extern "C" void
rt_nmg_brep(ON_Brep **b, const struct rt_db_internal *ip, const struct bn_tol *tol)
    struct model *m;
    struct nmgregion *r;
    struct shell *s;
    struct faceuse *fu;
    struct loopuse *lu;
    struct edgeuse *eu;

    int edge_index;
    long* brepi;

    m = (struct model *)ip->idb_ptr;

    brepi = static_cast<long*>(bu_malloc(m->maxindex * sizeof(long), "rt_nmg_brep: brepi[]"));
    for (int i = 0; i < m->maxindex; i++) brepi[i] = -INT_MAX;

    for (BU_LIST_FOR(r, nmgregion, &m->r_hd)) {
	for (BU_LIST_FOR(s, shell, &r->s_hd)) {
	    for (BU_LIST_FOR(fu, faceuse, &s->fu_hd)) {
		if (fu->orientation != OT_SAME) continue;

		// Need to create ON_NurbsSurface based on plane of
		// face in order to have UV space in which to define
		// trimming loops.  Bounding points are NOT on the
		// face plane, so another approach must be used.
		// General approach: For all loops in the faceuse,
		// collect all the vertices.  Find the center point of
		// all the vertices, and search for the point with the
		// greatest distance from that center point.  Once
		// found, cross the vector between the center point
		// and furthest point with the normal of the face and
		// scale the resulting vector to have the same length
		// as the vector to the furthest point.  Add the two
		// resulting vectors to find the first corner point.
		// Mirror the first corner point across the center to
		// find the second corner point.  Cross the two
		// vectors created by the first two corner points with
		// the face normal to get the vectors of the other two
		// corners, and scale the resulting vectors to the
		// same magnitude as the first two.  These four points
		// bound all vertices on the plane and form a suitable
		// staring point for a UV space, since all points on
		// all the edges are equal to or further than the
		// distance between the furthest vertex and the center
		// point.

		// ............. .............
		// .           .* .          .
		// .         .  .    .       .
		// .        .   .      .     .
		// .       .    .       *    .
		// .      .     .       .    .
		// .     .      .       .    .
		// .    .       .       .    .
		// .   *        *       .    .
		// .   .                .    .
		// .   .                .    .
		// .   .                .    .
		// .   *.               .    .
		// .     ...        ...*     .
		// .       .... ....         .
		// .           *             .
		// ...........................

		const struct face_g_plane *fg = fu->f_p->g.plane_p;
		struct bu_ptbl vert_table;
		nmg_tabulate_face_g_verts(&vert_table, fg);
		point_t tmppt, center, max_pt;
		struct vertex **pt;

		VSET(tmppt, 0, 0, 0);
		VSET(max_pt, 0, 0, 0);

		int ptcnt = 0;
		for (BU_PTBL_FOR(pt, (struct vertex **), &vert_table)) {
		    tmppt[0] += (*pt)->vg_p->coord[0];
		    tmppt[1] += (*pt)->vg_p->coord[1];
		    tmppt[2] += (*pt)->vg_p->coord[2];
		    if (brepi[(*pt)->vg_p->index] == -INT_MAX) {
			ON_BrepVertex& vert = (*b)->NewVertex((*pt)->vg_p->coord, SMALL_FASTF);
			brepi[(*pt)->vg_p->index] = vert.m_vertex_index;
		VSET(center, tmppt[0]/ptcnt, tmppt[1]/ptcnt, tmppt[2]/ptcnt);
		fastf_t max_dist = 0.0;
		fastf_t curr_dist;
		for (BU_PTBL_FOR(pt, (struct vertex **), &vert_table)) {
		    tmppt[0] = (*pt)->vg_p->coord[0];
		    tmppt[1] = (*pt)->vg_p->coord[1];
		    tmppt[2] = (*pt)->vg_p->coord[2];
		    curr_dist = DIST_PT_PT(center, tmppt);
		    if (curr_dist > max_dist) {
			max_dist = curr_dist;
			VMOVE(max_pt, tmppt);
		int ccw = 0;
		vect_t vtmp, uv1, uv2, uv3, uv4, vnormal;
		// If an outer loop is found in the nmg with a cw
		// orientation, use a flipped normal to form the NURBS
		// surface
		for (BU_LIST_FOR(lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd)) {
		    if (lu->orientation == OT_SAME && nmg_loop_is_ccw(lu, fg->N, tol) == -1) ccw = -1;
		if (ccw != -1) {
		    VSET(vnormal, fg->N[0], fg->N[1], fg->N[2]);
		} else {
		    VSET(vnormal, -fg->N[0], -fg->N[1], -fg->N[2]);
		VSUB2(uv1, max_pt, center);
		VCROSS(vtmp, uv1, vnormal);
		VADD2(uv1, uv1, vtmp);
		VCROSS(uv2, uv1, vnormal);
		VREVERSE(uv3, uv1);
		VCROSS(uv4, uv3, vnormal);
		VADD2(uv1, uv1, center);
		VADD2(uv2, uv2, center);
		VADD2(uv3, uv3, center);
		VADD2(uv4, uv4, center);

		ON_3dPoint p1 = ON_3dPoint(uv1);
		ON_3dPoint p2 = ON_3dPoint(uv2);
		ON_3dPoint p3 = ON_3dPoint(uv3);
		ON_3dPoint p4 = ON_3dPoint(uv4);

		(*b)->m_S.Append(sideSurface(p1, p4, p3, p2));
		ON_Surface *surf = (*(*b)->m_S.Last());
		int surfindex = (*b)->m_S.Count();

		// Now that we have the surface, define the face
		ON_BrepFace& face = (*b)->NewFace(surfindex - 1);

		// With the surface and the face defined, make
		// trimming loops and create faces.  To generate UV
		// coordinates for each from and to for the
		// edgecurves, the UV origin is defined to be v1,
		// v1->v2 is defined as the U domain, and v1->v4 is
		// defined as the V domain.
		vect_t u_axis, v_axis;
		VSUB2(u_axis, uv2, uv1);
		VSUB2(v_axis, uv4, uv1);
		fastf_t u_axis_dist = MAGNITUDE(u_axis);
		fastf_t v_axis_dist = MAGNITUDE(v_axis);

		// Now that the surface context is set up, add the loops.
		for (BU_LIST_FOR(lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd)) {
		    int edges=0;
		    if (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&lu->down_hd) != NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC) continue; // loop is a single vertex
		    ON_BrepLoop::TYPE looptype;
		    // Check if this is an inner or outer loop
		    if (lu->orientation == OT_SAME) {
			looptype = ON_BrepLoop::outer;
		    } else {
			looptype = ON_BrepLoop::inner;
		    ON_BrepLoop& loop = (*b)->NewLoop(looptype, face);
		    for (BU_LIST_FOR(eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd)) {
			vect_t ev1, ev2;
			struct vertex_g *vg1, *vg2;
			vg1 = eu->vu_p->v_p->vg_p;
			int vert1 = brepi[vg1->index];
			VMOVE(ev1, vg1->coord);
			vg2 = eu->eumate_p->vu_p->v_p->vg_p;
			int vert2 = brepi[vg2->index];
			VMOVE(ev2, vg2->coord);
			// Add edge if not already added
			if (brepi[eu->e_p->index] == -INT_MAX) {
			    /* always add edges with the small vertex index as from */
			    if (vg1->index > vg2->index) {
				int tmpvert = vert1;
				vert1 = vert2;
				vert2 = tmpvert;
			    // Create and add 3D curve
			    ON_Curve* c3d = new ON_LineCurve((*b)->m_V[vert1].Point(), (*b)->m_V[vert2].Point());
			    c3d->SetDomain(0.0, 1.0);
			    // Create and add 3D edge
			    ON_BrepEdge& e = (*b)->NewEdge((*b)->m_V[vert1], (*b)->m_V[vert2] , (*b)->m_C3.Count() - 1);
			    e.m_tolerance = 0.0;
			    brepi[eu->e_p->index] = e.m_edge_index;
			// Regardless of whether the edge existed as
			// an object, it needs to be added to the
			// trimming loop
			vect_t u_component, v_component;
			ON_3dPoint vg1pt(vg1->coord);
			int orientation = 0;
			edge_index = brepi[eu->e_p->index];
			if (vg1pt !=  (*b)->m_V[(*b)->m_E[edge_index].m_vi[0]].Point()) {
			    orientation = 1;
			// Now, make 2d trimming curves
			vect_t vect1, vect2;
			VSUB2(vect1, ev1, uv1);
			VSUB2(vect2, ev2, uv1);
			ON_2dPoint from_uv, to_uv;
			double u0, u1, v0, v1;
			surf->GetDomain(0, &u0, &u1);
			surf->GetDomain(1, &v0, &v1);

			VPROJECT(vect1, u_axis, u_component, v_component);
			from_uv.y = u0 + MAGNITUDE(u_component)/u_axis_dist*(u1-u0);
			from_uv.x = v0 + MAGNITUDE(v_component)/v_axis_dist*(v1-v0);
			VPROJECT(vect2, u_axis, u_component, v_component);
			to_uv.y = u0 + MAGNITUDE(u_component)/u_axis_dist*(u1-u0);
			to_uv.x = v0 + MAGNITUDE(v_component)/v_axis_dist*(v1-v0);
			ON_3dPoint S1, S2;
			ON_3dVector Su, Sv;
			surf->Ev1Der(from_uv.x, from_uv.y, S1, Su, Sv);
			surf->Ev1Der(to_uv.x, to_uv.y, S2, Su, Sv);
			ON_Curve* c2d =  new ON_LineCurve(from_uv, to_uv);
			c2d->SetDomain(0.0, 1.0);
			int c2i = (*b)->m_C2.Count();
			edge_index = brepi[eu->e_p->index];
			ON_BrepTrim& trim = (*b)->NewTrim((*b)->m_E[edge_index], orientation, loop, c2i);
			trim.m_type = ON_BrepTrim::mated;
			trim.m_tolerance[0] = 0.0;
			trim.m_tolerance[1] = 0.0;

    bu_free(brepi, "rt_nmg_brep: brepi[]");