void PropagateUploadFileNG::slotPutFinished()
    PUTFileJob *job = qobject_cast<PUTFileJob *>(sender());

    slotJobDestroyed(job); // remove it from the _jobs list


    if (_finished) {
        // We have sent the finished signal already. We don't need to handle any remaining jobs

    QNetworkReply::NetworkError err = job->reply()->error();

    if (err != QNetworkReply::NoError) {
        _item->_httpErrorCode = job->reply()->attribute(QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute).toInt();

    ENFORCE(_sent <= _item->_size, "can't send more than size");

    // Adjust the chunk size for the time taken.
    // Dynamic chunk sizing is enabled if the server configured a
    // target duration for each chunk upload.
    double targetDuration = propagator()->syncOptions()._targetChunkUploadDuration;
    if (targetDuration > 0) {
        double uploadTime = job->msSinceStart() + 1; // add one to avoid div-by-zero

        auto predictedGoodSize = static_cast<quint64>(
            _currentChunkSize / uploadTime * targetDuration);

        // The whole targeting is heuristic. The predictedGoodSize will fluctuate
        // quite a bit because of external factors (like available bandwidth)
        // and internal factors (like number of parallel uploads).
        // We use an exponential moving average here as a cheap way of smoothing
        // the chunk sizes a bit.
        quint64 targetSize = (propagator()->_chunkSize + predictedGoodSize) / 2;

        // Adjust the dynamic chunk size _chunkSize used for sizing of the item's chunks to be send
        propagator()->_chunkSize = qBound(

        qCInfo(lcPropagateUpload) << "Chunked upload of" << _currentChunkSize << "bytes took" << uploadTime
                                  << "ms, desired is" << targetDuration << "ms, expected good chunk size is"
                                  << predictedGoodSize << "bytes and nudged next chunk size to "
                                  << propagator()->_chunkSize << "bytes";

    bool finished = _sent == _item->_size;

    // Check if the file still exists
    const QString fullFilePath(propagator()->getFilePath(_item->_file));
    if (!FileSystem::fileExists(fullFilePath)) {
        if (!finished) {
            abortWithError(SyncFileItem::SoftError, tr("The local file was removed during sync."));
        } else {
            propagator()->_anotherSyncNeeded = true;

    // Check whether the file changed since discovery.
    if (!FileSystem::verifyFileUnchanged(fullFilePath, _item->_size, _item->_modtime)) {
        propagator()->_anotherSyncNeeded = true;
        if (!finished) {
            abortWithError(SyncFileItem::SoftError, tr("Local file changed during sync."));

    if (!finished) {
        // Deletes an existing blacklist entry on successful chunk upload
        if (_item->_hasBlacklistEntry) {
            _item->_hasBlacklistEntry = false;

        // Reset the error count on successful chunk upload
        auto uploadInfo = propagator()->_journal->getUploadInfo(_item->_file);
        uploadInfo._errorCount = 0;
        propagator()->_journal->setUploadInfo(_item->_file, uploadInfo);
        propagator()->_journal->commit("Upload info");