int main(void) { try { /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */ const wstring searchpath = L"../data"; const wstring outfile = L"starter_type3font.pdf"; wostringstream buf; PDFlib p; int font; double x, y; p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath); /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */ p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return"); if (p.begin_document(outfile, L"") == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample"); p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_type3font"); /* Create the font "SimpleFont" containing the glyph L"l", * the glyph "space" for spaces and the glyph ".notdef" for any * undefined character */ p.begin_font(L"SimpleFont", 0.001, 0.0, 0.0, 0.001, 0.0, 0.0, L""); p.begin_glyph(L".notdef", 266, 0, 0, 0, 0); p.end_glyph(); p.begin_glyph(L"space", 266, 0, 0, 0, 0); p.end_glyph(); p.begin_glyph(L"l", 266, 0, 0, 266, 570); p.setlinewidth(20); p.setdash(0, 0); x = 197; y = 10; p.moveto(x, y); y += 530; p.lineto(x, y); x -= 64; p.lineto(x, y); y -= 530; p.moveto(x, y); x += 128; p.lineto(x, y); p.stroke(); p.end_glyph(); p.end_font(); /* Start page */ p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, L"width=300 height=200"); /* Load the new L"SimpleFont" font */ font = p.load_font(L"SimpleFont", L"winansi", L""); if (font == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } /* Output the characters L"l" and L"space" of the L"SimpleFont" font. * The character L"x" is undefined and will be mapped to L".notdef" */ buf.str(L""); buf << L"font=" << font << L" fontsize=40"; p.fit_textline(L"lll lllxlll", 100, 100, buf.str()); p.end_page_ext(L""); p.end_document(L""); } catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) { wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred in invoice sample: " << endl << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname() << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } return 0; }
int main(void) { try { /* This is where the data files are. Adjust as necessary. */ const wstring searchpath = L"../data"; const wstring outfile = L"starter_graphics.pdf"; PDFlib p; double xt=20, x = 210, y=770, dy=90; int font; p.set_parameter(L"SearchPath", searchpath); /* This means we must check return values of load_font() etc. */ p.set_parameter(L"errorpolicy", L"return"); if (p.begin_document(outfile, L"") == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } p.set_info(L"Creator", L"PDFlib starter sample"); p.set_info(L"Title", L"starter_graphics"); font = p.load_font(L"Helvetica", L"winansi", L""); if (font == -1) { wcerr << L"Error: " << p.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } /* Start an A4 page */ p.begin_page_ext(0, 0, L"width=a4.width height=a4.height"); /* Set the font */ p.setfont(font, 14); /* Set the line width */ p.setlinewidth(2.0); /* Set the stroke color */ p.setcolor(L"stroke", L"rgb", 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.0); /* Set the fill color */ p.setcolor(L"fill", L"rgb", 0.0, 0.85, 0.85, 0.0); /* ------------- * Stroke a line * ------------- */ /* Set the current point for graphics output */ p.moveto(x, y); /* Draw a line from the current point to the supplied point */ p.lineto(x+300, y+50); /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and * clear it */ p.stroke(); /* Output some descriptive black text */ p.fit_textline(L"lineto() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}"); /* -------------- * Stroke a curve * -------------- */ /* Set the current point for graphics output */ p.moveto(x, y-=dy); /* Draw a Bézier curve from the current point to (x3, y3), using three * control points */ p.curveto(x+50, y+40, x+200, y+80, x+300, y+30); /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and * clear it */ p.stroke(); /* Output some descriptive black text */ p.fit_textline(L"curveto() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}"); /* --------------- * Stroke a circle * --------------- */ /* Draw a circle at position (x, y) with a radius of 40 */, y-=dy, 40); /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and * clear it */ p.stroke(); /* Output some descriptive black text */ p.fit_textline(L"circle() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}"); /* --------------------- * Stroke an arc segment * --------------------- */ /* Draw an arc segment counterclockwise at position (x, y) with a radius * of 40 starting at an angle of 90 degrees and ending at 180 degrees */ p.arc(x, y-=dy+20, 40, 90, 180); /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and * clear it */ p.stroke(); /* Output some descriptive black text */ p.fit_textline(L"arc() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}"); /* ------------------ * Stroke a rectangle * ------------------ */ /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height * of 50 */ p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50); /* Stroke the path using the current line width and stroke color, and * clear it */ p.stroke(); /* Output some descriptive black text */ p.fit_textline(L"rect() and stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}"); /* ---------------- * Fill a rectangle * ---------------- */ /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height * of 50 */ p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50); /* Fill the path using current fill color, and clear it */ p.fill(); /* Output some descriptive black text */ p.fit_textline(L"rect() and fill()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}"); /* --------------------------- * Fill and stroke a rectangle * --------------------------- */ /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height * of 50 */ p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50); /* Fill and stroke the path using the current line width, fill color, * and stroke color, and clear it */ p.fill_stroke(); /* Output some descriptive black text */ p.fit_textline(L"rect() and fill_stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}"); /* ------------------------------------------------------------- * Draw a line and an arc, close the path and fill and stroke it * ------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Set the current point for graphics output */ p.moveto(x-40, y-=dy); /* Draw a line from the current point to the supplied point */ p.lineto(x, y); /* Draw an arc segment counterclockwise at position (x, y) with a radius * of 40 starting at an angle of 90 degrees and ending at 180 degrees */ p.arc(x, y, 40, 90, 180); /* Close the path and stroke and fill it, i.e. close the current subpath * (add a straight line segment from the current point to the starting * point of the path), and stroke and fill the complete current path */ p.closepath_fill_stroke(); /* Output some descriptive black text */ p.fit_textline(L"lineto(), arc(), and", xt, y+20, L"fillcolor={gray 0}"); p.fit_textline(L"closepath_fill_stroke()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}"); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- * Draw a rectangle and use it as the clipping a path. Draw and fill * a circle and clip it according to the clipping path defined. * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Save the current graphics state including the current clipping * path which is set to the entire page by default */; /* Draw a rectangle at position (x, y) with a width of 200 and a height * of 50 */ p.rect(x, y-=dy, 200, 50); /* Use the current path as the clipping path for subsequent operations */ p.clip(); /* Draw a circle at position (x, y) with a radius of 100 */, y, 80); /* Fill the path with the current fill color and clear it */ p.fill(); /* Restore the graphics state which has been saved above */ p.restore(); /* Output some descriptive black text */ p.fit_textline(L"rect(), clip(),", xt, y+20, L"fillcolor={gray 0}"); p.fit_textline(L"circle(), and fill()", xt, y, L"fillcolor={gray 0}"); p.end_page_ext(L""); p.end_document(L""); } catch (PDFlib::Exception &ex) { wcerr << L"PDFlib exception occurred:" << endl << L"[" << ex.get_errnum() << L"] " << ex.get_apiname() << L": " << ex.get_errmsg() << endl; return 2; } return 0; }