// Loops through ALL markets, and calls pMarket->GetNym_OfferList(NYM_ID, *pOfferList) for each.
// Returns a list of all the offers that a specific Nym has on all the markets.
bool OTCron::GetNym_OfferList(OTASCIIArmor & ascOutput, const OTIdentifier & NYM_ID, int & nOfferCount)
    nOfferCount = 0; // Outputs the number of offers on this nym.
    // ---------------------------
	OTDB::OfferListNym * pOfferList  = dynamic_cast<OTDB::OfferListNym*>(OTDB::CreateObject(OTDB::STORED_OBJ_OFFER_LIST_NYM));
	OTCleanup<OTDB::OfferListNym> theListAngel(*pOfferList);
	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	FOR_EACH(mapOfMarkets, m_mapMarkets)
		OTMarket * pMarket = (*it).second;
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != pMarket);
        int nNymOfferCount = 0;
		if (false == pMarket->GetNym_OfferList(NYM_ID, *pOfferList, nNymOfferCount)) // appends to *pOfferList, each iteration.
				// may wish to add a log later. Anyway, keep iterationg and appending, then send back whatever we have.
        else // Success!
            nOfferCount += nNymOfferCount;
// Loops through ALL markets, and calls pMarket->GetNym_OfferList(NYM_ID, *pOfferList) for each.
// Returns a list of all the offers that a specific Nym has on all the markets.
bool OTCron::GetNym_OfferList(OTASCIIArmor & ascOutput, const OTIdentifier & NYM_ID, int & nOfferCount)
    nOfferCount = 0; // Outputs the number of offers on this nym.
    // ---------------------------
	OTDB::OfferListNym * pOfferList  = dynamic_cast<OTDB::OfferListNym*>(OTDB::CreateObject(OTDB::STORED_OBJ_OFFER_LIST_NYM));
	OTCleanup<OTDB::OfferListNym> theListAngel(*pOfferList);
	// -----------------------------------------------------------
	for (mapOfMarkets::iterator ii = m_mapMarkets.begin(); ii != m_mapMarkets.end(); ++ii)
		OTMarket * pMarket = (*ii).second;
		OT_ASSERT(NULL != pMarket);
        int nNymOfferCount = 0;
		if (false == pMarket->GetNym_OfferList(NYM_ID, *pOfferList, nNymOfferCount)) // appends to *pOfferList, each iteration.
				// may wish to add a log later. Anyway, keep iterationg and appending, then send back whatever we have.
        else // Success!
            nOfferCount += nNymOfferCount;
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	// Now pack the list into strOutput...
    if (nOfferCount == 0)
        return true; // Success, but 0 offers being returned. (List is empty.)
    else if (nOfferCount > 0)
        OTDB::Storage * pStorage = OTDB::GetDefaultStorage();
        OT_ASSERT(NULL != pStorage);
        OTDB::OTPacker * pPacker = pStorage->GetPacker(); // No need to check for failure, since this already ASSERTS. No need to cleanup either.
        // -----------------------------
        OTDB::PackedBuffer * pBuffer = pPacker->Pack(*pOfferList); // Now we PACK our nym's offer list.
        if (NULL == pBuffer)
            OTLog::Error("Failed packing pOfferList in OTCron::GetNym_OfferList. \n");
            return false;
        OTCleanup<OTDB::PackedBuffer> theBufferAngel(*pBuffer); // make sure memory is cleaned up.
        // --------------------------------------------------------	
        // Now we need to translate pBuffer into strOutput.
        const uint8_t* pUint = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(pBuffer->GetData());
        const size_t theSize = pBuffer->GetSize();
        if ((NULL != pUint) || (theSize < 2))
            OTData theData(pUint, theSize);
            // This function will base64 ENCODE theData,
            // and then Set() that as the string contents.
            return true;
            OTLog::Error("Null returned, or bad size, while getting buffer data in OTCron::GetNym_OfferList.\n");
        OTLog::vError("Error: Less-than-zero nOfferCount in OTCron::GetNym_OfferList: %d.\n", nOfferCount); 
	return false;	