void cTerritories::check( P_CHAR pc )
	cUOSocket* socket = NULL;
	if ( pc->objectType() == enPlayer )
		socket = dynamic_cast<P_PLAYER>( pc )->socket();
	cTerritory* currRegion = this->region( pc->pos().x, pc->pos().y, pc->pos().map );
	cTerritory* lastRegion = pc->region();

	if ( !currRegion )

	if ( !lastRegion )
		pc->setRegion( currRegion );

	if ( currRegion != lastRegion )
		pc->setRegion( currRegion );

		if ( socket )
			// If the last region was a cave or if the new region is a cave,
			// update the lightlevel.
			if ( ( currRegion->isCave() && !lastRegion->isCave() ) || ( !currRegion->isCave() && lastRegion->isCave() ) )


		PyObject* args = Py_BuildValue( "(NNN)", PyGetCharObject( pc ), PyGetRegionObject( lastRegion ), PyGetRegionObject( currRegion ) );
		if ( !pc->callEventHandler( EVENT_CHANGEREGION, args ) && socket )
			if ( lastRegion && !lastRegion->name().isEmpty() && !lastRegion->isNoEnterMessage() )
				socket->sysMessage( tr( "You have left %1." ).arg( lastRegion->name() ) );

			if ( currRegion && !currRegion->name().isEmpty() && !currRegion->isNoEnterMessage() )
				socket->sysMessage( tr( "You have entered %1." ).arg( currRegion->name() ) );

			if ( ( currRegion->isGuarded() != lastRegion->isGuarded() ) || ( currRegion->isGuarded() && ( currRegion->guardOwner() != lastRegion->guardOwner() ) ) )
				/* Guarded Setting Changes */
				if ( currRegion->isGuarded() != lastRegion->isGuarded() )
					if ( lastRegion->isGuarded() && !lastRegion->isNoGuardMessage() )
						if ( lastRegion->guardOwner().isEmpty() )
							socket->clilocMessage( 500113 ); // You have left the protection of the town guards.
							socket->sysMessage( tr( "You have left the protection of %1 guards." ).arg( lastRegion->guardOwner() ) );
					if ( currRegion->isGuarded() && !currRegion->isNoGuardMessage() )
						if ( currRegion->guardOwner().isEmpty() )
							socket->clilocMessage( 500112 ); // You are now under the protection of the town guards
							socket->sysMessage( tr( "You are now under the protection of %1 guards." ).arg( currRegion->guardOwner() ) );
			/* Remain Guarded */
			if ( currRegion->isGuarded() == lastRegion->isGuarded() )
				/* Only show if you haven't gotten a message before.
							Or, only show if the guard owner changes.
				if ( ( !currRegion->isNoGuardMessage() && !lastRegion->isNoGuardMessage() ) && ( currRegion->guardOwner() != lastRegion->guardOwner() ) )
					if ( currRegion->guardOwner().isEmpty() )
						socket->clilocMessage( 500112 ); // You are now under the protection of the town guards
						socket->sysMessage( tr( "You are now under the protection of %1 guards." ).arg( currRegion->guardOwner() ) );
		Py_DECREF( args );
void cSkills::Snooping( P_PLAYER player, P_ITEM container )
	P_CHAR owner = container->getOutmostChar();

	if ( !owner )
		return; // Snooping into something thats not equipped?!

	PyObject *args = Py_BuildValue( "(NNN)", owner->getPyObject(), container->getPyObject(), player->getPyObject() );

	// Event prfen
	if ( player->canHandleEvent( EVENT_SNOOPING ) )
		if ( player->callEventHandler( EVENT_SNOOPING, args ) )
			Py_DECREF( args );

	if ( owner->canHandleEvent( EVENT_SNOOPING ) )
		if ( owner->callEventHandler( EVENT_SNOOPING, args ) )
			Py_DECREF( args );

	Py_DECREF( args );

	cUOSocket* socket = player->socket();

	if ( !socket )

	P_CHAR pc_owner = container->getOutmostChar();
	P_PLAYER pp_owner = dynamic_cast<P_PLAYER>( pc_owner );

	if ( pp_owner && pp_owner->isGMorCounselor() )
		pp_owner->message( tr( "%1 is trying to snoop in your pack" ).arg( player->name() ) );
		socket->sysMessage( 500209 ); // You can not peek into the container.
	else if ( player->checkSkill( SNOOPING, 0, 1000 ) )
		socket->sendContainer( container );
		socket->sysMessage( tr( "You successfully peek into that container." ) );
		socket->sysMessage( 500210 ); // You failed to peek into the container.

		if ( !pp_owner ) // is NPC ?
			if ( pc_owner )
				pc_owner->talk( tr( "Art thou attempting to disturb my privacy?" ) );
			pp_owner->message( tr( "You notice %1 trying to peek into your pack!" ).arg( player->name() ) );

	//	SetTimerSec(player->objectdelay(), Config::instance()->objectDelay()+Config::instance()->snoopdelay());
	player->setObjectDelay( Server::instance()->time() + ( Config::instance()->objectDelay() + Config::instance()->snoopdelay() ) * MY_CLOCKS_PER_SEC );