void OptimizePhotometricPanel::setOptimizeVector(const OptimizeVector & optvec) { DEBUG_ASSERT((int)optvec.size() == (int)m_exp_list->GetCount()); for (int i=0; i < (int) variable_groups->getLenses().getNumberOfParts(); i++) { m_vig_list->Check(i,false); m_vigc_list->Check(i,false); m_resp_list->Check(i,false); } unsigned int nImages = optvec.size(); for (unsigned int i=0; i < nImages; i++) { m_exp_list->Check(i,false); m_wb_list->Check(i,false); unsigned int lensNr = variable_groups->getLenses().getPartNumber(i); for(set<string>::const_iterator it = optvec[i].begin(); it != optvec[i].end(); ++it) { if (*it == "Eev") { m_exp_list->Check(i); } if (*it == "Er") { m_wb_list->Check(i); } if (*it == "Ra") { m_resp_list->Check(lensNr); } if (*it == "Vb") { m_vig_list->Check(lensNr); } if (*it == "Vx") { m_vigc_list->Check(lensNr); } } } }
void OptimizePhotometricPanel::runOptimizer(const UIntSet & imgs) { DEBUG_TRACE(""); int mode = m_mode_cb->GetSelection(); // check if vignetting and response are linked, display a warning if they are not // The variables to check: const HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::ImageVariableEnum vars[] = { HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_EMoRParams, HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_ResponseType, HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_VigCorrMode, HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_RadialVigCorrCoeff, HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::IVE_RadialVigCorrCenterShift }; // keep a list of commands needed to fix it: std::vector<PT::PanoCommand *> commands; HuginBase::ConstImageVariableGroup & lenses = variable_groups->getLenses(); for (size_t i = 0; i < lenses.getNumberOfParts(); i++) { std::set<HuginBase::ImageVariableGroup::ImageVariableEnum> links_needed; links_needed.clear(); for (int v = 0; v < 5; v++) { if (!lenses.getVarLinkedInPart(vars[v], i)) { links_needed.insert(vars[v]); } }; if (!links_needed.empty()) { commands.push_back(new PT::LinkLensVarsCmd(*m_pano, i, links_needed)); } } // if the list of commands is empty, all is good and we don't need a warning. if (!commands.empty()) { int ok = wxMessageBox(_("The same vignetting and response parameters should\nbe applied for all images of a lens.\nCurrently each image can have different parameters.\nLink parameters?"), _("Link parameters"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_INFORMATION); if (ok == wxYES) { // perform all the commands we stocked up earilier. for (std::vector<PT::PanoCommand *>::iterator it = commands.begin(); it != commands.end(); it++) { GlobalCmdHist::getInstance().addCommand(*it); } } else { // free all the commands, the user doesn't want them used. for (std::vector<PT::PanoCommand *>::iterator it = commands.begin(); it != commands.end(); it++) { delete *it; } } } Panorama optPano = m_pano->getSubset(imgs); PanoramaOptions opts = optPano.getOptions(); OptimizeVector optvars; if(mode==OPT_CUSTOM) { optvars = getOptimizeVector(); if (optPano.getNrOfImages() != m_pano->getNrOfImages()) { OptimizeVector o = optvars; optvars.clear(); for (UIntSet::const_iterator it = imgs.begin(); it != imgs.end(); ++it) { optvars.push_back(o[*it]); } } unsigned int countVar=0; for(unsigned int i=0;i<optvars.size();i++) { countVar+=optvars[i].size(); }; if(countVar==0) { wxMessageBox(_("You selected no parameters to optimize.\nTherefore optimization will be canceled."), _("Exposure optimization"), wxOK | wxICON_INFORMATION); return; }; }; std::vector<vigra_ext::PointPairRGB> m_points; // extract points only if not done previously long nPoints = 200; wxConfigBase::Get()->Read(wxT("/OptimizePhotometric/nRandomPointsPerImage"), & nPoints); // get parameters for estimation. nPoints = wxGetNumberFromUser(_("The vignetting and exposure correction is determined by analysing color values in the overlapping areas.\nTo speed up the computation, only a random subset of points is used."), _("Number of points per image"), _("Photometric optimization"), nPoints, 0, 32000, this); if (nPoints < 0) { return; } wxConfigBase::Get()->Write(wxT("/OptimizePhotometric/nRandomPointsPerImage"),nPoints); ProgressReporterDialog progress(5.0, _("Photometric alignment"), _("Loading images")); progress.Show(); nPoints = nPoints * optPano.getNrOfImages(); // get the small images std::vector<vigra::FRGBImage *> srcImgs; for (size_t i=0; i < optPano.getNrOfImages(); i++) { ImageCache::EntryPtr e = ImageCache::getInstance().getSmallImage(optPano.getImage(i).getFilename()); vigra::FRGBImage * img = new FRGBImage; if (!e) { wxMessageBox(_("Error: could not load all images"), _("Error")); return; } if (e->image8 && e->image8->width() > 0) { reduceToNextLevel(*(e->image8), *img); transformImage(vigra::srcImageRange(*img), vigra::destImage(*img), vigra::functor::Arg1()/vigra::functor::Param(255.0)); } else if (e->image16 && e->image16->width() > 0) { reduceToNextLevel(*(e->image16), *img); transformImage(vigra::srcImageRange(*img), vigra::destImage(*img), vigra::functor::Arg1()/vigra::functor::Param(65535.0)); } else { reduceToNextLevel(*(e->imageFloat), *img); } srcImgs.push_back(img); } bool randomPoints = true; extractPoints(optPano, srcImgs, nPoints, randomPoints, progress, m_points); if (m_points.size() == 0) { wxMessageBox(_("Error: no overlapping points found, Photometric optimization aborted"), _("Error")); return; } double error = 0; try { //wxBusyCursor busyc; if (mode != OPT_CUSTOM) { // run automatic optimisation // ensure that we have a valid anchor. PanoramaOptions opts = optPano.getOptions(); if (opts.colorReferenceImage >= optPano.getNrOfImages()) { opts.colorReferenceImage = 0; optPano.setOptions(opts); } smartOptimizePhotometric(optPano, PhotometricOptimizeMode(mode), m_points, progress, error); } else { // optimize selected parameters optimizePhotometric(optPano, optvars, m_points, progress, error); } } catch (std::exception & error) { wxMessageBox(_("Internal error during photometric optimization:\n") + wxString(error.what(), wxConvLocal), _("Internal error")); } progress.Close(); // display information about the estimation process: int ret = wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Photometric optimization results:\nAverage difference (RMSE) between overlapping pixels: %.2f gray values (0..255)\n\nApply results?"), error*255), _("Photometric optimization finished"), wxYES_NO | wxICON_INFORMATION,this); if (ret == wxYES) { DEBUG_DEBUG("Applying vignetting corr"); // TODO: merge into a single update command const VariableMapVector & vars = optPano.getVariables(); GlobalCmdHist::getInstance().addCommand( new PT::UpdateImagesVariablesCmd(*m_pano, imgs, vars) ); //now update panorama exposure value PanoramaOptions opts = m_pano->getOptions(); opts.outputExposureValue = calcMeanExposure(*m_pano); GlobalCmdHist::getInstance().addCommand( new PT::SetPanoOptionsCmd(*m_pano, opts) ); } }