int HFMLTriggerHepMCTrigger::InitRun(PHCompositeNode* topNode) { m_Geneventmap = findNode::getClass<PHHepMCGenEventMap>(topNode, "PHHepMCGenEventMap"); if (!m_Geneventmap) { std::cout << PHWHERE << " - Fatal error - missing node PHHepMCGenEventMap" << std::endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN; } PHNodeIterator iter(topNode); PHCompositeNode* dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST")); if (!dstNode) { cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl; throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to find DST node in RawTowerBuilder::CreateNodes"); } m_Flags = findNode::getClass<PdbParameterMap>(dstNode, "HFMLTrigger_HepMCTriggerFlags"); if (m_Flags == nullptr) { m_Flags = new PdbParameterMap(); dstNode->addNode(new PHDataNode<PHObject>(m_Flags, "HFMLTrigger_HepMCTriggerFlags", "PHObject")); } return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK; }
int BbcVertexFastSimReco::CreateNodes(PHCompositeNode *topNode) { PHNodeIterator iter(topNode); // Looking for the DST node PHCompositeNode *dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode","DST")); if (!dstNode) { cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN; } // store the BBC stuff under a sub-node directory PHCompositeNode* bbcNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode","BBC")); if (!bbcNode) { bbcNode = new PHCompositeNode("BBC"); dstNode->addNode(bbcNode); } // create the BbcVertexMap BbcVertexMap *vertexes = findNode::getClass<BbcVertexMap>(topNode,"BbcVertexMap"); if (!vertexes) { vertexes = new BbcVertexMap_v1(); PHIODataNode<PHObject> *VertexMapNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(vertexes,"BbcVertexMap","PHObject"); bbcNode->addNode(VertexMapNode); } else { cout << PHWHERE << "::ERROR - BbcVertexMap pre-exists, but should not if running FastSim" << endl; exit(-1); } return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK; }
//! global initialization int saModuleSingleMuonAN::init(PHCompositeNode *topNode, sa_hist_mangager_ptr hm) { //set_fitparam(2); //add a new node to output DST // make the flag node which is syncronized with cut on picodst_object PHCompositeNode* dstNode = NULL; PHNodeIterator nodeItr(topNode); dstNode = static_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(nodeItr.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST")); if (!dstNode) { dstNode = new PHCompositeNode("DST"); topNode->addNode(dstNode); } saFlagC *flags = new saFlagC(); if (flags) { // make a new flag node called DST/SimpleDimuonFlag PHIODataNode<PHObject> * node = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(flags, "SinglemuonFlag", "PHObject"); if (!node) { cout << "saModuleSimpleDimuon::Init failed to create saEventProperty Node" << endl; return ABORTRUN; } else { dstNode->addNode(node); cout << "saFlag Node is added with version " << flags->ClassName() << " as " << node->getName() << endl; } } else { cout << "saModuleSingleMuonAN::Init failed to create saEventProperty" << endl; return ABORTRUN; } // // --- define user histograms ---- // _v_sahist.clear(); _sah_pT_phi_MuM_phi_N_LG4 = makesaHist_pT_phi(hm,makeTHist_pT_phi("_sah_pT_phi_MuM_phi_N_LG4", "North, Last Gap = 4")); _sah_pT_phi_MuM_phi_N_LG23 = makesaHist_pT_phi(hm,makeTHist_pT_phi("_sah_pT_phi_MuM_phi_N_LG23","North, Last Gap = 23")); _sah_pT_phi_MuM_phi_S_LG4 = makesaHist_pT_phi(hm,makeTHist_pT_phi("_sah_pT_phi_MuM_phi_S_LG4", "South, Last Gap = 4")); _sah_pT_phi_MuM_phi_S_LG23 = makesaHist_pT_phi(hm,makeTHist_pT_phi("_sah_pT_phi_MuM_phi_S_LG23","South, Last Gap = 23")); return EVENT_OK; }
int PHG4TrackKalmanFitter::CreateNodes(PHCompositeNode *topNode) { // create nodes... PHNodeIterator iter(topNode); PHCompositeNode *dstNode = static_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst( "PHCompositeNode", "DST")); if (!dstNode) { cerr << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT; } PHNodeIterator iter_dst(dstNode); // Create the SVTX node PHCompositeNode* tb_node = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter_dst.findFirst( "PHCompositeNode", "SVTX")); if (!tb_node) { tb_node = new PHCompositeNode("SVTX"); dstNode->addNode(tb_node); if (verbosity > 0) cout << "SVTX node added" << endl; } if (_output_mode == MakeNewNode || _output_mode == DebugMode) { _trackmap_refit = new SvtxTrackMap_v1; PHIODataNode<PHObject>* tracks_node = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>( _trackmap_refit, "SvtxTrackMapRefit", "PHObject"); tb_node->addNode(tracks_node); if (verbosity > 0) cout << "Svtx/SvtxTrackMapRefit node added" << endl; } if (_fit_primary_tracks) { _primary_trackmap = new SvtxTrackMap_v1; PHIODataNode<PHObject>* primary_tracks_node = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(_primary_trackmap, "PrimaryTrackMap", "PHObject"); tb_node->addNode(primary_tracks_node); if (verbosity > 0) cout << "Svtx/PrimaryTrackMap node added" << endl; } _vertexmap_refit = new SvtxVertexMap_v1; PHIODataNode<PHObject>* vertexes_node = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>( _vertexmap_refit, "SvtxVertexMapRefit", "PHObject"); tb_node->addNode(vertexes_node); if (verbosity > 0) cout << "Svtx/SvtxVertexMapRefit node added" << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK; }
int PHG4SvtxBeamSpotReco::InitRun(PHCompositeNode* topNode) { // clear for new run _pca.Clear(); // Looking for the PAR node PHNodeIterator iter(topNode); PHCompositeNode *parNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode","PAR")); if (!parNode) { cout << PHWHERE << "PAR Node missing, doing nothing." << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN; } PHNodeIterator pariter(parNode); // Create the SVX node if required PHCompositeNode* svxNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(pariter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode","SVTX")); if (!svxNode) { svxNode = new PHCompositeNode("SVTX"); parNode->addNode(svxNode); } // Create the SvtxBeamSpot node if required _beamspot = findNode::getClass<SvtxBeamSpot>(topNode,"SvtxBeamSpot"); if (!_beamspot) { _beamspot = new SvtxBeamSpot(); PHIODataNode<PHObject> *SvtxBeamSpotNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(_beamspot, "SvtxBeamSpot", "PHObject"); svxNode->addNode(SvtxBeamSpotNode); } // Pull the reconstructed track information off the node tree... _vertexes = findNode::getClass<SvtxVertexMap>(topNode, "SvtxVertexMap"); if(!_vertexes) { cerr << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find SvtxVertexMap." << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT; } if (verbosity >= 0) { cout << "=================== PHG4SvtxBeamSpotReco::InitRun() =======================" << endl; cout << " CVS Version: $Id: PHG4SvtxBeamSpotReco.C,v 1.5 2015/04/21 23:47:09 pinkenbu Exp $" << endl; cout << " Storing cumulative beam spot location under PAR/SVTX/SvtxBeamSpot" << endl; cout << "===========================================================================" << endl; } return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK; }
int PHPythia8::create_node_tree(PHCompositeNode *topNode) { PHCompositeNode *dstNode; PHNodeIterator iter(topNode); dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST")); if (!dstNode) { cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing doing nothing" << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN; } _phhepmcevt = new PHHepMCGenEvent(); PHObjectNode_t *newNode = new PHObjectNode_t(_phhepmcevt,_node_name.c_str(),"PHObject"); dstNode->addNode(newNode); return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK; }
int PHG4HoughTransform::CreateNodes(PHCompositeNode* topNode) { // create nodes... PHNodeIterator iter(topNode); PHCompositeNode* dstNode = static_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST")); if (!dstNode) { cerr << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT; } PHNodeIterator iter_dst(dstNode); // Create the SVTX node PHCompositeNode* tb_node = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter_dst.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "SVTX")); if (!tb_node) { tb_node = new PHCompositeNode("SVTX"); dstNode->addNode(tb_node); if (verbosity > 0) cout << "SVTX node added" << endl; } _g4tracks = new SvtxTrackMap_v1; PHIODataNode<PHObject>* tracks_node = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(_g4tracks, "SvtxTrackMap", "PHObject"); tb_node->addNode(tracks_node); if (verbosity > 0) cout << "Svtx/SvtxTrackMap node added" << endl; _g4vertexes = new SvtxVertexMap_v1; PHIODataNode<PHObject>* vertexes_node = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(_g4vertexes, "SvtxVertexMap", "PHObject"); tb_node->addNode(vertexes_node); if (verbosity > 0) cout << "Svtx/SvtxVertexMap node added" << endl; /* PHG4CylinderGeomContainer* geoms = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, "CYLINDERGEOM_SVTX"); if (!geoms) { cerr << PHWHERE << " ERROR: Can't find CYLINDERGEOM_SVTX Node." << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTEVENT; } */ return InitializeGeometry(topNode); }
int PHPythia8::CreateNodeTree(PHCompositeNode *topNode) { PHCompositeNode *dstNode; PHNodeIterator iter(topNode); dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST")); if (!dstNode) { cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing doing nothing" << endl; return -1; } if(_isHepMC) { //PHIODataNode<HepMC::GenEvent> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<>(phhepmcevt,"HEPMC","GenEvent"); phhepmcevt = new PHHepMCGenEvent(); PHObjectNode_t *newNode = new PHObjectNode_t(phhepmcevt,"PHHepMCGenEvent","PHObject"); dstNode->addNode(newNode); } else{ //-* pythia header information phpythiaheader = new PHPythiaHeaderV2(); PHObjectNode_t *PHPythiaHeaderNode = new PHObjectNode_t(phpythiaheader, "PHPythiaHeader", "PHObject"); dstNode->addNode(PHPythiaHeaderNode); //-* pythia particle information phpythia = new PHPythiaContainerV2(true); PHObjectNode_t *PHPythiaNode = new PHObjectNode_t(phpythia, "PHPythia", "PHObject"); dstNode->addNode(PHPythiaNode); } return 0; }
int CaloTriggerSim::CreateNode(PHCompositeNode *topNode) { PHNodeIterator iter(topNode); // Looking for the DST node PHCompositeNode *dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST")); if (!dstNode) { std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN; } // store the trigger stuff under a sub-node directory PHCompositeNode *trigNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRIG")); if (!trigNode) { trigNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRIG"); dstNode->addNode(trigNode); } // create the CaloTriggerInfo CaloTriggerInfo *triggerinfo = findNode::getClass<CaloTriggerInfo>(topNode, !_emulate_truncation ? "CaloTriggerInfo" : "CaloTriggerInfo_Truncate" ); if (!triggerinfo) { triggerinfo = new CaloTriggerInfo_v1(); PHIODataNode<PHObject> *TriggerNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(triggerinfo, !_emulate_truncation ? "CaloTriggerInfo" : "CaloTriggerInfo_Truncate", "PHObject"); trigNode->addNode(TriggerNode); } else { std::cout << PHWHERE << "::ERROR - CaloTriggerInfo pre-exists, but should not" << std::endl; exit(-1); } return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK; }
//_______________________________________ void CaloCalibration::CreateNodeTree(PHCompositeNode *topNode) { PHNodeIterator iter(topNode); PHCompositeNode *dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst( "PHCompositeNode", "DST")); if (!dstNode) { std::cerr << Name() << "::" << detector << "::" << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl; throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to find DST node in RawTowerCalibration::CreateNodes"); } RawTowerNodeName = "TOWER_" + _raw_tower_node_prefix + "_" + detector; _raw_towers = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(dstNode, RawTowerNodeName.c_str()); if (!_raw_towers) { std::cerr << Name() << "::" << detector << "::" << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " " << RawTowerNodeName << " Node missing, doing bail out!" << std::endl; throw std::runtime_error( "Failed to find " + RawTowerNodeName + " node in RawTowerCalibration::CreateNodes"); } // Create the tower nodes on the tree PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode); PHCompositeNode *DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(dstiter.findFirst( "PHCompositeNode", detector)); if (!DetNode) { DetNode = new PHCompositeNode(detector); dstNode->addNode(DetNode); } // Be careful as a previous calibrator may have been registered for this detector CaliTowerNodeName = "TOWER_" + _calib_tower_node_prefix + "_" + detector; _calib_towers = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(DetNode, CaliTowerNodeName.c_str()); if (!_calib_towers) { _calib_towers = new RawTowerContainer(_raw_towers->getCalorimeterID()); PHIODataNode<PHObject> *towerNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>( _calib_towers, CaliTowerNodeName.c_str(), "PHObject"); DetNode->addNode(towerNode); } // update the parameters on the node tree PHCompositeNode *parNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst( "PHCompositeNode", "RUN")); assert(parNode); const string paramnodename = string("Calibration_") + detector; // this step is moved to after detector construction // save updated persistant copy on node tree _calib_params.SaveToNodeTree(parNode, paramnodename); }
//! global initialization int saModuleSngmuonMing::init(PHCompositeNode *topNode, sa_hist_mangager_ptr hm) { //add a new node to output DST // make the flag node which is syncronized with cut on picodst_object PHCompositeNode* dstNode = NULL; PHNodeIterator nodeItr(topNode); dstNode = static_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(nodeItr.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST")); if (!dstNode) { dstNode = new PHCompositeNode("DST"); topNode->addNode(dstNode); } saFlagC *flags = new saFlagC(); if (flags) { // make a new flag node called DST/SimpleDimuonFlag PHIODataNode<PHObject> * node = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(flags, "SngmuonFlag", "PHObject"); if (!node) { cout << "saModuleSngmuon::Init failed to create saEventProperty Node" << endl; return ABORTRUN; } else { dstNode->addNode(node); cout << "saFlag Node is added with version " << flags->ClassName() << " as " << node->getName() << endl; } } else { cout << "saModuleSngmuonMing::Init failed to create saEventProperty" << endl; return ABORTRUN; } // --- define user hisotgrams --- // // -- general event and/or track quality histograms // TH1F * h_ST1Z_N = new TH1F("SngMuon_ST1Z_N", "Single muon St1-Z; ", 400, 180, 200); _h_ST1Z_N = new saHist( // h_ST1Z_N, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_ST1Z_N); TH1F * h_ST1Z_S = new TH1F("SngMuon_ST1Z_S", "Single muon St1-Z; ", 400, -200, -180); _h_ST1Z_S = new saHist( // h_ST1Z_S, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_ST1Z_S); // ST-1 multiple scatering angle TH1F * h_dA = new TH1F("SngMuon_dA", "Single muon dA; ", 100, -1, 1); _h_dA = new saHist( // h_dA, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dA); TH2F * h2_dA = new TH2F("SngMuon_dA2", "Single muon dA vs pz; ", 200, -50, 50, 100, 0.0, 0.5); _h2_dA = new saHist( // h2_dA, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h2_dA); // ST-1 <phi-1> TH1F * h_phi_1N = new TH1F("SngMuon_phi_1N", "North Single muon ST-1 Phi; ", 200, -4, 4); _h_phi_1N = new saHist( // h_phi_1N, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_phi_1N); TH1F * h_phi_1S = new TH1F("SngMuon_phi_1S", "South Single muon ST-1 Phi; ", 200, -4, 4); _h_phi_1S = new saHist( // h_phi_1S, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_phi_1S); // ST-2 <phi-2> TH1F * h_phi_2N = new TH1F("SngMuon_phi_2N", "North Single muon ST-2 Phi; ", 200, -4, 4); _h_phi_2N = new saHist( // h_phi_2N, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_phi_2N); TH1F * h_phi_2S = new TH1F("SngMuon_phi_2S", "South Single muon ST-2 Phi; ", 200, -4, 4); _h_phi_2S = new saHist( // h_phi_2S, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_phi_2S); // ST-3 <phi-3> TH1F * h_phi_3N = new TH1F("SngMuon_phi_3N", "North Single muon ST-3 Phi; ", 200, -4, 4); _h_phi_3N = new saHist( // h_phi_3N, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_phi_3N); TH1F * h_phi_3S = new TH1F("SngMuon_phi_3S", "North Single muon ST-3 Phi; ", 200, -4, 4); _h_phi_3S = new saHist( // h_phi_3S, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_phi_3S); // ST-1-3 <phi-1-3> TH1F * h_phi_13N = new TH1F("SngMuon_phi_13N", "North Single muon ST-13 dPhi; ", 100, -0.5, 0.5); _h_phi_13N = new saHist( // h_phi_13N, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_phi_13N); TH1F * h_phi_13S = new TH1F("SngMuon_phi_13S", "South Single muon ST-13 dPhi; ", 100, -0.5, 0.5); _h_phi_13S = new saHist( // h_phi_13S, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_phi_13S); // ST-2-3 <phi-2-3> TH1F * h_phi_23N = new TH1F("SngMuon_phi_23N", "North Single muon ST-23 dPhi; ", 100, -0.5, 0.5); _h_phi_23N = new saHist( // h_phi_23N, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_phi_23N); TH1F * h_phi_23S = new TH1F("SngMuon_phi_23S", "South Single muon ST-23 dPhi; ", 100, -0.5, 0.5); _h_phi_23S = new saHist( // h_phi_23S, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_phi_23S); // -- 2D plots vs pZ ST-1-3 TH2F * h2_phi_13N = new TH2F("SngMuon_phi_13N2", "North Single muon pZ*dPhi-13 vs pZ; ", 200, -50, 50, 100, 0, 5); _h2_phi_13N = new saHist( // h2_phi_13N, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h2_phi_13N); TH2F * h2_phi_13S = new TH2F("SngMuon_phi_13S2", "South Single muon pZ*dPhi-13 vs pZ; ", 200, -50, 50, 100, 0, 5); _h2_phi_13S = new saHist( // h2_phi_13S, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h2_phi_13S); // -- 2D plots vs pZ ST-2-3 TH2F * h2_phi_23N = new TH2F("SngMuon_phi_23N2", "North Single muon pZ*dPhi-23 vs pZ; ", 200, -50, 50, 100, 0, 5); _h2_phi_23N = new saHist( // h2_phi_23N, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h2_phi_23N); TH2F * h2_phi_23S = new TH2F("SngMuon_phi_23S2", "South Single muon pZ*dPhi-23 vs pZ; ", 200, -50, 50, 100, 0, 5); _h2_phi_23S = new saHist( // h2_phi_23S, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h2_phi_23S); // -- RPC1 TH1F * h_Rpc1DCA_N = new TH1F("SngMuonRPC1_DCA_N", "Single muon North RPC1 DCA; ", 150, -5, 10); _h_Rpc1DCA_N = new saHist( // h_Rpc1DCA_N, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_Rpc1DCA_N); TH1F * h_Rpc1DCA_S = new TH1F("SngMuonRPC1_DCA_S", "Single muon South RPC1 DCA; ", 150, -5, 10); _h_Rpc1DCA_S = new saHist( // h_Rpc1DCA_S, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_Rpc1DCA_S); // --- RPC3 TH1F * h_Rpc3DCA_N = new TH1F("SngMuonRPC3_DCA_N", "Single muon North RPC3 DCA; ", 100, -10, 100); _h_Rpc3DCA_N = new saHist( // h_Rpc3DCA_N, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_Rpc3DCA_N); TH1F * h_Rpc3DCA_S = new TH1F("SngMuonRPC3_DCA_S", "Single muon South RPC3 DCA; ", 100, -10, 100); _h_Rpc3DCA_S = new saHist( // h_Rpc3DCA_S, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_Rpc3DCA_S); // // --- for comparision with run11/12 style W->muon analysis // TH1F * h_dw23N_p = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23N_p", "North (+) SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23N_p = new saHist( // h_dw23N_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23N_p); TH1F * h_dw23N_m = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23N_m", "North (-) SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23N_m = new saHist( // h_dw23N_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23N_m); TH1F * h_dw23S_p = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23S_p", "South (+) SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23S_p = new saHist( // h_dw23S_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23S_p); TH1F * h_dw23S_m = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23S_m", "South (-) SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23S_m = new saHist( // h_dw23S_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23S_m); // pT > 10 TH1F * h_dw23N_PT10_p = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23N_PT10_p", "North (+) pT> 10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23N_PT10_p = new saHist( // h_dw23N_PT10_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23N_PT10_p); TH1F * h_dw23N_PT10_m = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23N_PT10_m", "North (-) pT> 10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23N_PT10_m = new saHist( // h_dw23N_PT10_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23N_PT10_m); TH1F * h_dw23S_PT10_p = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23S_PT10_p", "South (+) pT> 10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23S_PT10_p = new saHist( // h_dw23S_PT10_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23S_PT10_p); TH1F * h_dw23S_PT10_m = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23S_PT10_m", "South (-) pT>10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23S_PT10_m = new saHist( // h_dw23S_PT10_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23S_PT10_m); // pT > 15 TH1F * h_dw23N_PT15_p = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23N_PT15_p", "North (+) pT> 10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23N_PT15_p = new saHist( // h_dw23N_PT15_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23N_PT15_p); TH1F * h_dw23N_PT15_m = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23N_PT15_m", "North (-) pT> 10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23N_PT15_m = new saHist( // h_dw23N_PT15_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23N_PT15_m); TH1F * h_dw23S_PT15_p = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23S_PT15_p", "South (+) pT> 10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23S_PT15_p = new saHist( // h_dw23S_PT15_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23S_PT15_p); TH1F * h_dw23S_PT15_m = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23S_PT15_m", "South (-) pT>10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23S_PT15_m = new saHist( // h_dw23S_PT15_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23S_PT15_m); // pT > 20 TH1F * h_dw23N_PT20_p = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23N_PT20_p", "North (+) pT> 10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23N_PT20_p = new saHist( // h_dw23N_PT20_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23N_PT20_p); TH1F * h_dw23N_PT20_m = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23N_PT20_m", "North (-) pT> 10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23N_PT20_m = new saHist( // h_dw23N_PT20_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23N_PT20_m); TH1F * h_dw23S_PT20_p = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23S_PT20_p", "South (+) pT> 10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23S_PT20_p = new saHist( // h_dw23S_PT20_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23S_PT20_p); TH1F * h_dw23S_PT20_m = new TH1F("SngMuon_dw23S_PT20_m", "South (-) pT>10 SingleMuon dw23", 100, -1, 1); _h_dw23S_PT20_m = new saHist( // h_dw23S_PT20_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::EVENT_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_dw23S_PT20_m); // // --- histograms for spin asymmetry study ---- // //-- Single Muon pT (+,-) TH1F * h_pT = new TH1F("SngMuonPT", "Single muon pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pT = new saHist( // h_pT, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT); // --- north --- TH1F * h_pT_n = new TH1F("SngMuonPTN", "North Single Muon pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pT_n = new saHist( // h_pT_n, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_n); // --- south --- TH1F * h_pT_s = new TH1F("SngMuonPTS", "South Single Muon pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pT_s = new saHist( // h_pT_s, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_s); //-- Single Muon pT (+) TH1F * h_pT_p = new TH1F("SngMuonPTp", "Single muon (+) pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pT_p = new saHist( // h_pT_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_p); // --- north --- TH1F * h_pT_p_n = new TH1F("SngMuonPTpN", "North Single Muon (+)pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pT_p_n = new saHist( // h_pT_p_n, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_p_n); // --- south --- TH1F * h_pT_p_s = new TH1F("SngMuonPTpS", "South Single Muon (+)pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pT_p_s = new saHist( // h_pT_p_s, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_p_s); //-- Single Muon pT (-) TH1F * h_pT_m = new TH1F("SngMuonPTm", "Single muon (-) pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pT_m = new saHist( // h_pT_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_m); // --- north --- TH1F * h_pT_m_n = new TH1F("SngMuonPTmN", "North Single Muon (-)pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pT_m_n = new saHist( // h_pT_m_n, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_m_n); // --- south --- TH1F * h_pT_m_s = new TH1F("SngMuonPTmS", "South Single Muon (-)pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pT_m_s = new saHist( // h_pT_m_s, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_m_s); // //--- stopped hadrons ------------------------------- // //-- Stoped Hadron pT (+,-) TH1F * h_pTH = new TH1F("SngHadronPT", "Single hadron pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pTH = new saHist( // h_pTH, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pTH); // --- north --- TH1F * h_pTH_n = new TH1F("SngHadronPTN", "North Single Hadron pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pTH_n = new saHist( // h_pTH_n, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pTH_n); // --- south --- TH1F * h_pTH_s = new TH1F("SngHadronPTS", "South Single Hadron pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pTH_s = new saHist( // h_pTH_s, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pTH_s); //-- Single Hadron pT (+) TH1F * h_pTH_p = new TH1F("SngHadronPTp", "Single Hadron (+) pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pTH_p = new saHist( // h_pTH_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pTH_p); // --- north --- TH1F * h_pTH_p_n = new TH1F("SngHadronPTpN", "North Single Hadron (+)pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pTH_p_n = new saHist( // h_pTH_p_n, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pTH_p_n); // --- south --- TH1F * h_pTH_p_s = new TH1F("SngHadronPTpS", "South Single Hadron (+)pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pTH_p_s = new saHist( // h_pTH_p_s, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pTH_p_s); //-- Single Hadron pT (-) TH1F * h_pTH_m = new TH1F("SngHadronPTm", "Single Hadron (-) pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pTH_m = new saHist( // h_pTH_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pTH_m); // --- north --- TH1F * h_pTH_m_n = new TH1F("SngHadronPTmN", "North Single Hadron (-)pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pTH_m_n = new saHist( // h_pTH_m_n, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pTH_m_n); // --- south --- TH1F * h_pTH_m_s = new TH1F("SngHadronPTmS", "South Single Hadron (-)pT; pT (GeV)", 20, 1, 10); _h_pTH_m_s = new saHist( // h_pTH_m_s, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pTH_m_s); // // ------- single muon rapidity -------- // TH1F * h_eta = new TH1F("SngMuonEta", "Single Muon (+,-) Eta; ", 12, -3, 3); _h_eta = new saHist( // h_eta, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_eta); TH1F * h_eta_p = new TH1F("SngMuonEtap", "Single Muon (+) Eta; ", 12, -3, 3); _h_eta_p = new saHist( // h_eta_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_eta_p); TH1F * h_eta_m = new TH1F("SngMuonEtam", "Single Muon (-) Eta; ", 12, -3, 3); _h_eta_m = new saHist( // h_eta_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_eta_m); // // ---- rapidity for W->muon pT > 10 GeV --- // TH1F * h_etaW10 = new TH1F("SngMuonEtaW10", "Single Muon (+,-) Eta, pT>10; ", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaW10 = new saHist( // h_etaW10, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaW10); TH1F * h_etaW10_p = new TH1F("SngMuonEtaW10p", "Single Muon (+) Eta; pT>10", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaW10_p = new saHist( // h_etaW10_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaW10_p); TH1F * h_etaW10_m = new TH1F("SngMuonEtaW10m", "Single Muon (-) Eta; pT>10 ", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaW10_m = new saHist( // h_etaW10_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaW10_m); // --- W->muon rapidity , pT>15 TH1F * h_etaW15 = new TH1F("SngMuonEtaW15", "Single Muon (+,-) Eta, pT>15; ", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaW15 = new saHist( // h_etaW15, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaW15); TH1F * h_etaW15_p = new TH1F("SngMuonEtaW15p", "Single Muon (+) Eta; pT>15", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaW15_p = new saHist( // h_etaW15_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaW15_p); TH1F * h_etaW15_m = new TH1F("SngMuonEtaW15m", "Single Muon (-) Eta; pT>15 ", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaW15_m = new saHist( // h_etaW15_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaW15_m); // --- W->muon rapidity , pT>20 TH1F * h_etaW20 = new TH1F("SngMuonEtaW20", "Single Muon (+,-) Eta, pT>20; ", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaW20 = new saHist( // h_etaW20, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaW20); TH1F * h_etaW20_p = new TH1F("SngMuonEtaW20p", "Single Muon (+) Eta; pT>20", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaW20_p = new saHist( // h_etaW20_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaW20_p); TH1F * h_etaW20_m = new TH1F("SngMuonEtaW20m", "Single Muon (-) Eta; pT>20 ", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaW20_m = new saHist( // h_etaW20_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaW20_m); // // --- stopped hadron rapidity --- // TH1F * h_etaH = new TH1F("SngHadronEta", "Single Hadron (+,-) Eta; ", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaH = new saHist( // h_etaH, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaH); TH1F * h_etaH_p = new TH1F("SngHadronEtap", "Single Hadron (+) Eta; ", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaH_p = new saHist( // h_etaH_p, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaH_p); TH1F * h_etaH_m = new TH1F("SngHadronEtam", "Single Hadron (-) Eta; ", 12, -3, 3); _h_etaH_m = new saHist( // h_etaH_m, //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY | saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS, // flags Verbosity() // verbosity ); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_etaH_m); return EVENT_OK; }
//! global initialization int saModuleDimuonDYDarshana::init(PHCompositeNode *topNode, sa_hist_mangager_ptr hm) { //------------------------------------------------------------------- TH1F * h_pT_os_N = new TH1F("pT_os_sig_n","opposite sign, signal region, north", 2, _pT_bins); _h_pT_os_N = new saHist(h_pT_os_N,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_os_N); TH1F * h_pT_os_S = new TH1F("pT_os_sig_s","opposite sign, signal region, south", 2, _pT_bins); _h_pT_os_S = new saHist(h_pT_os_S,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_os_S); TH1F * h_pT_sm_N = new TH1F("pT_ss_n","same sign, signal region, north", 2, _pT_bins); _h_pT_sm_N = new saHist(h_pT_sm_N,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_sm_N); TH1F * h_pT_sm_S = new TH1F("pT_ss_s","same sign, signal region, south", 2, _pT_bins); _h_pT_sm_S = new saHist(h_pT_sm_S,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_sm_S); /* TH1F * h_pT_al_os = new TH1F("pT_os_all","opposite sign, all ", 3, _pT_bins); _h_pT_al_os = new saHist(h_pT_al_os,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_al_os); TH1F * h_pT_al_ss = new TH1F("pT_ss_all","same sign, all ", 3, _pT_bins); _h_pT_al_ss = new saHist(h_pT_al_ss,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_pT_al_ss); *//* TH1F * h_MS_os_N = new TH1F("Ms_os_sig_n","opposite sign, north arm",2,_MS_bins); _h_MS_os_N = new saHist(h_MS_os_N,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_MS_os_N); TH1F * h_MS_os_S = new TH1F("Ms_os_sig_s","opposite sign, south arm",2,_MS_bins); _h_MS_os_S = new saHist(h_MS_os_S,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_MS_os_S); TH1F * h_MS_sm_N = new TH1F("Ms_ss_n","same sign, north arm",2,_MS_bins); _h_MS_sm_N = new saHist(h_MS_sm_N,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_MS_sm_N); TH1F * h_MS_sm_S = new TH1F("Ms_ss_s","same sign, south arm",2,_MS_bins); _h_MS_sm_S = new saHist(h_MS_sm_S,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_MS_sm_S);*/ /* TH1F * h_MS_al_os = new TH1F("Ms_os_all","opposite sign, all",2,4, 8); _h_MS_al_os = new saHist(h_MS_al_os,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_MS_al_os); TH1F * h_MS_al_ss = new TH1F("Ms_ss_all","same sign, all", 2,4, 8); _h_MS_al_ss = new saHist(h_MS_al_ss,saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_MS_al_ss); */ //------------------------------------------------------------------- /* // make a simple histogram //the template histogram, any TH1 and derivatives is accepted TH1F * h_mass = new TH1F("InvMass", "Invariant Mass;Invariant Mass (GeV)", 2,4, 8); _h_mass = new saHist(h_mass, saHist::DEFAULT_FLAG | saHist::RUN_PROPERTY | saHist::FILL_PROPERTY| saHist::CROSSING_CHECKS,Verbosity()); hm.get()->registerHisto(_h_mass); */ // make the flag node which is syncronized with cut on picodst_object PHCompositeNode* dstNode = NULL; PHNodeIterator nodeItr(topNode); dstNode = static_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(nodeItr.findFirst("PHCompositeNode","DST")); if (!dstNode) { dstNode = new PHCompositeNode("DST"); topNode->addNode(dstNode); } saFlagC *flags = new saFlagC(); if (flags) { // make a new flag node called DST/SimpleDimuonFlag PHIODataNode<PHObject> * node = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(flags, "SimpleDimuonFlag", "PHObject"); if (!node) { cout << "saModuleDimuonDYDarshana::Init failed to create saEventProperty Node" << endl; return ABORTRUN; } else { dstNode->addNode(node); cout << "saFlag Node is added with version " << flags->ClassName() << " as " << node->getName() << endl; } } else { cout << "saModuleDimuonDYDarshana::Init failed to create saEventProperty" << endl; return ABORTRUN; } return EVENT_OK; }
int PHG4SvtxClusterizer::InitRun(PHCompositeNode* topNode) { // get node containing the digitized hits _hits = findNode::getClass<SvtxHitMap>(topNode,"SvtxHitMap"); if (!_hits) { cout << PHWHERE << "ERROR: Can't find node SvtxHitMap" << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN; } //----------------- // Add Cluster Node //----------------- PHNodeIterator iter(topNode); // Looking for the DST node PHCompositeNode *dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode","DST")); if (!dstNode) { cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN; } // Create the SVX node if required PHCompositeNode* svxNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode","SVTX")); if (!svxNode) { svxNode = new PHCompositeNode("SVTX"); dstNode->addNode(svxNode); } // Create the Cluster node if required SvtxClusterMap *svxclusters = findNode::getClass<SvtxClusterMap>(topNode,"SvtxClusterMap"); if (!svxclusters) { svxclusters = new SvtxClusterMap(); PHIODataNode<PHObject> *SvtxClusterMapNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(svxclusters, "SvtxClusterMap", "PHObject"); svxNode->addNode(SvtxClusterMapNode); } //--------------------- // Calculate Thresholds //--------------------- CalculateCylinderThresholds(topNode); CalculateLadderThresholds(topNode); //---------------- // Report Settings //---------------- if (verbosity >= 0) { cout << "====================== PHG4SvtxClusterizer::InitRun() =====================" << endl; cout << " CVS Version: $Id: PHG4SvtxClusterizer.C,v 1.15 2015/04/21 23:47:09 pinkenbu Exp $" << endl; cout << " Fraction of expected thickness MIP energy = " << _fraction_of_mip << endl; for (std::map<int,float>::iterator iter = _thresholds_by_layer.begin(); iter != _thresholds_by_layer.end(); ++iter) { cout << " Cluster Threshold in Layer #" << iter->first << " = " << 1.0e6*iter->second << " keV" << endl; } for (std::map<int,bool>::iterator iter = _make_z_clustering.begin(); iter != _make_z_clustering.end(); ++iter) { cout << " Z-dimension Clustering in Layer #" << iter->first << " = " << boolalpha << iter->second << noboolalpha << endl; } for (std::map<int,bool>::iterator iter = _make_e_weights.begin(); iter != _make_e_weights.end(); ++iter) { cout << " Energy weighting clusters in Layer #" << iter->first << " = " << boolalpha << iter->second << noboolalpha << endl; } cout << "===========================================================================" << endl; } return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK; }
int PHG4TPCClusterizer::process_event(PHCompositeNode* topNode) { PHNodeIterator iter(topNode); PHCompositeNode* dstNode = static_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST")); if (!dstNode) { cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN; } PHNodeIterator iter_dst(dstNode); SvtxHitMap* hits = findNode::getClass<SvtxHitMap>(dstNode, "SvtxHitMap"); if (!hits) { cout << PHWHERE << "ERROR: Can't find node SvtxHitMap" << endl; return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN; } PHCompositeNode* svxNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter_dst.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "SVTX")); if (!svxNode) { svxNode = new PHCompositeNode("SVTX"); dstNode->addNode(svxNode); } SvtxClusterMap* svxclusters = findNode::getClass<SvtxClusterMap>(dstNode, "SvtxClusterMap"); if (!svxclusters) { svxclusters = new SvtxClusterMap_v1(); PHIODataNode<PHObject>* SvtxClusterMapNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(svxclusters, "SvtxClusterMap", "PHObject"); svxNode->addNode(SvtxClusterMapNode); } PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer* geom_container = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer>(topNode,"CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX"); if (!geom_container) return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN; PHG4CylinderCellContainer* cells = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderCellContainer>(dstNode,"G4CELL_SVTX"); if (!cells) return Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN; std::vector<std::vector<const SvtxHit*> > layer_sorted; PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer::ConstRange layerrange = geom_container->get_begin_end(); for (PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer::ConstIterator layeriter = layerrange.first; layeriter != layerrange.second; ++layeriter) { // We only need TPC layers here, so skip the layers below _min_layer // This if statement is needed because although the maps ladder layers are not included in the cylinder cell geom container, // the cylinder Svx layers are, so they have to be dropped here if they are present if( (unsigned int) layeriter->second->get_layer() < _min_layer) continue; layer_sorted.push_back(std::vector<const SvtxHit*>()); } for (SvtxHitMap::Iter iter = hits->begin(); iter != hits->end(); ++iter) { SvtxHit* hit = iter->second; if( (unsigned int) hit->get_layer() < _min_layer) continue; layer_sorted[hit->get_layer() - _min_layer].push_back(hit); } for (PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer::ConstIterator layeriter = layerrange.first; layeriter != layerrange.second; ++layeriter) { unsigned int layer = (unsigned int)layeriter->second->get_layer(); // exit on the MAPS layers... // needed in case cylinder svtx layers are present if (layer < _min_layer) continue; if (layer > _max_layer) continue; PHG4CylinderCellGeom* geo = geom_container->GetLayerCellGeom(layer); const int nphibins = layeriter->second->get_phibins(); const int nzbins = layeriter->second->get_zbins(); nhits.clear(); nhits.assign(nzbins, 0); amps.clear(); amps.assign(nphibins * nzbins, 0.); cellids.clear(); cellids.assign(nphibins * nzbins, 0); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < layer_sorted[layer - _min_layer].size(); ++i) { const SvtxHit* hit = layer_sorted[layer - _min_layer][i]; if (hit->get_e() <= 0.) continue; PHG4CylinderCell* cell = cells->findCylinderCell(hit->get_cellid()); int phibin = cell->get_binphi(); int zbin = cell->get_binz(); nhits[zbin] += 1; amps[zbin * nphibins + phibin] += hit->get_e(); cellids[zbin * nphibins + phibin] = hit->get_id(); } int nhits_tot = 0; for (int zbin = 0; zbin < nzbins; ++zbin) { nhits_tot += nhits[zbin]; } while (nhits_tot > 0) { for (int zbin = 0; zbin < nzbins; ++zbin) { if (nhits[zbin] <= 0) continue; for (int phibin = 0; phibin < nphibins; ++phibin) { if (is_local_maximum(amps, nphibins, nzbins, phibin, zbin) == false) { continue; } float phi = 0.; float z = 0.; float e = 0.; fit_cluster(amps, nphibins, nzbins, nhits_tot, nhits, phibin, zbin, geo, phi, z, e); if ((layer > 2) && (e < energy_cut)) { continue; } SvtxCluster_v1 clus; clus.set_layer(layer); clus.set_e(e); double radius = geo->get_radius() + 0.5*geo->get_thickness(); clus.set_position(0, radius * cos(phi)); clus.set_position(1, radius * sin(phi)); clus.set_position(2, z); clus.insert_hit(cellids[zbin * nphibins + phibin]); float invsqrt12 = 1.0/sqrt(12.); TMatrixF DIM(3,3); DIM[0][0] = 0.0;//pow(0.0*0.5*thickness,2); DIM[0][1] = 0.0; DIM[0][2] = 0.0; DIM[1][0] = 0.0; DIM[1][1] = pow(0.5*0.011,2); DIM[1][2] = 0.0; DIM[2][0] = 0.0; DIM[2][1] = 0.0; DIM[2][2] = pow(0.5*0.03,2); TMatrixF ERR(3,3); ERR[0][0] = 0.0;//pow(0.0*0.5*thickness*invsqrt12,2); ERR[0][1] = 0.0; ERR[0][2] = 0.0; ERR[1][0] = 0.0; ERR[1][1] = pow(0.5*0.011*invsqrt12,2); ERR[1][2] = 0.0; ERR[2][0] = 0.0; ERR[2][1] = 0.0; ERR[2][2] = pow(0.5*0.03*invsqrt12,2); TMatrixF ROT(3,3); ROT[0][0] = cos(phi); ROT[0][1] = -sin(phi); ROT[0][2] = 0.0; ROT[1][0] = sin(phi); ROT[1][1] = cos(phi); ROT[1][2] = 0.0; ROT[2][0] = 0.0; ROT[2][1] = 0.0; ROT[2][2] = 1.0; TMatrixF ROT_T(3,3); ROT_T.Transpose(ROT); TMatrixF COVAR_DIM(3,3); COVAR_DIM = ROT * DIM * ROT_T; clus.set_size( 0 , 0 , COVAR_DIM[0][0] ); clus.set_size( 0 , 1 , COVAR_DIM[0][1] ); clus.set_size( 0 , 2 , COVAR_DIM[0][2] ); clus.set_size( 1 , 0 , COVAR_DIM[1][0] ); clus.set_size( 1 , 1 , COVAR_DIM[1][1] ); clus.set_size( 1 , 2 , COVAR_DIM[1][2] ); clus.set_size( 2 , 0 , COVAR_DIM[2][0] ); clus.set_size( 2 , 1 , COVAR_DIM[2][1] ); clus.set_size( 2 , 2 , COVAR_DIM[2][2] ); TMatrixF COVAR_ERR(3,3); COVAR_ERR = ROT * ERR * ROT_T; clus.set_error( 0 , 0 , COVAR_ERR[0][0] ); clus.set_error( 0 , 1 , COVAR_ERR[0][1] ); clus.set_error( 0 , 2 , COVAR_ERR[0][2] ); clus.set_error( 1 , 0 , COVAR_ERR[1][0] ); clus.set_error( 1 , 1 , COVAR_ERR[1][1] ); clus.set_error( 1 , 2 , COVAR_ERR[1][2] ); clus.set_error( 2 , 0 , COVAR_ERR[2][0] ); clus.set_error( 2 , 1 , COVAR_ERR[2][1] ); clus.set_error( 2 , 2 , COVAR_ERR[2][2] ); svxclusters->insert(&clus); } } } } reset(); return Fun4AllReturnCodes::EVENT_OK; }