bool Config::loadSetting(const std::string &line, const std::string &name, PPMap &var) const {
	size_t i = isSetting(line, name, "=");
	if(i != std::string::npos) {
		size_t j = line.find(':', i);
		if(j == std::string::npos) { return false; }
			trim(line.substr(i, j - i)),
			trim(line.substr(j + 1))
		return true;
	i = isSetting(line, name, "+=");
	if(i != std::string::npos) {
		size_t j = line.find(':', i);
		if(j == std::string::npos) { return false; }
			trim(line.substr(i, j - i)),
			trim(line.substr(j + 1))
		return true;
	i = isSetting(line, name, "-=");
	if(i != std::string::npos) {
		size_t j = line.find(':', i);
		if(j == std::string::npos) { return false; }
		PPMap::iterator a = var.find(PPMap::value_type(
			trim(line.substr(i, j - i)),
			trim(line.substr(j + 1))
		if(a != var.end()) {
		return true;
	return false;
	int shortestDistance(int xMe, int yMe, int xHome, int yHome, vector <string> teleports) {
#if 1
		PVec points;
		points.push_back(P(xMe, yMe));
		points.push_back(P(xHome, yHome));
		PPMap warp;
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < (int)teleports.size(); ++i) {
			istringstream s(teleports[i]);
			P p1, p2;
			s >> p1.first >> p1.second >> p2.first >> p2.second;
			warp[p1] = p2;
			warp[p2] = p1;
		LLV Done(points.size());

		PLLMap Costs;
		LL total = 0;
		int min_index = 0;
		while (min_index != 1) {
			Done[min_index] = 1;
			P Last = points[min_index];
			LL min_cost = INF;
			for (i = 1; i < (int)points.size(); ++i) {
				if (Done[i]) {
				LL prev = Costs[points[i]];
				LL d = Distance(Last, points[i]);
				PPMap::const_iterator it = warp.find(points[i]);
				if (it != warp.end()) {
					LL w = 10 + Distance(Last, it->second);
					d = min(d, w);
				LL cost = total + d;
				if (!prev || cost < prev) {
					Costs[points[i]] = cost;
				} else {
					cost = prev;
				if (cost < min_cost) {
					min_index = i;
					min_cost = cost;
			total = min_cost;

		return (int)total;
		P Me(xMe, yMe);
		P Home(xHome, yHome);
		PVec pv1, pv2;
		LLV GoalCost;

		int i, j;
		for (i = 0; i < (int)teleports.size(); ++i) {
			int x1, y1, x2, y2;
			if (sscanf(teleports[i].c_str(), "%d %d %d %d", &x1, &y1, &x2, &y2) != 4) {
				return -1;
			pv1.push_back(P(x1, y1));
			pv2.push_back(P(x2, y2));
			// teleport + walk to goal
			GoalCost.push_back(10 + Distance(*pv2.rbegin(), Home));
			pv1.push_back(P(x2, y2));
			pv2.push_back(P(x1, y1));
			GoalCost.push_back(10 + Distance(*pv2.rbegin(), Home));

		bool f = true;
		while (f) {
			f = false;
			for (i = 0; i < (int)pv1.size(); ++i) {
				for (j = 0; j < (int)pv1.size(); ++j) {
					if (i == j) {
					// teleport + walk to anther spot + teleport
					LL cost = 10 + Distance(pv2[i], pv1[j]) + GoalCost[j];
					if (cost < GoalCost[i]) {
						f = true;
						GoalCost[i] = cost;

		LL Min = Distance(Me, Home);
		for (i = 0; i < (int)pv1.size(); ++i) {
			Min = min(Min, Distance(Me, pv1[i]) + GoalCost[i]);
		return (int)Min;