void formatWriter(const ContainerPtr& container, const PacketPtr& packet) { packetSync.doTimeSync(packet); //if (packet->getPts() != av::NoPts) // packet->setDts(packet->getPts()); clog << "Write FRAME: " << packet->getStreamIndex() << ", PTS: " << packet->getPts() << ", DTS: " << packet->getDts() << ", timeBase: " << packet->getTimeBase() << ", time: " << packet->getTimeBase().getDouble() * packet->getPts() << endl; container->writePacket(packet, true); }
boost::shared_ptr<org::esb::hive::job::ProcessUnit> ProcessUnitBuilder::build(org::esb::av::PacketListPtr list) { boost::shared_ptr<org::esb::hive::job::ProcessUnit> u(new org::esb::hive::job::ProcessUnit()); PacketPtr p = list.front(); if(list.size()==0)return u; int idx = p->getStreamIndex(); u->_source_stream = _map_data[idx].instream; u->_target_stream = _map_data[idx].outstream; u->_deinterlace = _map_data[idx].deinterlace; u->_decoder = _map_data[idx].decoder; u->_encoder = _map_data[idx].encoder; u->_2passdecoder = _map_data[idx].pass2decoder; u->_2passencoder = _map_data[idx].pass2encoder; u->_input_packets = std::list<boost::shared_ptr<Packet> >(list.begin(), list.end()); u->_gop_size = list.size(); //- _map_data[idx].b_frame_offset; int cou = u->_gop_size; u->_frameRateCompensateBase = _map_data[idx].frameRateCompensateBase; if (u->_decoder->getCodecType() == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) { AVRational input_framerate = u->_decoder->getFrameRate(); AVRational output_framerate = u->_encoder->getFrameRate(); // double in = (((double) u->_gop_size) / input_framerate.num * input_framerate.den * output_framerate.num / output_framerate.den); //double in = ((((((double) u->_gop_size)*u->_decoder->getFrameRate().den)/u->_decoder->getFrameRate().num)/u->_encoder->getFrameRate().den)*u->_encoder->getFrameRate().num); in += _map_data[idx].frameRateCompensateBase; /*this against some round issues*/ in += 0.000000001; LOGDEBUG("Decimal input:"<<in); /*spliting the double value into Integral and Fractional parts*/ org::esb::util::Decimal dec(in); org::esb::util::Decimal::MantissaType i; org::esb::util::Decimal::MantissaType f; org::esb::util::Decimal::ExponentType exp = 0; dec.getIntegralFractionalExponent<org::esb::util::Decimal::MantissaType > (i, f, exp, dec.getExponent()); /*in case to BFrames the resulting frame count is -1 * because there 1 I-Frame to much at the end * * e.g. IBBPBBPBBPBBPBBIBBP * | * this i-frame is to much * it is always the last i-frame in a ProcessUnit * * this only happend when the decoder has B-Frames */ if (u->_decoder->getCodecId() == CODEC_ID_MPEG2VIDEO && u->_decoder->getCodecOption("has_b_frames") == "1") i -= 1; u->_expected_frame_count = static_cast<int> (i); _map_data[idx].frameRateCompensateBase = f / pow((double) 10, dec.getExponent()*-1); } if (u->_decoder->getCodecType() == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { AVRational input_timebase = u->_decoder->getTimeBase(); AVRational output_timebase = u->_encoder->getTimeBase(); int64_t input_samplerate = u->_decoder->getSampleRate(); int64_t output_samplerate = u->_encoder->getSampleRate(); int64_t output_framesize = u->_encoder->getFrameBytes(); /* * the decoder did not returns a correct frame size * calculation on the base of the packet->duration and packet->timebase */ int64_t input_framesize = av_rescale_q(p->getDuration(), p->getTimeBase(), input_timebase); int osize = av_get_bytes_per_sample(u->_decoder->getSampleFormat()); input_framesize *= osize; input_framesize *= u->_decoder->ctx->request_channel_layout; int64_t raw_in_samples = input_framesize * list.size(); int64_t raw_out_samples = av_rescale_q(raw_in_samples, input_timebase, output_timebase); raw_out_samples += _map_data[idx].frameRateCompensateBase; int rest = raw_out_samples % (output_framesize > 0 ? output_framesize : 1); double out; double delta = modf(raw_out_samples / (output_framesize > 0 ? output_framesize : 1), &out); u->_expected_frame_count = -1; //static_cast<int> (out); _map_data[idx].frameRateCompensateBase = rest; // LOGDEBUG(rest); } return u; }