int main(int argc, char * argv[])

	/* Usage */
	if (argc <= 1)
		return -1;

		/* Handle options */
		Options opts;
		opts.Parse(argc, argv);

		/* Process */
		DwarfObj file(opts.SourceFile);

		Exporters::XmlExporter exporter;

		list<Queries::Query *>::iterator it;
		for (it = opts.Queries.begin(); it != opts.Queries.end(); it++)
			(*it)->DoWork(file, exporter);

		/* Export */
		if (opts.HasOutput)

	} catch (exception & ex)
		cerr << "Exception" << endl;

	return 0;
int		main(int argc, char* argv[])
	char buf[MAX_BUF_SIZE];
	const char* name = NULL;
	const char* opts = NULL;
	bool bCount = false;

	switch( argc )
	case 2:
		if( str_match(argv[1], "-v") )
			printf("Version 1.%d by Roman Dremov 2015\n", GLPVERSION);
			return 0;
		name = argv[1];
	case 3:
		if( *argv[1] == '-' )
			if( str_match(argv[1] + 1, "c") )
				bCount = true;
				opts = argv[1] + 1;
			name = argv[2];

	bool bValid = true;

	if( !name )
		bValid = false;

	Options options;

	if( bValid && opts )
		for(int ii=strlen(opts)-1; ii>=0; ii--)
			if( !options.Parse(opts[ii], NULL) )
				bValid = false;

	if( !bValid )
		char cc;
		char* str = buf;
		char space[] = " ";
		for(cc='a'; cc<='z'; cc++)
			if( options.Parse(cc, space) )
				*str++ = cc;
		*str = 0;
			"\tglp -v\t\t\t\tto get version info\n"
			"\tglp -c gitolite.log\t\tto count entries\n"
			"\tglp gitolite.log\t\tto output all entries\n"
			"\tglp [-%s] gitolite.log\tto output entries hierarchically\n", buf);
		printf("OPTIONS (order defines report sorting hierarchy):\n");
		str = buf;
		*str = 0;
		for(cc='a'; cc<='z'; cc++)
			if( options.Parse(cc, space) )
				sprintf(str, "\t%c - ", cc);
				str += strlen(str);
				str += options.Parse(cc, str);
				strcat(str, "\n");
				str += strlen(str);
		*str = 0;
		printf("%s", buf);
		return ERROR_ARG;

	FILE* pf = fopen(name, "r");

	if( !pf )
		printf("File does not exist: %s\n", name);
		return ERROR_FILE;

	Data data;

		char* str = fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), pf);
		if( str )
			Packet packet;
			if( packet.Parse(str) )
	} while( !feof(pf) );

	return ERROR_OK;
int sfc_palette(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  SfcPalette::Settings settings = {};
  bool verbose = false;
  bool col0_forced = false;
  rgba_t col0 = 0;

  try {
    bool help = false;
    std::string mode_str;
    bool dummy = false;

    Options options;
    options.IndentDescription = sfc::Constants::options_indent;
    options.Header = "Usage: superfamiconv palette [<options>]\n";

    // clang-format off
    options.Add(settings.in_image,           'i', "in-image",       "Input: image");
    options.Add(settings.out_data,           'd', "out-data",       "Output: native data");
    options.Add(settings.out_act,            'a', "out-act",        "Output: photoshop palette");
    options.Add(settings.out_json,           'j', "out-json",       "Output: json");
    options.Add(settings.out_image,          'o', "out-image",      "Output: image");

    options.Add(mode_str,                    'M', "mode",           "Mode",                             std::string("snes"), "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.palettes,           'P', "palettes",       "Number of subpalettes",            unsigned(8),         "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.colors,             'C', "colors",         "Colors per subpalette",            unsigned(16),        "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.tile_w,             'W', "tile-width",     "Tile width",                       unsigned(8),         "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.tile_h,             'H', "tile-height",    "Tile height",                      unsigned(8),         "Settings");
    options.AddSwitch(settings.no_remap,     'R', "no-remap",       "Don't remap colors",               false,               "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.color_zero,         '0', "color-zero",     "Set color #0",                     std::string(),       "Settings");

    options.AddSwitch(verbose,               'v', "verbose",        "Verbose logging", false, "_");
    options.AddSwitch(help,                  'h', "help",           "Show this help",  false, "_");
    options.AddSwitch(dummy,                 '9', std::string(),    std::string(),     false);
    // clang-format on

    if (!options.Parse(argc, argv)) return 1;

    if (argc <= 2 || help) {
      return 0;

    settings.mode = sfc::mode(mode_str);

    // Mode-specific defaults
    if (!options.WasSet("palettes")) settings.palettes = sfc::default_palette_count_for_mode(settings.mode);
    if (!options.WasSet("colors")) settings.colors = sfc::palette_size_at_bpp(sfc::default_bpp_for_mode(settings.mode));

    if (!settings.color_zero.empty()) {
      col0 = sfc::from_hexstring(settings.color_zero);
      col0_forced = true;

  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
    fmt::print(stderr, "Error: {}\n", e.what());
    return 1;

  try {
    if (settings.in_image.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("Input image required");

    sfc::Image image(settings.in_image);
    if (verbose) fmt::print("Loaded image from \"{}\" ({})\n", settings.in_image, image.description());

    sfc::Palette palette;

    if (settings.no_remap) {
      if (image.palette_size() == 0) throw std::runtime_error("no-remap requires indexed color image");
      if (verbose) fmt::print("Mapping palette straight from indexed color image\n");

      palette = sfc::Palette(settings.mode, 1, (unsigned)image.palette_size());

    } else {
      if (verbose) fmt::print("Mapping optimized palette ({}x{} entries)\n", settings.palettes, settings.colors);

      palette = sfc::Palette(settings.mode, settings.palettes, settings.colors);

      col0 = col0_forced ? col0 : image.crop(0, 0, 1, 1).rgba_data()[0];

      if (col0_forced || sfc::col0_is_shared_for_mode(settings.mode)) {
        if (verbose) fmt::print("Setting color zero to {}\n", sfc::to_hexstring(col0, true, true));

      palette.add_images(image.crops(settings.tile_w, settings.tile_h));

    if (verbose) fmt::print("Created palette with {}\n", palette.description());

    if (!settings.no_remap) {

    if (!settings.out_data.empty()) {
      if (verbose) fmt::print("Saved native palette data to \"{}\"\n", settings.out_data);

    if (!settings.out_act.empty()) {
      if (verbose) fmt::print("Saved photoshop palette to \"{}\"\n", settings.out_act);

    if (!settings.out_image.empty()) {
      sfc::Image palette_image(palette);
      if (verbose) fmt::print("Saved palette image to \"{}\"\n", settings.out_image);

    if (!settings.out_json.empty()) {
      sfc::write_file(settings.out_json, palette.to_json());
      if (verbose) fmt::print("Saved json data to \"{}\"\n", settings.out_json);

  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
    fmt::print(stderr, "Error: {}\n", e.what());
    return 1;

  return 0;
int sfc_map(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  SfcMap::Settings settings = {};
  bool verbose = false;

  try {
    bool help = false;
    bool dummy = false;
    std::string mode_str;

    Options options;
    options.IndentDescription = sfc::Constants::options_indent;
    options.Header = "Usage: superfamiconv map [<options>]\n";

    // clang-format off
    options.Add(settings.in_image,            'i', "in-image",       "Input: image");
    options.Add(settings.in_palette,          'p', "in-palette",     "Input: palette (json/native)");
    options.Add(settings.in_tileset,          't', "in-tiles",       "Input: tiles (native)");
    options.Add(settings.out_data,            'd', "out-data",       "Output: native data");
    options.Add(settings.out_json,            'j', "out-json",       "Output: json");
    options.Add(settings.out_m7_data,         '7', "out-m7-data",    "Output: interleaved map/tile data (snes_mode7)");
    options.Add(settings.out_gbc_bank,       '\0', "out-gbc-bank",   "Output: banked map data (gbc)");

    options.Add(mode_str,                     'M', "mode",           "Mode",                              std::string("snes"),  "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.bpp,                 'B', "bpp",            "Bits per pixel",                    unsigned(4),          "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.tile_w,              'W', "tile-width",     "Tile width",                        unsigned(8),          "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.tile_h,              'H', "tile-height",    "Tile height",                       unsigned(8),          "Settings");
    options.AddSwitch(settings.no_flip,       'F', "no-flip",        "Don't use flipped tiles",           false,                "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.map_w,              '\0', "map-width",      "Map width (in tiles)",              unsigned(0),          "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.map_h,              '\0', "map-height",     "Map height (in tiles)",             unsigned(0),          "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.map_split_w,        '\0', "split-width",    "Split output into columns of <tiles> width", unsigned(0), "Settings");
    options.Add(settings.map_split_h,        '\0', "split-height",   "Split output into rows of <tiles> height",   unsigned(0), "Settings");
    options.AddSwitch(settings.column_order, '\0', "column-order",   "Output data in column-major order",          false,       "Settings");

    options.AddSwitch(verbose,                'v', "verbose",        "Verbose logging", false, "_");
    options.AddSwitch(help,                   'h', "help",           "Show this help",  false, "_");
    options.AddSwitch(dummy,                  '9', std::string(),    std::string(),     false);
    // clang-format on

    if (!options.Parse(argc, argv)) return 1;

    if (argc <= 2 || help) {
      return 0;

    settings.mode = sfc::mode(mode_str);

    // Mode-specific defaults
    if (!options.WasSet("bpp")) settings.bpp = sfc::default_bpp_for_mode(settings.mode);

    if (!sfc::bpp_allowed_for_mode(settings.bpp, settings.mode)) throw std::runtime_error("bpp setting not compatible with specified mode");

  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
    fmt::print(stderr, "Error: {}\n", e.what());
    return 1;

  try {
    if (settings.in_image.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("input image required");
    if (settings.in_palette.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("input palette required");
    if (settings.in_tileset.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("input tileset required");

    if (settings.map_split_w == 0) settings.map_split_w = sfc::default_map_size_for_mode(settings.mode);
    if (settings.map_split_h == 0) settings.map_split_h = sfc::default_map_size_for_mode(settings.mode);

    sfc::Image image(settings.in_image);
    if (verbose) fmt::print("Loaded image from \"{}\" ({})\n", settings.in_image, image.description());

    if (settings.map_w == 0) settings.map_w = sfc::div_ceil(image.width(), settings.tile_w);
    if (settings.map_h == 0) settings.map_h = sfc::div_ceil(image.height(), settings.tile_h);

    if (settings.map_w * settings.tile_w != image.width() || settings.map_h * settings.tile_h != image.height()) {
      image = image.crop(0, 0, settings.map_w * settings.tile_w, settings.map_h * settings.tile_h);

    sfc::Palette palette(settings.in_palette, settings.mode, sfc::palette_size_at_bpp(settings.bpp));
    if (verbose) fmt::print("Loaded palette from \"{}\" ({})\n", settings.in_palette, palette.description());

    sfc::Tileset tileset(sfc::read_binary(settings.in_tileset), settings.mode, settings.bpp, settings.tile_w, settings.tile_h, settings.no_flip);
    if (verbose) fmt::print("Loaded tiles from \"{}\" ({} entries)\n", settings.in_tileset, tileset.size());

    std::vector<sfc::Image> crops = image.crops(settings.tile_w, settings.tile_h);
    if (verbose) fmt::print("Mapping {} {}x{}px tiles from image\n", crops.size(), settings.tile_w, settings.tile_h);

    sfc::Map map(settings.mode, settings.map_w, settings.map_h);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < crops.size(); ++i) {
      map.add(crops[i], tileset, palette, settings.bpp, i % settings.map_w, i / settings.map_w);

    if (verbose && settings.column_order) fmt::print("Using column-major order for output\n");

    if (!settings.out_data.empty()) {
      map.save(settings.out_data, settings.column_order, settings.map_split_w, settings.map_split_h);
      if (verbose) fmt::print("Saved native map data to \"{}\"\n", settings.out_data);

    if (!settings.out_json.empty()) {
      sfc::write_file(settings.out_json, map.to_json(settings.column_order, settings.map_split_w, settings.map_split_h));
      if (verbose) fmt::print("Saved json map data to \"{}\"\n", settings.out_json);

    if (settings.mode == sfc::Mode::snes_mode7 && !settings.out_m7_data.empty()) {
      sfc::write_file(settings.out_m7_data, map.snes_mode7_interleaved_data(tileset));
      if (verbose) fmt::print("Saved interleaved SNES mode 7 data to \"{}\"\n", settings.out_m7_data);

    if (settings.mode == sfc::Mode::gbc && !settings.out_gbc_bank.empty()) {
      sfc::write_file(settings.out_gbc_bank, map.gbc_banked_data());
      if (verbose) fmt::print("Saved banked GBC map data to \"{}\"\n", settings.out_gbc_bank);

  } catch (const std::exception& e) {
    fmt::print(stderr, "Error: {}\n", e.what());
    return 1;

  return 0;