    void runTestInitialisation()
        beginTest ("Int32");
            int value = 123456789;

            OSCArgument arg (value);

            expect (arg.getType() == OSCTypes::int32);

            expect (arg.isInt32());
            expect (! arg.isFloat32());
            expect (! arg.isString());
            expect (! arg.isBlob());

            expect (arg.getInt32() == value);

        beginTest ("Float32");
            float value = 12345.6789f;

            OSCArgument arg (value);

            expect (arg.getType() == OSCTypes::float32);

            expect (! arg.isInt32());
            expect (arg.isFloat32());
            expect (! arg.isString());
            expect (! arg.isBlob());

            expect (arg.getFloat32() == value);


        beginTest ("String");
            String value = "Hello, World!";
            OSCArgument arg (value);

            expect (arg.getType() == OSCTypes::string);

            expect (! arg.isInt32());
            expect (! arg.isFloat32());
            expect (arg.isString());
            expect (! arg.isBlob());

            expect (arg.getString() == value);

        beginTest ("String (from C string)");
            OSCArgument arg ("Hello, World!");

            expect (arg.getType() == OSCTypes::string);

            expect (! arg.isInt32());
            expect (! arg.isFloat32());
            expect (arg.isString());
            expect (! arg.isBlob());

            expect (arg.getString() == String ("Hello, World!"));

        beginTest ("Blob");
            const size_t numBytes = 412;
            MemoryBlock blob = getMemoryBlockWithRandomData (numBytes);

            OSCArgument arg (blob);

            expect (arg.getType() == OSCTypes::blob);

            expect (! arg.isInt32());
            expect (! arg.isFloat32());
            expect (! arg.isString());
            expect (arg.isBlob());

            expect (arg.getBlob() == blob);

        beginTest ("Copy, move and assignment");
                int value = -42;
                OSCArgument arg (value);

                OSCArgument copy = arg;
                expect (copy.getType() == OSCTypes::int32);
                expect (copy.getInt32() == value);

                OSCArgument assignment ("this will be overwritten!");
                assignment = copy;
                expect (assignment.getType() == OSCTypes::int32);
                expect (assignment.getInt32() == value);
                const size_t numBytes = 412;
                MemoryBlock blob = getMemoryBlockWithRandomData (numBytes);
                OSCArgument arg (blob);

                OSCArgument copy = arg;
                expect (copy.getType() == OSCTypes::blob);
                expect (copy.getBlob() == blob);

                OSCArgument assignment ("this will be overwritten!");
                assignment = copy;
                expect (assignment.getType() == OSCTypes::blob);
                expect (assignment.getBlob() == blob);