int main() { char sensor_name[]="mpu"; float rollerr,pitcherr,yawerr; float prollerr[5],ppitcherr[5],pyawerr[5]; int pcounter=0; int breakflag=0; float rsum=0.0; float psum=0.0; float ysum=0.0; //-------- IMU setting ------------------- imu = create_inertial_sensor(sensor_name); if (!imu) { printf("Wrong sensor name. Select: mpu or lsm\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } if (!imu->probe()) { printf("Sensor not enable\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } imuSetup(); PWM pwm; RGBled led; js_event js; if(!led.initialize()) return EXIT_FAILURE; //-------- PS3 Controller setting -------- int joy_fd(-1), num_of_axis(0), num_of_buttons(0); char name_of_joystick[80]; vector<char> joy_button; vector<int> joy_axis; if((joy_fd = open(JOY_DEV, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { printf("Failed to open %s", JOY_DEV); cerr << "Failed to open " << JOY_DEV << endl; return -1; } ioctl(joy_fd, JSIOCGAXES, &num_of_axis); ioctl(joy_fd, JSIOCGBUTTONS, &num_of_buttons); ioctl(joy_fd, JSIOCGNAME(80), &name_of_joystick); joy_button.resize(num_of_buttons, 0); joy_axis.resize(num_of_axis, 0); printf("Joystick: %s axis: %d buttons: %d\n", name_of_joystick, num_of_axis, num_of_buttons); fcntl(joy_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); // using non-blocking mode if (check_apm()) { return 1; } for (int i=0; i<10000; i++){ imuLoop(); usleep(1000); if(i%1000==0){ printf("#"); fflush(stdout); } } for (int i=0;i<4;i++){ if (!pwm.init(i)) { fprintf(stderr, "Output Enable not set. Are you root?\n"); return 0; } pwm.enable(i); pwm.set_period(i, 500); } printf("\nReady to Fly !\n"); ////// Log system setting char filename[] = "flightlog.txt"; char outstr[255]; std::ofstream fs(filename); char afilename[] = "atest.txt"; char aoutstr[255]; std::ofstream afs(afilename); char gfilename[] = "gtest.txt"; char goutstr[255]; std::ofstream gfs(gfilename); char mfilename[] = "mtest.txt"; char moutstr[255]; std::ofstream mfs(mfilename); ///// Clock setting struct timeval tval; unsigned long now_time,past_time,interval; gettimeofday(&tval,NULL); now_time=1000000 * tval.tv_sec + tval.tv_usec; past_time = now_time; interval = now_time - past_time; //========================== Main Loop ============================== while(true) { led.setColor(Colors::Red); while(true) { gettimeofday(&tval,NULL); past_time = now_time; now_time=1000000 * tval.tv_sec + tval.tv_usec; interval = now_time - past_time; //js_event js; imuLoop(); read(joy_fd, &js, sizeof(js_event)); switch(js.type & ~JS_EVENT_INIT) { case JS_EVENT_AXIS: joy_axis[(int)js.number] = js.value; break; case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: joy_button[(int)js.number] = js.value; //printf("%5d\n %5d\n",(int)js.number,js.value); break; } int stickRx=joy_axis[2]; int stickRy=joy_axis[3]; int stickLx=joy_axis[0]; int stickLy=joy_axis[1]; if(stickRx> 23170)stickRx= 23170; if(stickRx<-23170)stickRx=-23170; if(stickRy> 23170)stickRy= 23170; if(stickRy<-23170)stickRy=-23170; if(stickLx> 23170)stickLx= 23170; if(stickLx<-23170)stickLx=-23170; if(stickLy> 23170)stickLy= 23170; if(stickLy<-23170)stickLy=-23170; float uthrotle=(-(float)stickRy/23170.0)*1.0+1.0; float rpitch =( (float)stickLy/23170.0)*10.0; float rroll =( (float)stickLx/23170.0)*10.0; float ryaw =( (float)stickRx/23170.0)*10.0; /* Itolab Drone Configuration F | | L----+----R | | B */ //------------- Stabilize Control ----------------- rollerr = rroll - roll; pitcherr= rpitch - pitch; yawerr = ryaw + gz; rsum = rsum + rollerr; psum = psum + pitcherr; ysum = 0.0; if (uthrotle<1.05){ rsum = 0; psum = 0; } if(rsum> 20000.0)rsum = 20000.0; if(rsum<-20000.0)rsum =-20000.0; if(psum> 20000.0)psum = 20000.0; if(psum<-20000.0)psum =-20000.0; //if(ysum>1.0)ysum=1.0; //if(ysum<0.0)ysum=0.0; float uroll = 0.005*rollerr + 0.2 *(rollerr - prollerr[pcounter] ) + 0.000001*rsum; float upitch= 0.01 *pitcherr + 0.4 *(pitcherr- ppitcherr[pcounter]) + 0.000001*psum; float uyaw = 0.02 *yawerr + 0.01*(yawerr - pyawerr[pcounter] ) ; prollerr[pcounter] = rollerr; ppitcherr[pcounter] = pitcherr; pyawerr[pcounter] = yawerr; pcounter++; if(pcounter>4)pcounter=0; if (uthrotle<1.05){ uroll = 0; upitch = 0; uyaw = 0; } float R = uthrotle - uroll + uyaw; float L = uthrotle + uroll + uyaw; float F = uthrotle + upitch - uyaw; float B = uthrotle - upitch - uyaw; //Limitter if(R>2.0)R=2.0; if(R<1.0)R=1.0; if(L>2.0)L=2.0; if(L<1.0)L=1.0; if(F>2.0)F=2.0; if(F<1.0)F=1.0; if(B>2.0)B=2.0; if(B<1.0)B=1.0; pwm.set_duty_cycle(RIGHT_MOTOR, R); pwm.set_duty_cycle(LEFT_MOTOR, L); pwm.set_duty_cycle(FRONT_MOTOR, F); pwm.set_duty_cycle(REAR_MOTOR, B); //////Logging //gettimeofday(&tval,NULL); //past_time = now_time; //now_time = 1000000 * tval.tv_sec + tval.tv_usec; //interval = now_time - past_time; sprintf(outstr,"%lu %lu %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f" ,now_time,interval, roll,pitch,yaw, rroll,rpitch,ryaw, gx,gy,gz, ax,ay,az, mx,my,mz, R,L,F,B ); fs << outstr << endl; /* sprintf(aoutstr,"%lf %lf %lf",ax,ay,az); afs << aoutstr << std::endl; sprintf(goutstr,"%lf %lf %lf",gx,gy,gz); gfs << goutstr << std::endl; sprintf(moutstr,"%lf %lf %lf",mx,my,mz); mfs << moutstr << std::endl; */ if (joy_button[3]==1){ break; } do{ gettimeofday(&tval,NULL); interval=1000000 * tval.tv_sec + tval.tv_usec - now_time; }while(interval<2000); } led.setColor(Colors::Blue); while (joy_button[3]==1){ read(joy_fd, &js, sizeof(js_event)); switch(js.type & ~JS_EVENT_INIT) { case JS_EVENT_AXIS: joy_axis[(int)js.number] = js.value; break; case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: joy_button[(int)js.number] = js.value; //printf("%5d\n %5d\n",(int)js.number,js.value); break; } } while (true){ read(joy_fd, &js, sizeof(js_event)); switch(js.type & ~JS_EVENT_INIT) { case JS_EVENT_AXIS: joy_axis[(int)js.number] = js.value; break; case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: joy_button[(int)js.number] = js.value; //printf("%5d\n %5d\n",(int)js.number,js.value); break; } if (joy_button[3]==1){ break; } if (joy_button[0]==1){ breakflag=1; break; } else breakflag = 0; } if (breakflag == 1)break; else breakflag = 0; while (joy_button[3]==1){ read(joy_fd, &js, sizeof(js_event)); switch(js.type & ~JS_EVENT_INIT) { case JS_EVENT_AXIS: joy_axis[(int)js.number] = js.value; break; case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: joy_button[(int)js.number] = js.value; //printf("%5d\n %5d\n",(int)js.number,js.value); break; } } } fs.close(); //afs.close(); //gfs.close(); //mfs.close(); led.setColor(Colors::Green); return 0; }
int main() { int breakflag=0; float M = 1.0; short m = 0; short cnt = 0; PWM pwm; RGBled led; js_event js; if(!led.initialize()) return EXIT_FAILURE; //-------- PS3 Controller setting -------- int joy_fd(-1), num_of_axis(0), num_of_buttons(0); char name_of_joystick[80]; vector<char> joy_button; vector<int> joy_axis; if((joy_fd = open(JOY_DEV, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { printf("Failed to open %s", JOY_DEV); cerr << "Failed to open " << JOY_DEV << endl; return -1; } ioctl(joy_fd, JSIOCGAXES, &num_of_axis); ioctl(joy_fd, JSIOCGBUTTONS, &num_of_buttons); ioctl(joy_fd, JSIOCGNAME(80), &name_of_joystick); joy_button.resize(num_of_buttons, 0); joy_axis.resize(num_of_axis, 0); printf("Joystick: %s axis: %d buttons: %d\n", name_of_joystick, num_of_axis, num_of_buttons); fcntl(joy_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK); // using non-blocking mode for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) { if ( !pwm.init(i) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Output Enable not set. Are you root?\n"); return 0; } pwm.enable(i); pwm.set_period(i, 500); } printf("\nStart thrust test !\n"); ///// Clock setting struct timeval tval; unsigned long now_time,past_time,interval; gettimeofday(&tval,NULL); now_time=1000000 * tval.tv_sec + tval.tv_usec; past_time = now_time; interval = now_time - past_time; printf("set motor 'RIGHT'\n"); //========================== Main Loop ============================== while(true) { led.setColor(Colors::Red); while(true) { gettimeofday(&tval,NULL); past_time = now_time; now_time=1000000 * tval.tv_sec + tval.tv_usec; interval = now_time - past_time; //js_event js; read(joy_fd, &js, sizeof(js_event)); switch(js.type & ~JS_EVENT_INIT) { case JS_EVENT_AXIS: joy_axis[(int)js.number] = js.value; break; case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: joy_button[(int)js.number] = js.value; //printf("%5d\n %5d\n",(int)js.number,js.value); break; } if (joy_button[12]==1){ if (joy_button[4]==1){ M = M + 0.1; printf ( "PWM UP : %f\n" ,M ); } if (joy_button[6]==1){ M = M - 0.1; printf ( "PWM down : %f\n" ,M ); } } if (joy_button[13]==1){ if (joy_button[4]==1){ M = M + 0.001; printf ( "PWM UP : %f\n" ,M ); } if (joy_button[6]==1){ M = M - 0.001; printf ( "PWM down : %f\n" ,M ); } } if (joy_button[14]==1){ if (joy_button[4]==1){ M = M + 0.0001; printf ( "PWM UP : %f\n" ,M ); } if (joy_button[6]==1){ M = M - 0.0001; printf ( "PWM down : %f\n" ,M ); } } if (joy_button[15]==1){ if (joy_button[4]==1){ M = M + 0.00001; printf ( "PWM UP : %f\n" ,M ); } if (joy_button[6]==1){ M = M - 0.0001; printf ( "PWM down : %f\n" ,M ); } } if (joy_button[11]==1){ cnt++; if (cnt>30){ M = 2.0; printf( "Set PWM MAX!\n" ); cnt = 0; } } if (joy_button[10]==1){ cnt++; if (cnt>30){ M = 1.0; printf( "Set PWM MIN!\n" ); cnt = 0; } } if ( M > 2.0 ) M = 2.0; if ( M < 1.0 ) M = 1.0; pwm.set_duty_cycle(m, M); if (joy_button[3]==1){ break; } do{ gettimeofday(&tval,NULL); interval=1000000 * tval.tv_sec + tval.tv_usec - now_time; }while(interval<2000); } led.setColor(Colors::Blue); while (joy_button[3]==1){ read(joy_fd, &js, sizeof(js_event)); switch(js.type & ~JS_EVENT_INIT) { case JS_EVENT_AXIS: joy_axis[(int)js.number] = js.value; break; case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: joy_button[(int)js.number] = js.value; //printf("%5d\n %5d\n",(int)js.number,js.value); break; } } while (true){ read(joy_fd, &js, sizeof(js_event)); switch(js.type & ~JS_EVENT_INIT) { case JS_EVENT_AXIS: joy_axis[(int)js.number] = js.value; break; case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: joy_button[(int)js.number] = js.value; //printf("%5d\n %5d\n",(int)js.number,js.value); break; } M = 1.0; if (joy_button[4]==1){ m = 2; printf("set motor 'FRONT'\n"); } if (joy_button[5]==1){ m = 0; printf("set motor 'RIGHT'\n"); } if (joy_button[6]==1){ m = 3; printf("set motor 'REAR'\n"); } if (joy_button[7]==1){ m = 1; printf("set motor 'LEFT'\n"); } if (joy_button[3]==1){ break; } if (joy_button[0]==1){ breakflag=1; break; } else breakflag = 0; } if (breakflag == 1)break; else breakflag = 0; while (joy_button[3]==1){ read(joy_fd, &js, sizeof(js_event)); switch(js.type & ~JS_EVENT_INIT) { case JS_EVENT_AXIS: joy_axis[(int)js.number] = js.value; break; case JS_EVENT_BUTTON: joy_button[(int)js.number] = js.value; //printf("%5d\n %5d\n",(int)js.number,js.value); break; } } } led.setColor(Colors::Green); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { ROS_INFO("Start"); int saturation = 2000; int freq = 100; Kp = 0.6; Ki = 2; Kd = 0.01; servo_trim = 1500; ROS_INFO("number of argc %d", argc); if(argc == 1) { //case with default params } else if(argc == 2) { //case with frequency if(atoi(argv[1]) > 0 ) freq = atoi(argv[1]); else { ROS_INFO("Frequency must be more than 0"); return 0; } } else if(argc == 3) { //case with frequency and saturation if(atoi(argv[1]) > 0 ) freq = atoi(argv[1]); else { ROS_INFO("Frequency must be more than 0"); return 0; } if(atoi(argv[2]) > 2000) saturation = 2000; else saturation = atoi(argv[2]); } else if(argc == 6) { //case with frequency and saturation if(atoi(argv[1]) > 0 ) freq = atoi(argv[1]); else { ROS_INFO("Frequency must be more than 0"); return 0; } if(atoi(argv[2]) > 2000) saturation = 2000; else saturation = atoi(argv[2]); Kp = atof(argv[3]); Ki = atof(argv[4]); Kd = atof(argv[5]); } else if(argc == 7) { //case with frequency and saturation if(atoi(argv[1]) > 0 ) freq = atoi(argv[1]); else { ROS_INFO("Frequency must be more than 0"); return 0; } if(atoi(argv[2]) > 2000) saturation = 2000; else saturation = atoi(argv[2]); Kp = atof(argv[3]); Ki = atof(argv[4]); Kd = atof(argv[5]); servo_trim = atoi(argv[6]); } else { ROS_INFO("not enough arguments ! Specify prbs value and throttle saturation."); return 0; } ROS_INFO("frequency %d, and saturation : %d, Trim", freq, saturation, servo_trim); /***********************/ /* Initialize The Node */ /***********************/ ros::init(argc, argv, "remote_reading_handler"); ros::NodeHandle n; ros::Publisher remote_pub = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::Temperature>("remote_readings", 1000); ros::Publisher control_pub = n.advertise<sensor_msgs::Temperature>("control_readings", 1000); //subscribe to imu topic ros::Subscriber imu_sub = n.subscribe("imu_readings", 1000, read_Imu); //running rate = freq Hz ros::Rate loop_rate(freq); /****************************/ /* Initialize the PID Stuff */ /****************************/ currentRoll = 0; currentTime = ros::Time::now(); previousTime = ros::Time::now(); Kierr = 0; err = 0; derr = 0; derr_filt = 0; /*******************************************/ /* Initialize the RC input, and PWM output */ /*******************************************/ RCInput rcin; rcin.init(); PWM servo; PWM motor; if (!motor.init(MOTOR_PWM_OUT)) { fprintf(stderr, "Motor Output Enable not set. Are you root?\n"); return 0; } if (!servo.init(SERVO_PWM_OUT)) { fprintf(stderr, "Servo Output Enable not set. Are you root?\n"); return 0; } motor.enable(MOTOR_PWM_OUT); servo.enable(SERVO_PWM_OUT); motor.set_period(MOTOR_PWM_OUT, 50); //frequency 50Hz servo.set_period(SERVO_PWM_OUT, 50); int motor_input = 0; int servo_input = 0; sensor_msgs::Temperature rem_msg; sensor_msgs::Temperature ctrl_msg; float desired_roll = 0; //speed in m/s float speed = 0; float speed_filt = 0; int dtf = 0;// dtf read from arduino. dtf = dt*4 in msec float R = 0.0625f; //Rear Wheel Radius while (ros::ok()) { //Throttle saturation if( >= saturation) motor_input = saturation; else motor_input =; //read desired roll angle with remote ( 1250 to 1750 ) to range of -30 to 30 deg desired_roll = -((float)*MAX_ROLL_ANGLE/250.0f; ROS_INFO("rcin usec = %d --- desired roll = %f",, desired_roll); //calculate output to servo from pid controller servo_input = pid_Servo_Output(desired_roll); //write readings on pwm output motor.set_duty_cycle(MOTOR_PWM_OUT, ((float)motor_input)/1000.0f); servo.set_duty_cycle(SERVO_PWM_OUT, ((float)servo_input)/1000.0f); //save values into msg container a rem_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); rem_msg.temperature = motor_input; rem_msg.variance = servo_input; dtf =; speed = 4.0f*PI*R*1000.0f/((float)dtf); if(speed < 0 || dtf < 40) speed = 0; // low pass filtering of the speed with tau = 0.1 float alpha = (1.0f/freq)/((1.0f/freq)+0.1f); speed_filt = alpha*speed + (1.0f-alpha)*speed_filt; //save values into msg container for the control readings ctrl_msg.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); ctrl_msg.temperature = speed_filt;//_filt; ctrl_msg.variance = desired_roll;//here it's supposed to be the desired roll //debug info printf("[Thrust:%d] - [Steering:%d] - [dtf:%4d] - [Speed:%2.2f]\n", motor_input, servo_input, dtf, speed_filt); //remote_pub.publish(apub); remote_pub.publish(rem_msg); control_pub.publish(ctrl_msg); ros::spinOnce(); loop_rate.sleep(); } return 0; }