-pi[ind]);

    NumericMatrix XX = weighted_matrix(X, wt); // to store weighted matrix

    bool converged=false;
    double llik=0.0;

    for(int it=0; it<maxit; it++) {
        Rcpp::checkUserInterrupt();  // check for ^C from user

        // fitted values using weighted XX; will need to divide by previous weights
        nu = calc_fitted_linreg_eigenqr(XX, z, qr_tol);

        llik = 0.0;
        for(int ind=0; ind<n_ind; ind++) {
            nu[ind] /= wt[ind]; // need to divide by previous weights
            pi[ind] = exp(nu[ind])/(1.0 + exp(nu[ind]));
            wt[ind] = sqrt(pi[ind] * (1.0 - pi[ind]));
            z[ind] = nu[ind]*wt[ind] + (y[ind] - pi[ind])/wt[ind];
            llik += y[ind] * log10(pi[ind]) + (1.0-y[ind])*log10(1.0-pi[ind]);

        XX = weighted_matrix(X, wt);

        if(fabs(llik - curllik) < tol) { // converged
            converged = true;

        curllik = llik;
    } // end iterations

    if(!converged) r_warning("binreg didn't converge");

    // now get coefficients, SEs, etc.
    List fit = fit_linreg_eigenqr(XX, z, true, qr_tol);
    NumericVector coef = fit[0];

    if(se) {
        // SE scaled by sigma; need to unscale
        NumericVector sigma = fit[4];
        NumericVector SE = fit[7];
        for(int i=0; i<SE.size(); i++) SE[i] /= sigma[0];

        return List::create(Named("log10lik") = llik,
                            Named("fitted_probs") = pi,
                            Named("coef") = coef,
                            Named("SE") = SE);
    else { // no need for SEs
        return List::create(Named("log10lik") = llik,
                            Named("fitted_probs") = pi,
                            Named("coef") = coef);
SEXP eigenanatomyCppHelper(
  NumericMatrix X,
  SEXP r_mask,
  RealType sparseness,
  IntType nvecs,
  IntType its,
  IntType cthresh,
  RealType z,
  RealType smooth,
//  NumericMatrix initializationMatrix,
  Rcpp::List initializationList,
  IntType covering,
  RealType ell1,
  IntType verbose,
  IntType powerit,
  RealType priorWeight )
  enum { Dimension = ImageType::ImageDimension };
  typename ImageType::RegionType region;
  typedef typename ImageType::PixelType PixelType;
  typedef typename ImageType::Pointer ImagePointerType;
  typedef double                                        Scalar;
  typedef itk::ants::antsSCCANObject<ImageType, Scalar> SCCANType;
  typedef typename SCCANType::MatrixType                vMatrix;
  typename SCCANType::Pointer sccanobj = SCCANType::New();

  typename ImageType::Pointer mask = Rcpp::as<ImagePointerType>( r_mask );
  bool maskisnull = mask.IsNull();
// deal with the initializationList, if any
  unsigned int nImages = initializationList.size();
  if ( ( nImages > 0 ) && ( !maskisnull ) )
    itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex<ImageType> it( mask,
      mask->GetLargestPossibleRegion() );
    vMatrix priorROIMat( nImages , X.cols() );
    priorROIMat.fill( 0 );
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nImages; i++ )
      typename ImageType::Pointer init =
        Rcpp::as<ImagePointerType>( initializationList[i] );
      unsigned long ct = 0;
      while ( !it.IsAtEnd() )
        PixelType pix = it.Get();
        if ( pix >= 0.5 )
          pix = init->GetPixel( it.GetIndex() );
          priorROIMat( i, ct ) = pix;
    sccanobj->SetMatrixPriorROI( priorROIMat );
    nvecs = nImages;
  sccanobj->SetPriorWeight( priorWeight );
  sccanobj->SetLambda( priorWeight );
// cast hack from Rcpp type to sccan type
  std::vector<double> xdat =
      Rcpp::as< std::vector<double> >( X );
  const double* _xdata = &xdat[0];
  vMatrix vnlX( _xdata , X.cols(), X.rows()  );
  vnlX = vnlX.transpose();

  sccanobj->SetGetSmall( false  );
  vMatrix priorROIMat;

//    sccanobj->SetMatrixPriorROI( priorROIMat);
//    sccanobj->SetMatrixPriorROI2( priorROIMat );
  sccanobj->SetCovering( covering );
  sccanobj->SetSilent(  ! verbose  );
  if( ell1 > 0 )
    sccanobj->SetUseL1( true );
    sccanobj->SetUseL1( false );
  sccanobj->SetGradStep( vnl_math_abs( ell1 ) );
  sccanobj->SetMaximumNumberOfIterations( its );
  sccanobj->SetRowSparseness( z );
  sccanobj->SetSmoother( smooth );
  if ( sparseness < 0 ) sccanobj->SetKeepPositiveP(false);
  sccanobj->SetSCCANFormulation(  SCCANType::PQ );
  sccanobj->SetFractionNonZeroP( fabs( sparseness ) );
  sccanobj->SetMinClusterSizeP( cthresh );
  sccanobj->SetMatrixP( vnlX );
//  sccanobj->SetMatrixR( r ); // FIXME
  sccanobj->SetMaskImageP( mask );
  RealType truecorr = 0;
  if( powerit == 1 )
    truecorr = sccanobj->SparseReconHome( nvecs );
  else if ( priorWeight > 1.e-12 )
    truecorr = sccanobj->SparseReconPrior( nvecs, true );
  else truecorr = sccanobj->SparseRecon(nvecs);
  else if( powerit != 0 )
    truecorr = sccanobj->SparseArnoldiSVD(nvecs);
  else if( svd_option == 4  )
    truecorr = sccanobj->NetworkDecomposition( nvecs );
  else if( svd_option == 5  )
    truecorr = sccanobj->LASSO( nvecs );
  else if( svd_option == 2 )
    truecorr = sccanobj->CGSPCA(nvecs);                         // cgspca
  else if( svd_option == 6 )
    truecorr = sccanobj->SparseRecon(nvecs);  // sparse (default)
  else if( svd_option == 7 )
    // sccanobj->SetPriorScaleMat( priorScaleMat);
    sccanobj->SetMatrixPriorROI( priorROIMat);
    sccanobj->SetLambda(sccanparser->Convert<double>( option->GetFunction( 0 )->GetParameter( 3 ) ) );
    truecorr = sccanobj->SparseReconPrior(nvecs, true); // Prior
    truecorr = sccanobj->SparseArnoldiSVDGreedy( nvecs );  // sparse (default)

  // solutions should be much smaller so may not be a big deal to copy
  // FIXME - should not copy, should map memory
  vMatrix solV = sccanobj->GetVariatesP();
  NumericMatrix eanatMat( solV.cols(), solV.rows() );
  unsigned long rows = solV.rows();
  for( unsigned long c = 0; c < solV.cols(); c++ )
    for( unsigned int r = 0; r < rows; r++ )
      eanatMat( c, r ) = solV( r, c );
  vMatrix solU = sccanobj->GetMatrixU();
  NumericMatrix eanatMatU( solU.rows(), solU.cols() );
  rows = solU.rows();
  for( unsigned long c = 0; c < solU.cols(); c++ )
    for( unsigned int r = 0; r < rows; r++ )
      eanatMatU( r, c) = solU( r, c);
        Rcpp::Named("eigenanatomyimages") = eanatMat,
        Rcpp::Named("umatrix") = eanatMatU,
        Rcpp::Named("varex") = truecorr )
SEXP sccanCppHelper(
  NumericMatrix X,
  NumericMatrix Y,
  SEXP r_maskx,
  SEXP r_masky,
  RealType sparsenessx,
  RealType sparsenessy,
  IntType nvecs,
  IntType its,
  IntType cthreshx,
  IntType cthreshy,
  RealType z,
  RealType smooth,
  Rcpp::List initializationListx,
  Rcpp::List initializationListy,
  IntType covering,
  RealType ell1,
  IntType verbose,
  RealType priorWeight )
  enum { Dimension = ImageType::ImageDimension };
  typename ImageType::RegionType region;
  typedef typename ImageType::PixelType PixelType;
  typedef typename ImageType::Pointer ImagePointerType;
  typedef double                                        Scalar;
  typedef itk::ants::antsSCCANObject<ImageType, Scalar> SCCANType;
  typedef typename SCCANType::MatrixType                vMatrix;
  typename SCCANType::Pointer sccanobj = SCCANType::New();

  typename ImageType::Pointer maskx = Rcpp::as<ImagePointerType>( r_maskx );
  typename ImageType::Pointer masky = Rcpp::as<ImagePointerType>( r_masky );

  bool maskxisnull = maskx.IsNull();
  bool maskyisnull = masky.IsNull();
// deal with the initializationList, if any
  unsigned int nImagesx = initializationListx.size();
  if ( ( nImagesx > 0 ) && ( !maskxisnull ) )
    itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex<ImageType> it( maskx,
      maskx->GetLargestPossibleRegion() );
    vMatrix priorROIMatx( nImagesx , X.cols() );
    priorROIMatx.fill( 0 );
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nImagesx; i++ )
      typename ImageType::Pointer init =
        Rcpp::as<ImagePointerType>( initializationListx[i] );
      unsigned long ct = 0;
      while ( !it.IsAtEnd() )
        PixelType pix = it.Get();
        if ( pix >= 0.5 )
          pix = init->GetPixel( it.GetIndex() );
          priorROIMatx( i, ct ) = pix;
    sccanobj->SetMatrixPriorROI( priorROIMatx );
    nvecs = nImagesx;
  unsigned int nImagesy = initializationListy.size();
  if ( ( nImagesy > 0 ) && ( !maskyisnull ) )
    itk::ImageRegionIteratorWithIndex<ImageType> it( masky,
      masky->GetLargestPossibleRegion() );
    vMatrix priorROIMaty( nImagesy , Y.cols() );
    priorROIMaty.fill( 0 );
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nImagesy; i++ )
      typename ImageType::Pointer init =
        Rcpp::as<ImagePointerType>( initializationListy[i] );
      unsigned long ct = 0;
      while ( !it.IsAtEnd() )
        PixelType pix = it.Get();
        if ( pix >= 0.5 )
          pix = init->GetPixel( it.GetIndex() );
          priorROIMaty( i, ct ) = pix;
    sccanobj->SetMatrixPriorROI2( priorROIMaty );
    nvecs = nImagesy;

  sccanobj->SetPriorWeight( priorWeight );
  sccanobj->SetLambda( priorWeight );
// cast hack from Rcpp type to sccan type
  std::vector<double> xdat =
      Rcpp::as< std::vector<double> >( X );
  const double* _xdata = &xdat[0];
  vMatrix vnlX( _xdata , X.cols(), X.rows()  );
  vnlX = vnlX.transpose();
  std::vector<double> ydat =
      Rcpp::as< std::vector<double> >( Y );
  const double* _ydata = &ydat[0];
  vMatrix vnlY( _ydata , Y.cols(), Y.rows()  );
  vnlY = vnlY.transpose();
// cast hack done
  sccanobj->SetGetSmall( false  );
  sccanobj->SetCovering( covering );
  sccanobj->SetSilent(  ! verbose  );
  if( ell1 > 0 )
    sccanobj->SetUseL1( true );
    sccanobj->SetUseL1( false );
  sccanobj->SetGradStep( vnl_math_abs( ell1 ) );
  sccanobj->SetMaximumNumberOfIterations( its );
  sccanobj->SetRowSparseness( z );
  sccanobj->SetSmoother( smooth );
  if ( sparsenessx < 0 ) sccanobj->SetKeepPositiveP(false);
  if ( sparsenessy < 0 ) sccanobj->SetKeepPositiveQ(false);
  sccanobj->SetSCCANFormulation(  SCCANType::PQ );
  sccanobj->SetFractionNonZeroP( fabs( sparsenessx ) );
  sccanobj->SetFractionNonZeroQ( fabs( sparsenessy ) );
  sccanobj->SetMinClusterSizeP( cthreshx );
  sccanobj->SetMinClusterSizeQ( cthreshy );
  sccanobj->SetMatrixP( vnlX );
  sccanobj->SetMatrixQ( vnlY );
//  sccanobj->SetMatrixR( r ); // FIXME
  sccanobj->SetMaskImageP( maskx );
  sccanobj->SetMaskImageQ( masky );
  sccanobj->SparsePartialArnoldiCCA( nvecs );

  // FIXME - should not copy, should map memory
  vMatrix solP = sccanobj->GetVariatesP();
  NumericMatrix eanatMatp( solP.cols(), solP.rows() );
  unsigned long rows = solP.rows();
  for( unsigned long c = 0; c < solP.cols(); c++ )
    for( unsigned int r = 0; r < rows; r++ )
      eanatMatp( c, r ) = solP( r, c );

  vMatrix solQ = sccanobj->GetVariatesQ();
  NumericMatrix eanatMatq( solQ.cols(), solQ.rows() );
  rows = solQ.rows();
  for( unsigned long c = 0; c < solQ.cols(); c++ )
    for( unsigned int r = 0; r < rows; r++ )
      eanatMatq( c, r ) = solQ( r, c );

        Rcpp::Named("eig1") = eanatMatp,
        Rcpp::Named("eig2") = eanatMatq )
RcppExport SEXP robustMatrixTransform( SEXP r_matrix )
  typedef double RealType;
  NumericMatrix M = as< NumericMatrix >( r_matrix );
  NumericMatrix outMat( M.rows(), M.cols() );
  unsigned long rows = M.rows();
  for( unsigned long j = 0; j < M.cols(); j++ )
    NumericVector Mvec = M(_, j);
    NumericVector rank = M(_, j);
    for( unsigned int i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
      RealType   rankval = 0;
      RealType   xi = Mvec(i);
      for( unsigned int k = 0; k < rows; k++ )
        RealType yi = Mvec(k);
        RealType diff = fabs(xi - yi);
        if( diff > 0 )
          RealType val = (xi - yi) / diff;
          rankval += val;
      rank(i) = rankval / rows;
    outMat(_, j) = rank;
  // this passes rcpp data to vnl matrix ... safely?
  if ( 1 == 0 )
    // Further notes on this:
    // 1. see multiChannel cpp for how to pass image list
    // 2. separate implementation for eanat and sccan
    // 3. deal with output as only matrix?
    // 4. .... ?
    std::vector<RealType> dat =
      Rcpp::as< std::vector<RealType> >( outMat );
    const double* _data = &dat[0];
    vnl_matrix<RealType> vnlmat( _data , M.cols(), M.rows()  );
    vnlmat = vnlmat.transpose();
  return wrap( outMat );
catch( itk::ExceptionObject & err )
  Rcpp::Rcout << "ITK ExceptionObject caught !" << std::endl;
  forward_exception_to_r( err );
catch( const std::exception& exc )
  Rcpp::Rcout << "STD ExceptionObject caught !" << std::endl;
  forward_exception_to_r( exc );
	Rcpp::stop("c++ exception (unknown reason)");
return Rcpp::wrap(NA_REAL); //not reached
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP HandMadeKalmanFilterConstantCoeffCpp(NumericVector a0
  , NumericMatrix P0, NumericMatrix T, NumericMatrix Z , NumericMatrix HH, NumericMatrix GG, NumericMatrix yt)
  // convert data to Eigen class
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd > a0e(&a0[0], (size_t)(a0.size()));
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd > P0e(&P0[0], P0.rows(), P0.cols());
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd > Te(&T[0], T.rows(), T.cols());
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd > Ze(&Z[0], Z.rows(), Z.cols());
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd > HHe(&HH[0], HH.rows(), HH.cols());
  Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd > GGe(&GG[0], GG.rows(), GG.cols());
  // HMKF initialization block
  cout << T.rows() << " " << Z.rows() << " " << HH.rows() << " " << GG.rows() << endl;
  HMKF kf = HMKF(T.rows(), Z.rows());
  kf.setModel(Te, Ze, HHe, GGe);
  kf.initialize(a0e, P0e);

  // filtering steps
  NumericVector x(yt.cols()), xp(yt.cols()), V(yt.cols());
  for(int i=0; i!=yt.cols(); ++i){
    NumericMatrix::Column col = yt(_,i);
//    std::cout << "y:" << col[0] << std::endl;
    kf.filter(Map<Eigen::VectorXd >(&col[0], col.size()));
//    xp[i]= (kf.getxp())(0);
    x[i] = (kf.getx())(0);
//    V[i] = (kf.getV())(0,0);
  return List::create(_("x") = x, _("xp") = xp, _("V") = V);