bool File::Exists (/*[in]*/ const PathName & path) { struct stat statbuf; if (stat(path.Get(), &statbuf) == 0) { if (S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode) != 0) { SessionImpl::theSession->trace_access->WriteFormattedLine ("core", T_("%s is a directory"), Q_(path)); return (false); } SessionImpl::theSession->trace_access->WriteFormattedLine ("core", T_("accessing file %s: OK"), Q_(path)); return (true); } int error = errno; if (error != ENOENT) { FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("stat", path.Get()); } SessionImpl::theSession->trace_access->WriteFormattedLine ("core", T_("accessing file %s: NOK"), Q_(path)); return (false); }
bool SessionImpl::CheckCandidate (/*[in,out]*/ PathName & path, /*[in]*/ const char * lpszFileInfo) { bool found = false; if (IsMpmFile(path.Get())) { PathName trigger (Utils::GetRelativizedPath(path.Get(), MPM_ROOT_PATH)); PathName installRoot; if (lpszFileInfo != 0 && pInstallPackageCallback != 0 && pInstallPackageCallback->InstallPackage( lpszFileInfo, trigger.Get(), installRoot)) { PathName temp = installRoot; temp += path.Get() + MPM_ROOT_PATH_LEN; if (File::Exists(temp)) { path = temp; found = true; } } } else { found = File::Exists(path); } return (found); }
void Directory::SetCurrentDirectory (/*[in]*/ const PathName & path) { if (chdir(path.Get()) != 0) { FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("chdir", path.Get()); } }
int main (/*[in]*/ int argc, /*[in]*/ char ** argv) { try { SessionWrapper pSession; Session::InitInfo initInfo; initInfo.SetProgramInvocationName (argv[0]); pSession.CreateSession (initInfo); if (argc != 2) { tcerr << T_("Usage: mkocp OCPFILE") << endl; throw (1); } PathName otp2ocp; if (! pSession->FindFile(T_("otp2ocp"), FileType::EXE, otp2ocp)) { tcerr << T_("mkocp: otp2ocp executable could not be found.") << endl; throw (1); } char szFileName[BufferSizes::MaxPath]; char szExt[BufferSizes::MaxPath]; PathName::Split (argv[1], 0, 0, szFileName, BufferSizes::MaxPath, szExt, BufferSizes::MaxPath); PathName outputName; if (PathName::Compare(szExt, ".ocp") == 0) { outputName = szFileName; } else { outputName.Set (0, szFileName, szExt); } CommandLineBuilder commandLine; commandLine.AppendArgument (outputName.Get()); Process::Run (otp2ocp.Get(), commandLine.Get()); tcout << outputName.Get() << ".ocp" << endl; return (0); } catch (const MiKTeXException & e) { Utils::PrintException (e); return (1); } catch (const exception & e) { Utils::PrintException (e); return (1); } catch (int exitCode) { return (exitCode); } }
size_t File::GetSize (/*[in]*/ const PathName & path) { struct stat statbuf; if (stat(path.Get(), &statbuf) != 0) { FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("stat", path.Get()); } return (statbuf.st_size); }
void File::Delete (/*[in]*/ const PathName & path) { SessionImpl::theSession->trace_files->WriteFormattedLine ("core", T_("deleting %s"), Q_(path)); if (remove(path.Get()) != 0) { FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("remove", path.Get()); } }
unsigned long File::GetNativeAttributes (/*[in]*/ const PathName & path) { struct stat statbuf; if (stat(path.Get(), &statbuf) != 0) { FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("stat", path.Get()); } return (static_cast<unsigned long>(statbuf.st_mode)); }
void Directory::Delete (/*[in]*/ const PathName & path) { SessionImpl::theSession->trace_files->WriteFormattedLine ("core", T_("deleting directory %s"), Q_(path)); if (rmdir(path.Get()) != 0) { FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("rmdir", path.Get()); } }
BOOL FinishPage::OnWizardFinish () { BOOL ret = CPropertyPage::OnWizardFinish(); if (ret) { try { CWnd * pWnd = GetDlgItem(IDC_VIEW_RELNOTES); if (pWnd == 0) { UNEXPECTED_CONDITION ("FinishPage::OnWizardFinish"); } if (viewReleaseNotes == BST_CHECKED) { if (pSheet->GetErrorFlag()) { theApp.showLogFileOnExit = true; } else { PathName pathRelNotes (theApp.GetInstallRoot(), MIKTEX_PATH_RELNOTES_HTML); if (ShellExecuteW(0, L"open", UW_(pathRelNotes.Get()), 0, 0, SW_SHOWNORMAL) <= reinterpret_cast<HINSTANCE>(32)) { FATAL_MIKTEX_ERROR ("FinishPage::OnWizardFinish", T_("The file could not be opened."), pathRelNotes.Get()); } } } } catch (const MiKTeXException & e) { pSheet->ReportError (e); ret = FALSE; } catch (const exception & e) { pSheet->ReportError (e); ret = FALSE; } } return (ret); }
void Directory::Delete (/*[in]*/ const PathName & path, /*[in]*/ bool recursive) { if (recursive) { PathNameArray vecFiles; vecFiles.reserve (10); PathNameArray vecDirectories; vecDirectories.reserve (10); auto_ptr<DirectoryLister> pLister (DirectoryLister::Open(path)); DirectoryEntry entry; while (pLister->GetNext(entry)) { if (entry.isDirectory) { vecDirectories.push_back (PathName(path.Get(),, 0)); } else { vecFiles.push_back (PathName(path.Get(),, 0)); } } pLister->Close (); PathNameArray::const_iterator it; // remove files for (it = vecFiles.begin(); it != vecFiles.end(); ++ it) { File::Delete (*it, true); } // remove directories recursively for (it = vecDirectories.begin(); it != vecDirectories.end(); ++ it) { // <recursivecall> Delete (*it, true); // </recursivecall> } } // remove this directory Directory::Delete (path); }
void File::GetTimes (/*[in]*/ const PathName & path, /*[out]*/ time_t & creationTime, /*[out]*/ time_t & lastAccessTime, /*[out]*/ time_t & lastWriteTime) { struct stat stat_; if (stat(path.Get(), &stat_) != 0) { FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("stat", path.Get()); } creationTime = stat_.st_ctime; lastAccessTime = stat_.st_atime; lastWriteTime = stat_.st_mtime; }
void File::SetNativeAttributes (/*[in]*/ const PathName & path, /*[in]*/ unsigned long nativeAttributes) { SessionImpl::theSession->trace_files->WriteFormattedLine ("core", T_("setting new attributes (%x) on %s"), static_cast<int>(nativeAttributes), Q_(path)); if (chmod(path.Get(), static_cast<mode_t>(nativeAttributes)) != 0) { FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("chmod", path.Get()); } }
miktex_find_input_file (/*[in]*/ const char * lpszApplicationName, /*[in]*/ const char * lpszFileName, /*[out]*/ char * lpszPath) { C_FUNC_BEGIN (); MIKTEX_ASSERT_STRING_OR_NIL (lpszApplicationName); MIKTEX_ASSERT_STRING (lpszFileName); MIKTEX_ASSERT_PATH_BUFFER (lpszPath); PathName temp; if (! SessionImpl::GetSession()->FindFile(lpszFileName, FileType::None, temp)) { if (lpszApplicationName == 0) { return (0); } string searchPath = CURRENT_DIRECTORY; searchPath += PATH_DELIMITER; searchPath += TEXMF_PLACEHOLDER; searchPath += MIKTEX_PATH_DIRECTORY_DELIMITER_STRING; searchPath += lpszApplicationName; searchPath += RECURSION_INDICATOR; if (! SessionImpl::GetSession()->FindFile(lpszFileName, searchPath.c_str(), temp)) { return (0); } } Utils::CopyString (lpszPath, BufferSizes::MaxPath, temp.Get()); return (1); C_FUNC_END (); }
void PostScript::DoSpecial (/*[in]*/ DvipsSpecial * pdvipsspecial) { Execute ("%d %d a\n", pdvipsspecial->GetX() - pDviImpl->GetResolution(), pdvipsspecial->GetY() - pDviImpl->GetResolution()); if (pdvipsspecial->GetProtection()) { Execute ("@beginspecial\n"); Execute ("@setspecial\n"); } if (pdvipsspecial->GetString()) { Execute ("%s\n", pdvipsspecial->GetString()); } else if (pdvipsspecial->GetFileName()) { PathName filename; if (! FindGraphicsFile(pdvipsspecial->GetFileName(), filename)) { FATAL_MIKTEX_ERROR ("PostScript::DoSpecial", T_("Cannot find file."), pdvipsspecial->GetFileName()); } ExecuteEncapsulatedPostScript (filename.Get()); } if (pdvipsspecial->GetProtection()) { Execute("@endspecial\n"); } }
bool MakeXEmacsCommandLine (/*[out]*/ string & program, /*[out]*/ string & arguments) { PathName emacsDir; if (! ReadPath( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\xemacs.exe", L"Path", emacsDir)) { return (false); } PathName pathEmacs; pathEmacs = emacsDir; pathEmacs += "runemacs.exe"; if (! File::Exists(pathEmacs)) { pathEmacs = emacsDir; pathEmacs += "xemacs.exe"; if (! File::Exists(pathEmacs)) { return (false); } } program = pathEmacs.Get(); arguments = "+%l \"%f\""; return (true); }
Dib::Dib (/*[in]*/ const PathName & path) : hFile (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), hMap (0), pBitmapFileHeader (0) { AttachFile (path.Get()); }
void File::Move (/*[in]*/ const PathName & source, /*[in]*/ const PathName & dest) { struct stat sourceStat; if (stat(source.Get(), &sourceStat) != 0) { FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("stat", source.Get()); } PathName destDir (dest); destDir.MakeAbsolute (); destDir.RemoveFileSpec (); struct stat destStat; if (stat(destDir.Get(), &destStat) != 0) { FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("stat", destDir.Get()); } bool sameDevice = (sourceStat.st_dev == destStat.st_dev); if (sameDevice) { SessionImpl::theSession->trace_files->WriteFormattedLine ("core", T_("renaming %s to %s"), Q_(source), Q_(dest)); if (rename(source.Get(), dest.Get()) != 0) { FATAL_CRT_ERROR ("rename", source.Get()); } } else { Copy (source, dest); try { Delete (source); } catch (const MiKTeXException &) { try { if (Exists(source)) { Delete (dest); } } catch (const MiKTeXException &) { } throw; } } }
void PostScript::SendHeader (/*[in]*/ const char * lpszHeaderName) { PathName fileName; if (! SessionWrapper(true)->FindFile(lpszHeaderName, FileType::PSHEADER, fileName)) { FATAL_MIKTEX_ERROR (T_("PostScript::SendHeader"), T_("Cannot find PostScript header file."), lpszHeaderName); } tracePS->WriteFormattedLine ("libdvi", T_("Sending %s..."), Q_(fileName)); ExecuteBatch (fileName.Get()); }
void Process::Run (/*[in]*/ const PathName & fileName, /*[in]*/ const char * lpszArguments, /*[int]*/ IRunProcessCallback * pCallback) { if (! Run(fileName, lpszArguments, pCallback, 0, 0)) { FATAL_MIKTEX_ERROR ("Process::Run", T_("The operation failed for some reason."), fileName.Get()); } }
bool MakeLaTeXWIDECommandLine (/*[out]*/ string & program, /*[out]*/ string & arguments) { PathName path; if (! LocateProgram("LaTeX WIDE", "LWide.exe", path)) { return (false); } program = path.Get(); arguments = "\"%f\" /l%l"; return (true); }
bool MakeWinShellCommandLine (/*[out]*/ string & program, /*[out]*/ string & arguments) { PathName path; if (! LocateProgram("WinShell", "WinShell.exe", path)) { return (false); } program = path.Get(); arguments = "-c \"%f\" -l %l"; return (true); }
bool MakeWinEdtCommandLine (/*[out]*/ string & program, /*[out]*/ string & arguments) { PathName pathWinEdt; if (! LocateWinEdt(pathWinEdt)) { return (false); } program = pathWinEdt.Get(); arguments = "\"[Open(|%f|);SelPar(%l,8)]\""; return (true); }
bool MakeVisualTeXCommandLine (/*[out]*/ string & program, /*[out]*/ string & arguments) { PathName path; if (! LocateProgram("Visual-TeX", "vtex.exe", path)) { return (false); } program = path.Get(); arguments = "\"%f\" /line:%l"; return (true); }
bool MakeTeXnicCenterCommandLine (/*[out]*/ string & program, /*[out]*/ string & arguments) { PathName tc; if (! LocateTeXnicCenter(tc)) { return (false); } program = tc.Get(); arguments = "/ddecmd \"[goto('%f', '%l')]\""; return (true); }
void PostScript::Uncompress (/*[in]*/ const char * lpszFileName, /*[out]*/ PathName & result) { PathName source; if (! pDviImpl->FindGraphicsFile(lpszFileName, source)) { FATAL_MIKTEX_ERROR ("PostScript::Uncompress", T_("Cannot find file."), lpszFileName); } Utils::UncompressFile (source.Get(), result); pDviImpl->RememberTempFile(lpszFileName, result); }
bool MakeNTEmacsCommandLine (/*[out]*/ string & program, /*[out]*/ string & arguments) { PathName pathEmacs; if (! LocateNTEmacs(pathEmacs, "runemacs.exe") && ! LocateNTEmacs(pathEmacs, "emacs.exe")) { return (false); } program = pathEmacs.Get(); arguments = "+%l \"%f\""; return (true); }
void PostScript::ExecuteBatch (/*[in]*/ const char * lpszFileName) { string command; command.reserve (BufferSizes::MaxPath + 10); command = '('; PathName pathUnx (lpszFileName); pathUnx.Convert (ConvertPathNameFlags(ConvertPathNameFlags::ToUnix) | ConvertPathNameFlags::MakeAbsolute); command += pathUnx.Get(); command += ") run\n"; Execute ("%s", command.c_str()); }
bool Fndb::Refresh (/*[in]*/ const PathName & path, /*[in]*/ ICreateFndbCallback * pCallback) { unsigned root = SessionImpl::GetSession()->DeriveTEXMFRoot(path); PathName pathFndbPath = SessionImpl::GetSession()->GetFilenameDatabasePathName(root); return (Fndb::Create(pathFndbPath.Get(), SessionImpl::GetSession()->GetRootDirectory(root).Get(), pCallback)); }
bool MakeLaTeXMngCommandLine (/*[out]*/ string & program, /*[out]*/ string & arguments) { PathName path; if (! LocateProgram("LaTeXMng", "LaTeXMng.exe", path)) { return (false); } program = path.Get(); //latexmng -l%l %f arguments = "-l%l \"%f\""; return (true); }
void Process::Run (/*[in]*/ const PathName & fileName, /*[in]*/ const char * lpszArguments) { if (! Process::Run (fileName, lpszArguments, reinterpret_cast<IRunProcessCallback*>(0), 0, 0)) { FATAL_MIKTEX_ERROR ("Process::Run", T_("The operation failed for some reason."), fileName.Get()); } }