Triangulation::convertCurve2PointCloud (const ON_NurbsCurve &curve, const ON_NurbsSurface &surf,
                                        pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud, unsigned resolution)
  // copy knots
  if (curve.m_knot_capacity <= 1)
    printf ("[Triangulation::Convert] Warning: ON knot vector empty.\n");

  cloud->clear ();

  if (resolution < 2)
    resolution = 2;

  int cp_red = curve.Order () - 2;

  // for each element of the nurbs curve
  for (int i = 1; i < curve.KnotCount () - 1 - cp_red; i++)
    double dr = 1.0 / (resolution - 1);

    double xi0 = curve.m_knot[i];
    double xid = (curve.m_knot[i + 1] - xi0);

    for (unsigned j = 0; j < resolution; j++)
      pcl::PointXYZRGB pt;

      double xi = (xi0 + j * dr * xid);

      double p[3];
      double pp[3];
      curve.Evaluate (xi, 0, 2, pp);
      surf.Evaluate (pp[0], pp[1], 0, 3, p);
      pt.x = p[0];
      pt.y = p[1];
      pt.z = p[2];
      pt.r = 255;
      pt.g = 0;
      pt.b = 0;

      cloud->push_back (pt);

Triangulation::convertCurve2PointCloud (const ON_NurbsCurve &nurbs, pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloud,
                                        unsigned resolution)
  // copy knots
  if (nurbs.m_knot_capacity <= 1)
    printf ("[Triangulation::convert] Warning: ON knot vector empty.\n");

  cloud->clear ();

  if (resolution < 2)
    resolution = 2;

  int cp_red = nurbs.Order () - 2;

  // for each element in the nurbs curve
  for (int i = 1; i < nurbs.KnotCount () - 1 - cp_red; i++)
    double dr = 1.0 / (resolution - 1);
    double xi0 = nurbs.m_knot[i];
    double xid = (nurbs.m_knot[i + 1] - xi0);

    for (unsigned j = 0; j < resolution; j++)
      double xi = (xi0 + j * dr * xid);
      pcl::PointXYZRGB p;

      double points[3];
      nurbs.Evaluate (xi, 0, 3, points);
      p.x = static_cast<float> (points[0]);
      p.y = static_cast<float> (points[1]);
      p.z = static_cast<float> (points[2]);
      p.r = 255;
      p.g = 0;
      p.b = 0;

      cloud->push_back (p);

bool ON_Arc::GetNurbFormParameterFromRadian(double RadianParameter, double* NurbParameter ) const
	if(!IsValid() || NurbParameter==NULL) 
		return false;

  ON_Interval ADomain = DomainRadians();

  double endtol = 10.0*ON_EPSILON*(fabs(ADomain[0]) + fabs(ADomain[1]));

  double del = RadianParameter - ADomain[0];
	if(del <= endtol && del >= -ON_SQRT_EPSILON)
		return true;
  else {
    del = ADomain[1] - RadianParameter;
    if(del <= endtol && del >= -ON_SQRT_EPSILON){
		  return true;

	if( !ADomain.Includes(RadianParameter ) )
		return false;

	ON_NurbsCurve crv;

	if( !GetNurbForm(crv))
		return false;

	//Isolate a bezier that contains the solution
	int cnt = crv.SpanCount();	
	int si =0;	//get span index
	int ki=0;		//knot index
	double ang = ADomain[0];
	ON_3dPoint cp;
	cp = crv.PointAt( crv.Knot(0) ) - Center();
	double x = ON_DotProduct(Plane().Xaxis(),cp);
	double y = ON_DotProduct(Plane().Yaxis(),cp);
	double at = atan2( y, x);	//todo make sure we dont go to far

	for( si=0, ki=0; si<cnt; si++, ki+=crv.KnotMultiplicity(ki) ){
		cp = crv.PointAt( crv.Knot(ki+2)) - Center();
		x = ON_DotProduct(Plane().Xaxis(),cp);
		y = ON_DotProduct(Plane().Yaxis(),cp);
		double at2 = atan2(y,x);
			ang += (2*ON_PI + at2 - at);
		at = at2;
		if( ang>RadianParameter)

	// Crash Protection trr#55679
	if( ki+2>= crv.KnotCount())
		 return true;		
	ON_Interval BezDomain(crv.Knot(ki), crv.Knot(ki+2));

	ON_BezierCurve bez;
		return false;

 	ON_Xform COC;
	COC.ChangeBasis( ON_Plane(),Plane());   

	bez.Transform(COC);	// change coordinates to circles local frame
	double a[3];							// Bez coefficients of a quadratic to solve
	for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
		a[i] = tan(RadianParameter)* bez.CV(i)[0] - bez.CV(i)[1];

	//Solve the Quadratic
	double descrim = (a[1]*a[1]) - a[0]*a[2];
	double squared = a[0]-2*a[1]+a[2];
	double tbez;
	if(fabs(squared)> ON_ZERO_TOLERANCE){
		descrim = sqrt(descrim);
		tbez = (a[0]-a[1] + descrim)/(a[0]-2*a[1]+a[2]);
		if( tbez<0 || tbez>1){
			double tbez2 = (a[0]-a[1]-descrim)/(a[0] - 2*a[1] + a[2]);
			if( fabs(tbez2 - .5)<fabs(tbez-.5) )
				tbez = tbez2;

		// Quadratic degenerates to linear
		tbez = 1.0;
			tbez = a[0]/(a[0]-a[2]);
	else if(tbez>1.0)

		//Debug ONLY Code  - check the result
//		double aa = a[0]*(1-tbez)*(1-tbez)  + 2*a[1]*tbez*(1-tbez) + a[2]*tbez*tbez;
//		double tantheta= tan(RadianParameter);
//		ON_3dPoint bezp;
//		bez.Evaluate(tbez, 0, 3, bezp);
//		double yx = bezp.y/bezp.x;

	*NurbParameter = BezDomain.ParameterAt(tbez);
	return true;

Triangulation::convertTrimmedSurface2PolygonMesh (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs, const ON_NurbsCurve &curve,
        PolygonMesh &mesh, unsigned resolution, vector_vec3d &start,
        vector_vec3d &end)
    // copy knots
    if (nurbs.KnotCount (0) <= 1 || nurbs.KnotCount (1) <= 1 || curve.KnotCount () <= 1)
        printf ("[Triangulation::convertTrimmedSurface2PolygonMesh] Warning: ON knot vector empty.\n");

    mesh.polygons.clear ();

    double x0 = nurbs.Knot (0, 0);
    double x1 = nurbs.Knot (0, nurbs.KnotCount (0) - 1);
    double w = x1 - x0;
    double y0 = nurbs.Knot (1, 0);
    double y1 = nurbs.Knot (1, nurbs.KnotCount (1) - 1);
    double h = y1 - y0;

    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
    std::vector<pcl::Vertices> polygons;
    createVertices (cloud, x0, y0, 0.0, w, h, resolution, resolution);
    createIndices (polygons, 0, resolution, resolution);

    vector_vec2d points (cloud->size (), Eigen::Vector2d ());
    std::vector<double> params (cloud->size (), 0.0);
    std::vector<bool> pt_is_in (cloud->size (), false);

    std::vector<uint32_t> out_idx;
    pcl::on_nurbs::vector_vec2d out_pc;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < cloud->size (); i++)
        double err, param;
        Eigen::Vector2d pc, tc;
        pcl::PointXYZ &v = cloud->at (i);
        Eigen::Vector2d vp (v.x, v.y);

            param = pcl::on_nurbs::FittingCurve2d::inverseMappingO2 (curve, vp, err, pc, tc);
            param = pcl::on_nurbs::FittingCurve2d::findClosestElementMidPoint(curve, vp);
            param = pcl::on_nurbs::FittingCurve2d::inverseMapping(curve, vp, param, err, pc, tc);

        Eigen::Vector3d a (vp (0) - pc (0), vp (1) - pc (1), 0.0);
        Eigen::Vector3d b (tc (0), tc (1), 0.0);
        Eigen::Vector3d z = a.cross (b);

        points[i] = pc;
        params[i] = param;
        pt_is_in[i] = (z (2) >= 0.0);

        end.push_back (Eigen::Vector3d (pc (0), pc (1), 0.0));
        start.push_back (Eigen::Vector3d (pc (0) + tc (0) * 0.01, pc (1) + tc (1) * 0.01, 0.0));

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < polygons.size (); i++)
        unsigned in (0);
        pcl::Vertices &poly = polygons[i];

        std::vector<uint32_t> out_idx_tmp;
        pcl::on_nurbs::vector_vec2d out_pc_tmp;

        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < poly.vertices.size (); j++)
            uint32_t &vi = poly.vertices[j];
            if (pt_is_in[vi])
                out_idx_tmp.push_back (vi);
                out_pc_tmp.push_back (points[vi]);

        if (in > 0)
            mesh.polygons.push_back (poly);
            if (in < poly.vertices.size ())
                for (std::size_t j = 0; j < out_idx_tmp.size (); j++)
                    out_idx.push_back (out_idx_tmp[j]);
                    out_pc.push_back (out_pc_tmp[j]);

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_idx.size (); i++)
        pcl::PointXYZ &v = cloud->at (out_idx[i]);
        Eigen::Vector2d &pc = out_pc[i];
        v.x = pc (0);
        v.y = pc (1);

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < cloud->size (); i++)
        pcl::PointXYZ &v = cloud->at (i);

        double point[3];
        nurbs.Evaluate (v.x, v.y, 0, 3, point);

        v.x = point[0];
        v.y = point[1];
        v.z = point[2];

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < start.size (); i++)
        Eigen::Vector3d &p1 = start[i];
        Eigen::Vector3d &p2 = end[i];

        double point[3];
        nurbs.Evaluate (p1 (0), p1 (1), 0, 3, point);
        p1 (0) = point[0];
        p1 (1) = point[1];
        p1 (2) = point[2];

        nurbs.Evaluate (p2 (0), p2 (1), 0, 3, point);
        p2 (0) = point[0];
        p2 (1) = point[1];
        p2 (2) = point[2];

    toROSMsg (*cloud, mesh.cloud);
Triangulation::convertTrimmedSurface2PolygonMesh (const ON_NurbsSurface &nurbs, const ON_NurbsCurve &curve,
                                                  PolygonMesh &mesh, unsigned resolution)
  // copy knots
  if (nurbs.KnotCount (0) <= 1 || nurbs.KnotCount (1) <= 1 || curve.KnotCount () <= 1)
    printf ("[Triangulation::convertTrimmedSurface2PolygonMesh] Warning: ON knot vector empty.\n");

  mesh.polygons.clear ();

  double x0 = nurbs.Knot (0, 0);
  double x1 = nurbs.Knot (0, nurbs.KnotCount (0) - 1);
  double w = x1 - x0;
  double y0 = nurbs.Knot (1, 0);
  double y1 = nurbs.Knot (1, nurbs.KnotCount (1) - 1);
  double h = y1 - y0;

  pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
  std::vector<pcl::Vertices> polygons;
  createVertices (cloud, float (x0), float (y0), 0.0f, float (w), float (h), resolution, resolution);
  createIndices (polygons, 0, resolution, resolution);

  vector_vec2d points (cloud->size (), Eigen::Vector2d ());
  std::vector<bool> pt_is_in (cloud->size (), false);

  Eigen::Vector3d a0, a1;
  pcl::on_nurbs::NurbsTools::computeBoundingBox (curve, a0, a1);
  double rScale = 1.0 / pcl::on_nurbs::NurbsTools::computeRScale (a0, a1);

  std::vector<uint32_t> out_idx;
  pcl::on_nurbs::vector_vec2d out_pc;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < cloud->size (); i++)
    double err;
    Eigen::Vector2d pc, tc;
    pcl::PointXYZ &v = cloud->at (i);
    Eigen::Vector2d vp (v.x, v.y);

    if (curve.Order () == 2)
      pcl::on_nurbs::FittingCurve2dAPDM::inverseMappingO2 (curve, vp, err, pc, tc);
      double param = pcl::on_nurbs::FittingCurve2dAPDM::findClosestElementMidPoint (curve, vp);
      pcl::on_nurbs::FittingCurve2dAPDM::inverseMapping (curve, vp, param, err, pc, tc, rScale);

    Eigen::Vector3d a (vp (0) - pc (0), vp (1) - pc (1), 0.0);
    Eigen::Vector3d b (tc (0), tc (1), 0.0);
    Eigen::Vector3d z = a.cross (b);

    points[i] = pc;
    pt_is_in[i] = (z (2) >= 0.0);

  for (const auto &poly : polygons)
    unsigned in (0);
    std::vector<uint32_t> out_idx_tmp;
    pcl::on_nurbs::vector_vec2d out_pc_tmp;

    for (const unsigned int &vi : poly.vertices)
      if (pt_is_in[vi])
        out_idx_tmp.push_back (vi);
        out_pc_tmp.push_back (points[vi]);

    if (in > 0)
      mesh.polygons.push_back (poly);
      if (in < poly.vertices.size ())
        for (std::size_t j = 0; j < out_idx_tmp.size (); j++)
          out_idx.push_back (out_idx_tmp[j]);
          out_pc.push_back (out_pc_tmp[j]);

  for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_idx.size (); i++)
    pcl::PointXYZ &v = cloud->at (out_idx[i]);
    Eigen::Vector2d &pc = out_pc[i];
    v.x = float (pc (0));
    v.y = float (pc (1));

  for (auto &v : *cloud)
    Eigen::Vector3d tu, tv;

    double point[3];
    nurbs.Evaluate (v.x, v.y, 0, 3, point);

    v.x = float (point[0]);
    v.y = float (point[1]);
    v.z = float (point[2]);
    //    tu[0] = point[3];
    //    tu[1] = point[4];
    //    tu[2] = point[5];
    //    tv[0] = point[6];
    //    tv[1] = point[7];
    //    tv[2] = point[8];

    // TODO: add normals to mesh

  toPCLPointCloud2 (*cloud, mesh.cloud);