int AnalogVideoSensorConfiguration::ReadMessageBody(const Packet& packet) { UInt startPos = packet.GetReadPos(); packet.Read(mSensorId); packet.Read(mAnalogFormat); return packet.GetReadPos() - startPos; }
int DigitalVideoSensor::ReadMessageBody(const Packet& packet) { UInt startPos = packet.GetReadPos(); packet.Read(mSensorId); packet.Read(mStreamState); return packet.GetReadPos() - startPos; }
int ReportVisualSensorCapabilities::ReadMessageBody(const Packet& packet) { UInt startPos = packet.GetReadPos(); UShort count = 0; packet.Read(count); for(int i = 0; i < (int)count; i++) { VisualSensorCapabilities vsc = VisualSensorCapabilities(); vsc.ReadMessageBody(packet); mSensorList.push_back(vsc); } return packet.GetReadPos() - startPos; }
int ReportAnalogVideoSensorCapabilities::ReadMessageBody(const Packet& packet) { UInt startPos = packet.GetReadPos(); UShort count = 0; packet.Read(count); for(int i = 0; i < (int)count; i++) { AnalogVideoSensorCapabilities avsc = AnalogVideoSensorCapabilities(); avsc.ReadMessageBody(packet); mSensorList.push_back(avsc); } return packet.GetReadPos() - startPos; }
int StillImageSensorCapabilities::ReadMessageBody(const Packet& packet) { UInt startPos = packet.GetReadPos(); packet.Read(mPresenceVector); packet.Read(mSensorId); if((mPresenceVector & StillImageSensorCapabilities::PresenceVector::SupportedFrameSizes) > 0) { packet.Read(mSupportedFrameSizes); } if((mPresenceVector & StillImageSensorCapabilities::PresenceVector::SupportedImageFormats) > 0) { packet.Read(mSupportedImageFormats); } return packet.GetReadPos() - startPos; }
int SetVisualSensorConfigurations::ReadMessageBody(const Packet& packet) { UInt startPos = packet.GetReadPos(); Byte requestId = 0; UShort count = 0; packet.Read(requestId); packet.Read(count); for(int i = 0; i < (int)count; i++) { VisualSensorConfiguration vsc = VisualSensorConfiguration(); vsc.ReadMessageBody(packet); mSensorList.push_back(vsc); } return packet.GetReadPos() - startPos; }
int QueryRangeSensorCapabilities::ReadMessageBody(const Packet& packet) { UInt startPos = packet.GetReadPos(); UShort count = 0; packet.Read(count); for(int i = 0; i < (int)count; i++) { UShort sensorID = 0; UShort presenceVector = 0; packet.Read(sensorID); packet.Read(presenceVector); RangeSensorCapabilities rsc = RangeSensorCapabilities(presenceVector, sensorID); mSensorList.push_back(rsc); } return packet.GetReadPos() - startPos; }
int QueryStillImageSensorConfigurations::ReadMessageBody(const Packet& packet) { UInt startPos = packet.GetReadPos(); UShort count = 0; packet.Read(count); for(int i = 0; i < (int)count; i++) { UShort sensorID = 0; Byte presenceVector = 0; packet.Read(sensorID); packet.Read(presenceVector); StillImageSensorConfiguration sisc = StillImageSensorConfiguration(presenceVector,sensorID); mSensorList.push_back(sisc); } return packet.GetReadPos() - startPos; }
int GeometricProperties::ReadMessageBody(const Packet& packet) { UInt startPos = packet.GetReadPos(); packet.Read(mSensorId); packet.Read(mGeometricVariant); if(mGeometricVariant == 0) { //Do nothing because the sensor doesn't know anything abou it's geometric properties } if(mGeometricVariant == 1) //Set the static property { mStaticGeometric.ReadMessageBody(packet); } if(mGeometricVariant == 2) //Set the Manipulatible property { mManipulatorGeometric.ReadMessageBody(packet); } return packet.GetReadPos() - startPos; }
int SetAnalogVideoSensorConfigurations::ReadMessageBody(const Packet& packet) { UInt startPos = packet.GetReadPos(); Byte requestId = 0; UShort count = 0; packet.Read(requestId); packet.Read(count); mRequestId = requestId; for(int i = 0; i < (int)count; i++) { UShort sensorID = 0; Byte analogFormat = 0; packet.Read(sensorID); packet.Read(analogFormat); AnalogVideoSensorConfiguration avsc = AnalogVideoSensorConfiguration(sensorID, analogFormat); mSensorList.push_back(avsc); } return packet.GetReadPos() - startPos; }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// \brief Reads transport header and payload data from packet, saving to /// data members of class. /// /// \param[in] packet Serialized JAUS packet data to read. /// \param[in] transportHeader Transport header data in front of general /// transport header. /// /// \return Number of bytes read on success, FAILURE on error. /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int Message::Read(const Packet& packet, const Packet* transportHeader) { unsigned int readPos = packet.GetReadPos(); Header header; int total = 0; if(transportHeader && transportHeader->Length() > 0) { packet.SetReadPos(readPos + transportHeader->Length()); total = transportHeader->Length(); } // Try read message transport header data if(header.Read(packet) > 0) { UShort messageCode; total += Header::MinSize; total += packet.Read(messageCode); // Verify this is a message we can actually read. if(messageCode == mMessageCode) { int payloadSize = 0; if( (payloadSize = ReadMessageBody(packet)) >= 0) { total += payloadSize; mSourceID = header.mSourceID; mDestinationID = header.mDestinationID; mPriority = header.mPriorityFlag; return total; } } } // Reset read position on failure. packet.SetReadPos(readPos); return FAILURE; }
int VisualSensorConfiguration::ReadMessageBody(const Packet& packet) { UInt startPos = packet.GetReadPos(); packet.Read(mPresenceVector); packet.Read(mSensorId); if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::SensorState) > 0) { packet.Read(mSensorState); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::ZoomMode) > 0) { packet.Read(mZoomMode); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::ZoomLevel) > 0) { packet.Read(mZoomLevel); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::FocalLength) > 0) { packet.Read(mFocalLength); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::HorizontalFieldOfView) > 0) { packet.Read(mHorizontalFieldOfView); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::VerticalFieldOfView) > 0) { packet.Read(mVerticalFieldOfView); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::FocusMode) > 0) { packet.Read(mFocusMode); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::FocusValue) > 0) { packet.Read(mFocusValue); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::WhiteBalance) > 0) { packet.Read(mWhiteBalance); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::ImagingMode) > 0) { packet.Read(mImagingMode); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::ExposureMode) > 0) { packet.Read(mExposureMode); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::MeteringMode) > 0) { packet.Read(mMeteringMode); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::ShutterSpeed) > 0) { packet.Read(mShutterSpeed); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::Aperture) > 0) { packet.Read(mAperture); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::LightSensitivity) > 0) { packet.Read(mLightSensitivity); } if((mPresenceVector & VisualSensorConfiguration::PresenceVector::ImageStabilization) > 0) { packet.Read(mImageStabilization); } return packet.GetReadPos() - startPos; }