void GU_CortexPrimitive::infoText( const GU_Detail *geo, OP_Context &context, OP_NodeInfoParms &parms )
	if ( !geo )
	std::map<std::string, int> typeMap;
	const GA_PrimitiveList &primitives = geo->getPrimitiveList();
	for ( GA_Iterator it=geo->getPrimitiveRange().begin(); !it.atEnd(); ++it )
		const GA_Primitive *prim = primitives.get( it.getOffset() );
		if ( prim->getTypeId() == GU_CortexPrimitive::typeId() )
			const IECore::Object *object = ((GU_CortexPrimitive *)prim)->getObject();
			if ( object )
				typeMap[object->typeName()] += 1;
	if ( typeMap.empty() )
	parms.append( "Cortex Object Details:\n" );
	for ( std::map<std::string, int>::iterator it = typeMap.begin(); it != typeMap.end(); ++it )
		parms.append( ( boost::format( "  %d " + it->first + "s\n" ) % it->second ).str().c_str() );
	parms.append( "\n" );
void SOP_SceneCacheSource::getNodeSpecificInfoText( OP_Context &context, OP_NodeInfoParms &parms )
	SceneCacheNode<SOP_Node>::getNodeSpecificInfoText( context, parms );
	// add type descriptions for the Cortex Objects
	GeometryType geometryType = (GeometryType)this->evalInt( pGeometryType.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	if ( geometryType == Cortex )
		GEO_CortexPrimitive::infoText( getCookedGeo( context ), context, parms );
	// add conversion details for Houdini geo
	UT_String p( "P" );
	UT_String filter;
	evalString( filter, pAttributeFilter.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	if ( !p.match( filter ) )
		filter += " P";
	UT_StringMMPattern attributeFilter;
	attributeFilter.compile( filter );
	/// \todo: this text could come from a static method on a class that manages these name relations (once that exists)
	parms.append( "Converting standard Cortex PrimitiveVariables:\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "s" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) && UT_String( "t" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  s,t -> uv\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Cs" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Cs -> Cd\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Pref" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Pref -> rest\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "width" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  width -> pscale\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Os" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Os -> Alpha\n" );
void SOP_CortexConverter::getNodeSpecificInfoText( OP_Context &context, OP_NodeInfoParms &parms )
	SOP_Node::getNodeSpecificInfoText( context, parms );
	GEO_CortexPrimitive::infoText( getCookedGeo( context ), context, parms );
	if ( !evalInt( pConvertStandardAttributes.getToken(), 0, 0 ) )
	UT_String p( "P" );
	UT_String filter;
	evalString( filter, pAttributeFilter.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	if ( !p.match( filter ) )
		filter += " P";
	UT_StringMMPattern attributeFilter;
	attributeFilter.compile( filter );
	/// \todo: this text could come from a static method on a class that manages these name relations (once that exists)
	parms.append( "Converting standard Cortex PrimitiveVariables:\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "s" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) && UT_String( "t" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  s,t <--> uv\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Cs" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Cs <--> Cd\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Pref" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Pref <--> rest\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "width" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  width <--> pscale\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Os" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Os <--> Alpha\n" );
void SOP_SceneCacheSource::getNodeSpecificInfoText( OP_Context &context, OP_NodeInfoParms &parms )
	SceneCacheNode<SOP_Node>::getNodeSpecificInfoText( context, parms );
	UT_String p( "P" );
	UT_String filter;
	evalString( filter, pAttributeFilter.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	if ( !p.match( filter ) )
		filter += " P";
	UT_StringMMPattern attributeFilter;
	attributeFilter.compile( filter );
	/// \todo: this text could come from a static method on a class that manages these name relations (once that exists)
	parms.append( "Converting standard Cortex PrimitiveVariables:\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "s" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) && UT_String( "t" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  s,t -> uv\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Cs" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Cs -> Cd\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Pref" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Pref -> rest\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "width" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  width -> pscale\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Os" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Os -> Alpha\n" );
void SOP_SceneCacheSource::getNodeSpecificInfoText( OP_Context &context, OP_NodeInfoParms &parms )
	SceneCacheNode<SOP_Node>::getNodeSpecificInfoText( context, parms );
	// add type descriptions for the Cortex Objects
	GeometryType geometryType = (GeometryType)this->evalInt( pGeometryType.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	if ( geometryType == Cortex )
		std::map<std::string, int> typeMap;
		const GU_Detail *geo = getCookedGeo( context );
		if ( !geo )
		const GA_PrimitiveList &primitives = geo->getPrimitiveList();
		for ( GA_Iterator it=geo->getPrimitiveRange().begin(); !it.atEnd(); ++it )
			const GA_Primitive *prim = primitives.get( it.getOffset() );
			if ( prim->getTypeId() == GU_CortexPrimitive::typeId() )
				const IECore::Object *object = ((GU_CortexPrimitive *)prim)->getObject();
				if ( object )
					typeMap[object->typeName()] += 1;
		if ( typeMap.empty() )
		parms.append( "Cortex Object Details:\n" );
		for ( std::map<std::string, int>::iterator it = typeMap.begin(); it != typeMap.end(); ++it )
			parms.append( ( boost::format( "  %d " + it->first + "s\n" ) % it->second ).str().c_str() );
	// add conversion details for Houdini geo
	UT_String p( "P" );
	UT_String filter;
	evalString( filter, pAttributeFilter.getToken(), 0, 0 );
	if ( !p.match( filter ) )
		filter += " P";
	UT_StringMMPattern attributeFilter;
	attributeFilter.compile( filter );
	/// \todo: this text could come from a static method on a class that manages these name relations (once that exists)
	parms.append( "Converting standard Cortex PrimitiveVariables:\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "s" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) && UT_String( "t" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  s,t -> uv\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Cs" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Cs -> Cd\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Pref" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Pref -> rest\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "width" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  width -> pscale\n" );
	if ( UT_String( "Os" ).multiMatch( attributeFilter ) )
		parms.append( "  Os -> Alpha\n" );