void cnoidalFirstProperties::set( Ostream& os)
    scalar m = solve();

    // Write the beginning of the sub-dictionary
    writeBeginning( os );

    // Write the already given parameters
    writeGiven( os, "waveType" );

    if (dict_.found( "Tsoft" ))
        writeGiven( os, "Tsoft");

    writeGiven( os, "depth");
    writeGiven( os, "period");
    writeGiven( os, "height");

    if (m < 0.0)
        Info << "\nPARAMETERS NOT SET\nNo cnoidal wave solution"
             << " exists for given input\n" << endl;
        double K = gsl_sf_ellint_Kcomp( Foam::sqrt(m), GSL_PREC_DOUBLE );
        double E = gsl_sf_ellint_Ecomp( Foam::sqrt(m), GSL_PREC_DOUBLE );

        double A = 2.0/m - 1.0 - 3.0/m*E/K;

        double L =
            Foam::sqrt(16.0*m * Foam::pow(K, 2.0)*Foam::pow(d_, 3.0)/(3.0*H_));
        double c = Foam::sqrt( G_*d_*(1 + A*H_/d_));
        double omega = 2*PI_/T_;

        if (write_)
            writeDerived(os, "omega", omega);
            writeDerived(os, "length", L);
            writeDerived(os, "celerity", c);

            // Locally change the write precision for m to avoid it being
            // written as 1 instead of 0.9999999999 which makes elliptic
            // integrals to infinity.
            unsigned int pre = os.precision( 14 );
            writeDerived(os, "m", m);
            os.precision( pre );

    writeGiven( os, "direction" );

    // Write the relaxation zone
    writeRelaxationZone( os );

    // Write the closing bracket
    writeEnding( os );