int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { cout << endl << " iHBT_fit " << endl << endl << " Ver 1.2 ----- Chun Shen, 10/2014 " << endl; cout << endl << "**********************************************************" << endl; display_logo(2); // Hail to the king~ cout << endl << "**********************************************************" << endl << endl; // Read-in parameters ParameterReader *paraRdr = new ParameterReader; paraRdr->readFromFile("parameters.dat"); paraRdr->echo(); string filename=argv[1]; Stopwatch sw_total; sw_total.tic(); fit_correlation test(filename, paraRdr);; sw_total.toc(); cout << "Program totally finished in " << sw_total.takeTime() << " sec." << endl; return 0; }
FeatureMatcher::FeatureMatcher(cv::Mat& sourceImage, cv::Mat& targetImage, PointCloudPtr& sourceCloud, PointCloudPtr& targetCloud) { ParameterReader paramReader; paramReader.get("descriptor_matches", matcherType_); sourceCloudPtr_ = sourceCloud; targetCloudPtr_ = targetCloud; sourceImage_ = sourceImage; targetImage_ = targetImage; }
PointCloud::Ptr joinPointCloud( PointCloud::Ptr original, FRAME& newFrame, Eigen::Isometry3d T, CAMERA_INTRINSIC_PARAMETERS& camera ){ PointCloud::Ptr newCloud = image2PointCloud(newFrame.rgb,newFrame.depth,camera); // 合并点云 PointCloud::Ptr output(new PointCloud()); pcl::transformPointCloud(*original,*output,T.matrix()); *newCloud += *output; // Voxel grid 滤波降采样 static pcl::VoxelGrid<PointT> voxel; static ParameterReader pd; double gridsize = atof(pd.getData("voxel_grid").c_str()); voxel.setLeafSize(gridsize,gridsize,gridsize); voxel.setInputCloud(newCloud); PointCloud::Ptr tmp(new PointCloud()); voxel.filter(*tmp); return tmp; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { if (argc!=3){ std::cerr<<"There should be two arguments"<<std::endl; return -1; } std::string parameterfile = argv[1]; std::string datafile = argv[2]; ParameterReader parameters; parameters.readParameters(parameterfile); MolDy particleSystem(parameters); particleSystem.readData(datafile); particleSystem.simulate(); return 0; }
int main(int argc,char** argv){ ParameterReader* pr = new ParameterReader("../parameters.txt"); CAMERA_INTRINSIC_PARAMETERS camera; if(strcmp((pr->getData("")).c_str(),"NOT_FOUND")==0 || strcmp((pr->getData("")).c_str(),"NOT_FOUND")==0 || strcmp((pr->getData("camera.fx")).c_str(),"NOT_FOUND")==0 || strcmp((pr->getData("camera.fy")).c_str(),"NOT_FOUND")==0 || strcmp((pr->getData("camera.scale")).c_str(),"NOT_FOUND")==0 || strcmp((pr->getData("detector")).c_str(),"NOT_FOUND")==0 || strcmp((pr->getData("descriptor")).c_str(),"NOT_FOUND")==0 || strcmp((pr->getData("good_match_threshold")).c_str(),"NOT_FOUND")==0){ cout<<"Parameter lost."<<endl; return -1; } = atof((pr->getData("")).c_str()); = atof((pr->getData("")).c_str()); camera.fx = atof((pr->getData("camera.fx")).c_str()); camera.fy = atof((pr->getData("camera.fy")).c_str()); camera.scale = atof((pr->getData("camera.scale")).c_str()); int min_good_match = atoi((pr->getData("min_good_match")).c_str()); /* cv::Mat rgb,depth; rgb = cv::imread("../pic/color.png"); depth = cv::imread("../pic/depth.png",-1); PointCloud::Ptr cloud = image2PointCloud(rgb,depth,camera); cloud->points.clear(); cv::Point3f point; point.x = 50; point.y = 100; point.z = 1200; cv::Point3f p = point2dTo3d(point,camera); cout<<"2D point ("<<point.x<<","<<point.y<<") to "<<"3D point ("<<p.x<<","<<p.y<<","<<p.z<<")"<<endl; */ double good_match_threshold = atof((pr->getData("good_match_threshold")).c_str()); FRAME frame1,frame2; frame1.rgb = cv::imread("../pic/color1.png"); frame1.depth = cv::imread("../pic/depth1.png"); frame2.rgb = cv::imread("../pic/color2.png"); frame2.depth = cv::imread("../pic/depth2.png"); string detector = pr->getData("detector"); string descriptor = pr->getData("descriptor"); computeKeyPointsAndDesp(frame1,detector,descriptor); computeKeyPointsAndDesp(frame2,detector,descriptor); RESULT_OF_PNP motion = estimateMotion(frame1,frame2,camera,good_match_threshold,min_good_match); cout<<"Inliers = "<<motion.inliers<<endl; cout<<"R = "<<motion.rvec<<endl; cout<<"t = "<<motion.tvec<<endl; //joinPointCloud(frame1,frame2,camera,motion); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { Stopwatch sw; sw.tic(); ParameterReader* paraRdr = new ParameterReader(); paraRdr->readFromFile("parameters.dat"); paraRdr->readFromArguments(argc, argv); // create integration grid along eta direction for boost-invariant medium int neta = paraRdr->getVal("neta"); double eta_i = paraRdr->getVal("eta_i"); double eta_f = paraRdr->getVal("eta_f"); double* eta_ptr = new double[neta]; double* etaweight_ptr = new double[neta]; gauss_quadrature(neta, 1, 0.0, 0.0, eta_i, eta_f, eta_ptr, etaweight_ptr); PhotonEmission thermalPhotons(paraRdr); // initialize hydro medium int hydro_flag = paraRdr->getVal("hydro_flag"); if (hydro_flag == 0) { int bufferSize = paraRdr->getVal("HydroinfoBuffersize"); int hydroInfoVisflag = paraRdr->getVal("HydroinfoVisflag"); // hydro data file pointer HydroinfoH5* hydroinfo_ptr = new HydroinfoH5( "results/JetData.h5", bufferSize, hydroInfoVisflag); // calculate thermal photons from the hydro medium thermalPhotons.calPhotonemission(hydroinfo_ptr, eta_ptr, etaweight_ptr); delete hydroinfo_ptr; } else if (hydro_flag == 1) { Hydroinfo_MUSIC* hydroinfo_ptr = new Hydroinfo_MUSIC(); int hydro_mode = 8; int nskip_tau = paraRdr->getVal("hydro_nskip_tau"); hydroinfo_ptr->readHydroData(hydro_mode, nskip_tau); // calculate thermal photons from the hydro medium thermalPhotons.calPhotonemission(hydroinfo_ptr, eta_ptr, etaweight_ptr); delete hydroinfo_ptr; } else if (hydro_flag == 3) { Hydroinfo_MUSIC* hydroinfo_ptr = new Hydroinfo_MUSIC(); int hydro_mode = 9; int nskip_tau = paraRdr->getVal("hydro_nskip_tau"); hydroinfo_ptr->readHydroData(hydro_mode, nskip_tau); // calculate thermal photons from the hydro medium thermalPhotons.calPhotonemission(hydroinfo_ptr, eta_ptr, etaweight_ptr); delete hydroinfo_ptr; } else if (hydro_flag == 2) { Hydroinfo_MUSIC* hydroinfo_ptr = new Hydroinfo_MUSIC(); int hydro_mode = 10; int nskip_tau = 1; hydroinfo_ptr->readHydroData(hydro_mode, nskip_tau); // calculate thermal photons from the hydro medium thermalPhotons.calPhotonemission_3d(hydroinfo_ptr); delete hydroinfo_ptr; } else { cout << "main: unrecognized hydro_flag = " << hydro_flag << endl; exit(1); } // sum up all channels and compute thermal photon spectra and vn thermalPhotons.calPhoton_SpvnpT_individualchannel(); thermalPhotons.calPhoton_total_SpMatrix(); thermalPhotons.calPhoton_total_Spvn(); // output results thermalPhotons.outputPhotonSpvn(); sw.toc(); cout << "totally takes : " << sw.takeTime() << " seconds." << endl; // clean up delete [] eta_ptr; delete [] etaweight_ptr; return(0); }
int main(int argc, char** args) { // check the range of the values in this mesh ParameterReader pd; bool use_mesh_file = atof(pd.getData("use_mesh_file").c_str()); if(use_mesh_file) { // this works for a single mesh PangaeaMeshData inputMesh; std::string input_file = pd.getData("input_mesh_file"); std::string output_file = pd.getData("output_mesh_file"); PangaeaMeshIO::loadfromFile(input_file, inputMesh); vector<vector<double> > bbox; getMeshBoundingBox(inputMesh, bbox); double xrange = bbox[0][1] - bbox[0][0]; double yrange = bbox[1][1] - bbox[1][0]; double zrange = bbox[2][1] - bbox[2][0]; cout << "x_range: " << xrange << endl; cout << "y_range: " << yrange << endl; cout << "z_range: " << zrange << endl; double factor = 400.0 / zrange; cout << "scaling factor is: " << factor << endl; // scale the mesh up scaleMeshUp(inputMesh, factor); PangaeaMeshIO::writeToFile(output_file, inputMesh); }else { // this works for a heirachy of meshes PangaeaMeshData inputMesh; std::string input_format = pd.getData("input_mesh_format"); std::string output_format = pd.getData("output_mesh_format"); std::string input_list_str = pd.getData("input_list"); std::stringstream input_list(input_list_str); int number; vector<int> input_list_vector; input_list >> number; while( ! ) { input_list_vector.push_back(number); input_list >> number; } double factor = 0; char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE]; for(int i = 0; i < input_list_vector.size(); ++i) { stringstream input_file; sprintf(buffer, input_format.c_str(), input_list_vector[i]); input_file << buffer; //memset(&buffer[0], 0, sizeof(buffer)); stringstream output_file; sprintf(buffer, output_format.c_str(), input_list_vector[i]); output_file << buffer; //memset(&buffer[0], 0, sizeof(buffer)); PangaeaMeshIO::loadfromFile(input_file.str(), inputMesh); if(factor == 0) // if this is the first frame { vector<vector<double> > bbox; getMeshBoundingBox(inputMesh, bbox); double xrange = bbox[0][1] - bbox[0][0]; double yrange = bbox[1][1] - bbox[1][0]; double zrange = bbox[2][1] - bbox[2][0]; cout << "x_range: " << xrange << endl; cout << "y_range: " << yrange << endl; cout << "z_range: " << zrange << endl; factor = 400.0 / zrange; cout << "scaling factor is: " << factor << endl; } // scale the mesh up scaleMeshUp(inputMesh, factor); PangaeaMeshIO::writeToFile(output_file.str(), inputMesh); } } }
FeatureMatcher::FeatureMatcher() { ParameterReader paramReader; paramReader.get("descriptor_matches", matcherType_); }
int FeatureMatcher::outlierRemoval( std::vector<cv::DMatch>& rawMatches, std::vector< cv::DMatch >& goodMatches) { ParameterReader paramReader; int ransac, minInliers; paramReader.get ("RANSAC", ransac); paramReader.get ("minimum_inliers", minInliers); if (ransac) { RansacTransformation ransacTransForm; Eigen::Matrix4f resTransForm; float rmse = 0.0; //print3DMatch (sourceFeatureLocation3f_, targetFeatureLocation3f_); ransacTransForm.getRelativeTransformationTo(sourceFeatureLocation3f_, targetFeatureLocation3f_, &rawMatches, resTransForm, rmse, goodMatches, minInliers ); // Eigen::Quaterniond q (resTransForm.block <3,3>(0, 0) ); Eigen::Vector3f tran; tran = resTransForm.block<3, 1>(0, 3); /* tran (0) = resTransForm(3,0); tran (1) = resTransForm(3,1); tran (2) = resTransForm(3,2); */ Eigen::Matrix3d rotMax = resTransForm.block<3 ,3 > (0, 0).cast<double> (); //Eigen::Matrix3d rotMaxd = rotMaxf.cast<> Eigen::Quaterniond q(rotMax); std::cout << "T : " << tran(0) << ", " << tran(1) << ", " << tran(2) << std::endl; std::cout << "Q: " << q.w() << ", " << q.x() << ", " << q.y() << ", "<< q.z() << std::endl; Eigen::Affine3d aff; } else { // Outlier detection double max_dist = 0; double min_dist = 100; //-- Quick calculation of max and min distances between keypoints for (uint i = 0; i < rawMatches.size (); i++) { double dist = rawMatches[i].distance; if (dist < min_dist) min_dist = dist; if (dist > max_dist) max_dist = dist; } printf ("-- Max dist : %f \n", max_dist); printf ("-- Min dist : %f \n", min_dist); //-- Find only "good" matches (i.e. whose distance is less than 2*min_dist ) //-- PS.- radiusMatch can also be used here. for (uint i = 0; i < rawMatches.size (); i++) { if (rawMatches[i].distance < 4 * min_dist) goodMatches.push_back (rawMatches[i]); } for (uint i = 0; i < goodMatches.size (); i++) { printf ("-- Good Match [%d] Keypoint 1: %d -- Keypoint 2: %d \n", i, goodMatches[i].queryIdx, goodMatches[i].trainIdx); } } return 0; }
void NucleusGridFunction:: readParameterFile( ParameterReader ¶ms ) { //read: // nucleus type=none, file, box, sphere // nucleus file= <file.cwn> // nucleus corners= x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1 // nucleus center= x0 y0 z0 // nucleus radius= r0 // nucleus boundary thickness= t0 const std::string keyBoundaryThickness="nucleus boundary thickness"; double thickness; params.get( "nucleus boundary thickness", thickness, -1. ); if ( thickness>=0. ) nucleusBoundaryThickness=thickness; typedef boost::tokenizer<>::iterator TokIterator; typedef std::vector<double> DoubleVector; bool noNucleus=false; std::string nucleusType; params.get( "nucleus type", nucleusType, ""); if ( (nucleusType == "box" ) || (nucleusType == "cubic")) { Nucleus::NucleusShape nucleusShape=Nucleus::BoxNucleus; std::string doubleList=""; params.get("nucleus corners", doubleList ); DPrintf(DebugSolver,"..NucleusGridFunction: nucleus type=box.\n"); DPrintf(DebugSolver,".... nucleus corners = '%s'\n", doubleList.c_str()); boost::tokenizer<> tok(doubleList); DoubleVector corners; DPrintf(DebugSolver," corners are = "); corners.clear(); for (TokIterator it=tok.begin(); it!=tok.end(); ++it) { double q; sscanf(it->c_str(), "%lf", &q); DPrintf(DebugSolver," %lf ", q); corners.push_back( q ); } DPrintf(DebugSolver,"\n"); //..create the nucleic info if( corners.size() >5 ) { Nucleus thisNuc; thisNuc.setID(1); thisNuc.setBoundaryThickness( nucleusBoundaryThickness ); thisNuc.setCorners(corners[0], corners[1], corners[2], corners[3], corners[4], corners[5]); thisNuc.setShape( nucleusShape ); nucleus.push_back( thisNuc ); } } else if ( (nucleusType == "sphere") || ( nucleusType == "spherical")) { Nucleus::NucleusShape nucleusShape=Nucleus::SphericalNucleus; double radius; params.get("nucleus radius",radius, 20.); std::string doubleList=""; params.get("nucleus center", doubleList ); DPrintf(DebugSolver,"..NucleusGridFunction: nucleus type=sphere not supported yet:\n"); DPrintf(DebugSolver,".. nucleus center = '%s'\n", doubleList.c_str()); boost::tokenizer<> tok(doubleList); DoubleVector center; DPrintf(DebugSolver," center is = "); center.clear(); for (TokIterator it=tok.begin(); it!=tok.end(); ++it) { double q; sscanf(it->c_str(), "%lf", &q); DPrintf(DebugSolver," %lf ", q); center.push_back( q ); } DPrintf(DebugSolver,"\n"); //..create the nucleic info double x0=0., y0=0., z0=0.; if( center.size() >1) { x0=center[0]; y0=center[1]; } if( center.size()>2) { z0=center[2]; } Nucleus thisNuc; thisNuc.setID(1); thisNuc.setBoundaryThickness( nucleusBoundaryThickness ); thisNuc.setCenter( x0, y0, z0); thisNuc.setRadius( radius); thisNuc.setShape( nucleusShape ); nucleus.push_back( thisNuc ); } else if ( nucleusType == "file" ) { std::string nucleusFileName=""; params.get("nucleus file",nucleusFileName); DPrintf(DebugSolver,"nuclei read in from file='%s'\n", nucleusFileName.c_str()); readCellNucleusFile( nucleusFileName ); } else { // all other options mean--> no nucleus noNucleus=true; } }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { /* if (argc != 3) { usage(); return -1; } int startIndex = std::atoi(argv[1]); int endIndex = std::atoi(argv[2]); */ int startIndex = 1; int endIndex = 500; std::vector<FRAME> keyFrame; ParameterReader pd; int check_loop_closure, nearby_loops, random_loops; pd.get( "check_loop_closure", check_loop_closure ); pd.get( "nearby_loops", nearby_loops ); pd.get( "random_loops", random_loops ); //ofstream fout("/home/exbot/catkin_ws/dataset/xyz/odometry.txt", ios::trunc); FRAME lastFrame; FRAME currentFrame; FeatureDection featDection; readFrame(startIndex, lastFrame); imagesToPointCloud(lastFrame.depImg, lastFrame.rgbImg, " ",; int kpSize = featDection.computeKeyPointsAndDesp(lastFrame.rgbImg,, lastFrame.desp); if (kpSize < 10) { std::cout << "the frame id %d key points size is : %d, too little!\n" << startIndex << kpSize; return -1; } /*初始化g2o*/ SlamEnd slamEnd; slamEnd.addVertex( lastFrame.frameID, true); keyFrame.push_back(lastFrame); for (int index = startIndex +1; index < endIndex; index ++) { readFrame (index, currentFrame); imagesToPointCloud(currentFrame.depImg, currentFrame.rgbImg, " ",; int kpSize = featDection.computeKeyPointsAndDesp(currentFrame.rgbImg,, currentFrame.desp); if (kpSize < 10) { std::cout << "the frame id %d key points size is : %d, too little!\n" << startIndex << kpSize; return -1; } CHECK_RESULT result = slamEnd.checkKeyframes(keyFrame.back(), currentFrame); switch (result ) { case NOT_MATCHED: std::cout << "Not enough linliers." << std::endl; break; case TOO_FAR_AWAY: std::cout << "Too far away, may be an error" << std::endl; break; case TOO_CLOSE: std::cout<< "This is too close" << std::endl; break; case KEYFRAME: std::cout << " This is a new keyframe " << std::endl; if ( check_loop_closure ) { slamEnd.checkNearbyLoops(keyFrame, currentFrame); slamEnd.checkRandomLoops(keyFrame, currentFrame); } keyFrame.push_back(currentFrame); break; default: break; } /* //to do the computer Eigen::Vector7d pos; pos = Maching(lastFrame, currentFrame); fout << lastFrame.frameID <<"\t"<<currentFrame.frameID << "\t"<< pos(0)<< "\t"<< pos(1)<< "\t"<< pos(2)<< "\t"<< pos(3) << "\t"<< pos(4)<< "\t"<< pos(5)<< "\t"<< pos(6) << std::endl; */ // lastFrame =currentFrame; // cv::imshow("rgb", lastFrame->rgbImg); // cv::waitKey(1000); } std::string before = "result_before.g2o"; std::string after = "result_after.g2o";; slamEnd.optimize(100);; slamEnd.clear(); //fout.close(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { //"minimum_inliers" ros::init(argc, argv, "registration"); std::string rgb1,rgb2, depth1, depth2; ParameterReader paramReader; paramReader.get( "rgb1", rgb1 ); paramReader.get( "rgb2", rgb2 ); paramReader.get( "depth1", depth1 ); paramReader.get( "depth2", depth2 ); cv::Mat sourceRgbImage = cv::imread( rgb1, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR ); cv::Mat targetRgbImage = cv::imread( rgb2, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYCOLOR ); cv::Mat sourceDepthImage = cv::imread( depth1, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH ); cv::Mat targetDepthImage = cv::imread( depth2, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_ANYDEPTH ); pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr sourcePointCloud(new pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB>() ); pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr targetPointCloud(new pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB>() ); imagesToPointCloud( sourceDepthImage, sourceRgbImage, " ", sourcePointCloud); imagesToPointCloud( targetDepthImage, targetRgbImage, " ", targetPointCloud); cv::Mat img1Gray, img2Gray; cv::cvtColor( sourceRgbImage, img1Gray, CV_RGB2GRAY ); cv::cvtColor( targetRgbImage, img2Gray, CV_RGB2GRAY ); FeatureMatcher featureMatcher; featureMatcher.setSourceCloud(sourcePointCloud); featureMatcher.setTargetCloud(targetPointCloud); featureMatcher.setSourceImage(img1Gray); featureMatcher.setTargetImage(img2Gray); Matches matches; cv::Mat matchesImg; featureMatcher.getMatches( matches ); featureMatcher.drawMatches( matches.matches, matchesImg ); /* FeatureMatcher featureMatcher; featur */ /* FeatureDection featureDection; ParameterServer * param = ParameterServer::instance(); ParameterReader paramReader; std::string detector; double cx; paramReader.get("detector", detector); paramReader.get("", cx); std::cout << "detector: " << detector <<" cx: " << cx << std::endl; int inlier; inlier = param->get<int>("minimum_inliers"); //inlier = ParameterServer::instance ()->get<int> ("minimum_inliers"); */ /* std::vector<KeyPoint> keyPoints; cv::Mat descriptor; cv::Mat keyPointsImg; FeatureDection featureDection; cv::Mat img = cv::imread(rgb1.c_str(), CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); featureDection.DetectFeature(img, keyPoints); std::cout << "keyPoints size: " << keyPoints.size() << std::endl; featureDection.ExtractFeature(img, keyPoints, descriptor); featureDection.drawFeature(img, keyPoints, keyPointsImg); */ // std::cout << "minimum_inliers: " << inlier << std::endl; cv::imshow("keyPoints", matchesImg ); //cv::imshow("keyPoints", img); cv::waitKey(-1); return 0; }