bool UpdateCharacterExtents(NxU32 index, bool& increase)
		NxBoxController* c = static_cast<NxBoxController*>(gManager->getController(index));
		NxVec3 extents = c->getExtents();
		NxF32 inc = 1.0f;
		NxExtendedVec3 pos = GetCharacterPos(index);
		if (increase)
			extents.y += inc;
			pos.y += inc;
			extents.y -= inc;
			pos.y -= inc;

			NxBounds3 worldBounds;
			worldBounds.setCenterExtents(NxVec3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z), extents);
			c->setCollision(false);	// Avoid checking overlap with ourself
			bool Status = gScene->checkOverlapAABB(worldBounds);
				printf("Can not resize box!\n");
				return false;

		increase = !increase;	// Increase or decrease height each time we're called

		// WARNING: the SDK currently doesn't check for collisions when changing extents, so if you're close
		// to a wall you might end up penetrating it. In some cases you might also fall through the level.
		// A more advanced implementation will take care of that later.
		return c->setExtents(extents);
		NxCapsuleController* c = static_cast<NxCapsuleController*>(gManager->getController(index));
		NxF32 height = c->getHeight();
		NxF32 radius = c->getRadius();
		NxF32 inc = 1.0f;
		NxExtendedVec3 pos = GetCharacterPos(index);
		if (increase)
			height += inc;
			pos.y += inc*0.5f;
			height -= inc;
			pos.y -= inc*0.5f;

			NxCapsule worldCapsule;
			worldCapsule.p0.x = worldCapsule.p1.x = pos.x;
			worldCapsule.p0.y = worldCapsule.p1.y = pos.y;
			worldCapsule.p0.z = worldCapsule.p1.z = pos.z;
			worldCapsule.p0.y -= height*0.5f;
			worldCapsule.p1.y += height*0.5f;
			worldCapsule.radius = radius;
			c->setCollision(false);	// Avoid checking overlap with ourself
			bool Status = gScene->checkOverlapCapsule(worldCapsule);
				printf("Can not resize capsule!\n");
				return false;

		increase = !increase;	// Increase or decrease height each time we're called

		// WARNING: the SDK currently doesn't check for collisions when changing height, so if you're close
		// to a wall you might end up penetrating it. In some cases you might also fall through the level.
		// A more advanced implementation will take care of that later.
		c->setPosition(NxExtendedVec3(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z));
		return c->setHeight(height);