/// This should be called in top-down order of each def that needs its uses
/// rewrited. The order that we visit uses for a given def is irrelevant.
void SILSSAUpdater::RewriteUse(Operand &Op) {
  // Replicate function_refs to their uses. SILGen can't build phi nodes for
  // them and it would not make much sense anyways.
  if (auto *FR = dyn_cast<FunctionRefInst>(Op.get())) {
    assert(areIdentical(getAvailVals(AV)) &&
           "The function_refs need to have the same value");
    SILInstruction *User = Op.getUser();
    auto *NewFR = FR->clone(User);
    Op.set(SILValue(NewFR, Op.get().getResultNumber()));
  } else if (auto *IL = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(Op.get()))
    if (areIdentical(getAvailVals(AV))) {
      // Some llvm intrinsics don't like phi nodes as their constant inputs (e.g
      // ctlz).
      SILInstruction *User = Op.getUser();
      auto *NewIL = IL->clone(User);
      Op.set(SILValue(NewIL, Op.get().getResultNumber()));

  // Again we need to be careful here, because ssa construction (with the
  // existing representation) can change the operand from under us.
  UseWrapper UW(&Op);

  SILInstruction *User = Op.getUser();
  SILValue NewVal = GetValueInMiddleOfBlock(User->getParent());
  assert(NewVal && "Need a valid value");
 ((Operand *)UW)->set((SILValue)NewVal);
void SILInstruction::replaceAllUsesWithUndef() {
  SILModule &Mod = getModule();
  while (!use_empty()) {
    Operand *Op = *use_begin();
    Op->set(SILUndef::get(Op->get()->getType(), Mod));
void ValueBase::replaceAllUsesWith(ValueBase *RHS) {
  assert(this != RHS && "Cannot RAUW a value with itself");
  assert(getNumTypes() == RHS->getNumTypes() &&
         "An instruction and the value base that it is being replaced by "
         "must have the same number of types");

  while (!use_empty()) {
    Operand *Op = *use_begin();
    Op->set(SILValue(RHS, Op->get().getResultNumber()));
bool SILValueOwnershipChecker::gatherUsers(
    SmallVectorImpl<BranchPropagatedUser> &lifetimeEndingUsers,
    SmallVectorImpl<BranchPropagatedUser> &nonLifetimeEndingUsers,
    SmallVectorImpl<BranchPropagatedUser> &implicitRegularUsers) {

  // See if Value is guaranteed. If we are guaranteed and not forwarding, then
  // we need to look through subobject uses for more uses. Otherwise, if we are
  // forwarding, we do not create any lifetime ending users/non lifetime ending
  // users since we verify against our base.
  auto ownershipKind = value.getOwnershipKind();
  bool isGuaranteed = ownershipKind == ValueOwnershipKind::Guaranteed;
  bool isOwned = ownershipKind == ValueOwnershipKind::Owned;

  if (isGuaranteed && isGuaranteedForwardingValue(value))
    return true;

  // Then gather up our initial list of users.
  SmallVector<Operand *, 8> users;
  std::copy(value->use_begin(), value->use_end(), std::back_inserter(users));

  auto addCondBranchToList = [](SmallVectorImpl<BranchPropagatedUser> &list,
                                CondBranchInst *cbi, unsigned operandIndex) {
    if (cbi->isConditionOperandIndex(operandIndex)) {

    bool isTrueOperand = cbi->isTrueOperandIndex(operandIndex);
    list.emplace_back(cbi, isTrueOperand ? CondBranchInst::TrueIdx
                                         : CondBranchInst::FalseIdx);

  bool foundError = false;
  while (!users.empty()) {
    Operand *op = users.pop_back_val();
    SILInstruction *user = op->getUser();

    // If this op is a type dependent operand, skip it. It is not interesting
    // from an ownership perspective.
    if (user->isTypeDependentOperand(*op))

    bool isGuaranteedSubValue = false;
    if (isGuaranteed && isGuaranteedForwardingInst(op->getUser())) {
      isGuaranteedSubValue = true;

    auto opOwnershipKindMap = op->getOwnershipKindMap(isGuaranteedSubValue);
    // If our ownership kind doesn't match, track that we found an error, emit
    // an error message optionally and then continue.
    if (!opOwnershipKindMap.canAcceptKind(ownershipKind)) {
      foundError = true;

      // If we did not support /any/ ownership kind, it means that we found a
      // conflicting answer so the kind map that was returned is the empty
      // map. Put out a more specific error here.
      if (!opOwnershipKindMap.data.any()) {
        handleError([&]() {
          llvm::errs() << "Function: '" << user->getFunction()->getName()
                       << "'\n"
                       << "Ill-formed SIL! Unable to compute ownership kind "
                          "map for user?!\n"
                       << "For terminator users, check that successors have "
                          "compatible ownership kinds.\n"
                       << "Value: " << op->get() << "User: "******"Operand Number: " << op->getOperandNumber() << '\n'
                       << "Conv: " << ownershipKind << "\n\n";

      handleError([&]() {
        llvm::errs() << "Function: '" << user->getFunction()->getName() << "'\n"
                     << "Have operand with incompatible ownership?!\n"
                     << "Value: " << op->get() << "User: "******"Operand Number: " << op->getOperandNumber() << '\n'
                     << "Conv: " << ownershipKind << '\n'
                     << "OwnershipMap:\n"
                     << opOwnershipKindMap << '\n';

    auto lifetimeConstraint =
    if (lifetimeConstraint == UseLifetimeConstraint::MustBeInvalidated) {
      LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "        Lifetime Ending User: "******"        Regular User: "******"Our value is guaranteed and this is a forwarding instruction. "
               "Should have guaranteed ownership as well.");
        copy(result->getUses(), std::back_inserter(users));



    auto *ti = dyn_cast<TermInst>(user);
    if (!ti) {

    // Otherwise if we have a terminator, add any as uses any end_borrow to
    // ensure that the subscope is completely enclsed within the super scope. We
    // require all of our arguments to be either trivial or guaranteed.
    for (auto &succ : ti->getSuccessors()) {
      auto *succBlock = succ.getBB();

      // If we do not have any arguments, then continue.
      if (succBlock->args_empty())

      // Otherwise, make sure that all arguments are trivial or guaranteed. If
      // we fail, emit an error.
      // TODO: We could ignore this error and emit a more specific error on the
      // actual terminator.
      for (auto *succArg : succBlock->getPhiArguments()) {
        // *NOTE* We do not emit an error here since we want to allow for more
        // specific errors to be found during use_verification.
        // TODO: Add a flag that associates the terminator instruction with
        // needing to be verified. If it isn't verified appropriately, assert
        // when the verifier is destroyed.
        auto succArgOwnershipKind = succArg->getOwnershipKind();
        if (!succArgOwnershipKind.isCompatibleWith(ownershipKind)) {
          // This is where the error would go.

        // If we have an any value, just continue.
        if (succArgOwnershipKind == ValueOwnershipKind::Any)

        // Otherwise add all end_borrow users for this BBArg to the
        // implicit regular user list. We know that BBArg must be
        // completely joint post-dominated by these users, so we use
        // them to ensure that all of BBArg's uses are completely
        // enclosed within the end_borrow of this argument.
        for (auto *op : succArg->getUses()) {
          if (auto *ebi = dyn_cast<EndBorrowInst>(op->getUser())) {

  // Return true if we did not have an error and false if we did find an error.
  // The reason why we use this extra variable is to make sure that when we are
  // testing, we print out all mismatching pairs rather than just the first.
  return !foundError;
void swift::visitAccessedAddress(SILInstruction *I,
                                 llvm::function_ref<void(Operand *)> visitor) {

  // Reference counting instructions do not access user visible memory.
  if (isa<RefCountingInst>(I))

  if (isa<DeallocationInst>(I))

  if (auto apply = FullApplySite::isa(I)) {
    visitApplyAccesses(apply, visitor);

  if (auto builtin = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(I)) {
    visitBuiltinAddress(builtin, visitor);

  switch (I->getKind()) {
    llvm_unreachable("unexpected memory access.");

  case SILInstructionKind::AssignInst:

  case SILInstructionKind::CheckedCastAddrBranchInst:

  case SILInstructionKind::CopyAddrInst:

  case SILInstructionKind::Store##Name##Inst:
  case SILInstructionKind::Store##Name##Inst:
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
  case SILInstructionKind::StoreInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::StoreBorrowInst:

  case SILInstructionKind::SelectEnumAddrInst:

  case SILInstructionKind::Load##Name##Inst:
  case SILInstructionKind::Load##Name##Inst:
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
  case SILInstructionKind::InitExistentialAddrInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::InjectEnumAddrInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::LoadInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::LoadBorrowInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::OpenExistentialAddrInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::SwitchEnumAddrInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedTakeEnumDataAddrInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::UnconditionalCheckedCastInst: {
    // Assuming all the above have only a single address operand.
    assert(I->getNumOperands() - I->getNumTypeDependentOperands() == 1);
    Operand *singleOperand = &I->getAllOperands()[0];
    // Check the operand type because UnconditionalCheckedCastInst may operate
    // on a non-address.
    if (singleOperand->get()->getType().isAddress())
  // Non-access cases: these are marked with memory side effects, but, by
  // themselves, do not access formal memory.
  case SILInstructionKind::Copy##Name##ValueInst:
#include "swift/AST/ReferenceStorage.def"
  case SILInstructionKind::AbortApplyInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::AllocBoxInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::AllocExistentialBoxInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::AllocGlobalInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::BeginAccessInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::BeginApplyInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::BeginBorrowInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::BeginUnpairedAccessInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::BindMemoryInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::CheckedCastValueBranchInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::CondFailInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::CopyBlockInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::CopyBlockWithoutEscapingInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::CopyValueInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::DeinitExistentialAddrInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::DeinitExistentialValueInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::DestroyAddrInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::DestroyValueInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::EndAccessInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::EndApplyInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::EndBorrowInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::EndUnpairedAccessInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::EndLifetimeInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::ExistentialMetatypeInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::FixLifetimeInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::InitExistentialValueInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::IsUniqueInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::IsEscapingClosureInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::KeyPathInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::OpenExistentialBoxInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::OpenExistentialBoxValueInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::OpenExistentialValueInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::PartialApplyInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::ProjectValueBufferInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::YieldInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::UnwindInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedOwnershipConversionInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::UncheckedRefCastAddrInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::UnconditionalCheckedCastAddrInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::UnconditionalCheckedCastValueInst:
  case SILInstructionKind::ValueMetatypeInst:
/// Simplify the following two frontend patterns:
///   %payload_addr = init_enum_data_addr %payload_allocation
///   store %payload to %payload_addr
///   inject_enum_addr %payload_allocation, $EnumType.case
///   inject_enum_add %nopayload_allocation, $EnumType.case
/// for a concrete enum type $EnumType.case to:
///   %1 = enum $EnumType, $EnumType.case, %payload
///   store %1 to %payload_addr
///   %1 = enum $EnumType, $EnumType.case
///   store %1 to %nopayload_addr
/// We leave the cleaning up to mem2reg.
SILInstruction *
SILCombiner::visitInjectEnumAddrInst(InjectEnumAddrInst *IEAI) {
  // Given an inject_enum_addr of a concrete type without payload, promote it to
  // a store of an enum. Mem2reg/load forwarding will clean things up for us. We
  // can't handle the payload case here due to the flow problems caused by the
  // dependency in between the enum and its data.

  assert(IEAI->getOperand()->getType().isAddress() && "Must be an address");

  if (IEAI->getOperand()->getType().isAddressOnly(IEAI->getModule())) {
    // Check for the following pattern inside the current basic block:
    // inject_enum_addr %payload_allocation, $EnumType.case1
    // ... no insns storing anything into %payload_allocation
    // select_enum_addr  %payload_allocation,
    //                   case $EnumType.case1: %Result1,
    //                   case case $EnumType.case2: %bResult2
    //                   ...
    // Replace the select_enum_addr by %Result1

    auto *Term = IEAI->getParent()->getTerminator();
    if (isa<CondBranchInst>(Term) || isa<SwitchValueInst>(Term)) {
      auto BeforeTerm = std::prev(std::prev(IEAI->getParent()->end()));
      auto *SEAI = dyn_cast<SelectEnumAddrInst>(BeforeTerm);
      if (!SEAI)
        return nullptr;

      if (SEAI->getOperand() != IEAI->getOperand())
        return nullptr;

      SILBasicBlock::iterator II = IEAI->getIterator();
      StoreInst *SI = nullptr;
      for (;;) {
        SILInstruction *CI = &*II;
        if (CI == SEAI)
        SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(CI);
        if (SI) {
          if (SI->getDest() == IEAI->getOperand())
            return nullptr;
        // Allow all instructions in between, which don't have any dependency to
        // the store.
        if (AA->mayWriteToMemory(&*II, IEAI->getOperand()))
          return nullptr;

      auto *InjectedEnumElement = IEAI->getElement();
      auto Result = SEAI->getCaseResult(InjectedEnumElement);

      // Replace select_enum_addr by the result
      replaceInstUsesWith(*SEAI, Result);
      return nullptr;

    // Check for the following pattern inside the current basic block:
    // inject_enum_addr %payload_allocation, $EnumType.case1
    // ... no insns storing anything into %payload_allocation
    // switch_enum_addr  %payload_allocation,
    //                   case $EnumType.case1: %bbX,
    //                   case case $EnumType.case2: %bbY
    //                   ...
    // Replace the switch_enum_addr by select_enum_addr, switch_value.
    if (auto *SEI = dyn_cast<SwitchEnumAddrInst>(Term)) {
      if (SEI->getOperand() != IEAI->getOperand())
        return nullptr;

      SILBasicBlock::iterator II = IEAI->getIterator();
      StoreInst *SI = nullptr;
      for (;;) {
        SILInstruction *CI = &*II;
        if (CI == SEI)
        SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(CI);
        if (SI) {
          if (SI->getDest() == IEAI->getOperand())
            return nullptr;
        // Allow all instructions in between, which don't have any dependency to
        // the store.
        if (AA->mayWriteToMemory(&*II, IEAI->getOperand()))
          return nullptr;

      // Replace switch_enum_addr by a branch instruction.
      SILBuilderWithScope B(SEI);
      SmallVector<std::pair<EnumElementDecl *, SILValue>, 8> CaseValues;
      SmallVector<std::pair<SILValue, SILBasicBlock *>, 8> CaseBBs;

      auto IntTy = SILType::getBuiltinIntegerType(32, B.getASTContext());

      for (int i = 0, e = SEI->getNumCases(); i < e; ++i) {
        auto Pair = SEI->getCase(i);
        auto *IL = B.createIntegerLiteral(SEI->getLoc(), IntTy, APInt(32, i, false));
        SILValue ILValue = SILValue(IL);
        CaseValues.push_back(std::make_pair(Pair.first, ILValue));
        CaseBBs.push_back(std::make_pair(ILValue, Pair.second));

      SILValue DefaultValue;
      SILBasicBlock *DefaultBB = nullptr;

      if (SEI->hasDefault()) {
        auto *IL = B.createIntegerLiteral(
          SEI->getLoc(), IntTy,
          APInt(32, static_cast<uint64_t>(SEI->getNumCases()), false));
        DefaultValue = SILValue(IL);
        DefaultBB = SEI->getDefaultBB();

      auto *SEAI = B.createSelectEnumAddr(SEI->getLoc(), SEI->getOperand(), IntTy, DefaultValue, CaseValues);

      B.createSwitchValue(SEI->getLoc(), SILValue(SEAI), DefaultBB, CaseBBs);

      return eraseInstFromFunction(*SEI);

    return nullptr;

  // If the enum does not have a payload create the enum/store since we don't
  // need to worry about payloads.
  if (!IEAI->getElement()->hasArgumentType()) {
    EnumInst *E =
      Builder.createEnum(IEAI->getLoc(), SILValue(), IEAI->getElement(),
    Builder.createStore(IEAI->getLoc(), E, IEAI->getOperand(),
    return eraseInstFromFunction(*IEAI);

  // Ok, we have a payload enum, make sure that we have a store previous to
  // us...
  SILValue ASO = IEAI->getOperand();
  if (!isa<AllocStackInst>(ASO)) {
    return nullptr;
  InitEnumDataAddrInst *DataAddrInst = nullptr;
  InjectEnumAddrInst *EnumAddrIns = nullptr;
  llvm::SmallPtrSet<SILInstruction *, 32> WriteSet;
  for (auto UsersIt : ASO->getUses()) {
    SILInstruction *CurrUser = UsersIt->getUser();
    if (CurrUser->isDeallocatingStack()) {
      // we don't care about the dealloc stack instructions
    if (isDebugInst(CurrUser) || isa<LoadInst>(CurrUser)) {
      // These Instructions are a non-risky use we can ignore
    if (auto *CurrInst = dyn_cast<InitEnumDataAddrInst>(CurrUser)) {
      if (DataAddrInst) {
        return nullptr;
      DataAddrInst = CurrInst;
    if (auto *CurrInst = dyn_cast<InjectEnumAddrInst>(CurrUser)) {
      if (EnumAddrIns) {
        return nullptr;
      EnumAddrIns = CurrInst;
    if (isa<StoreInst>(CurrUser)) {
      // The only MayWrite Instruction we can safely handle
    // It is too risky to continue if it is any other instruction.
    return nullptr;

  if (!DataAddrInst || !EnumAddrIns) {
    return nullptr;
  assert((EnumAddrIns == IEAI) &&
         "Found InitEnumDataAddrInst differs from IEAI");
  // Found the DataAddrInst to this enum payload. Check if it has only use.
  if (!hasOneNonDebugUse(DataAddrInst))
    return nullptr;

  StoreInst *SI = dyn_cast<StoreInst>(getSingleNonDebugUser(DataAddrInst));
  ApplyInst *AI = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(getSingleNonDebugUser(DataAddrInst));
  if (!SI && !AI) {
    return nullptr;

  // Make sure the enum pattern instructions are the only ones which write to
  // this location
  if (!WriteSet.empty()) {
    // Analyze the instructions (implicit dominator analysis)
    // If we find any of MayWriteSet, return nullptr
    SILBasicBlock *InitEnumBB = DataAddrInst->getParent();
    assert(InitEnumBB && "DataAddrInst is not in a valid Basic Block");
    llvm::SmallVector<SILInstruction *, 64> Worklist;
    llvm::SmallPtrSet<SILBasicBlock *, 16> Preds;
    while (!Worklist.empty()) {
      SILInstruction *CurrIns = Worklist.pop_back_val();
      SILBasicBlock *CurrBB = CurrIns->getParent();

      if (CurrBB->isEntry() && CurrBB != InitEnumBB) {
        // reached prologue without encountering the init bb
        return nullptr;

      for (auto InsIt = ++CurrIns->getIterator().getReverse();
           InsIt != CurrBB->rend(); ++InsIt) {
        SILInstruction *Ins = &*InsIt;
        if (Ins == DataAddrInst) {
          // don't care about what comes before init enum in the basic block
        if (WriteSet.count(Ins) != 0) {
          return nullptr;

      if (CurrBB == InitEnumBB) {

      // Go to predecessors and do all that again
      for (SILBasicBlock *Pred : CurrBB->getPredecessorBlocks()) {
        // If it's already in the set, then we've already queued and/or
        // processed the predecessors.
        if (Preds.insert(Pred).second) {

  if (SI) {
    assert((SI->getDest() == DataAddrInst) &&
           "Can't find StoreInst with DataAddrInst as its destination");
    // In that case, create the payload enum/store.
    EnumInst *E = Builder.createEnum(
        DataAddrInst->getLoc(), SI->getSrc(), DataAddrInst->getElement(),
    Builder.createStore(DataAddrInst->getLoc(), E, DataAddrInst->getOperand(),
    // Cleanup.
    return eraseInstFromFunction(*IEAI);

  // Check whether we have an apply initializing the enum.
  //  %iedai = init_enum_data_addr %enum_addr
  //         = apply(%iedai,...)
  //  inject_enum_addr %enum_addr
  // We can localize the store to an alloc_stack.
  // Allowing us to perform the same optimization as for the store.
  //  %alloca = alloc_stack
  //            apply(%alloca,...)
  //  %load = load %alloca
  //  %1 = enum $EnumType, $EnumType.case, %load
  //  store %1 to %nopayload_addr
  assert(AI && "Must have an apply");
  unsigned ArgIdx = 0;
  Operand *EnumInitOperand = nullptr;
  for (auto &Opd : AI->getArgumentOperands()) {
    // Found an apply that initializes the enum. We can optimize this by
    // localizing the initialization to an alloc_stack and loading from it.
    DataAddrInst = dyn_cast<InitEnumDataAddrInst>(Opd.get());
    if (DataAddrInst && DataAddrInst->getOperand() == IEAI->getOperand() &&
        ArgIdx < AI->getSubstCalleeType()->getNumIndirectResults()) {
      EnumInitOperand = &Opd;

  if (!EnumInitOperand) {
    return nullptr;

  // Localize the address access.
  auto *AllocStack = Builder.createAllocStack(DataAddrInst->getLoc(),
  SILValue Load(Builder.createLoad(DataAddrInst->getLoc(), AllocStack,
  EnumInst *E = Builder.createEnum(
      DataAddrInst->getLoc(), Load, DataAddrInst->getElement(),
  Builder.createStore(DataAddrInst->getLoc(), E, DataAddrInst->getOperand(),
  Builder.createDeallocStack(DataAddrInst->getLoc(), AllocStack);
  return eraseInstFromFunction(*IEAI);