void GrayFilterWidget::applyFilter(InputArray in, OutputArray out) const
	// check weather the filter can be applied
	if (!(checkInput(in).first))
	// the filter can be applied
	// split the cannels of the input image
	auto channels = splitChannels(in.at(0).get());
	// create a zero image
	cv::Mat tmp = cv::Mat::zeros(in.at(0).get().rows, in.at(0).get().cols,
	// multiply all channels with their factor and add it to tmp
	// if there are factors for more channels than the input image has, this
	// channels
	// will be ignored
	for (std::size_t i = 0;
	     ((i < channels.size()) && (i < chanValues_.size())); i++)
		// multiply each channel with its factor and add the result to
		// tmp
		tmp += channels.at(i) * (chanValues_.at(i)->value());
	// finally assign tmp to out
	out.at(0).get() = tmp;