// replay a particular http request
void TReplaySrv::ReplayHttpRq(const PHttpRq& HttpRq)
	PUrl HttpRqUrl = HttpRq->GetUrl();
	// extract function name
	TStr FunNm = HttpRqUrl->GetPathSeg(0);
	// extract parameters
	TStrKdV FldNmValPrV;
	PUrlEnv HttpRqUrlEnv = HttpRq->GetUrlEnv();
	const int Keys = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetKeys();
	for (int KeyN = 0; KeyN < Keys; KeyN++) {
		TStr KeyNm = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetKeyNm(KeyN);
		const int Vals = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetVals(KeyN);
		for (int ValN = 0; ValN < Vals; ValN++) {
			TStr Val = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetVal(KeyN, ValN);
			FldNmValPrV.Add(TStrKd(KeyNm, Val));
	// processed requested function
	if (!FunNm.Empty()) {
		// prepare request environment
		PSAppSrvRqEnv RqEnv = TSAppSrvRqEnv::New(this, TUInt64::Mx, HttpRq, FunNmToFunH);
		// retrieve function
		PSAppSrvFun SrvFun = FunNmToFunH.GetDat(FunNm);
		// call function
		SrvFun->Exec(FldNmValPrV, RqEnv);
文件: sappsrv.cpp 项目: edgeflip/dmoz
void TSAppSrv::OnHttpRq(const uint64& SockId, const PHttpRq& HttpRq) {
	// last appropriate error code, start with bad request
	int ErrStatusCd = THttp::BadRqStatusCd;
    try {
        // check http-request correctness - return if error
        EAssertR(HttpRq->IsOk(), "Bad HTTP request!");
        // check url correctness - return if error
        PUrl RqUrl = HttpRq->GetUrl();
        EAssertR(RqUrl->IsOk(), "Bad request URL!");
        // extract function name
        PUrl HttpRqUrl = HttpRq->GetUrl();
        TStr FunNm = HttpRqUrl->GetPathSeg(0);
		// check if we have the function registered
		if (FunNm == "favicon.ico") {
			PHttpResp HttpResp = THttpResp::New(THttp::OkStatusCd,
				THttp::ImageIcoFldVal, false, Favicon.GetSIn());
			SendHttpResp(SockId, HttpResp); 
		} else if (!FunNm.Empty() && !FunNmToFunH.IsKey(FunNm)) { 
			ErrStatusCd = THttp::ErrNotFoundStatusCd;
			GetNotify()->OnStatusFmt("[AppSrv] Unknown function '%s'!", FunNm.CStr());
			TExcept::Throw("Unknown function '" + FunNm + "'!");
        // extract parameters
        TStrKdV FldNmValPrV;
        PUrlEnv HttpRqUrlEnv = HttpRq->GetUrlEnv();
        const int Keys = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetKeys();
        for (int KeyN = 0; KeyN < Keys; KeyN++) {
            TStr KeyNm = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetKeyNm(KeyN);
            const int Vals = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetVals(KeyN);
            for (int ValN = 0; ValN < Vals; ValN++) {
                TStr Val = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetVal(KeyN, ValN);
                FldNmValPrV.Add(TStrKd(KeyNm, Val));
		// report call
		if (ShowParamP) {  GetNotify()->OnStatus(" " + HttpRq->GetUrl()->GetUrlStr()); }
		// request parsed well, from now on it's internal error
		ErrStatusCd = THttp::InternalErrStatusCd;
		// processed requested function
		if (!FunNm.Empty()) {
			// prepare request environment
			PSAppSrvRqEnv RqEnv = TSAppSrvRqEnv::New(this, SockId, HttpRq, FunNmToFunH);
			// retrieve function
			PSAppSrvFun SrvFun = FunNmToFunH.GetDat(FunNm);
			// call function
			SrvFun->Exec(FldNmValPrV, RqEnv);
		} else {
			// internal SAppSrv call
			if (!ListFunP) {
				// we are not allowed to list functions
				ErrStatusCd = THttp::ErrNotFoundStatusCd;
				TExcept::Throw("Unknown page");
			// prepare a list of registered functions
			PXmlTok TopTok = TXmlTok::New("registered-functions");
			int KeyId = FunNmToFunH.FFirstKeyId();
			while (FunNmToFunH.FNextKeyId(KeyId)) {
				PXmlTok FunTok = TXmlTok::New("function");
				FunTok->AddArg("name", FunNmToFunH.GetKey(KeyId));
			TStr ResXmlStr; TXmlDoc::New(TopTok)->SaveStr(ResXmlStr);
			PSIn BodySIn = TMIn::New(TSAppSrvFun::XmlHdStr + ResXmlStr);
			// prepare response
			PHttpResp HttpResp = THttpResp::New(THttp::OkStatusCd, 
				THttp::TextXmlFldVal, false, BodySIn);
			// send response
			SendHttpResp(SockId, HttpResp); 
    } catch (PExcept Except) {
		// known internal error
		PXmlTok TopTok = TXmlTok::New("error");
		TopTok->AddSubTok(TXmlTok::New("message", Except->GetMsgStr()));
		TopTok->AddSubTok(TXmlTok::New("location", Except->GetLocStr()));
		PXmlDoc ErrorXmlDoc = TXmlDoc::New(TopTok); 
        TStr ResXmlStr; ErrorXmlDoc->SaveStr(ResXmlStr);
        // prepare response
		PHttpResp HttpResp = THttpResp::New(ErrStatusCd, 
            THttp::TextHtmlFldVal, false, 
			TMIn::New(TSAppSrvFun::XmlHdStr + ResXmlStr));
        // send response
	    SendHttpResp(SockId, HttpResp); 
    } catch (...) {
		// unknown internal error
		PXmlDoc ErrorXmlDoc = TXmlDoc::New(TXmlTok::New("error")); 
        TStr ResXmlStr; ErrorXmlDoc->SaveStr(ResXmlStr);
        // prepare response
        PHttpResp HttpResp = THttpResp::New(ErrStatusCd, 
            THttp::TextHtmlFldVal, false, 
			TMIn::New(TSAppSrvFun::XmlHdStr + ResXmlStr));
        // send response
	    SendHttpResp(SockId, HttpResp); 
void TWebTxtBsSrv::OnHttpRq(const int& SockId, const PHttpRq& HttpRq){
  // request parameters
  TStr RqContTypeStr=THttp::TextHtmlFldVal;
  PUrlEnv UrlEnv;
  TStr QueryStr; TStr EQueryStr;
  TStr HitSetStr; TStr AcceptStr;
  // prepare & extract search-environment
  if (HttpRq->IsOk()){
    // prepare search-environment
    PUrl Url=HttpRq->GetUrl();
    // if empty search-environment and url-path is not empty
    if (UrlEnv->Empty()&&
      // get document name
      TStr DocNm=Url->GetPathSeg(Url->GetPathSegs()-1);
      if (WebTxtBs->GetTxtBs()->IsDoc(DocNm)){
        // document exists in text-base
        TStr DocStr=WebTxtBs->GetTxtBs()->GetDocStr(DocNm);
        PSIn HttpBodySIn=TMIn::New(DocStr);
        PHttpResp HttpResp=
         THttpResp::New(THttp::OkStatusCd, RqContTypeStr, false, HttpBodySIn);
        SendHttpResp(SockId, HttpResp);
      } else {
        // ordinary http request
        TWebSrv::OnHttpRq(SockId, HttpRq);
      // end if no search request
    // extract fields from search-environment
    if (AcceptStr.Empty()){RqContTypeStr=GetRqContType(HttpRq);}
    else {RqContTypeStr=AcceptStr;}

  // hit-set
  int HitSetN=1;
  HitSetStr.IsInt(true, 1, TInt::Mx, HitSetN);
  int HitSetDocs=GetVarVal(RqContTypeStr, "HitSetDocs").GetInt();
  int StrHitSets=GetVarVal(RqContTypeStr, "StrHitSets").GetInt();

  // output buffer
  TChA OutChA(10000);
  // header
  TStr HdTpl=GetTplVal(RqContTypeStr, "Header");
  HdTpl.ChangeStrAll(QueryMacro, EQueryStr);
  // html body
  if (HttpRq->IsOk()){
    if (!QueryStr.Empty()){
      // execute query
      PTxtBsRes TxtBsRes=WebTxtBs->Search(QueryStr);
      TStr EWixExpStr=THtmlLx::GetEscapedStr(TxtBsRes->GetWixExpStr());
      // log string
      TChA QueryInfoChA;
      QueryInfoChA+="Query: "+QueryStr;
      //QueryInfoChA+=" ["+GetPeerNm(SockId)+"]";
      QueryInfoChA+=" ["+TSecTm::GetCurTm().GetStr()+"]";
      TNotify::OnNotify(Notify, ntInfo, QueryInfoChA);
      SLog->PutStr(QueryInfoChA); SLog->PutLn(); SLog->Flush();
      // query-results processing
      if (TxtBsRes->IsOk()){
        // result header
        TStr ResultHdTpl=GetTplVal(RqContTypeStr, "ResultHd");
        ResultHdTpl.ChangeStrAll(QueryMacro, EWixExpStr);
        ResultHdTpl.ChangeStrAll(HitsMacro, TInt::GetStr(TxtBsRes->GetDocs()));
        // result records
        int MnDocN; int MxDocN;
        TxtBsRes->GetHitSetMnMxDocN(HitSetN, HitSetDocs, MnDocN, MxDocN);
        for (int DocN=MnDocN; DocN<=MxDocN; DocN++){
          // get result document data
          int MxDocTitleLen=GetVarVal(RqContTypeStr, "MxDocTitleLen").GetInt();
          int MxDocCtxLen=GetVarVal(RqContTypeStr, "MxDocCtxLen").GetInt();
          TStr DocNm; TStr DocTitleStr; TStr DocStr; TStr DocCtxStr;
          TxtBsRes->GetDocInfo(DocN, MxDocTitleLen, MxDocCtxLen,
           DocNm, DocTitleStr, DocStr, DocCtxStr);
          if (DocTitleStr.Empty()){DocTitleStr=DocNm;}
          // result record
          TStr ResultRecTpl=GetTplVal(RqContTypeStr, "ResultRec");
          ResultRecTpl.ChangeStrAll(HitNumMacro, TInt::GetStr(DocN+1));
          ResultRecTpl.ChangeStrAll(DocAddrMacro, DocNm);
          ResultRecTpl.ChangeStrAll(DocTitleMacro, DocTitleStr);
          ResultRecTpl.ChangeStrAll(DocCtxMacro, DocCtxStr);
        // result footer
        TStr ResultFtTpl=GetTplVal(RqContTypeStr, "ResultFt");
        // hit-set
        AddHitSetChA(TxtBsRes, RqContTypeStr, HitSetN, HitSetDocs, StrHitSets,
         UrlEnv, OutChA);
      } else {
        // bad query
        TStr BadQueryTpl=GetTplVal(RqContTypeStr, "BadQuery");
        BadQueryTpl.ChangeStrAll(QueryMacro, EWixExpStr);
  } else {
    // bad http-request
    TStr BadHttpRqTpl=GetTplVal(RqContTypeStr, "BadHttpRq");

  // footer
  TStr FtTpl=GetTplVal(RqContTypeStr, "Footer");
  FtTpl.ChangeStrAll(QueryMacro, EQueryStr);

  // construct & send response
  PSIn HttpBodySIn=TMIn::New(OutChA);
  PHttpResp HttpResp=
   THttpResp::New(THttp::OkStatusCd, RqContTypeStr, false, HttpBodySIn);
  SendHttpResp(SockId, HttpResp);
void TSAppSrv::OnHttpRq(const int& SockId, const PHttpRq& HttpRq) {
    PHttpResp HttpResp;
    try {
        // check http-request correctness - return if error
        EAssertR(HttpRq->IsOk(), "Bad HTTP request!");
        // check url correctness - return if error
        PUrl RqUrl = HttpRq->GetUrl();
        EAssertR(RqUrl->IsOk(), "Bad request URL!");
        // extract function name
        PUrl HttpRqUrl = HttpRq->GetUrl();
        TStr FunNm = HttpRqUrl->GetPathSeg(0);
        EAssertR(FunNmToFunH.IsKey(FunNm) || FunNm.Empty(), "Unknown function '" + FunNm + "' !");
        // extract parameters
        TStrKdV FldNmValPrV;
        PUrlEnv HttpRqUrlEnv = HttpRq->GetUrlEnv();
        const int Keys = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetKeys();
        for (int KeyN = 0; KeyN < Keys; KeyN++) {
            TStr KeyNm = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetKeyNm(KeyN);
            const int Vals = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetVals(KeyN);
            for (int ValN = 0; ValN < Vals; ValN++) {
                TStr Val = HttpRqUrlEnv->GetVal(KeyN, ValN);
                FldNmValPrV.Add(TStrKd(KeyNm, Val));
        // log the call
        TStr TimeNow = TTm::GetCurLocTm().GetWebLogDateTimeStr(true);
        GetNotify()->OnStatus(TStr::Fmt("[%s] Request %s", TimeNow.CStr(), FunNm.CStr()));
		// prepare request environment
		PSAppSrvRqEnv RqEnv = TSAppSrvRqEnv::New(this, SockId, HttpRq);
		PSIn BodySIn; TStr ContTypeVal;
		if (!FunNm.Empty()) {
			// call function
			PSAppSrvFun SrvFun = FunNmToFunH.GetDat(FunNm);
			if (SrvFun->GetFunOutType() == saotXml) {
				PXmlDoc ResXmlDoc = SrvFun->Exec(FldNmValPrV, RqEnv);        
				TStr ResXmlStr; ResXmlDoc->SaveStr(ResXmlStr);
				BodySIn = TMIn::New(XmlHdStr + ResXmlStr);
				ContTypeVal = THttp::TextXmlFldVal;
			} else if (SrvFun->GetFunOutType() == saotJSon) {
				TStr ResStr = SrvFun->ExecJSon(FldNmValPrV, RqEnv);
				BodySIn = TMIn::New(ResStr);
				//ContTypeVal = THttp::TextHtmlFldVal;
				ContTypeVal = THttp::AppJSonFldVal;
			} else {
				BodySIn = SrvFun->ExecCustom(FldNmValPrV, RqEnv, ContTypeVal);
		} else {
			PXmlTok TopTok = TXmlTok::New("registered-functions");
			int KeyId = FunNmToFunH.FFirstKeyId();
			while (FunNmToFunH.FNextKeyId(KeyId)) {
				PXmlTok FunTok = TXmlTok::New("function");
				FunTok->AddArg("name", FunNmToFunH.GetKey(KeyId));
			PXmlDoc ResXmlDoc = TXmlDoc::New(TopTok);
			TStr ResXmlStr; ResXmlDoc->SaveStr(ResXmlStr);
			BodySIn = TMIn::New(XmlHdStr + ResXmlStr);
			ContTypeVal = THttp::TextXmlFldVal;
        // prepare response
        HttpResp = THttpResp::New(THttp::OkStatusCd, 
            ContTypeVal, false, BodySIn);
        // send response
    } catch (PExcept Except) {
		PXmlTok TopTok = TXmlTok::New("error");
		TopTok->AddSubTok(TXmlTok::New("message", Except->GetMsgStr()));
		TopTok->AddSubTok(TXmlTok::New("location", Except->GetLocStr()));
		PXmlDoc ErrorXmlDoc = TXmlDoc::New(TopTok); 
        TStr ResXmlStr; ErrorXmlDoc->SaveStr(ResXmlStr);
        HttpResp = THttpResp::New(THttp::OkStatusCd, 
            THttp::TextHtmlFldVal, false, 
			TMIn::New(XmlHdStr + ResXmlStr));
    } catch (...) {
		PXmlDoc ErrorXmlDoc = TXmlDoc::New(TXmlTok::New("error")); 
        TStr ResXmlStr; ErrorXmlDoc->SaveStr(ResXmlStr);
        HttpResp = THttpResp::New(THttp::OkStatusCd, 
            THttp::TextHtmlFldVal, false, 
			TMIn::New(XmlHdStr + ResXmlStr));
    SendHttpResp(SockId, HttpResp); 